I'm trying to return a value based on the MIN() in a range. Here's a screenshot, but here's the data:
Category Types pts Policeman Hero
Jurisdiction City -10 x
State 0
Country 20 x
Vehicle Car -2 x
Bus 20
Unicycle 20 x
Sidekick No Sidekick -20 x
One 5
Multiple 10 x
Powers None -30 x
Super 2 x
Kenny 30
My goal is for each "person" (Policeman and Hero), look in their column, and return the value from column B, where there's an X by the "minimum" value.
In other words, for "Policeman", the min. value with an 'X' is "No Sidekick", so I want my Index/Match to return that. For "Hero", the minimum value with an "X" is "None" (under "Powers").
I've tried:
=Index(B2:B13,Match(Index(Min(C2:C13),Match("x",D2:D13,0))&"x",C2:C13&D2:D13,0)) but it doesn't work.
I've also tried
I can see the formula in my mind, just can't figure out where I'm going wrong. Thanks for any ideas/help.
(I don't have to use Index/Match, so if there's another way (Sumproduct() perhaps?), I'm open to it!)
The following will do it(Untested):
Only because it is Bruce.
I merged the column D and E and so forth, and yes I know I did the cardinal sin in merging but hey, I figure you can do what you want. I am just showing a concept:
In D14:
Then in E14:
Then copy down and over
One answer using index/match would be
columns are wrong since I used my own data but the concept works.
Firstly, we have an array of predetermined factors, ie. V-Z;
their attributes are 3, the first two (•xM) multiplied giving the 3rd.
f ... factors
• ... cap, the values in the data set may increase max
m ... fixed multiplier
p ... let's call it power
This is a separate, standalone array .. we'd access with eg. VLOOKUP
f • m pwr
V 1 9 9
W 2 8 16
X 3 7 21
Y 4 6 24
Z 5 5 25
Then we have 6 columns, in which the actual data to be processed is in, & thereof derive the next-level result, based on the interaction of both samples introduced.
In addition, there are added two columns, for balance & profit.
Here's a short, 6-row data sample:
f • m bal profit
V 2 3 377 1
Y 2 3 156 7
Y 1 1 122 0
X 1 2 -27 2
Z 3 3 223 3
Ultimately, starting at the end, we are comparing IF -27 inverted → so 27 is within the X's power range ie. 21 (as per the first sample) .. which is then fed into a bigger formula, beyond the scope of this post.
This can be done with VLOOKUP, all fine by now.
To get to that .. for the working example, we are focusing coincidentally on row5, since that's the one with the first negative value in the 'balance' column, so ..
on factorX = which factor exactly is to us unknown &
balance -27 = which we have to locate amongst potentially dozens to hundreds of rows.
Once we know that the factor is X, based on the * & multiplier pertaining to it, then we also know which 'power' (top array) to compare -27, as the identified first negative value in the balance column, to.
Is that clear?
I'd like to know the formula on how to achieve that, & (get to) move on with the broader-scope work.
The main issue for me is not knowing how to identify the first negative or row -27 pertains to, then having that piece of information how to leverage it to get the X or identify the factor type, especially since its positioned left of the latter & to the best of my knowledge I cannot use negative column index number (so, latter even if possible is out of the question anyway).
To recap;
IF(21>27) = IF(-21<-27)
27 → LOCATE ROW with the first negative number (-27)
21 → IDENTIFY the FACTOR TYPE, same row as (-27)
→ VLOOKUP pwr, based on factor type identified (top array, 4th column right)
→ invert either 21 to a negative number or (-27) to the positive number
Guessing your columns I'll say your first chart is in columns A to D, and the second in columns G to K
You could find the letter of that factor with something like this:
INDEX(J:J<0) converts that column to TRUE and FALSE depending on being negative or not and with XMATCH you find the first TRUE. You could then use that in VLOOKUP:
That would return the 21. You can use the first concept too to find the the -27 and with ABS have its "positive value"
That should return true or false in the comparison
I have two Google sheets tabs:
--A-- --B--
--1-- type lessThan10Apart
--2-- Car 1
--3-- Plane 0
--A-- --B-- --C--
--1-- type sourceA sourceB
--2-- Car 1 100
--3-- Plane 10 100
--4-- Car 2 4
My question is how to create the lessThan10Apart formula above. lessThan10Apart should match up the type from sheet I to sheet II and only count the rows that: Are less than 10 units between A and B. But you can also imagine wanting to do any kind of arithmetic between columns B and C and running a COUNT.
My first attempt is something along the lines of:
=COUNTIFS('sheetII'!A:A),$A2, //Match column A
ABS('sheetII'!C:C-'sheetII'!B:B)<10 //Doesn't work!
The problem is that you can't seem to be able to do range calculations like this in COUNTIFS.
For the count (per F4 in supplied image),
For the validSum (sum of absolute difference between B & C; per G4 in supplied image),
=SUMPRODUCT(--(ABS(B2:B4-C2:C4)<10), ABS(B2:B4-C2:C4))
Do not use full column references. Minimize your referenced ranges.
Discard the Car text in E4 in the above image.
So I have some results which may or may not have totals. In this case food. Each food is given an amount and a weight total. I have information below the results however which I do not want to shift. I would use a table however, if I hide rows, it shifts items up. If I sort the rows, the name of the food with no results will still show. Any idea how I could reformat my results into food with results only in a new referenced cell? I'm trying to automate this with no button pressing, and without using macro's/vba's. I could use something like =IF(ISBLANK(B21),"noResults",A21) but how could i list them all like my example blelow?
a1 b1 c1
Amount Weight
x Apples 5 10
x Oranges
x Peaches 6 10
x Lemons 2 10
x Tomatos
x Avacados 3 10
x xxxxdon't shift or move xxxxxxxxx
x g1 h1 i1
x Amount Weight
x Apples 5 10
x Peaches 6 10
x Lemons 2 10
x Avacados 3 10
xxxxxxxxdon't shift or move xxxxxxxxx
If you can add an ID column to the foods, you could do the following using the SMALL() function:
To Explain Further
The SMALL() function takes an array of numbers and will return the 1st smallest, 2nd smallest, or whatever smallest number you specify. Because this example only has Food names, I had to add an ID column (column B) to get an array of numbers.
Since we only want to view rows with data (amount & weight), I added another column ID Formula (column F) to only display the ID if the column has data.
Now that we are only displaying ID's with data, we can use the SMALL() function to get the 1st smallest ID still showing, then the 2nd smallest ID still showing, and so on... notice that I used the ROW() function to get 1,2,3...
Lastly, I used a simple VLOOKUP() to add in the Food, Amount, and Weight for the respective ID's.
I have thought long and hard about this, but I can't find a solution to what I believe is quite a simple problem.
I have a table of results, where sometimes someone will be given a penalty of a varying amount. This is entered into the penalty column (Col C).
I need a formula which checks if there is an entry into the penalty column and applies it, not only to that row, but to the number of subsequent rows which are affected, depending on the severity of the penalty.
I have tried to see if this is possible by referencing the penalty against the 'ROW()' function but have not been able to achieve the desired effect.
Col D shows the desired output of the formula.
Col E is included for reference only, to show the desired effect on each row.
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
Pos Name Penalty New Pos Change
1 Jack 1 0
2 Matt 2 0
3 Daniel 2 5 +2
4 Gordon 3 -1
5 Phillip 4 -1
6 Günther 6 0
7 Johann 3 10 +3
8 Alain 7 -1
9 John 8 -1
10 Gianmaria 9 -1
The big issue is, if someone is handed a big penalty, for example '10' then it affects the following ten rows. I can't work out how to include this variable logic...
I would be interested to hear the approach of others...
You need to use the RANK() function:
Excel RANK Function Examples
In a new column, add the penalty value to the original position, plus a small coeffieient depending on the original position (0.01 per increment perhaps) to move the penalised player below the original person at that position, then in the next column you can RANK() the new column of values (F in my case).
New value is therefore =A2+(IF(C2>0,C2+(0.01*A2)))
Rank is then =RANK(F2,F2:F11,1)
You can combine all the functions into one, but it's clearer to do it in separate columns at first.
I want to multiply x*y until x>=20, then multiply z that value and have the results displayed as two values, the multiple and multiple*z
The question behind the formula is, how many boxes of x capacity do I need to have a total capacity of 20 liters and how much does that cost.
x = volume of bottle
y = number of bottles in a box
z = price per box
This could be done very easily by hand, but I've been playing (with little effect) in excel for a while and would like a solution.
I hope that makes sense
I rather think what you would like is the formula provided by #Jeeped but for:
I want to multiply x*y until x>=20, then multiply z that value and have the results displayed as two values, the multiple and multiple*z
label two arrays from 1 to 20 for columns and rows as shown, populate V1 with the price per box and in B2:
and in X2:
with both formulae copied across 19 columns and those two sets of 20 formulae then copied down 19 rows. The result should be similar to: