Cannot enter long commands in terminal - linux

I am using putty ( 2015) to access the terminal on an AIX server. Normally typing long commands works just fine but somehow something weird happened and when I type long commands Linux cursor goes back on the same line even behind the 'bash' word.
In order to explain the problem I have a picture. Just to explain in the picture I start with capital 'ABC' then '1-10' and then small 'abc' and then repeat this sequence to simulate a long command.
Can anybody please explain why this is happening (it has also happened before) and how to solve it without restarting putty? Does it have to do with a buffer of some kind since the command runs just fine it is only that it looks like this in the picture.

It looks like your shell is no longer aware of its terminal's dimensions. Perhaps you've resized the PuTTY window after logging in?
Sometimes resize will fix such issues.


What happens when I use stop command without any args?

I just accidentally typed stop instead of exit in a bash script. When I execute it my Xubuntu went to the login screen and when I logged in, everything was closed and it was like I just started the computer.
I then went to my Ubuntu on a virtual box and executed stop in the terminal. Then some windows was closed and some frames around other windows disappeared.
I'm a Linux noob but when I looked at the stop command info it looks like you need to have an argument to use the stop command.
Is this just a bug or is this supposed to happen? If it's supposed, then I'm really curious of whats happening. My guessing is that it will try to kill all ongoing processes.
I'm new here so I hope this it not a stupid question and its really hard to google on a common word like stop :/
man stop should tell you what it does. E.G.
I think it should tell you it needs an argument for a name of a job to stop.
However it appears from what you describe that it's stopping the X11 window manager?

NodeJS Multiplexing Terminal?

Here's my issue. I'm outputting directly to console and also getting user input via the terminal. Sometimes, the user is typing a thing and then the text they were typing gets messed up when the console outputs something. It doesn't break the program, it's just annoying.
I looked at ncurses in the npm catalog, but it seems pretty complicated. All I want is to print stuff to the screen without disrupting user input.
Any help, and I do mean any help, is very much appreciated.
How are you reading from the terminal? If you're doing it in "raw" mode where you get input for each character (or each few characters), then when you get a character, set an "output inhibit" flag and also set a timeout that will clear the flag when the user has stopped typing for a bit. Whatever does your output needs to check the flag and hold off if it's set.
Alternatively, if the user is typing line-by-line, you could set the flag on each character and then clear it (and simply flush your output) when they enter a newline.
If the terminal is in "cooked" mode (your code doesn't see anything until the user types a newline) there's really little you can unless you bite the ncurses bullet.

Is EOT character sitting over terminal promp an issue?

Warning: you know how they say "there's not such thing as a stupid question"? Well, this one is, or, I suspect it's really minor, but wth, why not ask. Search engines didn't bring me anything remotely useful, though that could be bad searchterm-fu.
I recently downloaded sqlite3 onto Ubuntu 10 to start learning SQL commands. I un-tar'd and make installed.
After creating a test.db with create table test (id) I decided to see what I'd get if I cat it. Just because.
The result is an EOT character (u+0004) which is sitting right over my prompt. Illustrated screenshot:
I realise this is not the type of file you would use cat on. I only want to know, before I go further,
does the strange placement of this character signal any future issues when actually playing around with SQL, or some issue with newlines, or fonts (this is monofur set at a high font size) or similar?
I've never seen a result character placed directly over my prompt before.
The character is placed over your prompt, because it is a double-width character, and terminals in general are not good at handling double-width characters. It does not mean anything.
There are some control codes which can do very funny things with your terminal, such as changing colors, fonts etc.
But none of them do really harm - you should be able to reset your terminal to a healthy state, or close it and open a new one.

Characters written in R become invisible after suspending and resuming job

I have a recurrent problem when using R with a Linux console. I sometimes suspend it with [Ctrl+Z], then put it to the background with bg, (execute some other commands), then put it to the foreground again with fg.
R resumes correctly with all the workspace intact, but when I type, the characters are invisible (just like when we type passwords).
I still can execute commands though, and I see the response. Moreover, when I type [enter], the prompt doesn't go to the next line, but does something like this: > > >.
Then I need to quit R using q(), in order that everything returns to normal. I didn't manage to find any reference to this problem on internet.
Would you have an idea? Thanks a lot for your help.
No direct answer but via
"Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this."
"Then just don't do this."
I would suggest that if you must have an R console open, place it inside screen --- or if you have it, byobu a fancier extensions, or even tmux.
Or even inside the One True Editor (TM) using ESS. For what it is worth, I always run emacs --daemon and then connect to the same R session either via emacsclient -nw on the terminal or under X11 via emacsclient -c (both of which I aliased to emt and emx). I also run byobu sessions for command-line work where I often use littler for command-line tasks and tests.
Unix is a multitasking system. There is no need to limit yourself to one prompt, especially if you suffer side-effects as a consequence.

Node command line interface change

I'm making a command interface for a node server, but I have reached a point that I want it to look better.
I want to have the console so you enter a command at the bottom of the terminal screen, you hit enter, and it adds the reply to the actual command line.
If you have ever run a minecraft bukkit server from the command line, you should know what I'm talking about.
Here's a picture of what I'm talking about if you still don't understand. Imagine this was in terminal, and ignore the scroll bars:
Is there anyway to set the console to look like this without having to make your own program for it or having the screen reprint all the other info to fake that look?
I have not done this, but I believe something similar is possible with very little effort by using Node.js REPL. You can override the eval parameter to provide your own command processing.
It would not have the exact look you are wanting, but it will be an interactive prompt that you can utilize (more similar to a Windows command shell or a Linux shell).
If you want the exact look from your screenshot, I don't believe that there is any Node.js module that will help you. There are some that allow you to use colors in the console, and some basic highlighting (e.g. bold), but nothing that gives you complete control over the console screen.
