docusign unable to use attachment tabs by API - docusignapi

I'm using DocuSign's sandbox environment and also API Explorer.
I need some help to create envelopes by API for request attachments for signers. I've seen in this page it might not be enabled in some accounts. But I'm not sure if this is the case once I can request attachments by sending envelops from user's portal.
Also on API Explorer I'm not being able to include attachment tabs, as you can see in this print:
By API calls, I'm trying to include signerAttachmentTabs as I've seen on their documents.
No errors, it seem my signer_attachment_tabs are just ignored. Hope some one can help me to find out why it is not working by API calls.

SignerAttachementTabs are fully supported but are not yet included in the API Explorer. The next version of the Explorer will let you use them from the Explorer.
Accounts on the Demo/Sandbox platform enable you to include SignerAttachmentTabs.
Please use the documentation to try creating an Envelopes::Create call that includes a SignerAttachmentTab. If you have problems, ask another question here and include your code that is not working.


DocuSign Connect API brands could not be created

My website has been using DocuSign Connect API (SOAP) for years without issue. Part of my website utilizes the brand creation functionality of the DS API (CreateAccountBrands). This has worked flawlessly until very recently.
I now notice in the DocuSign Demo environment that the CreateAccountBrands calls return an InternalServerError with the message "Brands could not be created" but no other information is present in the trace log file. All other DocuSign API calls still seem to be working fine.
Nothing with my payload has changed at all. Has something recently changed with the payload requirements of the CreateAccountBrands call?
I thought it could be that you reached the limits for brands but it seems to be 1900+
You can check Docusign's release notes to see if there are any relevant changes here:
If you don't find anything then you can reach out to DocuSign's support by opening a ticket here:

Pega 7.3 Connect-Rest with multiple URLS

I am trying to figure out how to use multiple URLs in a Connect-Rest in Pega 7.3 to connect to DocuSign using the DocuSign Pega integration that is built by Pega.
I have a specific link that contains API keys that I am required to use as the resource path in my Connect-Rest. However, I also have another link that calls a specific instance of DocuSign so that the info from Pega goes directly to the DocuSign instance.
I know that Pega has updated their connect-rest functionality in the current version but my question is does anyone know if there is a way to incorporate multiple urls into one connect-rest.
Thank you in advance.
I don't know what you mean by "connect-rest."
DocuSign has the "Connect" feature for sending webhook notifications when an envelope's status changes. All envelope sent by selected (or all) users will be monitored. You can create multiple Connect subscriptions so that multiple URLs will be sent when an envelope's status changes.
DocuSign also has "individual envelope webhooks." This feature is configured when an envelope is created via the API and the create request includes the EventNotification attribute. A maximum of one URL can be set per envelope.
If you are invoking Connect-Rest from a pega activity, you can capture the relevant URL as variable and pass that to function call to 'Connect-Rest' within activity. Another useful way maybe to use dynamic system setting and use #(Pega-RULES:Utilities).getSystemSetting() function to read the value of URL saved in the Dynamic system settings

Rest base URL for dialog flow API V2

I have created an agent in the dialog flow and I want to use that agent in the Appian BPM. For integration, I have used google service account JSON file
but I do not find the base URL what URL I have to keep
I want through this link but I didn't find anything in it.And I also tried{session=projects//agent/sessions/}:detectIntent this i didn't understand how to use.
Can some please explain clearly with a proper example
For reference please check this link:
As per, it's
Btw, the Google Photo link you shared doesn't work for me.

Docusign Embedded Signing using template

I need steps/procedure for recipient to sign via nodejs application using template.Currently i am using the docusign node sdk.I would like to embed the signing into the application (Embedded Signing) through the API rather than opening DocuSign in another window.
I'd suggest you take a look at the DocuSign Recipes. The Recipes include node.js code samples for "send a signing request with a template (via email)" and also for "signing from within your app" -- between these two examples, you should be able to get code to accomplish your objective. If you're unable to get it working using those examples, then edit your post above to include your code and ask for feedback. (You're more likely to get help here on SO if you post your code and say "this is what I've tried..." than if you just expect someone to provide you the complete solution.)

Office 365 Unified API Exchange folders

I'm starting to look at the new Office 365 Unified API (specifically around Exchange for the moment).
In the existing Mail API at you can make an authenticated call to in order to get messages in the Inbox. You can also hit folders/Drafts/messages, folders/SentItems/messages and folders/DeletedItems/messages to retrieve messages from Drafts, Sent Items and Deleted Items respectively. This is documented at
Problem is, I can't find (either in documentation at or by messing about on how to drill into these folders when accessing via the Office 365 Unified API.
The documented URL to access messages via the new Unified API is, and so I was hoping I could hit something like Messages/Inbox or Messages/folders/Inbox, but no luck so far.
Does anyone know if these paths are currently missing or addressed differently, or if it's the intention that you find what you want by using $search rather than drilling into specific folders?
This isn't currently supported in Unified API, but is high on our priority list, and we are working on it. Sorry for the confusion. You can continue to use endpoint for now, to access folder info.
Having checked back (and read through$metadata) this has now been implemented. You access folders via MailFolders/[folder name]/messages, so:
