Rest base URL for dialog flow API V2 - dialogflow-es

I have created an agent in the dialog flow and I want to use that agent in the Appian BPM. For integration, I have used google service account JSON file
but I do not find the base URL what URL I have to keep
I want through this link but I didn't find anything in it.And I also tried{session=projects//agent/sessions/}:detectIntent this i didn't understand how to use.
Can some please explain clearly with a proper example
For reference please check this link:

As per, it's
Btw, the Google Photo link you shared doesn't work for me.


Error message from dialogflow while configuring knowledge base from URL

While creating knowledge base in dialog flow from URL, I am getting message "Error". However I am able to see FAQ which are on this URL when opening in browser. For reference please find below screenshot below, If feasible suggest how can I find exact reason for this error as dialog flow don't give any other relevant error for this.
URL which I am configuring knowledge base is :
enter image description here
The full error message is the following:
"Failed to crawl Please verify that your URL is publicly accessible and is hosted on a site that can be indexed by Google Search."
I have tested the FAQ page you shared and by using the "Developer tools" of Chrome, I was able to see that error message. I suggest you to take a look at the "Supported content" documentation for knowledge bases in Dialogflow. In there, you can see the following statement:
Files from public URLs must have been crawled by the Google search indexer, so that they exist in the search index. You can check this with the Google Search Console. Note that the indexer does not keep your content fresh. You must explicitly update your knowledge document when the source content changes.
Therefore, make sure to meet all the requirements listed there.

Is it allowed to use this link ([username]/?__a=1)

at the moment I am working on a Instagram implementation for the homepage of my school.
My problem was, that I didn’t got access to the account, so I couldn’t generate an access token (which all free joomla plugins need).
So I have decided to write my own plugin (I am not the best programmer, but it works), because of that I found this link ([username]/?__a=1) where I could get the JSON of the public page without the need of any token or ID.
My question is if I am allowed to use it or not (because I can’t find this link in the official api)?
We've built a small API that scrapes exactly that data and presents it to you via JSON:<username>
(In case you are still interested in this)
This URL closed by instagram on 14 April. You can get user's information json with this link:
Also you can find user ID like this:
Go to the
Look source code and find this code:
You'll see the user ID between quotes.
Good luck.

Must a freelancer keep API Client IDs active for former employers?

I'm a newb with Google OAuth and am trying to understand the different business/application models and which API credential types go with my particular situation.
I am creating a Chrome extension for someone for their own private use which accesses their Google Sheets docs using their personal Sheets account. So, I will not own the code or extension once I deliver it to them and end the contract. So, I do not want to have to maintain any authorization/API ID's or credentials after I deliver the extension and its source code. But, obviously, the extension must continue to work for them indefinitely.
The only way I can see how to accomplish this is to instruct the employer (who has no developer or development skills) on how to create the OAuth Client ID with their own Google API developer console. Then, they can enter the client ID and other codes if necessary into the extension config screen so the extension can use this information for authorizing API calls. This seems like a huge hassle for someone who just wants to buy an extension to do something simple.
Am I missing something? Is there an easier way?
P.S. I know this question doesn't follow the proper format for SO, but this is the only place Google has provided for asking API OAuth 2.0 questions.

docusign unable to use attachment tabs by API

I'm using DocuSign's sandbox environment and also API Explorer.
I need some help to create envelopes by API for request attachments for signers. I've seen in this page it might not be enabled in some accounts. But I'm not sure if this is the case once I can request attachments by sending envelops from user's portal.
Also on API Explorer I'm not being able to include attachment tabs, as you can see in this print:
By API calls, I'm trying to include signerAttachmentTabs as I've seen on their documents.
No errors, it seem my signer_attachment_tabs are just ignored. Hope some one can help me to find out why it is not working by API calls.
SignerAttachementTabs are fully supported but are not yet included in the API Explorer. The next version of the Explorer will let you use them from the Explorer.
Accounts on the Demo/Sandbox platform enable you to include SignerAttachmentTabs.
Please use the documentation to try creating an Envelopes::Create call that includes a SignerAttachmentTab. If you have problems, ask another question here and include your code that is not working.

SHKTwitter's followMe function in iphone

I don't know how to implement the twitter followMe feature.
I found the SHKTwitter's followMe function, but I haven't any reference informations about it.
Please tell me or send a bit of samples.
If you look at the source code, you'll see that it's basically making a Twitter API request to add the account defined in "SHKTwitterUsername" (SHKConfig.h) to the user's friends list (follows).
So, if you have a Twitter account for tweeting to your app users, you can add a follow button in your app that calls [SHKTwitter followme], and configure SHKTwitterUsername to your twitter handle.
Hope this helps!
