How to Create Custom Template data in Azure API Management - azure

I am newbie. I want to edit template and applying role on template that which element of the developer portal is shown to which user according to the roles. there are two panes one for client side and other is template data pane in which it has a data which is further uses on other pane by using dotliquid syntax. kindly guide me how i can generate the template data according to my requirement.
Template Data

unfortunately, the variables available through the templates are fixed and not editable. Having user context information across all templates is something we are considering - please add your requirement and vote for it over at
Many thanks


Sharepoint online Flow how to create a sharepoint List

I would like to dynamically create a list using Flow in SharePoint online.
I don't see that there is an option to create a new list only new item or new file.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Unfortunately, It seems the Flow can't provide a option to create a new list currently.
As a workaround, we can create a workflow and create list using REST API.
Reference: How To Create A List Using HTTP Web Service In SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow
what i ended up doing is using an azure function and set that as a custom connector that would then appear as an action in flow
i used this:
and then changed the logic to crearte a list instead of a folder

Cross Account Template Accessibility

It appears that it is possible to generate an envelope using a template that does not belong to the account that was authenticated in the REST call. The two accounts were completely unrelated. Access to the generated envelope is limited to the account that generated the envelope; however the access to the template seems to be allowed to any account.
Scenario where this behavior was noticed:
- Account 1 - Created Template #1
- Account 2 - Generate an envelope using Template ID generated by Account 1
I could not find documentation or configuration related to behavior.
I need to confirm if the behavior is intended/supported before we plan to utilize the functionality.
Probably your best solution if you want to use Templates from one account in another is to simply move them. You might only be able to do this in the classic UI so you might have to switch back through your preferences, but you can:
Download the actual XML for each template you want to "share" across accounts.
Open the second account and select to upload template(s) and chose the XML files you downloaded.
As mentioned you might have to switch back to the classic UI to download/upload, but you definitely will not be able to use Templates from one account when you are an un-authenticated user in another account.

Can the TemplateID be changed through the REST service - "Modify a Template"

It appears from the REST API documentation that the TemplateID is a modifiable field through the "Modify a Template" call. When we test this we can change other fields using this call however the TemplateID does not change from our tests.
We are currently managing over 150 server templates and want to sync the TemplateIDs across our Demo and Production accounts to streamline the template migration process between our two accounts. Please advise on if/how it's possible to modify the templateID through the API.
Thank you.
The TemplateID is unique to the template upon randomly being generated by the system.
There is no way to assign or re-assign a TemplateId.
They will not match between different environments

Docusign API template ID

We are using the following steps to successfully create our app while in testing mode but we cannot go live because the template ID is not there for a standard account.
We create the template at
We get the template ID
Our app works perfectly using API
But a normal user (our client) will create a template using ... which does not Display the template ID and therefore he cannot put it in the APP.
How can I resolve this?
You have a couple options. When editing a template, the first page (which shows all of the details of the template) displays the Template ID at the top left. They could copy and paste it.
Arguably the better user experience is to use the DocuSign API to get a list of the available template names/IDs and let your users select the appropriate template within your app.
If you are using this sample and testing please make sure you create a sandbox environment on docusign as the above sample uses as the Api URL,create integrator key and create template in demo environment only.I experienced same error(invalid template id) when I created a template on real(not sandbox) environment and used the above sample having demo API URL in my application and later when I changed to demo template id( by clicking cursor on (i)) I got the desired result.

Is it possible to create a list in WSS 3.0 based on a custom template using SharePoint web services?

I want to create a SharePoint list using SharePoint web services (instance is SharePoint Services v3.0). That list should be built from the custom list template that I have created previously. Browsing through MSDN documentation resulted in the following resolutions:
services.ListsService.AddList(title, description, templateID);
services.ListsService.AddListFromFeature(title, description, featureGUID, templateID);
Now, if we take a look at the first implementation, there is a problem as the templateID doesn't exist for my custom template - it refers to the default ones instead.
The second implementation is no good either as I need the templateID again, but I also need the feature GUID which I have no idea how to get. Could anyone help please? Thanks.
It has been confirmed to me from people from Microsoft that, unfortunately, it is not possible to utilize features to create a SharePoint list using SharePoint web services. It can be either done by developing custom web service, or by using Object Model.
