Bash script: CPU stress test while watching clock speed - linux

I am totally new to this forum and also new to bash, so please bear with me :).
I would like to write a bash script to conduct a CPU stress test while observing the clock speed. Therefore, I have done the following:
1.) For the CPU stress test, I have created a script named "bernoulli" with the following code:
# argument 1: n
function bernoulli()
if (( $1 < 3 ))
echo 1
echo $(( $(bernoulli $(( $1 - 1 ))) + $(bernoulli $(( $1 - 2 ))) ))
bernoulli $1
2.) I have figured out that by using the "timeout" command I can kill a task after a specified time. For example,
timeout 30s ./bernoulli 35
starts a task calculating the 35th bernoulli number and the task is killed after 30 seconds.
3.) I also found out that by typing
timeout 30s watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo
I can watch the clock speed of my cores (updated every 2 seconds) for 30 seconds (at which point "timeout 30s" kills this task).
What I want: I would like to do the above stress test and simultaneously observe the clock speed. In other words, I would somehow run the two commands
timeout 30s ./bernoulli 35
timeout 30s watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo
"at the same time". I hope I could make it clear what I would like to achieve. Can anyone help with my issue? Thanks a lot for every comment!

How about
timeout 30s ./bernoulli 35 &
timeout 30s watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo
& at the end will make command to run at background, so that second timeout will be executed almost instantly after the first one.
PS: this is rather poor way to test modern CPU. You will be exercising only single core and most likely only limited part of your CPU (no sse, etc). It is not trivial to write CPU benchmark, so you might want to use one of already available. For example, you can take a look at sysbench with something like sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run.

You can run them in a dedicated shell:
timeout 30s bash -c './bernoulli 35 & watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo'
Note that the single & is not a typo. It is not a logical and, it runs the bernoulli script in background.


Limit CPU time of process group

Is there a way to limit the absolute CPU time (in CPU seconds) spend in a process group?
ulimit -t 10; ./my-process looks like a good option but if my-process forks then each process in the process group gets its own limit. The whole process group can use an arbitrary amount of time by forking every 9 seconds.
The accepted answer on a similar question is to use cgroups but doesn't explain how. However, there are other answers (Limit total CPU usage with cgroups) saying that this is not possible in cgroups and only relative cpu usage can be limited (for example, 0.2 seconds out of every 1 second).
Liran Funaro suggested using a long period for cpu.cfs_period_us ( but the parameter for the quota can be at most 1 second. So even with a long period I don't see how to set a CPU time limit of 10 seconds or an hour.
If ulimit and cgroups cannot do this, is there another way?
you can do it with cgroups. Do as root:
# Create cgroup
cgcreate -g cpu:/limited
# set shares (cpu limit)
cgset -r cpu.shares=256 limited
# run your program
cgexec -g cpu:limited /my/hungry/program
Alternatively you can use the cpulimit program which can freeze your code periodically. cgroups is the most advanced method though.
to set fixed cpu share :
cgcreate -g cpu:/fixedlimit
# allow fix 25% cpu usage (1 cpu)
cgset -r cpu.cfs_quota_us=25000,cpu.cfs_period_us=100000 fixedlimit
cgexec -g cpu:fixedlimit /my/hungry/program
It turned out, the goal is to limit runtime to certain seconds while measuring it. After setting the desired cgroup limits (in order to get a fair sandbox) you can achieve this goal by running:
((time -p timeout 20 cgexec -g cpu:fixedlimit /program/to/test ) 2>&1) | grep user
After 20 seconds the program will be stopped no matter what, and we can parse for user time (or system or real time) to evaluate it's performance.
This not directly answer the question but refers to the discussion on the actual need of the OP.
If your competition ignores everything except CPU time, it may be fundamentally flawed. One can simply, for example, cache results in the primary storage device. Since you do not count storage access time, it may have the least CPU cycles, but the worse actual performance.
A perfect crime would be to simply send the data via the Internet to another computer, which calculate the task then return the answer. This would finish the task with what appear to be zero cycles.
You actually want to measure "real" time and give this process the highest priority in your system (or actually running it secludedly).
When checking students' homework, we simply used an unrealistic time limit (e.g., 5 minutes for what should be a 10 seconds program), then killing the process if it has not finished in time and failing this submission.
If you want to pick a winner, then simply re-run the best competitors multiple times to ensure the validity of their results.
I found a solution that works for me. It is still far from perfect (read the caveats before using it). I'm somewhat new to bash scripting so any comments about this are welcome.
# This script tries to limit the CPU time of a process group similar to
# ulimit but counting the time spent in spawned processes against the
# limit. It works by creating a temporary cgroup to run the process in
# and checking on the used CPU time of that process group. Instead of
# polling in regular intervals, the monitoring process assumes that no
# time is lost to I/O (i.e., wall clock time = CPU time) and checks in
# after the time limit. It then updates its assumption by comparing the
# actual CPU usage to the time limit and waiting again. This is repeated
# until the CPU usage exceeds its limit or the monitored process
# terminates. Once the main process terminates, all remaining processes
# in the temporary cgroup are killed.
# NOTE: this script still has some major limitations.
# 1) The monitored process can exceed the limit by up to one second
# since every iteration of the monitoring process takes at least that
# long. It can exceed the limit by an additional second by ignoring
# the SIGXCPU signal sent when hitting the (soft) limit but this is
# configurable below.
# 2) It assumes there is only one CPU core. On a system with n cores
# waiting for t seconds gives the process n*t seconds on the CPU.
# This could be fixed by figuring out how many CPUs the process is
# allowed to use (using the cpuset cgroup) and dividing the remaining
# time by that. Since sleep has a resolution of 1 second, this would
# still introduce an error of up to n seconds.
set -e
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") TIME_LIMIT_IN_S COMMAND [ ARG ... ]"
exit 1
# To simulate a hard time limit, set KILL_WAIT to 0. If KILL_WAIT is
# non-zero, TIME_LIMIT is the soft limit and TIME_LIMIT + KILL_WAIT is
# the hard limit.
# Update as necessary. The script needs permissions to create cgroups
# in the cpuacct hierarchy in a subgroup "timelimit". To create it use:
# sudo cgcreate -a $USER -t $USER -g cpuacct:timelimit
kill_monitored_cgroup() {
kill -$SIGNAL $(cat $LOCAL_CGROUP_TASKS) 2> /dev/null
get_cpu_usage() {
cgget -nv -r cpuacct.usage $LOCAL_CPUACCT_GROUP
# Create a cgroup to measure the CPU time of the monitored process.
cgcreate -a $USER -t $USER -g cpuacct:$LOCAL_CPUACCT_GROUP
# Start the monitored process. In case it fails, we still have to clean
# up, so we disable exiting on errors.
set +e
set -e
# In case the process doesn't fork a ulimit is more exact. If the
# process forks, the ulimit still applies to each child process.
ulimit -t $(($TIME_LIMIT + $KILL_WAIT))
ulimit -S -t $TIME_LIMIT
cgexec -g cpuacct:$LOCAL_CPUACCT_GROUP --sticky $#
# Start the monitoring process
while [ "$REMAINING_TIME" -gt "0" ]; do
# Wait $REMAINING_TIME seconds for the monitored process to
# terminate. On a single CPU the CPU time cannot exceed the
# wall clock time. It might be less, though. In that case, we
# will go through the loop again.
# Time limit exceeded. Kill the monitored cgroup.
if [ "$KILL_WAIT" -gt "0" ]; then
kill_monitored_cgroup XCPU
sleep $KILL_WAIT
kill_monitored_cgroup KILL
# Wait for the monitored job to exit (either on its own or because it
# was killed by the monitor).
# Kill all remaining tasks in the monitored cgroup and the monitor.
kill_monitored_cgroup KILL
kill -KILL $MONITOR_PID 2> /dev/null
wait $MONITOR_PID 2>/dev/null
# Report actual CPU usage.
set -e
echo "Total CPU usage: $(($CPU_USAGE / 1000000))ms"
# Clean up and exit with the return code of the monitored process.
cgdelete cpuacct:$LOCAL_CPUACCT_GROUP

Run a time-constrained shell command [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Command line command to auto-kill a command after a certain amount of time
(15 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for the simplest way to run a command in a shell and kill it if it doesn't end in less than a second of CPU time. Something like:
$ deadline -- slow-foo
Started fooing...
[deadline] 1 sec deadline hit, killing and returning -1!
$ deadline -- quick-foo
Started fooing...
Finished fooing!
A linux-based solution is more than enough, but more portable ones are welcome.
Coreutils has a timeout utility that does just that, should be available on most Linux distributions:
timeout - run a command with a time limit
Has options for what signal to use and a few other things.
In addition of timeout(1) given in Mat's answer, and if you want to limit CPU time (not idle time or real time), you could use the setrlimit(2) syscall with RLIMIT_CPU (if the CPU time limit is exceeded, your process gets first a SIG_XCPU signal -which it could catch and handle-, and later a SIG_KILL -uncatchable- signal). This syscall is available in bash(1) with the ulimit builtin.
So to limit CPU time to 90 seconds (i.e. 1 minute and 30 seconds) type
ulimit -t 90
in your terminal (assuming your shell is bash; with zsh use limit cputime 90, etc...) - then all further commands are constrained by that limit
Read also the instructive time(7) and signal(7) man pages, and Advanced Linux Programming
This is quick and dirty and doesn't require any software packages to be installed, so is portable:
YOURPROGRAM & PID=$! ; (sleep $TIMEOUT && kill $PID 2> /dev/null & ) ; wait $PID

Instance limited cron job

I want to run a cron job every minute that will launch a script. Simple enough there. However, I need to make sure that not more than X number (defined in the script) of instances are ever running. These are queue workers, so if at any minute interval 6 workers are still active, then I would not launch another instance. The script simply launches a PHP script which exits if no job available. Right now I have a shell script that perpetually launches itself every 10 seconds after exit... but there are long periods of time where there are no jobs, and a minute delay is fine. Eventually I would like to have two cron jobs for peak and off-peak, with different intervals.
Make sure you have unique script name.
Then check if 6 instances are already running
if [ $(pgrep '^UNIQUE_SCIPT_NAME$' -c) -lt 6 ]
# start my script
# do not start my script
I'd say that if you want to iterate as often as every minute, then a process like your current shell script that relaunches itself is what you actually want to do. Just increase the delay from 10 seconds to a minute.
That way, you can also more easily control your delay for peak and off-peak, as you wanted. It would be rather elegant to simply use a shorter delay if the script found something to do the last time it was launched, or a longer delay if it did not find anything.
You could use a script like OneAtATime to guard against multiple simultaneous executions.
This is what i am using in my shell scripts:
echo -n "Checking if job is already running... "
me=`basename $0`
running=$(ps aux | grep ${me} | grep -v .log | grep -v grep | wc -l)
if [ $running -gt 1 ];
echo "already running, stopping job"
exit 1
echo "OK."
The command you're looking for is in line 3. Just replace $(me) with your php script name. In case you're wondering about the grep .log part: I'm piping the output into a log file, whose name partially contains the script name, so this way i'm avoiding it to be double-counted.

How to create a CPU spike with a bash command

I want to create a near 100% load on a Linux machine. It's quad core system and I want all cores going full speed. Ideally, the CPU load would last a designated amount of time and then stop. I'm hoping there's some trick in bash. I'm thinking some sort of infinite loop.
I use stress for this kind of thing, you can tell it how many cores to max out.. it allows for stressing memory and disk as well.
Example to stress 2 cores for 60 seconds
stress --cpu 2 --timeout 60
You can also do
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
To run more of those to put load on more cores, try to fork it:
fulload() { dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & }; fulload; read; killall dd
Repeat the command in the curly brackets as many times as the number of threads you want to produce (here 4 threads).
Simple enter hit will stop it (just make sure no other dd is running on this user or you kill it too).
I think this one is simpler. Open Terminal and type the following and press Enter.
yes > /dev/null &
To fully utilize modern CPUs, one line is not enough, you may need to repeat the command to exhaust all the CPU power.
To end all of this, simply put
killall yes
The idea was originally found here, although it was intended for Mac users, but this should work for *nix as well.
Although I'm late to the party, this post is among the top results in the google search "generate load in linux".
The result marked as solution could be used to generate a system load, i'm preferring to use sha1sum /dev/zero to impose a load on a cpu-core.
The idea is to calculate a hash sum from an infinite datastream (eg. /dev/zero, /dev/urandom, ...) this process will try to max out a cpu-core until the process is aborted.
To generate a load for more cores, multiple commands can be piped together.
eg. generate a 2 core load:
sha1sum /dev/zero | sha1sum /dev/zero
To load 3 cores for 5 seconds:
seq 3 | xargs -P0 -n1 timeout 5 yes > /dev/null
This results in high kernel (sys) load from the many write() system calls.
If you prefer mostly userland cpu load:
seq 3 | xargs -P0 -n1 timeout 5 md5sum /dev/zero
If you just want the load to continue until you press Ctrl-C:
seq 3 | xargs -P0 -n1 md5sum /dev/zero
One core (doesn't invoke external process):
while true; do true; done
Two cores:
while true; do /bin/true; done
The latter only makes both of mine go to ~50% though...
This one will make both go to 100%:
while true; do echo; done
Here is a program that you can download Here
Install easily on your Linux system
make install
and launch it in a simple command line
stress -c 40
to stress all your CPUs (however you have) with 40 threads each running a complex sqrt computation on a ramdomly generated numbers.
You can even define the timeout of the program
stress -c 40 -timeout 10s
unlike the proposed solution with the dd command, which deals essentially with IO and therefore doesn't really overload your system because working with data.
The stress program really overloads the system because dealing with computation.
An infinite loop is the idea I also had. A freaky-looking one is:
while :; do :; done
(: is the same as true, does nothing and exits with zero)
You can call that in a subshell and run in the background. Doing that $num_cores times should be enough. After sleeping the desired time you can kill them all, you get the PIDs with jobs -p (hint: xargs)
:(){ :|:& };:
This fork bomb will cause havoc to the CPU and will likely crash your computer.
I would split the thing in 2 scripts :
infinite_loop.bash :
while [ 1 ] ; do
# Force some computation even if it is useless to actually work the CPU
echo $((13**99)) 1>/dev/null 2>&1
cpu_spike.bash :
# Either use environment variables for NUM_CPU and DURATION, or define them here
for i in `seq ${NUM_CPU}` : do
# Put an infinite loop on each CPU
infinite_loop.bash &
# Wait DURATION seconds then stop the loops and quit
sleep ${DURATION}
killall infinite_loop.bash
to increase load or consume CPU 100% or X%
sha1sum /dev/zero &
on some system this will increase the load in slots of X%, in that case you have to run the same command multiple time.
then you can see CPU uses by typing command
to release the load
killall sha1sum
cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null
duration=120 # seconds
instances=4 # cpus
endtime=$(($(date +%s) + $duration))
for ((i=0; i<instances; i++))
while (($(date +%s) < $endtime)); do :; done &
I've used bc (binary calculator), asking them for PI with a big lot of decimals.
$ for ((i=0;i<$NUMCPU;i++));do
echo 'scale=100000;pi=4*a(1);0' | bc -l &
done ;\
sleep 4; \
killall bc
with NUMCPU (under Linux):
$ NUMCPU=$(grep $'^processor\t*:' /proc/cpuinfo |wc -l)
This method is strong but seem system friendly, as I've never crashed a system using this.
while [ 1 ]
#Your code goes here
I went through the Internet to find something like it and found this very handy cpu hammer script.
if [ $1 ]; then
for i in `seq 0 $((NUM_PROC-1))`; do
awk 'BEGIN {for(i=0;i<10000;i++)for(j=0;j<10000;j++);}' &
Using examples mentioned here, but also help from IRC, I developed my own CPU stress testing script. It uses a subshell per thread and the endless loop technique. You can also specify the number of threads and the amount of time interactively.
# Simple CPU stress test script
# Read the user's input
echo -n "Number of CPU threads to test: "
read cpu_threads
echo -n "Duration of the test (in seconds): "
read cpu_time
# Run an endless loop on each thread to generate 100% CPU
echo -e "\E[32mStressing ${cpu_threads} threads for ${cpu_time} seconds...\E[37m"
for i in $(seq ${cpu_threads}); do
let thread=${i}-1
(taskset -cp ${thread} $BASHPID; while true; do true; done) &
# Once the time runs out, kill all of the loops
sleep ${cpu_time}
echo -e "\E[32mStressing complete.\E[37m"
kill 0
Utilizing ideas here, created code which exits automatically after a set duration, don't have to kill processes --
echo "Usage : ./ 6 60 (6 threads for 60 secs)"
# Define variables
NUM_PROCS=${1:-6} #How much scaling you want to do
duration=${2:-20} # seconds
function infinite_loop {
endtime=$(($(date +%s) + $duration))
while (($(date +%s) < $endtime)); do
#echo $(date +%s)
echo $((13**99)) 1>/dev/null 2>&1
$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=10000 status=none| bzip2 -9 >> /dev/null) 2>&1 >&/dev/null
echo "Done Stressing the system - for thread $1"
echo Running for duration $duration secs, spawning $NUM_PROCS threads in background
for i in `seq ${NUM_PROCS}` ;
# Put an infinite loop
infinite_loop $i &
You can try to test the performance of cryptographic algorithms.
openssl speed -multi 4
If you do not want to install additional software, you may use a compression utility which utilizes all CPU cores automatically. For example, xz:
cat /dev/zero | xz -T0 > /dev/null
This takes infinite stream of dummy data from /dev/zero and compresses it using all cores available in the system.
This does a trick for me:
bash -c 'for (( I=100000000000000000000 ; I>=0 ; I++ )) ; do echo $(( I+I*I )) & echo $(( I*I-I )) & echo $(( I-I*I*I )) & echo $(( I+I*I*I )) ; done' &>/dev/null
and it uses nothing except bash.
To enhance dimba's answer and provide something more pluggable (because i needed something similar). I have written the following using the dd load-up concept :D
It will check current cores, and create that many dd threads.
Start and End core load with Enter
load_dd() {
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
fulload() {
export cores="$(grep proc /proc/cpuinfo -c)"
for i in $( seq 1 $( expr $cores - 1 ) )
export LOAD_ME_UP_SCOTTY="${LOAD_ME_UP_SCOTTY}$(echo 'load_dd | ')"
export LOAD_ME_UP_SCOTTY="${LOAD_ME_UP_SCOTTY}$(echo 'load_dd &')"
echo press return to begin and stop fullload of cores
killall -9 dd
Dimba's dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null is definitely correct, but also worth mentioning is verifying maxing the cpu to 100% usage. You can do this with
ps -axro pcpu | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
This asks for ps output of a 1-minute average of the cpu usage by each process, then sums them with awk. While it's a 1 minute average, ps is smart enough to know if a process has only been around a few seconds and adjusts the time-window accordingly. Thus you can use this command to immediately see the result.
awk is a good way to write a long-running loop that's CPU bound without generating a lot of memory traffic or system calls, or using any significant amount of memory or polluting caches so it slows down other cores a minimal amount. (stress or stress-ng can also do that if you either installed, if you use a simple CPU-stress method.)
awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}' # about 3 seconds on 4GHz Skylake
It's a counted loop so you can make it exit on its own after a finite amount of time. (Awk uses FP numbers, so a limit like 2^54 might not be reachable with i++ due to rounding, but that's way larger than needed for a few seconds to minutes.)
To run it in parallel, use a shell loop to start it in the background n times
for i in {1..6};do awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}' & done
###### 6 threads each running about 3 seconds
$ for i in {1..6};do awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}' & done
[1] 3047561
[2] 3047562
[3] 3047563
[4] 3047564
[5] 3047565
[6] 3047566
$ # this shell is usable.
(wait a while before pressing return)
[1] Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
[2] Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
[3] Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
[4] Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
[5]- Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
[6]+ Done awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
I used perf to see what kind of load it put on the CPU: it runs 2.6 instructions per clock cycle, so it's not the most friendly to a hyperthread sharing the same physical core. But it has a very small cache footprint, getting negligible cache misses even in L1d cache. And strace will show it makes no system calls until exit.
$ perf stat -r5 -d awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
Performance counter stats for 'awk BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}' (5 runs):
3,277.56 msec task-clock # 0.997 CPUs utilized ( +- 0.24% )
7 context-switches # 2.130 /sec ( +- 12.29% )
1 cpu-migrations # 0.304 /sec ( +- 40.00% )
180 page-faults # 54.765 /sec ( +- 0.18% )
13,708,412,234 cycles # 4.171 GHz ( +- 0.18% ) (62.29%)
35,786,486,833 instructions # 2.61 insn per cycle ( +- 0.03% ) (74.92%)
9,696,339,695 branches # 2.950 G/sec ( +- 0.02% ) (74.99%)
340,155 branch-misses # 0.00% of all branches ( +-122.42% ) (75.08%)
12,108,293,527 L1-dcache-loads # 3.684 G/sec ( +- 0.04% ) (75.10%)
217,064 L1-dcache-load-misses # 0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses ( +- 17.23% ) (75.10%)
48,695 LLC-loads # 14.816 K/sec ( +- 31.69% ) (49.90%)
5,966 LLC-load-misses # 13.45% of all LL-cache accesses ( +- 31.45% ) (49.81%)
3.28711 +- 0.00772 seconds time elapsed ( +- 0.23% )
The most "friendly" to the other hyperthread on an x86 CPU would be a C program like this, which just runs a pause instruction in a loop. (Or portably, a Rust program that runs std::hint::spin_loop.) As far as the OS's process scheduler, it stays in user-space (nothing like a yield() system call), but in hardware it doesn't take up many resources, letting the other logical core have the front-end for multiple cycles.
#include <immintrin.h>
int main(){ // use atoi(argv[1])*10000ULL as a loop count if you want.
while(1) _mm_pause();
I combined some of the answers and added a way to scale the stress to all available cpus:
function infinite_loop {
while [ 1 ] ; do
# Force some computation even if it is useless to actually work the CPU
echo $((13**99)) 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# Either use environment variables for DURATION, or define them here
NUM_CPU=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
for i in `seq ${NUM_CPU}` ;
# Put an infinite loop on each CPU
infinite_loop &
# Wait DURATION seconds then stop the loops and quit
sleep ${DURATION}
# Parent kills its children
for pid in "${PIDS[#]}"
kill $pid
Just paste this bad boy into the SSH or console of any server running linux. You can kill the processes manually, but I just shutdown the server when I'm done, quicker.
Edit: I have updated this script to now have a timer feature so that there is no need to kill the processes.
read -p "Please enter the number of minutes for test >" MINTEST && [[ $MINTEST == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]]; NCPU="$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)"; ((endtime=$(date +%s) + ($MINTEST*60))); NCPU=$((NCPU-1)); for ((i=1; i<=$NCPU; i++)); do while (($(date +%s) < $endtime)); do : ; done & done

Scons command with time limit

I want to limit the execution time of a program I am running under Linux. I put in my scons script a line like:
Command("com​","",​"ulimit -t 1; myprogram")
and tested it with an infinite loop program: it did not work and the program ran forever.
Am I missing something?
-- tsf
ulimit -t 1 means that the limit is set to 1 second of CPU time. If your infinite loop program uses any sort of sleep in its inner loop then it will use practically no CPU time. This means it will not get killed in 1 second of real, on the clock time. In fact it may take minutes or hours to use up its 1 second allocation.
What happens if you run the command outside of SCons? Perhaps you don't have permission to change the limit at all...
ulimit -t 1; ./myprogram
For example, it may say the following if the limit is already set to 0:
bash: ulimit: cpu time: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Edit: it seems that the -t option is broken on Ubuntu 9.04. A fix has been committed 05 June 2009, but it may take a while to trickle into the updates - it may not be fixed until 9.10.
As an historical note, this problem no longer exists in Ubuntu 10.04.
You can also use this script:
(taken from
# timeout script
echo "usage: timeout seconds command args ..."
exit 1
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && usage
seconds=$1; shift
sleep $seconds
kill -9 $pid >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
eval "$#" &
timeout &
wait $pid
