How to generate reveal.js slides from pandoc programmatically? - haskell

I am using Hakyll to generate my blog and would like to integrate in the generated web site some slides from talks I give. This should be as simple as defining you own custom pandocCompiler with adequate configuration and indeed I manage to do it.
Here is the compiler definition:
pandocSlideCompiler :: Compiler (Item String)
pandocSlideCompiler = pandocCompilerWith defaultHakyllReaderOptions writeHtmlSlide
writeHtmlSlide = defaultHakyllWriterOptions { writerIncremental = True
, writerSectionDivs = False
, writerVariables = [("theme", "beige")]
, writerSlideLevel = Just 2
, writerSlideVariant = RevealJsSlides
, writerIgnoreNotes = True
This works but the generated slides are not correctly formatted: Each slide is generated as div whereas reveal.js expects a section.
Here is the command-line equivalent I would like to implement:
pandoc --slide-level 2 --variable theme=beige -i -s -o slides.html --template=template-revealjs.html -t revealjs
My question is then: Which options from Text.Pandoc.Options shall I use to produce the same result as my command-line?

I think you need to add writerHtml5 = True, as can be seen in the pandoc source commandline args parsing and HTML writer...


Converting match object to string in perl6

I was trying to convert a match object to a string in perl6. The method Str on a match object is defined as:
method Str(Match:D: --> Str:D)
I would think I could use Str($match) to accomplish this. And it seems to convert it to a string, but I'm getting an error using the string with the following code:
my $searchme = "rudolph";
my $match = $searchme ~~ /.*dol.*/;
say $match.WHAT;
my $test1 = Str($match);
say $test1.WHAT;
say $test1;
With the output:
With the error:
Cannot find method 'gist': no method cache and no .^find_method in
block at .code.tio line 6
However, if I run:
my $searchme = "rudolph";
my $match = $searchme ~~ /.*dol.*/;
say $match.WHAT;
my $test1 = $match.Str;
say $test1.WHAT;
say $test1;
I get no error and the result:
Is this a bug or me misunderstanding how it works?
Thanks for reading.
I'm writing this up as an answer even though it's actually an incomplete discussion of a bug, so not at all normal SO fare. The alternative of lots of comments doesn't seem better.
It's a bug. Perhaps you just golfed this.
dd $test1; instead of say $test1; is helpful in that it displays BOOTStr $test1 = (BOOTStr without .perl method).
Based on that I searched the rakudo repo for BOOTStr and that led to the above issue.
Golfing it further leads to:
say $ = Str(;
Note that these are all fine:
say Str(;
say $ = Int(;
say $ = Str( '2015-12-31');
It appears to be a combination of leaking some implementation details regarding how Rakudo/NQP/MoarVM bootstrap; Match being an NQP object; Str() on that being wonky; and assigning it to a Scalar container (the $ is an anonymous one) making that wonkiness visible.
I'll add more when/if I figure it out.

ActionScript 3: Turning a String into and Operator?

I'm trying to create a simple calculator program in ActionScript for a school project, and I'm struggling to find a concise way to take an equation from an array such as this: "4","+","2"; and manipulate it so that the answer to the equation can be deduced. The problem is taking the String "+" from the equation array and turning it into a usable operator. At the moment, when an operator button is pressed on the calculator GUI it adds the operator to the equation array as a String (i.e. pressing the 'รท' button will add "/" to the equation array).
I looked for an answer to this on Google and found something about a JavaScript function that I used in the code below (in lines 1 and 4), but all I end up with in the Output feed is "null", or "0" depending on whether I changed the variable 'answer' to a String, or a Number.
Here's the code I have so far:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var equationArray:Array = new Array("4","+","2");
var answer:Number ="eval",equationArray[0] + equationArray[1] + equationArray[2]);
I'd prefer to use something like this rather than writing a long if statement to pick between different operators if that's possible. Thanks for the help!
I did some research and realized that your code doesn't work only in Chrome.
There is an error
SecurityError: Error #2060
at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/call()
at FlexTemp/preinitializeHandler()
at FlexTemp/___FlexTemp_Application1_preinitialize()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at spark.components::Application/initialize()
at FlexTemp/initialize()
at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/childAdded()
at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
at mx.managers::SystemManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
at mx.managers::SystemManager/
at mx.managers::SystemManager/
at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
but if I switch of PepperFlash\\pepflashplayer.dll in chrome://plugins/
all works fine.
I think there are some problems with pepflashplayer.dll
In your flash file:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.text.TextField;
var equationArray:Array = new Array("4","-","8");
var answer:Number ="myJsFunction",equationArray[0] , equationArray[1] , equationArray[2])
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
addChild(tf as TextField);
tf.text = answer.toString();
In the HTML page (into the ):
<script type="text/javascript">
function myJsFunction(arg1,arg2,arg3){
return eval(arg1+arg2+arg3);
Is this what you try to do?
Using eval like in your code I didn't get the correct answer.
When you run as here above on localhost/server this will give you the answer.

customising Pandoc's HTML output with CSS or a template

I have a Happstack program that dynamically converts Markdown documents to HTML using Text.Pandoc:
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
return $ toResponse $ Pandoc.writeHtml Pandoc.def contents
I.e. Pandoc is returning a Text.Blaze.Html.Html value. (This has a ToMessage instance which means it can be used as a response to a request.)
How do I insert a custom CSS stylesheet into Pandoc's output? What if I want to customise the HTML e.g. by wrapping the <body> contents with some other elements?
When Pandoc's "standalone mode" option is enabled, it uses a template to format the output.
The template and its substitions variables can be set in the writerTemplate and writerVariables members of WriterOptions.
The command line tool has a default set of template it uses. You can see the default template for a format using e.g. pandoc -D html.
When using the library, the default is to use an empty template. You can get the default template programmatically using getDefaultTemplate.
Here's some example code:
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String
import Text.Pandoc
getHtmlOpts = do
template <- either (error . show) id
`fmap` getDefaultTemplate Nothing "html"
return $ def
{ writerStandalone = True
, writerTemplate = template
, writerVariables = [
("css", "/path/to/style.css"),
"<style>p { background-color: magenta; }</style>")]
main = do
opts <- getHtmlOpts
putStrLn $ renderHtml $ writeHtml opts $ readMarkdown def "..."
You can also write your own template, call it for instance template.html and use the --template template.html option when calling pandoc from the command-line.
The documentation is at, and the default template (for inspiration) is at
Pandoc, when run from the command line, takes some arguments that allow you to insert something into the <head> tag (-H), before content (-B) and after content (-A). I don't know about Happstack, but surely there must be a way to pass these parameters to Pandoc.writeHtml

regular expression with matching empty string

I am working on a django project to modify database options in the file want to use regular expression to do it.
the options just like :
so I have write a function,the code is following:
def config_item(self,data,item,value):
rStr = "'"+item+"':(\s)?'\w*'"
src = "'"+item+"': '"+value+"'"
res = re.sub(rStr,src,data)
return res
So I can call like this to modify password to '000000',
data = config_item(data,'PASSWORD','0000')
But when the source password is blank or dest password is blank ,it does not work.That is ,it does not match 'PASSWORD':'',
Are there some wrong with the regular expression.
How do I write it rightly.
Maybe try using '[^']*' instead of '\w*'
I think \w is a bit more strict.

Jade: Links inside a paragraph

I'm trying to author a few paragraphs with Jade, but finding it difficult when there are links inside a paragraph.
The best I can come up with, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do it with less markup:
this is the start
of the para.
a(href="") a link
and this is the rest of
the paragraph.
As of jade 1.0 there's an easier way to deal with this, unfortunately I can't find it anywhere in the official documentation.
You can add inline elements with the following syntax:
#[a.someClass A Link!]
So, an example without going into multiple lines in a p, would be something like:
p: #[span this is the start of the para] #[a(href="") a link] #[span and this is the rest of the paragraph]
You can also do nested inline elements:
p: This is a #[a(href="#") link with a nested #[span element]]
You can use a markdown filter and use markdown (and allowed HTML) to write your paragraph.
this is the start of the para.
[a link](
and this is the rest of the paragraph.
Alternatively it seems like you can simply ouput HTML without any problems:
| this is the start of the para.
| a link
| and this is he rest of the paragraph
I wasn't aware of this myself and just tested it using the jade command line tool. It seems to work just fine.
It seems it can actually be done entirely in Jade as follows:
| this is the start of the para
a(href=';) a link
| and this is the rest of the paragraph
Don't forget an extra space at the end of para (although you can't see it. and between | and. Otherwise it will look like this para.a linkand not para a link and
Another way to do it:
| this is the start of the para
a(href="") a link
| this is the rest of the paragraph.
Another completely different approach, would be to create a filter, which has first stab at replacing links, and then renders with jade second
h1 happy days
p this can have [a link]( in it
<h1>happy days</h1><p>this can have <a href=''>a link</a> in it</p>
Full working example: index.js (run with nodejs)
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
// simple regex to match links, might be better as parser, but seems overkill
txt = txt.replace(/\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/, "<a href='$2'>$1</a>");
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have [a link]( in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);
A more general solution would render mini sub-blocks of jade in a unique block (maybe identified by something like ${jade goes here}), so...
p some paragraph text where ${a(href="wherever.htm") the link} is embedded
This could be implemented in exactly the same way as above.
Working example of general solution:
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
txt = txt.replace(/\${(.+?)}/, function(a,b){
return jade.compile(b)();
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have ${a(href='') a link} in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);
If your links come from a data source you can use:
each val in results
| blah blah
a(href="#{val.url}") #{}
| more blah
See interpolation
Edit: This feature was implemented and issue closed, see answer above.
I've posted an issue to get this feature added into Jade
Haven't had time to implement it though, more +1s may help !
This is the best I can come up with
-var a = function(href,text){ return "<a href='"+href+"'>"+text+"</a>" }
p this is an !{a("","embedded link")} in the paragraph
<p>this is an <a href=''>embedded link</a> in the paragraph</p>
Works ok, but feels like a bit of a hack - there really should be a syntax for this!
I did not realize that jade requires a line per tag. I thought we can save space. Much better if this can be understood ul>li>a[class="emmet"]{text}
I had to add a period directly behind a link, like this:
This is your test [link].
I solved it like this:
label(for="eula").lbl.lbl-checkbox.lbl-eula #{i18n.signup.text.accept_eula}
| #{i18n.signup.links.eula}.
As suggested by Daniel Baulig, used below with dynamic params
| <a href=!{}>link</a>
Turns out there is (now at least) a perfectly simple option
p Convert a .fit file using Garmin Connect's export functionality.
| At Times Like These We Suggest Just Going:
a(ui-sref="app") HOME
Most simplest thing ever ;) but I was struggling with this myself for a few seconds. Anywho, you need to use an HTML entity for the "#" sign -> #
If you want to in include a link, let's say your/some email address use this:
a(href="" target="_top")
