Extracting Multiple Dates from a single cell - excel

I have a single cell that is including all historical updates, each update displays a date/time stamp and then the user's name before their notes. I need to extract all the date/time/name stamps to total their occurrences. +EDIT+ I need to get the name and date portion from each stamp so that i am able to chart the information in a pivot table. Output of something like; "3/3/2016 Rachel Boyers; 3/2/2016 Rachel Boyers; 3/2/2016 James Dorty"
"3/3/2016 9:28:36 AM Rachel Boyers: EEHAW! Terri replied!!! Hello Rachel,
I cannot find a match using the 4232A or the 12319 part number. 3/2/2016 7:39:06 AM Rachel Boyers: Sent EM to Terri - Eng per EM reply. 3/2/2016 7:35:06 AM James Dorty: 2/29/16 sent another EM to Kim. Received Auto response as follows: Thank you for your mail. Kim 12/7/2015 12:26:25 PM Frank De La Torre: Again VM - pushing FU out until after the holidays.

Edited based on added information
Edit (5/16/2016): I made some changes to the code, as you'll find below. One change, based on the new information, allows you to use the JoinArrayWithSemiColons function as either a standard worksheet function, or as function to be used in a module. So, what does this mean? It means that (assuming your cell to parse is A1), in cell B1 you can write a function like =JoinArrayWithSemiColons(A1) just like you'd write a normal worksheet function. However, if you'd still like to perform the action over a range of cells using VBA, you can run a procedure like TestFunction() as found in the code posted below. Also note, the ExtractDateTimeUsers function doesn't necessarily ever need to be called directly by the user because it's now being used exclusively as a helper function for the JoinArray... function.
Let me know if this helps to clear things up a bit.
Old Post
You can accomplish this using some Regular Expressions. See the code below for an example. In my case, I have a function to return a multidimensional array of results. In my test procedure, I call this function, then assign the results to an EMPTY matrix of cells (in your test case, you will have to determine where to put it). You do NOT have to assign the result to a group of cells, but rather you can do whatever you want with the array.
Private Function ExtractDateTimeUsers(nInput As String) As Variant()
Dim oReg As Object
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim nMatchCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim vMatches As Object
Set oReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With oReg
.MultiLine = False
.Global = True
.Pattern = "([0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} [AP]M) (.*?):"
End With
If oReg.Test(nInput) Then
Set vMatches = oReg.Execute(nInput)
nMatchCount = vMatches.Count
ReDim aOutput(0 To nMatchCount - 1, 0 To 2)
For i = 0 To nMatchCount - 1
aOutput(i, 0) = vMatches(i).Submatches(0)
aOutput(i, 1) = vMatches(i).Submatches(1)
aOutput(i, 2) = vMatches(i).Submatches(2)
Next i
ReDim aOutput(0 To 0, 0 To 0)
aOutput(0, 0) = "No Matches"
End If
ExtractDateTimeUsers = aOutput
End Function
Function JoinArrayWithSemiColons(sInput As String) As String
Dim vArr As Variant
vArr = ExtractDateTimeUsers(sInput)
If vArr(0, 0) = "No Matches" Then
JoinArrayWithSemiColons = "No Matches"
Exit Function
End If
'Loop through array to build the output string
For i = LBound(vArr, 1) To UBound(vArr, 1)
sOutput = sOutput & "; " & vArr(i, 0) & " " & vArr(i, 2)
Next i
JoinArrayWithSemiColons = Mid(sOutput, 3)
End Function
Sub TestFunction()
'Assume the string we are parsing is in Column A
'(I defined a fixed range, but you can make it dynamic as you need)
Dim rngToJoin As Range
Dim rIterator As Range
Set rngToJoin = Range("A10:A11")
For Each rIterator In rngToJoin
rIterator.Offset(, 1).Value = JoinArrayWithSemiColons(rIterator.Value)
Next rIterator
End Sub

As simple (non-regex) function you can use something like this:
Public Function getCounts(str As String) As Variant
Dim output() As Variant, holder As Variant, i As Long
ReDim output(0, 0)
holder = Split(str, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(holder) - 2
If IsDate(holder(i) & " " & holder(i + 1) & " " & holder(i + 2)) Then
If UBound(output) Then
ReDim Preserve output(1 To 3, 1 To UBound(output, 2) + 1)
ReDim output(1 To 3, 1 To 1)
End If
output(1, UBound(output, 2)) = holder(i)
output(2, UBound(output, 2)) = holder(i + 1) & " " & holder(i + 2)
i = i + 3
While Right(holder(i), 1) <> ":" And i < UBound(holder)
output(3, UBound(output, 2)) = output(3, UBound(output, 2)) & " " & holder(i)
i = i + 1
output(3, UBound(output, 2)) = Trim(output(3, UBound(output, 2))) & " " & Left(holder(i), Len(holder(i)) - 1)
End If
If Application.Caller.Rows.Count > UBound(output, 2) Then
i = UBound(output, 2)
ReDim Preserve output(1 To 3, 1 To Application.Caller.Rows.Count)
For i = i + 1 To UBound(output, 2)
output(1, i) = ""
output(2, i) = ""
output(3, i) = ""
End If
getCounts = Application.Transpose(output)
End Function
Just put it in a module to use it as UDF. (Outputs a 3-column-table)
If you have any questions, just ask :)

Just another way to do it. Maybe a little slower, but short and easy to read...
Public Function DateCount(str As String) As Variant
Dim pos As Integer, endpos As Integer, namepos As Integer
Dim Text As String, Output() As String, counter As Integer
pos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "/")
Do While pos > 0
endpos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "M ")
Text = Mid(str, pos - 1, endpos - pos + 2)
If IsDate(Text) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve Output(1 To 2, 1 To counter)
namepos = InStr(endpos, str, ":")
Output(1, counter) = Text
Output(2, counter) = Mid(str, endpos + 2, namepos - endpos - 2)
pos = namepos
End If
pos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "/")
' Only Count
getCounts = counter
' complete List
getCounts = Output
End Function


Data Manipulation / Dissecting

I am trying to dissect some text within VBA, the two text examples I am trying to change are below:
Original Data
FAST CASH W5600Z *Scenario 1*
FAST CASH 5786Z *Scenario 2*
Output Required
D5600Z (Replacing the "W" with a "D") *Scenario 1*
D5786Z (Adding a "D" before the first numeric character) *Scenario 2*
This is the final part of my data manipulation and the code used to manipulate the data previously can be seen in the code below:
For Each b In wbRecFile.Sheets("Corrected Data1").Range("B1:B" & Lastrow)
If b.Value <> "" Then
If UCase(Left(b.Value, 1)) = "W" Then b.Value = "D" & Right(b.Value, Len(b.Value) - 1)
GoTo nextline
End If
If IsNumeric(Left(b.Value, 1)) Then b.Value = "D" & b.Value
GoTo nextline
End If
End If
Next b
Any suggestions on how I could achieve this within VBA would be much appreciated. I am able to complete this task in excel formulas see below but I am trying my best to avoid this as a solution.
="D"&RIGHT(MID(Cell reference,FIND("W",cell reference),6),5)
All I have used the below code to resolve my issue.
Dim bText As String
Public Sub DisectText()
Dim myString As String
myString = bText
Dim position As Long
position = GetFirstNumeric(myString)
If position > 0 Then
bText = "D" & Mid(myString, position, 5)
bText = ""
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetFirstNumeric(ByVal value As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim bytValue() As Byte
Dim lngRtnVal As Long
bytValue = value
For i = 0 To UBound(bytValue) Step 2
Select Case bytValue(i)
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9
If bytValue(i + 1) = 0 Then
lngRtnVal = (i \ 2) + 1
Exit For
End If
End Select
GetFirstNumeric = lngRtnVal
End Function

Extend vlookup to calculate cost of goods

I have sales report from e-shop and need to calculate cost of goods for each order line. Order line can look like one of these:
2x Lavazza Crema e Aroma 1kg - 1x Lavazza Dolce Caffe Crema 1kg
1x Lavazza Vending Aroma Top 1kg - 1x Arcaffe Roma 1Kg - 1x Kimbo - 100% Arabica Top Flavour
So, what I need Excel to do is to take each product, find its cost with vlookup function from another sheet and then multiply it with amount ordered. The issue is that nr of products ordered can vary from 1 to 10+.
I tried to calculate it with VBA, but the code is not working (I didnĀ“t use multiplying at the moment, I know)
Maybe it is possible to solve this problem with excel formulas?
Function GoodsCost(str, Optional strDelim As String = " ")
larray = Split(str, strDelim)
Set lookup_range = Worksheets("Products").Range("B:E")
For i = LBound(larray) To UBound(larray)
skuarray = Split(larray(i), "x ")
skucost = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(UBound(skuarray), lookup_range, 4, False)
cost = cost + skucost
Next i
GoodsCost = cost
End Function
Well, it seems like now the problem is solved. Of course, it works only if make an assumption that dashes(-) are not present in product descriptions. But it can be set up in product list. The other opportunity is to use another delimeter (for example "/"). We can use Ctrl+F to find all combinations like "x -" and replace them with "x /")
Function GoodsCost(str)
Dim answer As Double
Set Products = Worksheets("Products").Range("B:E")
larray = Split(str, " - ")
For i = LBound(larray) To UBound(larray)
sku = Split(larray(i), "x ")
Price = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(sku(1), Products, 4, False) * sku(0)
answer = answer + Price
Next i
GoodsCost = answer
End Function
Below you find a UDF (User Defined Function) which you can use in your worksheet. After installing it in a standard code module (VBE names these like "Module1") you can call it from the worksheet like =CostOfGoods($A2) where A2 is the cell containing and order line as you have described.
Option Explicit
Function CostOfGoods(Cell As Range) As Single
' 15 Jan 2018
Const Delim As String = " - "
Dim Fun As Single ' function return value
Dim Sale As Variant
Dim Sp() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim PriceList As Range
Dim Qty As Single, Price As Single
Dim n As Integer
Sale = Trim(Cell.Value)
If Len(Sale) Then
Sp = Split(Sale, Delim)
Do While i <= UBound(Sp)
If InStr(Sp(i), "x ") = 0 Then
If Not ConcatSale(Sp, i, Delim) Then Exit Do
End If
i = i + 1
With Worksheets("Products")
i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
' price list starts in row 2 (change as required)
Set PriceList = Range(.Cells(2, "B"), .Cells(i, "E"))
End With
For i = 0 To UBound(Sp)
Qty = Val(Sp(i))
n = InStr(Sp(i), " ")
Sp(i) = Trim(Mid(Sp(i), n))
On Error Resume Next
Price = Application.VLookup(Sp(i), PriceList, 4, False)
If Err Then
MsgBox "I couldn't find the price for" & vbCr & _
Sp(i) & "." & vbCr & _
"The total cost calculated excludes this item.", _
vbInformation, "Price not found"
Price = 0
End If
Fun = Fun + (Qty * Price)
Next i
End If
CostOfGoods = Fun
End Function
Private Function ConcatSale(Sale() As String, _
i As Long, _
Delim As String) As Boolean
' 15 Jan 2018
Dim Fun As Boolean ' function return value
Dim x As Long, f As Long
x = UBound(Sale)
If (i > 0) And (i <= x) Then
i = i - 1
Sale(i) = Sale(i) & Delim & Sale(i + 1)
For f = i + 1 To x - 1
Sale(f) = Sale(f + 1)
Next f
Fun = True
End If
If Fun Then ReDim Preserve Sale(x - 1)
ConcatSale = Fun
End Function
I have tested this and it works with dashes in product description:
Function GoodsCost(str, Optional strDelim As String = " ")
larray = Split(str, " ")
'split the cell contents by space
Set lookup_range = Worksheets("Products").Range("B:E")
'set lookup range
For i = LBound(larray) To UBound(larray) 'loop through array
LPosition = InStr(larray(i), "x") 'find multiplier "x" in string
If LPosition = Len(larray(i)) Then 'if the last character is x
If Product <> "" Then GoTo lookitup 'lookup product
Quantity = larray(i) 'get quantity
Product = Product & " " & larray(i) 'concatenate array until we get a full product description to lookup with
End If
Next i
If Right(Product, 2) = " -" Then Product = Left(Product, Len(Product) - 2)
If Left(Product, 1) = " " Then Product = Right(Product, Len(Product) - 1)
'above trim the Product description to remove unwanted spaces or dashes
cost = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Product, lookup_range, 4, False)
Quantity = Replace(Quantity, "x", "")
GoodsCost = cost * Quantity
MsgBox Product & " # Cost: " & GoodsCost
Product = ""
If i < UBound(larray) Then GoTo nextproduct
End Function
I'd use Regular Expressions to solve this. First it finds in the string were the 'delimiters' are by replacing the - with ; detecting only - that are next to a number followed by an x (i.e. a multiplier so ignoring - in product names). It then splits each of these results into a quantity and the product (again using RegEx). It then finds the product in your data and returns the cost of goods. If there is an error, or the product isn't in your data it returns a #Value error to show that there is an issue.
Public Function GoodsCost(str As String) As Double
Dim lookup_range As Range, ProductMatch As Range
Dim v, Match
Dim qty As Long
Dim prod As String
Dim tmp() As String
On Error GoTo err
Set lookup_range = Worksheets("Products").Range("B:E")
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.ignorecase = True
.pattern = "(\s\-\s)(?=[0-9]+x)"
If .test(str) Then
tmp = Split(.Replace(str, ";"), ";")
ReDim tmp(0)
tmp(0) = str
End If
.pattern = "(?:([0-9]+)x\s(.+))"
For Each v In tmp
If .test(v) Then
Set Match = .Execute(v)
qty = Match.Item(0).submatches.Item(0)
prod = Trim(Match.Item(0).submatches.Item(1))
Set ProductMatch = lookup_range.Columns(1).Find(prod)
If Not ProductMatch Is Nothing Then
GoodsCost = GoodsCost + (qty * ProductMatch.Offset(0, 3))
GoodsCost = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End If
End If
Next v
End With
Exit Function
GoodsCost = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function

Not quite sure how to write the formula mathematically

So I am a student currently studying VBA. I'm doing ok in the class but still kind of iffy on what how to program. For the question I'm on I have to take numbers in a column and multiply them unless they are less than or equal to zero. Here is an example done by hand of what the result should look like (which are not the same numbers as the actual problem, these are much simpler).
Here is what I have written so far. I'm kinda treating the column as a 1 x 10 array.
Function multpos(C As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
Dim MD As Long
For i = 1 To 9
MD = C(1, i) * C(1, i + 1)
Next i
If C(i, 1) > 0 Then C(i, 1) = C(i, 1) Else C(i, 1) = 1
If C(i + 1, 1) > 0 Then C(i + 1, 1) = C(i + 1, 1) Else C(i + 1, 1) = 1
multpos = MD
End Function
While MD satisfies the equation, it only works for the first two and then doesn't. Intuitively I want to do something like this
MD = C(1, i) * C(1, i)
Next i
Etc but this is also not mathematically correct. So if I had
MD = C(1, i)
how can I get it to multiply by the next value from here? Feel free to look at my other code and correct me as well since that could just as easily be wrong. Thank you for help in advance.
Something like this should work for you. I tried to comment the code for clarity:
Public Function PRODUCTIF(ByVal vValues As Variant, ByVal sCriteria As String) As Double
Dim vVal As Variant
Dim dResult As Double
'Iterate through vValues and evaluate against the criteria for numeric values only
For Each vVal In vValues
If IsNumeric(vVal) Then
If Evaluate(vVal & sCriteria) = True Then
'Value is numeric and passed the criteria, multiply it with our other values
'Note that until a valid value is found, dResult will be 0, so simply set it equal to the first value to avoid a 0 result
If dResult = 0 Then dResult = vVal Else dResult = dResult * vVal
End If
End If
Next vVal
'Output result
End Function
And you would call the function like this: =PRODUCTIF(A1:A10,">0")
you could exploit AutoFiler() method
Function multpos(C As Range, criteria As String)
Dim MD As Long
Dim cell As Range
With C.Columns(1)
If IsEmpty(.Cells(1, 1)) Then .Cells(1, 1) = "|header|"
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=criteria
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Cells) > 1 Then
MD = 1
For Each cell In C.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers)
MD = MD * cell.Value
Next cell
End If
If .Cells(1, 1) = "|header|" Then .Cells(1, 1).ClearContents
.Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
multpos = MD
End Function
to be exploited in your main sub like:
MsgBox multpos(Range("A1:A10"), ">0")

Parsing and comparing a complicated string

I am hoping someone could help me out with a VBA Excel macro.
I have received a worksheet in Excel 2007 which contains product names in one column, and I need to sort this into a logical format so I can use it. However, the list itself is not in any kind of logical order, is 10 000 rows long and I am going to have to do this every month!!
Basically, what I would like to do is search for certain keywords which are common to most of the entries and move them into separate cells in different columns (but in the same row as the original entry).
Regarding keywords: There are 3 different types, two of which I have a complete list of.
Example of keywords: some are measures such as cm (centimetre), mm (millimetre), m (metre) etc.). Then there are other keywords such as % and finally a last set of keywords which is wood, plastic, glass etc.
If this was not complicated enough, the measures (cm for example) are duplicated in some instances and are important details so I cant just separate them but would ideally like them in two adjacent cells.
Fortunately, there is a space after each measure, % sign and item material.
Working from right to left is the easiest way I can think of achieving this as the first description in the string varies wildly between entries and that can stay as is.
So, below is an example string, lets say this is in Cell A1. (Inverted commas are not included in the string and the word "by" appears in only about 100 cases. Usually it is missing...)
"Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm"
I would ideally like for the string to be split up into cells as follows
Cell B1 - Chair Leg
Cell C1 - Wood
Cell D1 - 1m
Cell E1 - 2cm
Cell F1 - 100%
Having the % measures in the same column would be extremely helpful
Can anyone please help me with this or the beginnings of a macro which does this and then moves down the list - I have tried using some basic "find" and "len" formulas but really am at my wits end on how to deal with this!
The task boils down to defining a robust definition of the structure of the input data.
Form the info provided a candidate definition might be
<Description, one or more words> <Material, one word> <A value followd by %> <Dimension A> <optional "by"> <Dimension B>
The following macro will process data that conforms this this spec. The definition may need
expanding, eg two word materials (eg Mild Steel)
You will need to add error handling in case any rows don't conform, eg no % in the string, or % character elsewhere in string
Option Explicit
Dim dat As Variant
Sub ProcessData()
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Long
Set r = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, ActiveSheet.Columns(1)).Resize(, 5)
dat = r
For i = 1 To UBound(dat, 1)
ParseRow i, CStr(dat(i, 1))
r = dat
ActiveSheet.Columns(5).Style = "Percent"
End Sub
Sub ParseRow(rw As Long, s As String)
'Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm
Dim i As Long
Dim sDim As String, sPCnt As String, sMat As String, sDesc As String
Dim sA As String, sB As String
i = InStr(s, "% ")
sDim = Trim(Replace(Mid(s, i + 2), " by ", " ")) ' text to right of %, remove "by"
sA = Trim(Left(sDim, InStr(sDim, " "))) ' split dimension string in two
sB = Trim(Mid(sDim, InStr(sDim, " ")))
s = Left(s, i)
i = InStrRev(s, " ")
sPCnt = Mid(s, i + 1) ' text back to first space before %
s = Trim(Left(s, i))
i = InStrRev(s, " ") ' last word in string
sMat = Mid(s, i + 1)
sDesc = Trim(Left(s, i)) ' whats left
dat(rw, 1) = sDesc
dat(rw, 2) = sMat
dat(rw, 3) = sA
dat(rw, 4) = sB
dat(rw, 5) = sPCnt
End Sub
First, I'd use the Split function to separate the parts into an array, this will avoid most of the string functions and string math:
Dim parts As Variant
parts = Split(A1)
Then, I'd do my comparisons to each part.
Finally, I'd concatenate the parts I didn't breakout, and place all parts on the sheet.
This is based on your example which has spaces inbetween every part, though something similar could work otherwise, you just have to do more work with each part.
Here's my stab at it. We could use about 10 more examples, but this should be a start. To use, select a one column range with your descriptions and run SplitProduct. It will split it out to the right of each cell.
Sub SplitProducts()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long
Const lCOLDESC As Long = 1
Const lCOLMAT As Long = 2
Const lCOLPCT As Long = 3
Const lCOLREM As Long = 4
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
If Selection.Columns.Count = 1 Then
For Each rCell In Selection.Cells
'split into words
vaSplit = Split(rCell.Value, Space(1))
ReDim aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
'loop through the words
For i = LBound(vaSplit) To UBound(vaSplit)
Select Case True
Case IsPercent(vaSplit(i))
'percents always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLPCT
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsInList(vaSplit(i))
'list items always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLMAT
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsMeasure(vaSplit(i))
'measurements go in the last column(s)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCOLREM Then
lCnt = lCOLREM
lCnt = UBound(aOutput, 2) + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case Else
'everything else gets concatentated in the desc column
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) & " " & vaSplit(i)
End Select
Next i
'remove any extraneous spaces
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = Trim(aOutput(1, lCOLDESC))
'write the values to the left of the input range
rCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aOutput, 2)).Value = aOutput
Next rCell
MsgBox "Select a one column range"
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsPercent(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
IsPercent = Right$(sInput, 1) = "%"
End Function
Function IsInList(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaList As Variant
Dim vaTest As Variant
'add list items as needed
vaList = Array("Wood", "Glass", "Plastic")
vaTest = Filter(vaList, sInput)
IsInList = UBound(vaTest) > -1
End Function
Function IsMeasure(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaMeas As Variant
Dim i As Long
'add measurements as needed
vaMeas = Array("mm", "cm", "m")
For i = LBound(vaMeas) To UBound(vaMeas)
'any number of characters that end in a number and a measurement
If sInput Like "*#" & vaMeas(i) Then
IsMeasure = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
No guarantees that this will be speedy on 10k rows.

VBA-Excel and large data sets causes program to crash

First time poster and new to programming in general. I have a project in which i have to build a financial model to mine for data in excel. I have succeeded in building said model on VBA. I have ran tests on 3,000 line dataset and it was successful. I will briefly explain what it does.
I track a given stock on a given day on multiple exchanges. I download the data (roughly 935,000 lines) The first step is copy all the data for a given exchange (roughly 290,000) onto a new sheet (this takes roughly 8min), then I create a new column to log the bid ask spread (12secs), the next step is what Im having trouble with, I basically rank each line of data twice, one column for Bid size and one column for Ask size. I created a function which uses excel Percentile function and ranks based on where the given bid and ask size lands. As of right now, I have been running the Macro for the last 35min and has yet to execute. I cant attempt the other macros since each macro depends on the previous one.
So my basic issue is that since my data set is large, my model keeps crashing.The code seems to be fine when working with the test data, and it doesn't throw any errors when I run the program, but with the larger data set it just crashes. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this normal with such large amounts of data?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the sub and function thats giving me the trouble, the sub takes in the required inputs to run the function and then pops into the assigned cell. The code is suppose to repeat the process for three separate sheets. For now, Id like it to work on one sheet, hence used the comments to not include the loop
Sub Bucketting()
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim counter As Long
Dim bidRange As Range
Dim offerRange As Range
Dim bidScroll As Range
Dim offerScroll As Range
Dim Ex As String
Dim i As Integer
'For i = 1 To 1 Step 1 'Sheet Selection Process
' If i = 1 Then
' Ex = "Z"
' ElseIf i = 2 Then
' Ex = "P"
' Else
' Ex = "T"
' End If
Sheets("Z").Select 'Sheet selected
With ActiveSheet
firstRow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row + 1
lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set bidRange = .Range("F2:F" & lastRow)
Set offerRange = .Range("G2:G" & lastRow)
For counter = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
Set bidScroll = .Range("F" & counter)
Set offerScroll = .Range("G" & counter)
With .Cells(counter, "J")
.Value = DECILE_RANK(bidRange, bidScroll)
End With
With .Cells(counter, "K")
.Value = DECILE_RANK(offerRange, offerScroll)
End With
Next counter
End With
ActiveCell = "Bid Rank"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = "Offer Rank"
'Next i
End Sub
Function DECILE_RANK(DataRange, RefCell)
'Credit: BJRaid
'DECILE_RANK(The Range of data)
'Declares the function that can be called in the spreadsheet cell - enter '=DECILE_RANK(A5:A50,A5)
'Using the percentile worksheet function calculate where the 10th, 20th etc percentile of the reference range are
DEC1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.1)
DEC2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.2)
DEC3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.3)
DEC4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.4)
DEC5 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.5)
DEC6 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.6)
DEC7 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.7)
DEC8 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.8)
DEC9 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.9)
' Calculate the Decile rank that the reference cell value sits within
If (RefCell <= DEC1) Then DECILE_RANK = 1
If (RefCell > DEC1) And (RefCell <= DEC2) Then DECILE_RANK = 2
If (RefCell > DEC2) And (RefCell <= DEC3) Then DECILE_RANK = 3
If (RefCell > DEC3) And (RefCell <= DEC4) Then DECILE_RANK = 4
If (RefCell > DEC4) And (RefCell <= DEC5) Then DECILE_RANK = 5
If (RefCell > DEC5) And (RefCell <= DEC6) Then DECILE_RANK = 6
If (RefCell > DEC6) And (RefCell <= DEC7) Then DECILE_RANK = 7
If (RefCell > DEC7) And (RefCell <= DEC8) Then DECILE_RANK = 8
If (RefCell > DEC8) And (RefCell <= DEC9) Then DECILE_RANK = 9
If (RefCell > DEC9) Then DECILE_RANK = 10
End Function
935,000 lines is a lot for excel. Like, really a lot. Barring saying using a real database, If your application is literally putting a =Percentile(...) in each cell, I would recommend Trying to use another tool for that. Perhaps something within VBA itself. More generally, use something outside of a cell - then store the result value in the cell. There is a lot of overhead in maintaining those formulas that are interdependent on 935k rows of data.
The problem is that your looping through each row individually, the Excel way is to try and work with whole ranges at once whenever possible. I would load the ranges into arrays, then modify your DECILE_RANK code to work with the items in the array.
Note that variant arrays that read ranges in are 2-D.
Here is the fully functioning code including my custom VBA array slicer. Note that it was only tested on a small dataset:
Sub Bucketting()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim bidArray As Variant
Dim offerArray As Variant
Sheets("Sheet1").Select 'Sheet selected
With ActiveSheet
lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
bidArray = .Range("F2:F" & lastRow)
offerArray = .Range("G2:G" & lastRow)
Range("J2:J" & lastRow).Value = GetArraySlice2D(DECILE_RANK(bidArray), "column", 1, 1, 0)
Range("K2:K" & lastRow).Value = GetArraySlice2D(DECILE_RANK(offerArray), "column", 1, 1, 0)
End With
ActiveCell = "Bid Rank"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = "Offer Rank"
End Sub
Function DECILE_RANK(DataRange As Variant) As Variant
' Credit: BJRaid
' DECILE_RANK(The Range of data)
' Declares the function that can be called in the spreadsheet cell - enter '=DECILE_RANK(A5:A50,A5)
Dim DEC(0 To 10) As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
'Using the percentile worksheet function calculate where the 10th, 20th etc percentile of the reference range are
DEC(0) = 0
For i = 1 To 9
DEC(i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Percentile(DataRange, 0.1 * i)
Next i
DEC(10) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(DataRange)
' Calculate the Decile rank that the reference cell value sits within
For i = 1 To UBound(DataRange, 1)
For j = 1 To 10
If ((DataRange(i, 1) > DEC(j - 1)) And (DataRange(i, 1) <= DEC(j))) Then
DataRange(i, 1) = j
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Function
Public Function GetArraySlice2D(Sarray As Variant, Stype As String, Sindex As Integer, Sstart As Integer, Sfinish As Integer) As Variant
' this function returns a slice of an array, Stype is either row or column
' Sstart is beginning of slice, Sfinish is end of slice (Sfinish = 0 means entire
' row or column is taken), Sindex is the row or column to be sliced (NOTE:
' 1 is always the first row or first column)
' an Sindex value of 0 means that the array is one dimensional 3/20/09 Lance Roberts
Dim vtemp() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
On Err GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Sindex
Case 0
If Sfinish - Sstart = UBound(Sarray) - LBound(Sarray) Then
vtemp = Sarray
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(i + Sstart - 1)
Next i
End If
Case Else
Select Case Stype
Case "row"
If Sfinish = 0 Or (Sstart = LBound(Sarray, 2) And Sfinish = UBound(Sarray, 2)) Then
vtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Sarray, Sindex, 0)
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(Sindex, i + Sstart - 1)
Next i
End If
Case "column"
If Sfinish = 0 Or (Sstart = LBound(Sarray, 1) And Sfinish = UBound(Sarray, 1)) Then
vtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Sarray, 0, Sindex)
ReDim vtemp(1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1)
For i = 1 To Sfinish - Sstart + 1
vtemp(i) = Sarray(i + Sstart - 1, Sindex)
Next i
End If
End Select
End Select
GetArraySlice2D = vtemp
Exit Function
Dim M As Integer
M = MsgBox("Bad Array Input", vbOKOnly, "GetArraySlice2D")
End Function
I'm not sure if this will directly address your problem, but have you considered using Application.ScreenUpdating = False? Don't forget to set it back to true once your data has processed.
