Trade username and password for a token - node.js

I have a Node.js application that offers several different routes in front of MongoDB. I need to make sure that only authenticated requests can access these routes.
Ideally, I want to set it up so that a username and password comes in to the API, and in a response we give them back a token. I don't mind managing the tokens inside MongoDB myself, but I need to make sure that the token we give back can make authenticated requests. I don't want to force the user to send their credentials each time, just the token.
I've read for a few days about passport, and there's currently 307 strategies. Which strategy am I describing here?

Which strategy am I describing here?
You are describing a Local Strategy.
As per their description:
This module lets you authenticate using a username and password in your Node.js applications.
I don't want to force the user to send their credentials each time, just the token.
Passport auth strategies just provide various ways to authenticate (or in simple terms login) the user, not how to persist that login. Login persistence is usually done with user sessions.
One way you can solve this is to combine the local strategy with the express session middleware. Combination of the two allows for a fairly simple auth system that requires the user to login once and then persists the session.
In a typical web application, the credentials used to authenticate a user will only be transmitted during the login request. If authentication succeeds, a session will be established and maintained via a cookie set in the user's browser.
Each subsequent request will not contain credentials, but rather the unique cookie that identifies the session. In order to support login sessions, Passport will serialize and deserialize user instances to and from the session.
PassportJS docs give an example how to achieve this.

For this you should prefer generating JWT tokens for a the login and then using the token to always authenticate user actions.
Following steps are need to implement this style of token login system
generate token on login
verify when token supplied and use the decoded data to identify user
use should proper middleware in order to protect your api.
Here is a link you could follow:


Difference between Token based and Session based Authentication

So, I've implemented some form of auth on my API, I'm not sure which kind it classifies as.
What my app does is, it generates a token once a user signs up/logs in and then before every endpoint call, I have a middleware function that checks if a token exists, then decrypts it, and if it's correct then its stores the user info in req.user. I then use the user info in req.user for other stuff later.
Does this classify as Token based auth?
I looked up online and read that instead of storing the token as a cookie on the client side, if I store the user info on the server side as session and a sessionid as a cookie on the client side, it classifies as Session based auth.
Thus clearly, my app has Token based auth right?
(I'm sorry if I'm seeking clarification for very basic stuff, I'm very much a beginner)
Yes you have implemented the token based authentication in your scenario, session based is totally different thing on that approach you need to store session in your backend to track is client valid or not, but in token based you don't need to store sessions but you will have two tokens as ACCESS TOKEN and REFRESH TOKEN and need to store refresh token in database incase of future regeneration of access token that's how token based authentication works!
You write that you "check if a token exists" and I assume this means that you look it up on a database. This is rather similar to an express-session, where the cookie contains a token and the session is also looked up on the database. The difference could be that you transport your token not in a cookie but in a request header (you don't say which technique you use).
However, one important aspect of token-based authorization is that the token need not be looked up on a database, but can be validated entirely in memory by verifying a signature. This is quicker and consumes fewer resources. Especially if your server receives many (malicious) requests with invalid tokens, it can detect and reject them without putting load on the database. See also the answer to Some questions about refresh tokens.
You could combine this with a session-based approach if the session ID also contains a signature and this is validated before the session is looked up on the database.
Read more about signed tokens and signature validation under the jwt tag.

What is the best secure way to get a JWT token from a node server from a javascript app without using a form?

In my case, I have a React app (using Next) that need to use an API provided by a node / express / mysql app.
My idea was to have an endpoint (/login) to provide a JWT Token based on user / password (that check the user in the database and create token based on the id of the user) and then use the JWT token to use the API endpoints (those token are stored in the mysql as well). But in order to do that, and because there is no form, I would have to store the credentials (user and password) in the client side app and therefore would be readable by anyone. Am I doing things right and if not, what are the other options to securely make the client side APP use the API endpoints ?
The React and the Node / Express are on the same domain and CORS is set by default by express from what I read. Also, HTTPS is activated.
generate web token
do encrypt using becrypt npm
store it in DB and cookie in the client side in encrypted form while the first-time user is login
create on middleware which directly accesses your cookie and check-in your database and make your user login for a long time if your cookie token match with database token. like below example
sample project :
refer to this full application
visit this project. I hope this will help you.
Basically the JWTs allow you to avoid using sessions completely & to not store them in DB, a JWT is like a passport that you give to a user, that states his (ID, maybe username for example), role & any other data (that is insensitive if someone sees), so you should never store a password in a JWT
Security of the JWT basically lies in the fact of that no other entity can imitate it (if you use a strong key for signature) & although possible to encrypt your JWT, you don't have to encrypt it as long as you don't put sensitive data in it. I think you should try to have a look on this website to see how the signature protects the authenticity of the JWT
So you should make the /login API, this will check your user credentials & then give him the JWT (that states he is user 'joe' for example with the role 'admin') & then you check & verify this JWT in your filters to authenticate & authorise the user for the actions in your webapp
To get the JWT, a user must provide his credentials to you in a HTTPS connection, which will make the connection itself encrypted, thus protecting his credentials from eavesdropping or man-in-the-middle attacks

How to combine node express with passport providers and jwt?

I'm writing a single page web app using express and react.
I am now trying to choose the way to authenticate my users.
I want to let them register and log in with email and password and 3rd party provider like Facebook, Google etc...
I read some articles about passport and jwt (express-with-passport, jwt-with-passport), but none of them combined jwt and 3rd party provider.
The only way I could think of is to save the tokens in my db, and for each request to compare them (tokens provided by a 3rd party and tokens generated by myself using jwt)
Saving the token from a provider in my db and compare with each request makes sense, but using jwt I just need to verify the token without accessing the db.
How can I differ the tokens that I receive from the client? How can I tell when to access the db (for provider tokens) and when to verify using jwt?
The way of implementation I was thinking about is as follows:
- Username & password: Upon login, generate a token (using jwt) and send it to the client. Every request will include the token and the server will verify it.
- 3rd party provider: Let's say that the user is authenticated with Facebook. My server receive the token (using passport-js) from Facebook. Now I need to send the client its token. I could send the token I just received from facebook, but then how can I verify the token the client send to me afterward on every request?
So I could generate once again a token using jwt and work just like described above.
Is this a good implementation or am I missing something? I couldn't find
a full tutorial that describe all of those aspects.
Rather than using a token that an identity provider might give you, you might consider generating your own tokens based on a successful login callback to your application. Issue new tokens on every request for sliding expiration, and possibly consider the use of refresh tokens.
In your DB, you could store the authentication method for a given user (Facebook / Google / etc.) when they log in. When you receive a request with an invalid token, query for this auth method from the DB, then redirect them to the respective identity provider for re-authentication.
This will avoid DB lookups for most "normal" JWT validations for your app and gives you the full benefits of the stateless nature of the token.

JWT Token strategy for frontend and backend

I'm writing an application with a front end in emberjs and backend/server-side in a nodejs server. I have emberjs configured so that a user can login/signup with an 3rd party Oauth (google, twitter, Facebook). I have a backend written in express nodejs server that hosts the RESTful APIs.
I do not have DB connected to emberjs and I don't think I should anyways since it's strictly client side code. I'm planning on using JWT for communicating between client side and server side. When a user logins with their oauth cred, I get a JSON object back from the provider with uid, name, login, access_token and other details.
I'm struggling with picking a strategy on how to handle user signup. There is no signup process since it's OAuth. So the flow is if the user is not in my db, create it. I do not support email/password authentication. What would be the flow when a user signs in with an OAuth provider for the first time? Should emberjs send all the details to the backend on every sign in so that backend can add new users to the db?
What should be part of my JWT body? I was thinking uid and provider supplied access token. One issue I can think of here is that provider specific access token can change. User can revoke the token from provider's site and signs up again with emberjs.
I'm open to writing the front-end in any other javascript client side framework if it makes it easier.
If we're talking about not only working but also secure stateless authentication you will need to consider proper strategy with both access and refresh tokens.
Access token is a token which provides an access to a protected resource.
Expiration here might be installed approximately in ~1 hour (depends on your considerations).
Refresh token is a special token which should be used to generate additional access token in case it was expired or user session has been updated. Obviously you need to make it long lived (in comparison with access token) and secure as much as possible.
Expiration here might be installed approximately in ~10 days or even more (also depends on your considerations).
FYI: Since refresh tokens are long lived, to make them really secure you might want to store them in your database (refresh token requests are performed rarely). In this way, let's say, even if your refresh token was hacked somehow and someone regenerated access/refresh tokens, of course you will loose permissions, but then you still can login to the system, since you know login/pass (in case you will use them later) or just by signing in via any social network.
Where to store these tokens?
There are basically 2 common places:
HTML5 Web Storage (localStorage/sessionStorage)
Good to go, but in the same time risky enough. Storage is accessible via javascript code on the same domain. That means in case you've got XSS, your tokens might be hacked. So by choosing this method you must take care and encode/escape all untrusted data. And even if you did it, I'm pretty sure you use some bunch of 3rd-party client-side modules and there is no guarantee any of them has some malicious code.
Also Web Storage does not enforce any secure standards during transfer. So you need to be sure JWT is sent over HTTPS and never HTTP.
With specific HttpOnly option cookies are not accessible via javascript and are immune to XSS. You can also set the Secure cookie flag to guarantee the cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
However, cookies are vulnerable to a different type of attack: cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
In this case CSRF could be prevented by using some kind of synchronized token patterns. There is good implementation in AngularJS, in Security Considerations section.
An article you might want to follow.
To illustrate how it works in general:
Few words about JWT itself:
To make it clear there is really cool JWT Debugger from Auth0 guys.
There are 2 (sometimes 3) common claims types: public, private (and reserved).
An example of JWT body (payload, can be whatever you want):
name: "Dave Doe",
isAdmin: true,
providerToken: '...' // should be verified then separately
More information about JWT structure you will find here.
To answer the two specific questions that you posed:
What would be the flow when a user signs in with an OAuth provider for
the first time? Should emberjs send all the details to the backend on
every sign in so that backend can add new users to the db?
Whenever a user either signs up or logs in via oauth and your client receives a new access token back, I would upsert (update or insert) it into your users table (or collection) along with any new or updated information that you retrieved about the user from the oauth provider API. I suggest storing it directly on each users record to ensure the access token and associated profile information changes atomically. In general, I'd usually compose this into some sort of middleware that automatically performs these steps when a new token is present.
What should be part of my JWT body? I was thinking uid and provider
supplied access token. One issue I can think of here is that provider
specific access token can change. User can revoke the token from
provider's site and signs up again with emberjs.
The JWT body generally consists of the users claims. I personally see little benefit to storing the provider access token in the body of a JWT token since it would have few benefits to your client app (unless you are doing a lot of direct API calls from your client to their API, I prefer to do those calls server-side and send my app client back a normalized set of claims that adhere to my own interface). By writing your own claims interface, you will not have to work around the various differences present from multiple providers from your client app. An example of this would be coalescing Twitter and Facebook specific fields that are named differently in their APIs to common fields that you store on your user profile table, then embedding your local profile fields as claims in your JWT body to be interpreted by your client app. There is an added benefit to this that you will not be persisting any data that could leak in the future in an unencrypted JWT token.
Whether or not you are storing the oauth provider supplied access token within the JWT token body, you will need to grant a new JWT token every time the profile data changes (you can put in a mechanism to bypass issuing new JWT tokens if no profile updates occurred and the previous token is still good).
In addition to whatever profile fields you store as claims in the JWT token body, I would always define the standard JWT token body fields of:
iss: "https://YOUR_NAMESPACE",
sub: "{connection}|{user_id}",
exp: 1372674336,
iat: 1372638336
For any OAuth workflow you should definitely use the passportjs library. You should also read the full documentation. It is easy to understand but I made the mistake of not reading the the whole thing the first time and struggled. It contains OAuth Authentication with over 300 Providers and Issuing Tokens.
Nevertheless, if you want to do it manually or want a basic understanding, here is the flow that I'd use:
Frontend has a login page listing Sign-in with Google/Facebook etc where OAuth is implemented.
Successful OAuth results in a uid, login, access_token etc. (JSON object)
You POST the JSON object to your /login/ route in your Node.js application. (Yes, you send the whole response regardless if it's a new or existing user. Sending extra data here is better than doing two requests)
The backend application reads the uid and the access_token. Ensure that the access_token is valid by following ( or asking for user data from the provider using the access token. (This will fail for invalid access token since OAuth access tokens are generated on a per app/developer basis) Now, search your backend DB.
If the uid exists in the database, you update the user's access_token and expiresIn in the DB. (The access_token allows you to get more information from Facebook for that particular user and it provides access for a few hours usually.)
Else, you create a new user with uid, login etc info.
After updating the access_token or creating a new user, you send JWT token containing the uid. (Encode the jwt with a secret, this would ensure that it was sent by you and have not been tampered with. Checkout
On the frontend after the user has received the jwt from /login, save it to sessionStorage by sessionStorage.setItem('jwt', token);
On the frontend, also add the following:
if ($window.sessionStorage.token) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", $window.sessionStorage.token);
This would ensure that if there is a jwt token, it is sent with every request.
On your Node.js app.js file, add
app.use(jwt({ secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret'}).unless({path: ['/login']}));
This would validate that jwt for anything in your path, ensuring that the user is logged-in, otherwise not allow access and redirect to the login page. The exception case here is /login since that's where you give both your new or unauthenticated users a JWT.
You can find more information on the Github URL on how to get the token and to find out which user's request you are currently serving.

Restful API Authentication and Session management for Express.js

I have been researching on RESTful authentication alot, and I still can't get a very clear idea, how can I design my web architecture. I have many questions that are unanswered.
I want my API to be served to mobile and web too and I am using Express v4.
I don't want to use Basic Authentication, as many posts have suggested as a simple way out, or I can use the Passport middleware, but I want to use token based authentication or something similar or better,and I want to make my authentication, so I could understand better, but I am not sure how can I achieve it.
I will simplify my intended authentication architecture below:
Registration of a new user
Client side
Post username and password to server
(I know if you want to make the connection secured is to use https connection, or else I will expose my credentials, or you got any other options besides https? or else I will need to use the public and private key with timestamp and hash my credentials before sending to server? How can i do this? Is there any other better option?
Server side
Hashed the password using salt cryptography, and stored the hashed password and salt, then generate a token ID and sent to the client, and the token ID is stored in sessions or using the REDIS database?
Isn't that using sessions violates REST again? But, if I don't use sessions, how can I store the token ID and compare it with the client side?
Client side
Since now I have the token ID, how can I store on client side?
Should I use cookie? If yes, will this violate the RESTful? And how can my mobile application store the cookie too?
What other options can I have besides cookie? I can't think of any.
Authorizing API
Client side
Now, I have the token ID, I will place this in the authorization header each time I would like to make a request to the server.
Server side
When a request is received, the server will check the token API, and compare it with the session token, if it is true, request allow else reject
Is this a standard way for Express application authorization?
I am sorry for the lengthy post, but I feel that I should really master the authentication and authorization because it is important. I do hope someone can correct my misconception of REST authentication and answer my questions or suggest me a better way to do it.
Send the user credentials encoded over https
To compare the token at the client side you can either keep it in map or in Redis store corresponding to user id and match it to consider user authenticated. It does not kills the significance of Rest as in Rest as well authorization tokens are sessions only which after expiry
Express does not have any specific or standard method of authorization , it only enables you to use any db in backend to perform authentication and authorization as required by your application
Your solution is the use JWT tokens for your authentication .You can read more about JWT at
With JWT tokens you can have a token base auth system with no sessions UID at cookies , but you have to implement logic to handle tokens that have sign out something like blacklist tokens.
