SVM results in Rapidminer much worse than in knime - svm

I'm comparing various classification algorithms for a project using knime. I was very happy with the results I got for Support Vector Machines (LibSVM).
I then wanted to try hierarchical classification and installed the Rapidminer plugin for knime. To get things to work I first tested the SVM implementation without hierarchies.
Comparing the results of the knime LibSVM implementation and the rapidminer LibSVM implementation I noticed that the rapidminer implementation yielded worse results.
The knime implementation in fact produced an error rate of approximately 2.4% while the rapidminer one produced an error rate of approx. 61%.
Why is that? Am I doing something wrong?
I use C-SVC SVMs with linear kernel, 1.0 Cost, 0.001 epsilon and 80mb cache for both implementations.
The documents are wikipedia article texts, preprocessed, transformed to a binary document vector and labeled with some kind of type.
I hope you can help me.

You do not need to include the Row IDs in this case (Row ID tab, make to button show Do not use by clicking on it in case it is Use and the text field is not disabled), and you should not perform Nominal to... transformations on them. After that, you should get similar results in both cases.


Word2Vec clustering: embed with low dimensionality or with high dimensionality and then reduce?

I am using K-means for topic modelling using Word2Vec and would like to understand the implications of vectorizing up to, let's say, 10 dimensions, against embedding it with 200 dimensions and then using PCA to get down to 10. Does the second approach make sense at all?
Which one worked better for your specific purposes, & your specific data, after trying both & comparing the end-results against each other, either in some ad-hoc ("eyeballing") or rigorous way?
There's no reason to prematurely reject any approach, given how many details about your data & ultimate end-goals are unstated.
It would be atypical to train a word2vec model to have only 10 dimensions. Published work most often shows the use of 100 to 1000 dimensions, often 300 or 400, assuming you've got enough bulk training data to make the algorithm worthwhile.
(Word2vec needs a lot of varied training text, with many contrasting usage examples for every word of interest, to generate good results. You may occasionally see toy-sized demos, on smaller amounts of data, just to quickly show steps, or some major qualities of the results. But good results, in the aspects for which word2vec is most appreciated, depend on plentiful training data.)
Also, whether or not your aims would be helped by the extra step of PCA to reduce the dimensionality of a larger word2vec model seems another separable question, to be determined experimentally by comparing results with and without that step, on your actual data/problem, rather than guessed at from intuitions from other projects that might not be comparable.

Decision Trees - Scikit, Python

I am trying to create a decision tree based on some training data. I have never created a decision tree before, but have completed a few linear regression models. I have 3 questions:
With linear regression I find it fairly easy to plot graphs, fit models, group factor levels, check P statistics etc. in an iterative fashion until I end up with a good predictive model. I have no idea how to evaluate a decision tree. Is there a way to get a summary of the model, (for example, .summary() function in statsmodels)? Should this be an iterative process where I decide whether a factor is significant - if so how can I tell?
I have been very unsuccessful in visualising the decision tree. On the various different ways I have tried, the code seems to run without any errors, yet nothing appears / plots. The only thing I can do successfully is tree.export_text(model), which just states feature_1, feature_2, and so on. I don't know what any of the features actually are. Has anybody come across these difficulties with visualising / have a simple solution?
The confusion matrix that I have generated is as follows:
[[ 0 395]
[ 0 3319]]
i.e. the model is predicting all rows to the same outcome. Does anyone know why this might be?
Scikit-learn is a library designed to build predictive models, so there are no tests of significance, confidence intervals, etc. You can always build your own statistics, but this is a tedious process. In scikit-learn, you can eliminate features recursively using RFE, RFECV, etc. You can find a list of feature selection algorithms here. For the most part, these algorithms get rid off the least important feature in each loop according to feature_importances (where the importance of each feature is defined as its contribution to the reduction in entropy, gini, etc.).
The most straight forward way to visualize a tree is tree.plot_tree(). In particular, you should try passing the names of the features to feature_names. Please show us what you have tried so far if you want a more specific answer.
Try another criterion, set a higher max_depth, etc. Sometimes datasets have unidentifiable records. For example, two observations with the exact same values in all features, but different target labels. Is this the case in your dataset?

When and Whether should we normalize the ground-truth labels in the multi-task regression models?

I am trying a multi-task regression model. However, the ground-truth labels of different tasks are on different scales. Therefore, I wonder whether it is necessary to normalize the targets. Otherwise, the MSE of some large-scale tasks will be extremely bigger. The figure below is part of my overall targets. You can certainly find that columns like ASA_m2_c have much higher values than some others.
First, I have already tried some weighted loss techniques to balance the concentration of my model when it does gradient backpropagation. The result shows it didn't perform well.
Secondly, I have seen tremendous discussions regarding normalizing the input data, but hardly discovered any particular talking about normalizing the labels. It's partly because most of the people's problems are classification type and a single task. I do know pytorch provides a convenient approach to normalize the vision dataset by transform.normalize, which is still operated on the input rather than the labels.
Similar questions:
PyTorch - How should you normalize individual instances
Moreover, I think it might be helpful to provide some details of my model architecture. The input is first fed into a feature extractor and then several generators use the shared output representation from that extractor to predict different targets.
I've been working on a Multi-Task Learning problem where one head has an output of ~500 and another between 0 and 1.
I've tried Uncertainty Weighting but in vain. So I'd be grateful if you could give me a little clue about your studies.(If there is any progress)

Need help applying scikit-learn to this unbalanced text categorization task

I have a multi-class text classification/categorization problem. I have a set of ground truth data with K different mutually exclusive classes. This is an unbalanced problem in two respects. First, some classes are a lot more frequent than others. Second, some classes are of more interest to us than others (those generally positively correlate with their relative frequency, although there are some classes of interest that are fairly rare).
My goal is to develop a single classifier or a collection of them to be able to classify the k << K classes of interest with high precision (at least 80%) while maintaining reasonable recall (what's "reasonable" is a bit vague).
Features that I use are mostly typical unigram-/bigram-based ones plus some binary features coming from metadata of the incoming documents that are being classified (e.g. whether them were submitted via email or though a webform).
Because of the unbalanced data, I am leaning toward developing binary classifiers for each of the important classes, instead of a single one like a multi-class SVM.
What ML learning algorithms (binary or not) implemented in scikit-learn allow for training tuned to precision (versus for example recall or F1) and what options do I need to set for that?
What data analysis tools in scikit-learn can be used for feature selection to narrow down the features that might be the most relevant to the precision-oriented classification of a particular class?
This is not really a "big data" problem: K is about 100, k is about 15, the total number of samples available to me for training and testing is about 100,000.
Given that k is small, I would just do this manually. For each desired class, train your individual (one vs the rest) classifier, take look at the precision-recall curve, and then choose the threshold that gives the desired precision.

NLP software for classification of large datasets

For years I've been using my own Bayesian-like methods to categorize new items from external sources based on a large and continually updated training dataset.
There are three types of categorization done for each item:
30 categories, where each item must belong to one category, and at most two categories.
10 other categories, where each item is only associated with a category if there is a strong match, and each item can belong to as many categories as match.
4 other categories, where each item must belong to only one category, and if there isn't a strong match the item is assigned to a default category.
Each item consists of English text of around 2,000 characters. In my training dataset there are about 265,000 items, which contain a rough estimate of 10,000,000 features (unique three word phrases).
My homebrew methods have been fairly successful, but definitely have room for improvement. I've read the NLTK book's chapter "Learning to Classify Text", which was great and gave me a good overview of NLP classification techniques. I'd like to be able to experiment with different methods and parameters until I get the best classification results possible for my data.
The Question
What off-the-shelf NLP tools are available that can efficiently classify such a large dataset?
Those I've tried so far:
I tried to train them with a dataset that consisted of less than 1% of the available training data: 1,700 items, 375,000 features. For NLTK I used a sparse binary format, and a similarly compact format for TIMBL.
Both seemed to rely on doing everything in memory, and quickly consumed all system memory. I can get them to work with tiny datasets, but nothing large. I suspect that if I tried incrementally adding the training data the same problem would occur either then or when doing the actual classification.
I've looked at Google's Prediction API, which seem to do much of what I'm looking for but not everything. I'd also like to avoid relying on an external service if possible.
About the choice of features: in testing with my homebrew methods over the years, three word phrases produced by far the best results. Although I could reduce the number of features by using words or two word phrases, that would most likely produce inferior results and would still be a large number of features.
After this post and based on the personal experience, I would recommend Vowpal Wabbit. It is said to have one of the fastest text classification algorithms.
MALLET has a number of classifiers (NB, MaxEnt, CRF, etc). It's written Andrew McCallum's group. SVMLib is another good option, but SVM models typically require a bit more tuning than MaxEnt. Alternatively some sort of online clustering like K-means might not be bad in this case.
SVMLib and MALLET are quite fast (C and Java) once you have your model trained. Model training can take a while though! Unfortunately it's not always easy to find example code. I have some examples of how to use MALLET programmatically (along with the Stanford Parser, which is slow and probably overkill for your purposes). NLTK is a great learning tool and is simple enough that is you can prototype what you are doing there, that's ideal.
NLP is more about features and data quality than which machine learning method you use. 3-grams might be good, but how about character n-grams across those? Ie, all the character ngrams in a 3-gram to account for spelling variations/stemming/etc? Named entities might also be useful, or some sort of lexicon.
I would recommend Mahout as it is intended for handling very large scale data sets.
The ML algorithms are built over Apache Hadoop(map/reduce), so scaling is inherent.
Take a look at classification section below and see if it helps.
Have you tried MALLET?
I can't be sure that it will handle your particular dataset but I've found it to be quite robust in previous tests of mine.
However, I my focus was on topic modeling rather than classification per se.
Also, beware that with many NLP solutions you needn't input the "features" yourself (as the N-grams, i.e. the three-words-phrases and two-word-phrases mentioned in the question) but instead rely on the various NLP functions to produce their own statistical model.
