Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise - cassandra

I am new to Datastax so please forgive the newb question.
I would like to use Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise. Is this possible? Can you upgrade Cassandra that comes with Datastax Enterprise?

No, it is not possible to upgrade Cassandra inside of DataStax Enterprise. Realistically I wouldn't expect a version of DSE with a 3.x Cassandra core at least until summer (2016). And if you'd like to run Cassandra 3.x in production, you should join the user mailing list and pay attention to the bugs that come across.


sstabloader compatibility between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra

Does sstabloader work between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra?
I'm trying to copy data from dse 5.0.7 to apache 3.11.1 cassandra version
It shouldn't be an issue to use it to export between Datastax Cassandra and the open source version, if they are the same versions.
Having said that, please note that DSE 5.0.7 uses Apache 3.0.11, as explained in the release notes. This means that you should import the data to a cluster with that version, and once that this is completed, upgrade to 3.11.1.
Disclosure: I'm not a DSE user, I don't have a way to test this.

DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra 3.2 on Cassandra 3.10

Support is explicitly listed for Cassandra 3.0 here and they also list versions like 2.1 and 2.2 explicitly so I don't really want to just assume 3.10 is ok if 3.0 is
I'm not sure if 3.10 will be supported though. Does anyone know? It looks like it probably is, but maybe someone can say for sure. Thanks
Yes, Datastax Driver 3.2 will work on Apache Cassandra 3.10
Apache Cassandra 3.x supported protocol version v4, Only the datastax driver 3.x uses protocol version v4.
Check this link for more details :

Which Apache cassandra version to use for production

We are exploring apache cassandra and are going to use it for Production soon.
We are going to use mostly Datastax community edition of apache cassandra.
But after reading :
With this sentence from above blog “If you don’t mind facing serious bugs and contribute to the development pick 3.x”
I am confused about which version to opt for our production deployment ?
Just need to know whether 3.5.0 and 3.0.6 are production ready.
Datastax community : 3.5.0 from
Datastax community : 3.0.6 from
Datastax community : 2.2.6 from
The version provided by datastax is supposed to be stable and production ready. You have an application to monitor your cluster, which is nice if you don't have any ops that knows about cassandra in the first place, and you can pay to get support.
However, you don't have the latest version of Cassandra, and you can miss interesting features.
As for Cassandra 3.x, as said above, you get more features (for example JSON support) and better performance, but if you find a critical bug and can't fix it, you can only writes a ticket and hope they will take care of it quickly. Yet it is production ready and this could work well for you.
In conclusion, go for the latest version only if you need a special feature, or if you have the developers in your team to back your choice. Go for Datastax if you want something that works with less effort.

Does DataStax OpsCenter support Cassandra 2.2.5?

I've having some issues with my Cassandra cluster and I would like to install OpsCenter Community in order to debug what's going on.
I've found this and this pages talking about the compatibility between DataStax OpsCenter and Cassandra, but this don't list Cassandra 2.2.5 (actually I'm using DataStax Cassandra - dsc 22).
My question is: can I use DataStax OpsCenter (free / community version) within Cassandra 2.2.5? If not, there's an alternative?
No, the docs you cited indicate that OpsCenter doesn't support any cassandra greater than 2.1.x and the next version of opscenter (6.x) will only support Datastax Enterprise. I don't know of another visual front-end to cassandra at this time.

upgrade steps from DataStax Enterprise 4.6.1 TO DataStax Enterprise 4.7 with Cassandra 2.1

I'm new to cassandra, can some one provide steps to upgrade from DataStax Enterprise 4.6.1 TO DataStax Enterprise 4.7 with Cassandra 2.1
This should get you where you'd like to go:
Since you're new to Cassandra, I suggest reading the docs over and over - even doing this in a test environment first. While upgrades are fairly straight forward (depending on node count and amount of data), there's no real easy way of reverting from Cassandra 2.1 (DSE 4.7) to Cassandra 2.0 (DSE 4.6). So make sure you have snapshots of sstables from DSE 4.6 before proceeding.
