Is single threaded process contains only one thread? - multithreading

Can someone give more explain for single-threaded and multi-threaded processes
Is single threaded process contains only one thread? or it means that that process can contain multiple threads and can run only one thread at a time, then context-switch between them?If i run a java program on a single core processor is the second one would be true?
Can someone explain it further?

A single-threaded process is a process with a single thread. A multi-threaded process is a process with multiple threads.
The naming is based on the static configuration, i.e. you could look at the process when execution is suspended and say if it's single-threaded or multi-threaded. Whether or not the threads are executed on a single core or multiple cores doesn't matter as far as the nomenclature goes.
A process with multiple threads all executing on a single core can have race conditions, as can a process with multiple threads executing across multiple cores. Distinguishing the two situations is important for performance evaluation but counter-productive for correctness (i.e. it's useful to assume that each thread is on a separate CPU when considering potential races).
A single-threaded program is a program that only uses one thread. The process might have additional threads; for your example of the Java runtime, you can expect to have a finalizer thread and perhaps one or more threads for garbage collection. It's a single-threaded program running in a multi-threaded process.
(I've heard "process" defined as "the abstraction of a program in execution", i.e. you write a program and then execute it in a process.)

Single threaded does not mean single-core, single process.
Single threaded processes contain the execution of instructions in a single sequence. In other words, one command is processes at a time


Do Rust threads run at the same time in parallel? Documentation sounds like it does not [duplicate]

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.

Can kernel schedule user level threads of same process on different cores?

As far as I know kernel doesn't know whether it is executing a user thread or user process because for kernel user threads are user process, it only schedules user processes and doesn't care which thread was running in that process.
I have one more question, Is there per core ready queue or a single ready queue for all the cores?
I was reading this paper and it is written that
In the stock Linux kernel the set of runnable threads is partitioned
into mostly-private per core scheduling queues; in the common case,
each core only reads, writes, and locks its own queue.
The linux kernel scheduler uses the "task" as its primary schedulable entity. This corresponds to a user-space thread. For a traditional simple Unix-style program, there is only a single thread in the process and so the distinction can be ignored. Other programs of course may have multiple threads. But in all cases, the kernel only schedules tasks (i.e. threads).
Your terminology above therefore doesn't really match the situation. The kernel doesn't really care whether the different threads it schedules are part of the same process or different processes: each thread can be scheduled independently. You can have multiple threads from the same process running on different processors/cores at the same time.
Yes, there are separate run queues for each core.
The paper you reference is, I think, slightly misleading in its phrasing. In particular, saying that the "set of runnable threads is partitioned into..." doesn't give quite the right meaning; that makes it sound like the threads are divided into multiple groups that are then assigned to different cores and can only be executed there. It would be more accurate to say that there is a separate run queue for each core containing a set of threads waiting to execute, and in common use, the scheduler doesn't need to reference the queues for other cores.
But in fact, threads can migrate from one core to another. For example, if there is a thread waiting to run on core A (hence in core A's run queue), but core A is already busy running some other thread, and there is another core that is not busy, the waiting thread may be migrated to that other core and executed there. (This is an oversimplification of course as there are other factors that go into deciding whether/when to migrate a thread.)

Process is a thread or thread is a process?

I was asked this interview question. I replied that thread is the process after thinking that process is a superset of thread but interviewer didn't agree with it. It is confusing and I'm not able to find any clear answer to this.
A process is an executing instance of an application.
A thread is a path of execution within a process.
Also, a process can contain multiple threads.
It’s important to note that a thread can do anything a process can do.
But since a process can consist of multiple threads, a thread could be
considered a ‘lightweight’ process. Thus, the essential difference
between a thread and a process is the work that each one is used to
accomplish. Threads are used for small tasks, whereas processes are
used for more ‘heavyweight’ tasks – basically the execution of
Another difference between a thread and a process is that threads
within the same process share the same address space, whereas
different processes do not. This allows threads to read from and write
to the same data structures and variables, and also facilitates
communication between threads. Communication between processes – also
known as IPC, or inter-process communication – is quite difficult and
I feel like this is a terrible question.
Both are independent blocks of execution
Both are scheduled by the operating system
Threads run within the context of a process, share memory with the process.
I can't think of a time where a thread would have it's own address space
By that logic I would agree with your answer that a thread is a process. I think its kind of a loaded question. I would have asked you to explain the differences between the two.
For more information here's a good thread to view on the subject.
Every process is a thread, but not every thread is a process.
A thread is just an independet sequence of operations. A process has an additional context.
The nature of a thread is highly system dependent. For example, some systems implement threads as part of the operating system. Other system implement threads through a run-time library. The process itself manages its own threads (not the OS) and the management may be different for different processes (e.g., Java threading implemented differently from Ada threading).
In OS-scheduled threads, a thread and a process are different terms. A process is an address space with multiple, schedulable threads of execution.
In RTL-scheduled threads, the process is a thread.

Running two threads at the same time

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.

Thread and Process

What is the best definition of a thread and what is a process?
If I call a function, how do I know that a thread is calling it or a process (or am I not understanding it??!). This is in a multi-core system (quadcore).
A single process can have multiple threads that share global data and address space with other threads running in the same process, and therefore can operate on the same data set easily. Processes do not share address space and a different mechanism must be used if they are to share data.
If we consider running a word processing program to be a process, then the auto-save and spell check features that occur in the background are different threads of that process which are all operating on the same data set (your document).
One thing to add is how does a multi-core processor handle this. Think of a thread as the sequential execution of your code.
A core in a CPU can only execute one thread at a time. So if this thread is blocked because the program is waiting for an I/O operation to finish, the process is blocked (very simplified example: Word not responding). Multi-threading allows us to execute multiple code paths at the same time. "Same time" is a bit of a lie, since only one thread can actually execute at a time in a core, but the CPU gives some small chunk of time to each thread, so it appears as if all these threads are executing at the same time. A good example here is the spell checker in Word.
If you have multiple cores, the only difference is that in an N-Core CPU you can have N threads executing at the same time. To simplify a lot, it doesn't matter what process the threads belong to. To simply even further, you'd expect a N times performance increase. :-D
In every modern OS I know of, everything runs in a thread, which runs in a process.
The OS can keep track of multiple processes, and each process can host an arbitrary number of threads. So all code is executed within a thread and within a process (since the thread runs in a process).
The main distinction between the two is that each process has its own virtual address space. Separate processes do not have access to each others' data, file handles or anything else, and are essentially not aware that other processes exist.
On the other hand, every thread in a process share the same address space, and all threads can therefore inspect or modify each others' data, call the same functions and everything else.
It is often (but not always) the cases that one program consists of one process and a number of threads.
A process is composed of one or more threads (one by default for most environments). A process can create additional threads though.
Like the previous answer says, each Process has its own memory space (each can have a pointer to 0x12345, with that memory location having different values for each process), while all the Threads of a process would actually point to the exact same memory location, since they're all in the same memory space.
When calling a function, it's almost always called on the same thread that the caller is running on. In Objective-C, there are exceptions (performSelectorOnMainThread), and there might be for other languages as well, but that sort of functionality is necessary only in special cases.
From a user's point of view, the main distinction is that threads share memory with each other, while processes do not. That means you can easily share data between threads, while processes require some kind of OS call to do so.
Some call this a benifit of threads, but sharing data between multiple threads of control is fraught with danger, so it can be argued that processes lead to more reliable code.
There's a lot more to it, particularly if you are an OS person.
