Special character in log/txt file not showing - text

So i made a c# application to read my account and password (that is stored in plain text) inside another application.
It returns my password correctly, but my account / username is completely messed up.
I tried make my .log file UNICODE and it all turned into chinese letters. So it wasn't anything wrong there.
Anyone know how to change ?c <SOH> into read-able letters? I dont know what that type of encoding is. ?C and ...... what is that? And it's a "long" blank space between them too. The ending of the account name is correct. but there is 2 characters in beginning that dont read.
I will try paste it here, if it works.
?c in77
here is a screenshot:


Algorithm for finding what is misspelled in a word

Im dyslexic and so im trying to make a console application to test my spelling. When I misspell a word i print the correction out. The issue is if I spell "matter" as "mater" i wont notice that im missing a t form first glance. So i want to highlight certain types of errors. Assuming that you the computer knows the word you are trying to spell. Is there an algorithm that can identify missing character, wrong characters or extra characters eg an extra t in "watter" instead of "water". The amount of missing or extra characters is arbitrary. I should just relise there is something missing or extra and what it is.
Ideally do something like this

Unable to paste text in readable format from a PDF

I have a PDF document with the following sample text (screenshot) -
But when I copy and paste it to either word or other text editors all I see is the weird characters :
I am not quite sure why does it giving me weird square boxes instead of pasting the clear human-readable letters (just like the screenshot). Can someone help me how can I get rid of this issue ? Or at least what shall I do to identify the root cause of this strange issue ?
================== Workaround found ==================
I tried converting the document's corrupted unicode to a standard ANSCI unicode formats. But most of the online services couldn't recognize these garbage/weird characters.
This issue could be resolved by some programming, but I don't want to invest time with the programming approach and preferred on the fly approach.
Finally, as suggested by the user 'mkl', converting this document by using the OCR services like "Sedja"/ "Adobe OCR" resolved by issue.

VBA string comparison failure

i met interesting issue when im comparing two strings. Im reading data from file and everything works well. But then co-worker send me input file, which is just CTRL+C and CTRL+V of working file. And then miracle happend! VBA is so confused, that cant compare two simple strings and i fell of chair.
If you take a look at image you can see that comparison passed if condition where are two same strings, but it should not. Im a bit confused how this can happen.
So met someone something like this? Im realy start thinking about something like machine revolution from Terminator. (files are both saved in notepad++ and there are no strange characters or something like that)
Progress update
So i tried hints from guys in comments below. and ended with something like this
If CStr(Trim(rowArray(4))) <> (CStr("N/A")) Then
Contentent of rowArray(4) is still "N/A" string as on picture above and excel still thinks this strings arent same. I also saved file in pspad, netbeans, and normal notepad and issue is still same.
Use the immediate window to test the contents of the variable:
For i = 1 To Len(rowArray(4)): Print Asc(Mid(rowArray(4), i, 1)): Next
This will print the ASCII value of each character in the string - you can use this to determine what the extra character(s) are causing the issue.

What kind of sign is "‎" and what is it used for

What kind of sign is "‎" and what is it used for (note there is a invisible sign there)?
I have searched through all my documents and found a lot of them. They messed upp my htaccess file. I think I got them when I copied webadresses from google to redirect. So maybe a warning searching through your documents for this one also :)
It is U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK. (A quick way to check out such things is to copy a string containing the character and paste it in the writing area in my Full Unicode input utility, then click on the “Show U+” button there, and use Fileformat.Info character search to check out the name and other properties of the character, on the basis of its U+... number.)
The LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK sets the writing direction of directionally neutral characters. It does not affect e.g. English or Arabic words, but it may mess up text that contains parentheses for example – though for text in English, there should be no confusion in this sense.
But, of course, when text is processed programmatically, as when a web server processes a .htaccess file, they are character data and make a big difference.

Rich suggestion box trims extra spaces

I am calling a suggestionBox for an inputText element. Before it sends the input string to the backend method, its trimming the spaces after the end.
Even if i enter 'Rudy '
it will just send 'Rudy'
How do we stop this from happening?
Are you sure that the suggestionBox is trimming the input? I've tested it in my environment and the whole text including the spaces at the beginning and and is transferred to the backend and stored in the variables.
Although, if I output the entered text somewhere on the webpage again, the spaces get trimmed during the output-rendering.
Edit: you are right - now I can reproduce your problem
