Can the TemplateID be changed through the REST service - "Modify a Template" - docusignapi

It appears from the REST API documentation that the TemplateID is a modifiable field through the "Modify a Template" call. When we test this we can change other fields using this call however the TemplateID does not change from our tests.
We are currently managing over 150 server templates and want to sync the TemplateIDs across our Demo and Production accounts to streamline the template migration process between our two accounts. Please advise on if/how it's possible to modify the templateID through the API.
Thank you.

The TemplateID is unique to the template upon randomly being generated by the system.
There is no way to assign or re-assign a TemplateId.
They will not match between different environments


DocuSign Autoplace text not working when using API integration / Power Automate query

I have 2 queries based on the following :
I recently followed this DocuSign article to pass a supplied document to Docusign via the API:
Query 1 - This all works apart from the AutoPlace text just isn't getting picked up. I added the variables as described in the article and referenced them in the document footer. The document is passed through the API call and the invitation to sign goes out ok. Is there anything I'm missing here? I can open the document for signing but docusign doesn't go to the places where the AutoPlace tags are, just leaves it open for the user to decide what to do. I've previously tried using AutoPlace using templates, but this is a document that will be sent through the API as it is provided by our users (with the correct AutoPlace intact). The article hints this should just work.
Update : this is now working but need advice on text color
signing screenshot
Update : Showing white signature on black background
white signature
Query 2 - Once the user has signed the document using the above, I want to trigger a power automate flow off. There is a trigger for this but when I try to form the connection to DocuSign, there is only a login for the main account, not the developer account. So the account where I've made the account from isn't the one where I can fire off the triggers from. This makes it impossible to then fire a flow when it has been sent to the API and subsequently signed. Is there a way to use the trigger using the same account as the API account? If not it seems a bit crazy that I can start the process using the API but then can't fire flows from the result of the signings.
We have a company account ( I'm working on behalf of Transport for Wales) but was told there is no API support at all, which also sounds a bit bizarre. Hoping someone can help me!
Query 1 - there's an AutoPlace settings that determine the scope - document/envelope for AutoPlace. You may want to see if the issue happens also when you use the web app and not from API - if the same challenge - then you need to contact support to change this scope. If not, it may mean you're not setting your templateRole correctly. It must match the same one that was defined on the template (case sensitive).
Query 2 - no, the OTB connector is production only. For the developer account you will need to use a custom connector for any REST API, not the one provided for you.

Does DocuSign Template Matching work via the API?

I am working on an application which is using the DocuSign API. I want to use the DocuSign website to create a template (I've done this), and then I want to use that template, along with template matching (does this work?), to match the signature fields with similar documents being uploaded. This process works if I do it exclusively with the DocuSign website. Using C# and the API, when I create an envelope and upload a document, it doesn't appear that the template matching is working : i.e. none of the signature fields are "sign-able".
What I don't want to do is select a template for the envelope (I can do that, and make it work). I want to use automatic template matching.
I'm looking for examples, pointers to documentation, or advice on how to accomplish this. I'm even willing to look at examples in other languages, and adapt those methods to C#.
Simple Answer:
Template Matching works ONLY in the User Web App
The API and Applications using the API are expected to specify exactly the template to use
There is one exception to this, both the Web App and the API honor User Shared Custom Tags, which are field/tab level templates effectively. Also remember you can create a template on the fly or use "inline" templates as part of the composite template envelope creation.
WEB App -

DocuSign API - templates from different user accounts

Short version: Does the DocuSign API have the ability to send different templates from different user accounts?
Long version: We have a web form that gathers information - chooses the template id and pre-fills info into a form and then sends it along to signers. Right now our programmer coded a procedure that sends all templates out of one user account so all docs are listed in one account. We want to change that so different templates originate from different user accounts which can be easily determined at the template creation point.
Is this possible? If so, what is the API call or specs to make this happen? Is there anything on the account side that needs to change?
Yes there's a solution for this, but first let me clarify. You can only send from a template that's in your account.. you can not access templates from other accounts.
With that said, all of you have to do is copy or migrate the templates into the account that you want to send from. There's two general methods of doing this:
Manually download the templates from the first account then re-upload into the second account using the DocuSign website.
Programmatically download the templates from account A then create (or POST) the templates up into the second account.
Obviously you'll need valid user credentials from each account to be able to access the templates and upload, and I believe only users with Admin privileges can do this.
For #1 here's a guide that explains how to download/upload templates through the DocuSign UI:
For #2 see the Templates: get call to retrieve a single template, see Templates: list to list all account templates, and see Templates: create to upload (or create) a new one in a given account.

Cross Account Template Accessibility

It appears that it is possible to generate an envelope using a template that does not belong to the account that was authenticated in the REST call. The two accounts were completely unrelated. Access to the generated envelope is limited to the account that generated the envelope; however the access to the template seems to be allowed to any account.
Scenario where this behavior was noticed:
- Account 1 - Created Template #1
- Account 2 - Generate an envelope using Template ID generated by Account 1
I could not find documentation or configuration related to behavior.
I need to confirm if the behavior is intended/supported before we plan to utilize the functionality.
Probably your best solution if you want to use Templates from one account in another is to simply move them. You might only be able to do this in the classic UI so you might have to switch back through your preferences, but you can:
Download the actual XML for each template you want to "share" across accounts.
Open the second account and select to upload template(s) and chose the XML files you downloaded.
As mentioned you might have to switch back to the classic UI to download/upload, but you definitely will not be able to use Templates from one account when you are an un-authenticated user in another account.

Docusign API template ID

We are using the following steps to successfully create our app while in testing mode but we cannot go live because the template ID is not there for a standard account.
We create the template at
We get the template ID
Our app works perfectly using API
But a normal user (our client) will create a template using ... which does not Display the template ID and therefore he cannot put it in the APP.
How can I resolve this?
You have a couple options. When editing a template, the first page (which shows all of the details of the template) displays the Template ID at the top left. They could copy and paste it.
Arguably the better user experience is to use the DocuSign API to get a list of the available template names/IDs and let your users select the appropriate template within your app.
If you are using this sample and testing please make sure you create a sandbox environment on docusign as the above sample uses as the Api URL,create integrator key and create template in demo environment only.I experienced same error(invalid template id) when I created a template on real(not sandbox) environment and used the above sample having demo API URL in my application and later when I changed to demo template id( by clicking cursor on (i)) I got the desired result.
