jfxrt.jar missing on Linux in Java 1.8.0_77 - linux

I have _Oracle 1.8.0_77_ installed on my Linux workstation and jfxrt.jar is missing. And I have already looked in jre/lib and jre/lib/ext. Do I have to now install the JavaFX SDK in order to get this capability? Or other ideas?

That's weird, you may have a corrupted installation or have not installed the Java version you thought you did.
Go to Oracle's JJava SE Development Kit 8 Downloads page.
Download the latest linux version from there (currently it is jdk-8u91-linux-x64.tar.gz).
When you extract the tar file you downloaded, you will find jfxrt.jar in the jre/lib/ext directory.


eclipse javafx variables unresolved

When I create a new javaFX project the javaFX variables are unresolved. I use java 8 (121) and eclipse Neon on which I installed e(fx)clipse. OS is Linux Mint 18.1. What I did:
I uninstalled and installed e(fx)clipse again, that didn't help
In another post I read that someone had solved the problem by adding
jfxrt.jar to the build path. I searched for this file but it is not present on my file system
Anybody any idea what is wrong in my setup?
James_D suggested adding openjfx. I read documentation of openjfx and it says that only a subset is implemented. I decided to install the oracle JDK and adjust the building path with a reference to the oracle version of jfxrt. That worked. I wonder whether it wouldn't be better to switch to the oracle version of JDK?

mingw64 - the file has been downloaded incorrectly

I try to install MinGW-w64, but during install i got
the file has been downloaded incorrectly
I have 64 bit win10 and my option of installation:
I use that link sourceforge. and some commentators have same problem.
Any idea how to fix it?
Newer MinGW-w64 releases are now available at https://winlibs.com/ as standalone packages that don't need an installer. Just extract to a folder and start using. This also allows having multiple versions on your side by side (e.g. 32-bit and 64-bit).
This MinGW article addresses the issue. It's actually pretty simple to fix. The problem is with the Windows installer. What you need to do is download the MinGW zip archive directly (not the installer) and extract the files to something like C:\mingw and then add it to PATH in Environment Variables. Here's direct link to the SourceForge files you'll need.

Qt5 on Linux - where is Linguist?

I'm using Linux Mint 16 and I got a problem.
I installed Qt Creator 5.2.1 from binary package, downloaded from Qt site. I don't have Qt Linguist... Also, I have installed qtcreator and qt5-dev-tools (or similar name) from repository, still no Linguist. Where I can download it?
I prefer binary version from Qt site because it's newer than version from repository.
It should be in the bin folder. You can always do this to figure it out:
find $installdir/ -name \*linguist\*
By the way, there is also another option: install Archlinux and get all the fancy latest stuff. ;-)

Eclipse 4.2 Linux distros don't ship with internal JRE?

I just installed Ubuntu and then downloaded a version of Java 7 and extracted it to where I want JAVA_HOME. I then added JAVA_HOME as an env var and exported it to PATH. I'm now trying to install Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) from the Older Versions link (specifically this).
When I download the TAR and extract it to where I want ECLIPSE_HOME to be, it extracts a directory named eclipse. When I drop into this directory, I see an executable also called eclipse. When I double-click this I get the following error:
Looking at this directory, I don't see a jre subdirectory - it's not even in the TAR that I downloaded from Eclipse's site. My understanding of Eclipse is that it always ships with its own JRE. What's going on here?
Here's what I put in my ~/.bashrc file:
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$TOMCAT_HOME/bin

Installing Recent Release of JDK Using Cygwin?

Can somebody tell me how to do this? Or, point me to a good link?
I want to install Jmeter but "./jmeter" tells me that:
Error: no server' JVM atC:\Program
So, I need to get the server JVM up and running.
I have been attempting to download and install the JDK from
And got a corrupted file error when I tried to install:
Should I be doing this via wget or apt-cyg? Or, how do i determine which installation
package I should be downloading from the oracle/sun downloads page?
Thanks in advance.
You are on Windows so you should try the Windows x86 version unless there is a particular reason why you want to do that with Cygwin. Or try this:
Copy 'server' folder from the JDK's JRE's bin folder (example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\bin\server)
Paste the 'server' folder to JRE's bin folder (example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin)
Cygwin aims for Linux source compatibility, but it does not provide Linux binary compatibility. This means that programs have to be built specifically for Cygwin and that Linux binaries such as the linux-ia64 JVM mentioned here will not run on Cygwin.
Perhaps it is possible to build the OpenJDK JVM for Cygwin, but it doesn't ship with Cygwin. The Cygwin Ports repository contains a package for the lightweight JamVM.
But in any case, JMeter was looking for the native Windows version of the JVM, so you probably just want to install that, as Jano already suggested.
