dgrid is calling rest store twice when first loaded - dgrid

Here is my problem. I define a Rest DSTORE, and a DGRID using it. My problem is that when dgrid is first loaded, it is calling rest service twice. Can anybody help me to understand why ? Thanks in advance.


SPFX pnpjs spfi().using(SPFx(this.props.context)) doesn't get web object

i have two client webparts in a page.
both of them use pnpjs to retreive list items.
the problem is that one webpart correctly loads sp.web while the other doesn't.
both use the same code to instantiate the element.
this.sp = spfi().using(SPFx(this.props.context)); //props.context coming from webpart.ts
what i get in both is:
1 (working)
2 (not working)
can anyone solve the mistery? :)
thanks everyone!
i found out that if i import spfi and SPFx from '#pnp/sp/presets/all' instead of "#pnp/sp" it then works.
i'm not that good to know exactly the reason but it now works, if this can help anyone! :)

Auto save form USING JSF

I have the following need:
I need to persist in DB the data input at the JSF form from time to time, i have ones thoughts but might be a litle "Bug friendly" or/and low performatic,
someone have already took success solving this problem with JSF ?
Anyone that has the same problema, tried to solve that problem saving the updates inputs using "onchange"?
i think that this is the easier way to solve it , but i dont know if is a effective way to do it
Thank you'll in advance!

Serverside paging in dgrig.io

I have implemented dgrid in imy projects. it is working fine. I want to implemented serverside pagination to returned only current page index record instead of loading all the record in store. I did some search but could not find the solution
Please help !!

Ext.net PageProxy: what is it and how does it work?

I found that PageProxy can be used to get data from page, but I don't understand what does it mean exaclty and what's the difference with HttpProxy.
In particular:
who/when starts the request?
how does the request interact with the page life cycle?
where does the data come from? There is no url property on PageProxy.
Thank you.
First see the following sample
If you use PageProxy then you have to set OnRefreshData event handler in the store

Does anyone know how to populate the picker controller with core data

I'm trying to populate the UIPicker with Core Data instead of an array but can't for the life of me figure out how to do it... Please can someone point me in the right direction as to what I can do as I'm completely stuck...
Thanx a lot
Stef :-)
A similar post should help.
You can easily use core data to do a fetch in to an array, then use this array in the UIPickerView data source and delegate methods. Whether you need to fetch once, or for a changing search string say, is up to your application behaviour. You can't wire-up core data to UI elements like UIPickerView directly.
