Text.Hamlet.Runtime - nesting HamletData? - haskell

I am rendering Hamlet templates using the Runtime module. The following works as promised with the example data:
let hamletDataMap = Map.fromList
[ ("name", "Michael")
, ("hungry", toHamletData True) -- always True
, ("foods", toHamletData
[ "Apples"
, "Bananas"
, "Carrots"
But I can't see any way for me to render nested data. For instance if I have a list of metadata of various fruits, I would like to do something like:
let hamletDataMap = Map.fromList
[ ("name", "Michael")
, ("hungry", toHamletData True) -- always True
, ("fruits", toHamletData
[ [ ("name", "apple")
, ("taste", "sour")
, [ ("name", "..")
, ("taste", "...")
In the Text.Hamlet.RT there is the HDList [HamletMap] which looks kindof strange but still promising. I can creates instances of HDList but it gives me type mismatch HamletData with actual type RT.HamletData url0.
I'm thankful for any ideas or suggestions.


How to fix: The children property of a component is a list of lists, instead of just a list with Plotly-dash in Python

I am trying to build a simple web dashboard with plotly and dash. Here is the structure I am trying to get:
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
def Build_home_page():
build_welcome_banner [summary]
""" ""
return [
children= [
"That provides you with the tools that allow you to explore your data seemlessly and"
html.P(id= "welcome-text2",
children= [
"get actionable insights from your data and allows you to easily apply Machine learning models to make predictions with your data"
id= "features",
className= "features-box-model",
id= "feature-text",
children= [
app.layout = html.Div(
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then I got the following error: The children property of a component is a list of lists, instead of just a list. Check the component that has the following contents, and remove one of the levels of nesting:
What could be wrong? I checked my list and seems ok! Each children is packed with a list around it. I cant figure out where the issue is
You have wrapped the children of the most outer Div in a list twice, both inside the Build_home_page and in the layout definition, you should remove one of them. Removing the latter, the layout definition would be
app.layout = html.Div(

Elm filter a list with input String

I have model
type alias Model =
url : String
, devices : List Device
, input : String
, isFilter : Bool
, deviceSuggestion : Maybe Device
type alias Device =
status : String
, license_plate : String
, device_id : String
This is how i update the data but i have no idea how to do for filter after i type something in the search box
update msg model =
case msg of
GotResult result ->
case result of
Ok devices ->
( { model | devices = devices }, portDevice devices )
Err devices ->
( { model | error = Just "Error" }, Cmd.none )
Tick _ ->
( model, fetchUrl )
InputChange newInput ->
( { model | input = newInput //function filter here?}, Cmd.none)
SearchFunction ->
({ model | input = "" }, toJS model.input)
This is my rendering View
renderPosts : Model -> Html Msg
renderPosts model =
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Filter List" ] ,
, input [ type_ "text"
, placeholder "Searching for devices"
, onInput InputChange
, value model.input
, id "inputDevices"
] []
--, checkListFunction model //check and filter list function here as well?
, button [ onClick SearchFunction , id "searchDevice"] [ text "Search" ]
div []
([ text "Device List" ] ++ List.map (\device -> renderPost device) model.devices) //display function
I want the output is like when i type the 1234 in searchbox then it detects and filter the below list with the license_plate in devices list.
**I tried the list.filter but it allows compare list to list.
**I tried String.contains but i need 2 strings. It gives error because input box is String and license_plate is List
Any help is appreciate...
https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_filter_lists.asp <<< Example of output
Below is an example of modifying your renderPosts function with a filteredDevices binding, showing how you could apply the filter:
renderPosts : Model -> Html Msg
renderPosts model =
filteredDevices =
List.filter (\device => String.contains model.input device.license_plate) model.devices
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Filter List" ] ,
div []
([ text "Device List" ] ++ List.map (\device -> renderPost device) filteredDevices)

How to get all full paths to all child elements

Given a tree based of list of lists:
tree = [
I want to get the full path to all child elements as concatenated string in a list.
result = [
The delimiter > is changeable.
I tried different things with recursion and yield. But my head is burning.
Try this it works.
def leave_paths(current):
if len(current) == 1:
return [current]
# Take all branches, get the paths for the branch, and prepend
return [[current[0]] + path for branch in current[1:] for path in leave_paths(branch)]
output = ['>'.join(sub_list) for sub_list in leave_paths(s)]
['A>B1>C', 'A>B2>C>D1>E1', 'A>B2>C>D1>E2', 'A>B2>C>D2']
Smth like this
def findLeaves(tree):
If len(tree)==1:
return [name]
return [name+"->"+path for branch in tree[1:] for path in findLeaves(branch)]

Changing the values of a map nested in another map

Using HQL queries I've been able to generate the following map, where the keys represent the month number constant defined in java.util.Calendar, and every value is a map:
0:[ client_a:[order1, order2, order3]],
1:[ client_b:[order4], client_c:[order5, order6], client_d:[order7]],
2:[ client_e:[order8, order9], client_f:[order10]]
order1, order2, ... are instances of a domain class called Order:
class Order {
String description
Date d
int quantity
Now I've got that structure containing orders that belong to some specific year, but I don't really care about the Order object itself. I just want the sum of the quantities of all the orders of each month. So the structure should look something like this:
0:[ client_a:[321]],
1:[ client_b:[9808], client_c:[516], client_d:[20]],
2:[ client_e:[22], client_f:[10065]]
I don't mind if the values are lists of one element or not lists at all. If this is possible, it would be fine anyway:
0:[ client_a:321 ],
1:[ client_b:9808, client_c:516, client_d:20 ],
2:[ client_e:22, client_f:10065 ]
I know I have to apply something like .sum{it.quantity} to every list of orders to get the result I want, but I don't know how to iterate over them as they are nested within another map.
Thank you.
Here You go:
class Order {
String description
Date d
int quantity
def orders = [
0:[ client_a:[new Order(quantity:1), new Order(quantity:2), new Order(quantity:3)]],
1:[ client_b:[new Order(quantity:4)], client_c:[new Order(quantity:5), new Order(quantity:6)], client_d:[new Order(quantity:7)]],
2:[ client_e:[new Order(quantity:8), new Order(quantity:9)], client_f:[new Order(quantity:10)]]
def count = orders.collectEntries { k, v ->
def nv = v.collectEntries { nk, nv ->
[(nk): nv*.quantity.sum()]
assert count == [0:[client_a:6], 1:[client_b:4, client_c:11, client_d:7],2:[client_e:17, client_f:10]]
def map = [
0:[ client_a:[[q: 23], [q: 28], [q: 27]]],
1:[ client_b:[[q: 50]], client_c:[[q: 100], [q: 58]], client_d:[[q: 90]]],
2:[ client_e:[[q: 48], [q: 60]], client_f:[[q: 72]]]
map.collectEntries { k, v ->
[ k, v.collectEntries { key, val ->
[ key, val*.q.sum() ]
} ]
you can also use val.sum { it.q } instead of val*.q.sum()

QListWidget Align Items Center

I am adding a list of strings to a QList Widget like this:
myList.addItems( [ 'item1' , 'item2' , 'item3' ] )
By default the list aligns these to the left but I want to get them in the center of the list.
Any Ideas?
If you create a QListWidgetItem() you can call its setTextAlignment() method and pass Qt.AlignHCenter:
item_text_list = [ 'item1' , 'item2' , 'item3' ]
for item_text in item_text_list:
item = QListWidgetItem(item_text)
QListWidgetItem, Qt.AlignmentFlag
