Process is a thread or thread is a process? - multithreading

I was asked this interview question. I replied that thread is the process after thinking that process is a superset of thread but interviewer didn't agree with it. It is confusing and I'm not able to find any clear answer to this.

A process is an executing instance of an application.
A thread is a path of execution within a process.
Also, a process can contain multiple threads.
It’s important to note that a thread can do anything a process can do.
But since a process can consist of multiple threads, a thread could be
considered a ‘lightweight’ process. Thus, the essential difference
between a thread and a process is the work that each one is used to
accomplish. Threads are used for small tasks, whereas processes are
used for more ‘heavyweight’ tasks – basically the execution of
Another difference between a thread and a process is that threads
within the same process share the same address space, whereas
different processes do not. This allows threads to read from and write
to the same data structures and variables, and also facilitates
communication between threads. Communication between processes – also
known as IPC, or inter-process communication – is quite difficult and

I feel like this is a terrible question.
Both are independent blocks of execution
Both are scheduled by the operating system
Threads run within the context of a process, share memory with the process.
I can't think of a time where a thread would have it's own address space
By that logic I would agree with your answer that a thread is a process. I think its kind of a loaded question. I would have asked you to explain the differences between the two.
For more information here's a good thread to view on the subject.

Every process is a thread, but not every thread is a process.
A thread is just an independet sequence of operations. A process has an additional context.

The nature of a thread is highly system dependent. For example, some systems implement threads as part of the operating system. Other system implement threads through a run-time library. The process itself manages its own threads (not the OS) and the management may be different for different processes (e.g., Java threading implemented differently from Ada threading).
In OS-scheduled threads, a thread and a process are different terms. A process is an address space with multiple, schedulable threads of execution.
In RTL-scheduled threads, the process is a thread.


How is a process and a thread the same thing in Linux?

I have read that a process and a thread are the same thing in Linux, for example in this question it says:
There is absolutely no difference between a thread and a process on
But I don't understand how can a process and a thread means the same thing. I mean a thread is what gets executed by the CPU, and a process is simply an "enclosure" for the threads which allows the threads to have shared memory. This image shows the relationship between a process and its threads:
So clearly a process and a thread does not mean the same thing!
Linux didn't use to have special support for (POSIX) threads, and it simply treated them as processes that shared their address space as well as a few other resources (filedescriptors, signal actions, ...) with other "processes".
That implementation, while elegant, made certain things required for threads by POSIX difficult, so Linux did end up gaining that special support for threads and your premise is now no longer true.
Nevertheless, processes and threads still both remain represented as tasks within the kernel (but now the kernel has support for grouping those tasks into thread groups as well and APIs for working with those ((tgkill, tkill, exit_group, ...)).
You can google LinuxThreads and NPTL threads to learn more about the topic.

Mapping of user level and kernel level thread

(By Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne), i encountered a
statement in Thread Scheduling Section.It is given as -:
To run on a CPU, user-level threads must ultimately be mapped
to an associated kernel-level thread, although this mapping may
be indirect and may use a lightweight process (LWP).
The first half of the statement i.e
To run on a CPU, user-level threads must ultimately be mapped to an associated kernel-level
is trying to say that When a user level thread is executed ,it will need support from kernel thread like system calls.
But i am completely stuck in other half i.e
although this mapping may
be indirect and may use a lightweight process (LWP)
What does it really mean ???
Please help me out !
You're reading a book that is notoriously crapola. Threads are implemented in two ways.
In the olde days (and still persists on some operating systems) there were just processes. A process consisted of an execution stream and an address space.
When languages that needed thread support (e.g., Ada—"tasks") there was a need to create libraries to implement threads. The libraries used timers to switch among the various threads within the process. This is poor man's threading. The major drawback here is that, even when you have multiple processors, all the threads of a process run on the same processor. The threads are just interleaved execution within a single process that executes on one processors.
These are sometimes called "user level threads." Some books call this the "many-to-one model."
To say
To run on a CPU, user-level threads must ultimately be mapped to an associated kernel-level thread
is highly misleading. There [usually] ARE no kernel threads in this model; just processes. Multiple threads run interleaved in a process. To call this a mapping "to an associated kernel-level thread" is misleading and overly theoretical.
This is mumbo jumbo.
although this mapping may be indirect and may use a lightweight process (LWP)
The next stage in operating system evolution here was for the operating system to support threads directly. Instead of a process being an execution stream + address-space, a process became one-or-more-threads + address-space. Instead of scheduling processes for execution, the OS schedules threads for execution.
Those are kernel threads.
Your book is making the simple complex.
These days the term Light Weight Processes and threads are used interchangeably.
although this mapping may be indirect and may use a lightweight
process (LWP)
I know the above statement is confusing(Notice the 2 mays). I can think only 1 thing which the above statement signifies is that:
Earlier when linux supported only user-level threads, the kernel was unaware of the fact that there are multiple user-level threads, and the way it handled these multiple threads was by associating all of them to a light weight process(which kernel sees as a single scheduling and execution unit) at kernel level.
So associating a kernel-level thread with each user-level thread is kind of direct mapping and associating a single light weight process with each user-level thread is indirect mapping.

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing?

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing ? I read one such answer here. But, it's not clear though.
What does it mean by "user threads cannot take advantage of multithreading or multiprocessing"?
And one other answer here says that it is possible
How do user level threads (ULTs) and kernel level threads (KLTs) differ with regards to concurrent execution?
Am I missing something here with some important details ?
Usually, user-level threads, cannot take advantage of multiprocessing whereas, kernel-level threads can take advantage of it.
It simply means that we can run several kernel-level threads, in parallel on a multi-core computer system. But the same cannot be done for user-level threads.
This is possible because kernel-level threads are managed by the Operating System, whereas, the user-level threads are managed by the user, meaning the OS is only aware of single user-level thread(the executing one), even when there are actually more than one.
Now in your links, you provided it is mentioned that:
Some implementations base their user threads on top of several kernel
threads, to benefit from multi-processor machines (M:N model).
From what I understood after reading the links is that its possible for user-level threads to take advantage of multiprocessing, only if its implementation specific. So this would basically be like a kernel-level thread associated with a core and a user-level thread associated with the respective kernel-level thread.
So in the end, its after all the kernel-level threads running parallel on several cores(OR CPU's). We can't take advantage of multiprocessing without any assistance from kernel.
It depends upon how you define "take advantage."
User threads are scheduled by the process.
The process is scheduled by the kernel.
A user thread can then only execute on the process in which the process is scheduled.
Thus a user threads from the same process cannot execute on multiple processors concurrently. They execute interleaved.
If that is your definition of multi-processing, your answer is NO.
However, if the OS supports it, the process can execute on any available processor. Thus, a user thread can execute on any available processor.
If that is your definition of multi-processing, your answer is YES.

What is the difference between lightweight process and thread?

I found an answer to the question here. But I don't understand some ideas in the answer. For instance, lightweight process is said to share its logical address space with other processes. What does it mean? I can understand the same situation with 2 threads: both of them share one address space, so both of them can read any variables from bss segment (for example). But we've got a lot of different processes with different bss sections, and I don't know, how to share all of them.
I am not sure that answers are correct here, so let me post my version.
There is a difference between process - LWP (lightweight process) and user thread. I will leave process definition aside since that's more or less known and focus on LWP vs user threads.
LWP is what essentially are called today threads. Originally, user thread meant a thread that is managed by the application itself and the kernel does not know anything about it.
LWP, on the other hand, is a unit of scheduling and execution by the kernel.
Let's assume that system has 3 other processes running and scheduling is round-robin without priorities. And you have 1 processor/core.
Option 1. You have 2 user threads using one LWP. That means that from OS perspective you have ONE scheduling unit. Totally there are 4 LWP running (3 others + 1 yours). Your LWP gets 1/4 of total CPU time and since you have 2 user threads, each of them gets 1/8 of total CPU time (depends on your implementation)
Option2. You have 2 LWP. From OS perspective, you have TWO scheduling units. Totally there are 5 LWP running. Your LWP gets 1/5 of total CPU time EACH and your application get's 2/5 of CPU.
Another rough difference - LWP has pid (process id), user threads do not.
For some reason, naming got little messed and we refer to LWP as threads.
There are definitely more differences, but please, refer to slides.
After posting, I found a good article that explains everything in more details and is in better English than I write.
From MSDN, Threads and Processes:
Processes exist in the operating system and correspond to what users
see as programs or applications. A thread, on the other hand, exists
within a process. For this reason, threads are sometimes referred to
as light-weight processes. Each process consists of one or more
Based on Tanenbaum's book "Distributes Systems", light weight processes is generally referred to a hybrid form of user-level thread and kernel-level thread. An LWP runs in the context of a single process, and there can be several LWPs per process. In addition each LWP can be running its own (user-level) thread. Multi-threaded applications are constructed by creating threads (with thread library package), and subsequently assigning each thread to an LWP.
The biggest advantage of using this hybrid approach is that creating, destroying, and synchronizing threads is relatively cheap and do not need any kernel intervention. Beside that, provided that a process has enough LWPs, a blocking system call will not suspend the entire process.
Threads run within processes.
Each process may contain one or more threads.
If kernel doesn't know anything about the threads running in the process, we have threads running on user space and thus no multiprocessing capabilities are available.
On the other hand, we can have threads running on the kernel space; this means that each process runs on a different CPU. This enables us multiprocessing, but as you may assume it is more expensive in terms of operating system resources.
Finally, there is a solution that lies somewhere in the middle; we group threads together into LWP. Each group runs on different CPU, but the threads in the group cannot be multi processed. That's because kernel in this version knows only about the groups (which are multiprocessed) but nothing about the threads that they contain.
Hope it is clear enough.
IMO, LWP is a kernel thread binding which can be created and executed in the user context.
If I'm not mistaken, you can attach user threads to a single LWP to potentially increase the level of concurrency without involving a system call.
Thread is basically task assigned with one goal and enough information to perform a specific task .
A process can create multiple threads for doing its work as fast as possible.
e.g A portion of program may need input output, a portion may need permissions.
User level thread are those that can be handled by thread library.
On the other hand kernel level thread (which needs to deal with hadrware)are also called LWP(light weight process) to maximize the use of system and so the system does not halt upon just one system call.
From here.
Each LWP is a kernel resource in a kernel pool, and is attached and detached to a thread on a per thread basis. This happens as threads are scheduled or created and destroyed.
A process contains one or more threads in it and a thread can do anything a process can do. Also threads within a process share the same address space because of which cost of communication between threads is low as it is using the same code section, data section and OS resources, so these all features of thread makes it a "lightweight process".

Thread and Process

What is the best definition of a thread and what is a process?
If I call a function, how do I know that a thread is calling it or a process (or am I not understanding it??!). This is in a multi-core system (quadcore).
A single process can have multiple threads that share global data and address space with other threads running in the same process, and therefore can operate on the same data set easily. Processes do not share address space and a different mechanism must be used if they are to share data.
If we consider running a word processing program to be a process, then the auto-save and spell check features that occur in the background are different threads of that process which are all operating on the same data set (your document).
One thing to add is how does a multi-core processor handle this. Think of a thread as the sequential execution of your code.
A core in a CPU can only execute one thread at a time. So if this thread is blocked because the program is waiting for an I/O operation to finish, the process is blocked (very simplified example: Word not responding). Multi-threading allows us to execute multiple code paths at the same time. "Same time" is a bit of a lie, since only one thread can actually execute at a time in a core, but the CPU gives some small chunk of time to each thread, so it appears as if all these threads are executing at the same time. A good example here is the spell checker in Word.
If you have multiple cores, the only difference is that in an N-Core CPU you can have N threads executing at the same time. To simplify a lot, it doesn't matter what process the threads belong to. To simply even further, you'd expect a N times performance increase. :-D
In every modern OS I know of, everything runs in a thread, which runs in a process.
The OS can keep track of multiple processes, and each process can host an arbitrary number of threads. So all code is executed within a thread and within a process (since the thread runs in a process).
The main distinction between the two is that each process has its own virtual address space. Separate processes do not have access to each others' data, file handles or anything else, and are essentially not aware that other processes exist.
On the other hand, every thread in a process share the same address space, and all threads can therefore inspect or modify each others' data, call the same functions and everything else.
It is often (but not always) the cases that one program consists of one process and a number of threads.
A process is composed of one or more threads (one by default for most environments). A process can create additional threads though.
Like the previous answer says, each Process has its own memory space (each can have a pointer to 0x12345, with that memory location having different values for each process), while all the Threads of a process would actually point to the exact same memory location, since they're all in the same memory space.
When calling a function, it's almost always called on the same thread that the caller is running on. In Objective-C, there are exceptions (performSelectorOnMainThread), and there might be for other languages as well, but that sort of functionality is necessary only in special cases.
From a user's point of view, the main distinction is that threads share memory with each other, while processes do not. That means you can easily share data between threads, while processes require some kind of OS call to do so.
Some call this a benifit of threads, but sharing data between multiple threads of control is fraught with danger, so it can be argued that processes lead to more reliable code.
There's a lot more to it, particularly if you are an OS person.
