BatchScanner with limits per range - accumulo

Is there a way to get first n whole rows using BatchScanner for each range.
I would like to pull latest user activity for multiple users up to say 100 whole rows per user. Row key starts with user id followed with timestamp.

Dejan -- Take a look at the WholeRowIterator. Here's some example code for how you would use it.
Connector conn = getConnector();
BatchScanner bs = conn.createBatchScanner("mytable", new Authorizations(), 4);
IteratorSetting iterator = new IteratorSetting(100, WholeRowIterator.class);
for (Entry<Key,Value> entry : bs) {
SortedMap<Key,Value> row = WholeRowIterator.decodeRow(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());


Copy Excel cell value and add rows to another table

In a table (in excel) in a column I have some number(A).
I want the flow to take that number (A) and to create number of rows equels to Number (A)
For example if number(A) is 4, then in another table to be added 4 rows
I've made an assumption on the source and destination tables. This concept can be adjusted and applied to suit your own scenario.
I'd be using Office Scripts to do this. If you've never used it then feel free to consult the Microsoft documentation to get you going ...
This is the script you need to create (change the name of your tables accordingly) ...
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook)
var addRowsTable = workbook.getTable('TableRowsToAdd');
var addRowsToTable = workbook.getTable('TableAddRowsToTable');
var addRowsTableDataRange = addRowsTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
var addRowsTableDataRangeValues = addRowsTableDataRange.getValues();
// Sum the values so we can determine how many more rows need to be added
// to the destination table.
var sumOfAllRowsToBeInExistence = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < addRowsTableDataRangeValues.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(addRowsTableDataRangeValues[i][0])) {
sumOfAllRowsToBeInExistence += Number(addRowsTableDataRangeValues[i][0]);
var currentRowCount = addRowsToTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getRowCount();
var rowsToAdd = sumOfAllRowsToBeInExistence - currentRowCount;
console.log(`Current row count = ${currentRowCount}`);
console.log(`Rows to add = ${rowsToAdd}`);
if (rowsToAdd > 0) {
The approach below is contentious given the performance impact but this approach ...
for (var i = 1; i <= rowsToAdd; i++) {
... didn't always yield the correct result. May be a bug but needs investigation.
Ultimately, there are a few ways to achieve the same result, like using the resize method.
This was the easiest option for a StackOverflow answer.
while (addRowsToTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getRowCount() <
sumOfAllRowsToBeInExistence) {
You can then call that from PowerAutomate using the Run script action under Excel Online (Business) ...
You can use that approach or all of the actions that are available in PowerAutomate which will achieve the same sort of thing.
IMO, Using Office Scripts is much easier. Creating a large flow can be a real pain in the backside to deal with given there'll be a whole heap of actions that you'll need to throw in to reach the same outcome.
I would pass the number of rows to add in an office scripts script as a parameter. Once you have the value, create a JSON string of a 2d array. You want to create a loop using the number of rows to add. In the loop you continue to concatenate the 2d array. Once you've exited the loop, parse the JSON string and add the 2d array to the table. You can see how you code might look below:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, rowsToAdd: number)
//set table name
let tbl = workbook.getTable("table2")
//initialize json string with open bracket
let jsonArrString = "["
//set the temp json string with a 2d array
let tempJsonArr = '["",""],'
//concatenate json string equal to the number of rows to add
for (let i = 0; i < rowsToAdd; i++){
jsonArrString += tempJsonArr
//remove extra comma from JSON string
jsonArrString = jsonArrString.slice(0, jsonArrString.length-1)
//add closing bracket to JSON string
jsonArrString += "]"
//parse json string into array
let jsonArr: string[][] = JSON.parse(jsonArrString)
//add array to table to add the number of rows

Creating a Unique ID for each record on Form Submission

I am new to Google Apps Script and have just begun to understand its working. A team member wrote out a simple simple script for some work i was doing. The script, in essence, triggered when any of a permitted set of users (could vary) submits inputs to a 'Form Responses 1' spreadsheet via a Google Form.
Basically, I have a form that users complete and then submit. Upon submission, the script checks for the active row, The code adds 1 to the number of the cell W2 (which is a 'do not edit' cell, and replaces W2 with the new number, then checks if the Unique ID field on the Active Row is null and then replaces it with a concatenated ID thats alphanumeric. ie, it prefixes a set alphabetical prefix and takes the numerical input from the cell W2 on the same form to create a new Unique ID.
The script was working perfectly until the team member left and I removed her access from the Google sheets with no change to the script at all. I've been scrambling trying to figure out what happened after that, because since access was removed, when I haven't made any changes to my code. I have searched many different places and cannot seem to find what is wrong.
If i post it on a new google sheet, it's working fine .. but not on this sheet which already has around 900 critical entries.
Any guidance is welcome. the Script is as below. HELP!
// Get the active sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Get the active row
var row = sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex();
// Get the next ID value. NOTE: This cell should be set to the last record counter value
var id = sheet.getRange("X2").getValue()+1;
// Check if ID column is empty
if (sheet.getRange(row, 1).getValue() == "") {
// Set new ID value
sheet.getRange(2, 24).setValue(id);
sheet.getRange(row, 1).setValue("HKG0"+id);
If your code is running off of a form submit trigger then this should work for you.
function formsubit(e) {
var sheet = e.range.getSheet();
var id = sheet.getRange("X2").getValue() + 1;
if (sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart, 1).getValue() == "") {
sheet.getRange(2, 24).setValue(id);
sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart, 1).setValue("HKG0" + id);
The Logger.log will help you to learn more about the event object. You can learn more about event objects here
If you're looking for a unique id for each submission try: const id = new Date(e.values[0]).valueOf(); it's the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970

Cosmos DB paginated query with custom order by clause

I want to do a select query in Cosmos DB that returns a maximum number of results (say 50) and then gives me the continuation token so I can continue the search where I left off.
Now let's say my query has 2 equality conditions in my where clause, e.g.
where prop1 = "a" and prop2 = "w" and prop3 = "g"
In the results that are returned, I want the records that satisfy prop1 = "a" to appear first, followed by the results that have prop2 = "w" followed by the ones with prop3 = "g".
Why do I need it? Because while I could just get all the data to my application and sort it there, I can't pull all records obviously as that would mean pulling in too much data. So if I can't order it this way in cosmos itself, in the results that I get, I might only have those records that don't have prop1 = "a" at all. Now I could keep retrying this till I get the ones with prop1 = "a" (I need this because I want to show the results with prop1 = "a" as the first set of results to the user) but I might have to pull like a 100 times to get the first record since I have a huge dataset sitting in my Cosmos DB.
How can I handle this scenario in Cosmos? Thanks!
So if I am understanding your question correctly, you want to accomplish this:
c.prop1 = 'a'
c.prop2 = 'b'
c.prop3 = 'c'
c.prop1, c.prop2, c.prop3
Now, luckily you can now do this in CosmosDB SQL. But, there is a caveat. You have to set up a composite index in your collection to allow for this.
So, for this collection, my composite index would look like this:
Now, if I wanted to change it to this:
c.prop1 = 'a'
c.prop2 = 'b'
c.prop3 = 'c'
c.prop1 DESC, c.prop2, c.prop3
I could add another composite index to cover that use-case. You can see in your settings it's an array of arrays so you can add as many combinations as you'd like.
This should get you to where you need to be if I understood your question correctly.

Select parts of a nlobjSearchResult

I have a large nlobjSearchResultSet object with over 18,000 "results".
Each result is a pricing record for a customer. There may be multiple records for a single customer.
As 18000+ records is costly in governance points to do mass changes, I'm migrating to a parent (customer) record and child records (items) so I can make changes to the item pricing as a sublist.
As part of this migration, is there a simple command to select only the nlapiSearchResult objects within the big object, which match certain criteria (ie. the customer id).
This would allow me to migrate the data with only the one search, then only subsequent create/saves of the new record format.
IN a related manner, is there a simple function call to return to number of records contained in a given netsuite record? For % progress context.
Thanks in advance.
you can actually get the number of rows by running the search with an added aggregate column. A generic way to do this for a saved search that doesn't have any aggregate columns is shown below:
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('salesorder', 'customsearch29', null,
[new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric', null, 'sum').setFormula('1')]);
var rowCount = res[0].getValue('formulanumeric', null, 'sum');
To get the total number of records, the only way is do a saved search, an ideal way to do such search is using nlobjSearch
Below is a sample code for getting infinite search Results and number of records
var search = nlapiLoadSearch(null, SAVED_SEARCH_ID).runSearch();
var res = [],
var i = 0;
while(i % 1000 === 0){
currentRes = (search.getResults(i, i+1000) || []);
res = res.concat(currentRes );
i = i + currentRes.length;
res.length or i will give you the total number of records and res will give you all the results.

setting values of one map to other depending on a condition

I have couple of records rec1 and rec2.
Both are having a common key/value name1.
when the name1 is equal in both the records then I need to set few values of rec2 to rec1.
I put them into two different loops as below
rec1.each{r1-> each
rec2.each{r2-> each
if(r2.name1 == r1.name1){
r1.name2 = r2.name2
r1.name3 = r2.name3
Is there any better way of doing this
Example : (sorry I am just pasting the contents)
recoRecord : [["CHANNEL":INBOUND, "STOCK_LEVEL":2410.0,
"DOM_OTHER_MARGIN":0.0, "isBatchTerminator":false,
"TARIFF_MRC":30.99, "MOST_USED_TAC":35961404, "FORM_FACTOR":null,
"CAMERA_IND":null, "NEW_MARGIN":22.272501, "MODEL":null,
"TARIFF_DESC":30.99 Virgin Media 24 month+1GB 1300mins,
"MOST_USED_IMEI":359614048625860, "DISCOUNT":3.0,
"NetPresentValue":1.15, "RecInd":1, "WIFI_IND":null, "IPHONE_IND":N,
when OFFER_TARIFF_ID in both the records are same then I would like to set few values of first record to second record
You do not need to iterate over both the maps. Just need to check the value of that particular key matches or not.
//push the required entries from r1 to r2
Although in your edit, I do not see a valid data structure for records, I considered r1 and r2 as Maps.
