Why was the Cassandra Context removed from DataStax Enterprise 4.7 - cassandra

I came to know from this link that Cassandra context was removed DataStax Enterprise 4.7. Does it mean it will be removed from Spark Cassandra Connector? Also, what is the reason for removing it. Is it performance related?

Cassandra Context
The 'CassandraContext' object was Datastax Only and never existed in the Spark Cassandra connector. It was basically a compiled mapping of Cassandra tables to Scala objects and case classes. It required compiling a new object every time the underlying schema of Cassandra changed and created a divergence with the OSS Spark Cassandra Connector API. The additional performance cost of creating this object was seen as a waste of time versus the limited convenience it offered. In addition, the code would only work in the spark shell so it was not suitable for prototyping code for stand alone applications.
Edit: I was mistaken the Cassandra Context is a Separate structure than the CassandraSQLContext. My memory was wrong.
The CassandraSQLContext's main purpose was to provide a persistent catalogue and automatic mapping to Cassandra tables from Spark when the system does not have a HiveMetastore present. When using the CassandraSqlContext the user is limited to a tiny subset of AnsiSQL as opposed to with a HiveContext which uses 99% of HiveQL. The code for the CassandraSQLContext is still present in the Connector and you are still able to create a CassandraSQLContext in DSE.
In Datastax Enterprise there is already a HiveMetastore written to work with Cassandra. The custom Metastore automatically registers all Cassandra tables as well so having the CassandraSQLContext was seen as being redundant, confusing, and less featured than it's Hive counterpart. To this end it is recommended that all users use a HiveContext instead of the CassandraSQLContext and we removed the automatic cc object from the shell.


Spark as execution engine or spark as an application?

Which option is better to use, spark as an execution engine on hive or accessing hive tables using spark SQL? And Why?
A few assumptions here are:
Reason to opt for SQL is to stay user friendly, e.g. if you have business users trying to access data.
Hive is in consideration because it provides an SQL like interface and persistence of data
If that is true, Spark-SQL is perhaps the better way forward. It is better integrated within Spark and as an integral part of Spark, it will provide more features (one example is structured streaming). You will still get user friendliness and an SQL like interface to Spark so you will get full benefits. But you will need to manage your system only from Spark's point of view. Hive installation and management will still be there but from a single perspective.
Using Hive with Spark as execution engine will keep you limited based upon how good a translation Hive's libraries are able to do to convert your HQL to Spark. They may do a pretty good job but you will still loose the advanced features of Spark SQL. And new features may take longer to get integrated in Hive compared to Spark SQL.
Also, with Hive exposed to end users, some advanced users or data engineering teams may want access to Spark. This will cause you to manage two tools. System management may get more tedious compared to only using Spark-SQL in this scenario as Spark SQL has the potential to serve both non-technical and advanced users and even if advanced users use pyspark, spark-shell or more, they will still be integrated within the same toolset.

'hive on spark' in datastax enterprise DSE?

DSE 6 comes pre-bundled Cassandra and SparkSql. Has anyone also setup 'Hive on Spark' there? I wonder about spark version conflicts being an issue. Reason i wan't this is that Hive seems to allow masking/authorization with Ranger but SparkSQL doesn't
Answer not directly related to setting Hive, etc. but DSE has security (authentication/authorization/...) built-in (see FAQ), and it's supported by the all components, including Spark SQL. If you want to have more granular permissions, you can set row-level access control.

Running Spark App: Persist Metastore

I work on a Spark 2.1 application that also uses SparkSQL and saves data with dataframe.write.saveAsTable(tbl). My understanding is that an in-memory Derby DB is used for the Hive metastore (right?). This means that a table that I create in the first execution is not available in any subsequent executions. In many cases that might be the intended behaviour - but I would like to persist the metastore across executions (since this is also the behavior I have in my production system).
So, a simple question: How can I change the configuration to persist the metastore on disc?
One remark: I am not starting the Spark job with spark-shell or spark-submit, but as a standalone Scala application.
It is already persisted on disk. As long as both sessions use the same working directory or specific metastore configuration, the permanent table will be persisted between sessions.

Is Apache Ignite suitable for my usecase(load oracle tables to cache,do join between these tables, and reflect changes to oracle data)

I would ask whether Ignite is suitable for my use case which is:
Load all the data of oracle tables to the Ignite cache, and then do various SQL queries(aggregation/join/sub-query) against the data in the cache.
When oracle has newly created data or some data are updated, there are some way that these data can be inserted into the cache or update the corresponding entry in the cache
When the cache is down, there should be some way to restore the data from oracle?
Not sure Ignite SQLGrid can fit in this use case.
Also, I notice that IgniteRDD is not immutable, is IgniteRDD suitable for this use case? That is, I first load the data in oracle into IgniteRDD,
and make the corresponding changes to IgniteRDD with the newly created/updated data to oracle? But it looks that IgniteRDD doesn't support complicated SQL?( aggregation/join/sub-query)
This is one of the basic use cases supported by Ignite.
Data can pre-loaded from Oracle using one of the methods covered in this documentation section.
If you're planning to update the data in Ignite first and propagate to Oracle after (which is preferred way), then it makes sense to use Oracle as a CacheStore in write-through/read-through mode. Ignite will make sure to sync up data with the persistent layer. Moreover, it'll be straightforward to pre-load data from Oracle if the cluster is restarted.
Finally, you can take advantage of GridGain Web Console by connecting to Oracle and map Oracle's scheme to Ignite caches configuration and POJO objects.
As I mentioned, it's recommended to make all the updates through Ignite first which will persist them to Oracle. But if Oracle is updated by other applications that are not aware of Ignite you need to update Ignite cluster on your own somehow. Ignite doesn't have any feature that covers this use case. However, this can be easily implemented with GridGain, that is built on top of Ignite, with it's Oracle Golden Gate Integration.
Once the data is in the Ignite Cluster use SQL Grid to query and/or update your data. SQL Grid engine is ANSI-99 compliant and doesn't have any limitations.
As for Ignite Shared RDD, it stores data in a distributed Ignite cache. This is why it's mutable which is opposite to Spark native RDDs. Shared RDDs SQL capabilities are absolutely the same - it's just one more API on top of SQL Grid.

Spark Sql JDBC Support

Currently we are building a reporting platform as a data store we used Shark. Since the development of Shark is stopped so we are in the phase of evaluating Spark SQL. Based on the use cases we have we had few questions.
1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo). We would like to know how can we get this data into Spark SQL? Does there exist any utility which we can use? Does this utility support continuous refresh of data (sync of new add/update/delete on data store to Spark SQL?
2) Is the a way to create multiple database in Spark SQL?
3) For Reporting UI we use Jasper, we would like to connect from Jasper to Spark SQL. When we did our initial search we got to know currently there is no support for consumer to connect Spark SQL through JDBC, but in future releases you would like the add the same. We would like to know by when Spark SQL would have a stable release which would have JDBC Support? Meanwhile we took the source code from https://github.com/amplab/shark/tree/sparkSql but we had some difficulty in setting it up locally and evaluating it . It would be great if you can help us with setup instructions.(I can share the issue we are facing please let me know where can I post the error logs)
4) We would also require a SQL prompt where we can execute queries, currently Spark Shell provides SCALA prompt where SCALA code can be executed, from SCALA code we can fire SQL queries. Like Shark we would like to have SQL prompt in Spark SQL. When we did our search we found that in future release of Spark this would be added. It would be great if you can tell us which release of Spark would address the same.
as for
3) Spark 1.1 provides better support for SparkSQL ThriftServer interface, which you may want to use for JDBC interfacing. Hive JDBC clients that support v. 0.12.0 are able to connect and interface with such server.
4) Spark 1.1 also provides a SparkSQL CLI interface that can be used for entering queries. In the same fashion that Hive CLI or Impala Shell.
Please, provide more details about what you are trying to achieve for 1 and 2.
I can answer (1):
Apache Sqoop was made specifically to solve this problem for the relational databases. The tool was made for HDFS, HBase, and Hive -- as such it can be used to make data available to Spark, via HDFS and the Hive metastore.
I believe Cassandra is available to SparkContext via this connector from DataStax: https://github.com/datastax/spark-cassandra-connector -- which I have never used.
I'm not aware of any connector for MongoDB.
1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo)
You have to use different driver for each case. For cassandra there is datastax driver (but i encountered some compatibility problems with SparkSQL). For any SQL system you can use JdbcRDD. The usage is straightforward, look at the scala example:
test("basic functionality") {
sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
val rdd = new JdbcRDD(
() => { DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:target/JdbcRDDSuiteDb") },
1, 100, 3,
(r: ResultSet) => { r.getInt(1) } ).cache()
assert(rdd.count === 100)
assert(rdd.reduce(_+_) === 10100)
But notion that it's just an RDD, so you should work with this data through map-reduce api, not in SQLContext.
Does there exist any utility which we can use?
There is Apache Sqoop project but it's in active development state. The current stable version even doesn't save files in parquet format.
Spark SQL is a capability of the Spark framework. It shouldn't be compared to Shark because Shark is a service. (Recall that with Shark, you run a ThriftServer that you can then connect to from your Thrift app or even ODBC.)
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "get this data into Spark SQL"?
There are a couple of Spark - MongoDB connectors:
- the mongodb connector for hadoop (which doesn't actually need Hadoop at all!) https://databricks.com/blog/2015/03/20/using-mongodb-with-spark.html
the Stratio mongodb connector https://github.com/Stratio/spark-mongodb
If your data is huge and need to perform a lot of transformations then Spark SQL can be used for ETL purpose, else presto could solve all your problems. Addressing your queries one by one:
As your data is in MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo all these can be integrated in Presto as it has connectors https://prestodb.github.io/docs/current/connector.html for all these databases.
Once you install Presto in cluster mode you can query all these databases together in one platform, which also provides to join a table from Cassandra and other tables from Mongo, this flexibility is unparalleled.
Presto can be used to connect to Apache Superset https://superset.incubator.apache.org/ which is open source and provides all sets Dashboarding. Also Presto can be connected to Tableau.
You can install MySQL workbench with presto connecting details which helps in providing a UI for all your databases at one place.
