I'd like to write a test that a given Express controller endpoint gets hit for a given HTTP request. Or, say, an authenticated request makes it through every middleware and hits the controller.
I don't actually care about the controller, in fact the controller is expensive, so I'd rather not run it.
Say something like:
module.exports = {
get: function(req, res) {
// Simplified for example purposes. Assume this does something complex.
res.status(200).json({id: "user123"});
Then I have a Router:
var router;
module.exports = router = new express.Router();
router.get('/users/:id', isAuthenticated, isAdmin, logRequest, UsersController.get);
I'd like to write something like this in the test:
controllerStub = sinon.stub(UsersController, 'get', function(req, res) {
res.status(418).json(message: "I'm a teapot");
request.get('http://localhost:port/users/user123', function(err, response, body) {
Unfortunately I think Express modifies the function pointer in a way that stubbing the controller with Sinon doesn't actually affect the function called by Express.
Is there any way I can "reach" into the Express router and get/replace/stub the running route?
I have a MEAN stack application and using Node.js and Express.js as back-end API.
Assuming I have a 'comments' route as follow
/* GET /comments listing. */
router.get("/", function(req, res, next) {
Comment.find(function(err, comments) {
if (err) return next(err);
And use it in my server like this:
var commentsRouter = require('./routes/comments');
app.use('/comments', commentsRouter);
My question is: Is there a way to prevent users to access http://mrUrl/comments in browser and deny the request with probably 403 Forbidden message but at the same time JavaScript file tries to access the same URL will receive a content message (in the example should be res.json(comments);)
Also, would it be possible to enable such a restriction for all routes once, not for each.
Yes, you can use a middleware.
A middleware is a function you can pass before or after the main function you are executing (in this case, GET comments)
the order of the function location matters, what comes first - executes first, and you implement it like so:
app.use(myBrowsingRestrictionMiddlewareFunction) // Runs
app.use('/comments', commentsRouter);
app.use('/account', accountRouter);
You can also use within a route handler:
app.post('/comments', myMakeSureDataIsAlrightFunction, myMainCreateCommentFunction, myAfterStatusWasSentToClientAndIWishToMakeAnotherInternalActionMiddleware);
The properties req, res, next are passed into the function automatically.
which means, myBrowsingRestrictionMiddlewareFunction receives them and you can use them like so:
export function myBrowsingRestrictionMiddlewareFunction(req, res, next) {
if (req.headers['my-special-header']) {
// custom header exists, then call next() to pass to the next function
} else {
Expanding regards to where to place the middleware in the FS structure (personal suggestion):
What I like to do is to separate the router from app.js like so:
app.use('/', mainRouter);
const router = express.Router();
router.use('/comments', commentsRouter);
router.use('/account', accountRouter);
router.use(middlewareThatWillBeFiredLast); // To activate this, remember to call next(); on the last function handler in your route.
const router = express.Router();
route.get('/', middlewareOnlyForGETAccountRoute, getAccountFunction);
router.post('/', createAccount);
I'm making a webapp with NodeJS using Express JS, Socket IO and Handlebars, but i am pretty new to these technologies.
I'm struggling to find a way to pass the result from a query to my menu(a partial), mainly because Node is async, so by the time the result from my query returns, the page has already rendered, and the values never passed.
main.handlebars (Main layout):
{{> menu}}
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var index_controller = require('../controllers/index_Controller');
router.get('/', index_controller.index);
module.exports = router;
exports.index = function(req, res) {
This menu will appear in every page, and i want to show in this menu names from people online, that it's the result from the query.
I tried putting the code for the query inside the route function, and it works, but i would have to copy the same code to every route that i have, because as i said, this menu appears in all of them.
If i try to do a function outside the route function, async kicks in and no data is sent to the page.
There's definitely a better solution for this.
P.s.: Emit my data via socket to the client is one way, but i would like to do things server-side.
I did as Tolsee said, i created a middleware, so now i can call this middleware in every route that is needed. This is how i have done:
exports.onlineUsers = function (req, res, next) {
// database query {
// res.locals.onlineUsers = queryResult;
// next();
// }
var menu_midd = require('../middleware/menu');
router.get('/', menu_midd.onlineUsers, index_controller.index);
module.exports = router;
exports.index = function(req, res) {
res.render('main_page_html', {data: res.locals.onlineUsers});
Well, at least works for me. :)
There are two solutions to this problem. If you want to do it server side then you need to pass the menu data to handlebar/view. If you want it through all the pages then you can make a middleware function and employ it to all the router like below:
function middleware(req, res, next) {
// your code
// define your menu variable
// And assign it to res.locals
res.locals.menu = menu
// let's employ it to all the routes
// You can employ it to separate routes as well
myRouter.get('/sth', middleware, function(req, res) {
// your code
With that being said, If your menu is showing online users, you will need to use socket.io(even if you rendered it through server-side at the start) because you will need to update the online user list in real-time.
I'm using node and express to create a rest api. I followed a tutorial where all the routes and its logic are saved in a routes.js file like this:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
require('./app/routes.js')(app, port, express);
module.exports = function(app, port, express) {
var apiRoutes = express.Router();
//Sample route
apiRoutes.get('/userfiles', function(req, res) {
UserFile.find({ owner: req.decoded.user.email }, function(err, filesList) {
if (err)
return done(err);
res.json({ success: true, files: filesList });
My problem is twofold:
1 - Routes can easily contain code thats 150 lines long, some of them far longer. It doesn't feel clean to have route declarations and the logic grouped together. Is it a good practice to do something like this instead?
apiRoutes.post('/randomRoute', function(req, res) {
return res.json(functionThatContainsTheActualCode(req));
(and then have an functionThatContainsTheActualCode function with all the logic in a different file).
2 - I have middleware that applies to some functions (for example, some routes are only accessible for logged in users and those routes go through an authentication middleware). Currently way I do it is declaring public routes before the middleware declaration and private routes after, which feels incredibly hacky. How can I separate public and private routes (and the middleware itself) in different files?
Problem 1:
We need to go deeper.
Change the route file to just require the actual router logic.
// where app = express();
module.exports = (app) => {
// index.js happens to be a file exporting the router.
app.use('/', require('./index'));
// this is basically the idea. Create a separate file for the actual logic.
app.use('/route', require('.path/to/file'));
and in file.js
const express = require('express'),
router = express.Router();
router.verb('/path/', (req, res, next) => {
// do whatever
// this is required
module.exports = router;
Problem 2:
Middleware is basically a function taking in request, response, next as 3 params, doing something with the request and either sending out a response or moving on to the next middleware. That's why you need to call next if you want to move to next middleware in the chain.
Now all you need is a file that exports a function which takes request, response, next as params.
// lets call this auth.js
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
// do logic
if () {
return res.send(); // or res.somethingThatSendsOutAHttpResponse()
// next middelware
Since express routes are also middlewares, (mind blown), you can mount them top down.
To authenticate a route, just put the auth.js middleware on top of that route.
router.get('/', require('./auth'));
router.get('/', require('./log'));
router.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
// yolo
Now since this is web dev, you still got problems.
Now all your boring database queries are scattered everywhere.
Fear not, you can solve it, by, guess, creating another file.
apiRoutes.get('/userfiles', function(req, res) {
const userFile = require('/path/to/model/with/userfile/methods/exported/out');
// do something with userFile's methods
Tangential to this question, I would like to find out if there is a way of triggering the Express Router without actually going through HTTP?
The Router has a "private" method named handle that accepts a request, a response, and a callback. You can take a look at the tests that Express has for its Router. One example is:
it('should support .use of other routers', function(done){
var router = new Router();
var another = new Router();
another.get('/bar', function(req, res){
router.use('/foo', another);
router.handle({ url: '/foo/bar', method: 'GET' }, { end: done });
The Express team uses SuperTest to perform integration tests on the Router. It is my understanding that SuperTest still uses the network but they handle all of this for you so it behaves as if the tests were all in memory. SuperTest does seem to be widely used and an acceptable way to test your routes.
As an aside, you didn't say what you were attempting to test but if your goal is to test some routes, an alternative to SuperTest could be to extract the logic in your routes into a separate module that can be tested independent of Express.
-- index.js
-- index.js
-- myCustomController.js
The tests could then simply target myCustomController.js and inject any necessary dependencies.
By going to the source of Express, I was able to find out that there is indeed an API that is just as simple as I wished for. It is documented in the tests for express.Router.
* #param {express.Router} router
function dispatchToRouter(router, url, callback) {
var request = {
url : url,
method : 'GET'
// stub a Response object with a (relevant) subset of the needed
// methods, such as .json(), .status(), .send(), .end(), ...
var response = {
json : function(results) {
router.handle(request, response, function(err) {
console.log('These errors happened during processing: ', err);
But ... the downside is, exactly the reason why it is undocumented in the first place: it is a private function of Router.prototype:
* Dispatch a req, res into the router.
* #private
proto.handle = function handle(req, res, out) {
var self = this;
So relying on this code is not the safest thing in the world.
You can use run-middleware module exactly for that. You create an express app a usuaul, and then you can call the app using your parameters
it('should support .use of other routers', function(done){
var app=require('express')()
app.get('/bar', function(req, res){
console.log(responseCode) // Should return 200
More info:
Module page in Github & NPM;
Examples of use run-middleware module
Disclosure: I am the maintainer & first developer of this module.
Say I have some routes (I have a lot more, but this should explain):
For the /post ones I know I could do something like
app.use('/post', postRoutes)
Where postRoutes is the actual post routes in another file. However, I'd like to group all post related routes into a postRoutes component (so /post and /posts), search into a search component and so on. Is there a way to do something like
router.use(postRoutes); // includes routes 1-3 above
router.use(searchRoutes); // only the 4th route above
And so on? That would let me keep the top level file much cleaner.
Yes it is simple. You can even make more nesting levels. I think it is good to separate routes, especially when you have dozens of routes.
in your first file (server.js)
in allpost.js
var express = require('express');
var router = new express.Router();
router.post('/post', function (req, res) {
//your code
router.get('/post/:id', function (req, res) {
//your code
router.get('/posts/:page?', function (req, res) {
//your code
when you want more nesting
or when you want use path part
router.use("/post2/", require("./messages/private"));
module.exports = router;
You could do that by creating a special route file. Here's an example of such file
module.exports = (function() {
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get("/:id", function (request, response, next) {
request.body.id = request.params["id"];
// Do something ...
router.post("/someRoute", function (request, response, next) {
// Do something ...
// And so on ...
return router;
Next, in you server.js file, include it like this
app.use('/post', require('./routes/postRoutes'));
The problem was I was thinking about this wrong. First off, don't use singular and plural. It makes it a headache and also makes it hard for people to remember the API.
Once I used all plural I had a setup like this in my index.js file:
// The API routes all start with /api and we pass app here so we can have some
// sub routes inside of api
app.use('/api', require('./app/api')(app));
And then in my api/index.js
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router({ mergeParams: true });
var routeInit = function (app) {
app.use('sessions', require('./sessions')(router));
app.use('users', require('./users')(router));
return router;
module.exports = routeInit;
You can see that I'm passing the router manually each time. Then finally:
var routeInit = function (router) {
router.post('/blah', function (req, res, next) {
// Do stuff
return router;
module.exports = routeInit;
This allowed me to nest routes infinitely deep.