SPFX pnpjs spfi().using(SPFx(this.props.context)) doesn't get web object - sharepoint-online

i have two client webparts in a page.
both of them use pnpjs to retreive list items.
the problem is that one webpart correctly loads sp.web while the other doesn't.
both use the same code to instantiate the element.
this.sp = spfi().using(SPFx(this.props.context)); //props.context coming from webpart.ts
what i get in both is:
1 (working)
2 (not working)
can anyone solve the mistery? :)
thanks everyone!

i found out that if i import spfi and SPFx from '#pnp/sp/presets/all' instead of "#pnp/sp" it then works.
i'm not that good to know exactly the reason but it now works, if this can help anyone! :)


TYPO3 v. 11.5.21 Search field is not working properly

as expected, there coming more and more with TYPO3. I'm very in TYPO3 and working with the bootstrap package. Therefore I don't understand loads of stuff.
The task is actually very simple (i guess). I just want to include a search field on in my page with indexed search. I included the extension with the extension manager.
So far so good, the search field is shown and it's able to find content on my page, but when I select one of the search results this page is shown:
Error message
Does anyone understand what happened here?
Many thanks in advance for your hints!

how to create a multi database search in xpage?

I've been experiencing a lot of headache for this issue I'm in. I need to create a multi-database search in xpage, this search functions like a mini google in xpage where if I type, for example,"test" all databases with the same name or contains a title with test will display. I've already looked with the Openntf Project http://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/Xpages%20Multi%20Database%20Search%20Custom%20Control this seems to solve my problem but unfortunately I'm encountering some error and I'm not a java specialist so I'm still waiting for the creator of the project to reply. So if you know something or tricks to do this kind of stuff its really appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Take a look at this:
Plugin to client's sidebar
Custom control for XPages
Ok, so I got it right by playing with the code inside the javascript in this openntf project. ( http://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/Xpages%20Multi%20Database%20Search%20Custom%20Control) it checks if the database is indexed or not, but unfortunately the script does not detect my indexed dbs so it throws nothing, i just comment out the line that checks it and it works! :)

Can I display multiselect list items as onordered list using Razor?

I was wondering if this is possible with razor syntax (I have found that there are other ways that utilize jquery). Please point me in the right direction if you know one. I am working on a MVC 5 project.
Yes, this is possible by creating custom html helper methods. Refer this little example which would be helpful.
Video version of tutorial

RetrieveMultiple plugin does not display charts

I have a plug-in on Pre of RetriveMultiple.
It works well, but does not display charts.
Have someone met solution for such problem?
I modified view with my custom GUID, if plugin found it, then performs action.
In PreRetriveMultiple I pass modified QueryExpression to context.InputParameters["Query"].
From this QueryExpression deleted my GUID and added list of records from link entity with OR condition.
Same issue:
His topic on community.dynamics.com with post by AASHTON that have this issue.
This is a fairly common issue. You can not remove the charts or dashboards from the query. There is not a good way to hide those views from the lists. I wish that I could explain the answer, but I can't... just the way it is.
Hope that it helps you by proving it's not just you! :)

Categorized View Displaying the Categorized Twistie without Document

I created a view that is categorized, in that view it is displaying the Categorized Twisties without documents under it. Basically it should really not display the document so the twistie must not be displayed too, it is working fine for other items but for a specific one it is displaying. What are the possible causes of this problem? I've been trying to debug and play with it but the codes is working fine and it really should not display.. I would appreciate help.. I know it's simple but I don't know how to solve it sorry, it's consuming too much of my time.. so I asked it here..
Thanks a lot guys
This is a view property called "Don't show empty categories". You find it on the third tab of the view properties in the section "Rows".
