Jade: Links inside a paragraph - node.js

I'm trying to author a few paragraphs with Jade, but finding it difficult when there are links inside a paragraph.
The best I can come up with, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do it with less markup:
this is the start
of the para.
a(href="http://example.com") a link
and this is the rest of
the paragraph.

As of jade 1.0 there's an easier way to deal with this, unfortunately I can't find it anywhere in the official documentation.
You can add inline elements with the following syntax:
#[a.someClass A Link!]
So, an example without going into multiple lines in a p, would be something like:
p: #[span this is the start of the para] #[a(href="http://example.com") a link] #[span and this is the rest of the paragraph]
You can also do nested inline elements:
p: This is a #[a(href="#") link with a nested #[span element]]

You can use a markdown filter and use markdown (and allowed HTML) to write your paragraph.
this is the start of the para.
[a link](http://example.com)
and this is the rest of the paragraph.
Alternatively it seems like you can simply ouput HTML without any problems:
| this is the start of the para.
| a link
| and this is he rest of the paragraph
I wasn't aware of this myself and just tested it using the jade command line tool. It seems to work just fine.
It seems it can actually be done entirely in Jade as follows:
| this is the start of the para
a(href='http://example.com;) a link
| and this is the rest of the paragraph
Don't forget an extra space at the end of para (although you can't see it. and between | and. Otherwise it will look like this para.a linkand not para a link and

Another way to do it:
| this is the start of the para
a(href="http://example.com") a link
| this is the rest of the paragraph.

Another completely different approach, would be to create a filter, which has first stab at replacing links, and then renders with jade second
h1 happy days
p this can have [a link](http://going-nowhere.com/) in it
<h1>happy days</h1><p>this can have <a href='http://going-nowhere.com/'>a link</a> in it</p>
Full working example: index.js (run with nodejs)
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
// simple regex to match links, might be better as parser, but seems overkill
txt = txt.replace(/\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/, "<a href='$2'>$1</a>");
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have [a link](http://going-nowhere.com/) in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);
A more general solution would render mini sub-blocks of jade in a unique block (maybe identified by something like ${jade goes here}), so...
p some paragraph text where ${a(href="wherever.htm") the link} is embedded
This could be implemented in exactly the same way as above.
Working example of general solution:
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
txt = txt.replace(/\${(.+?)}/, function(a,b){
return jade.compile(b)();
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have ${a(href='http://going-nowhere.com/') a link} in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);

If your links come from a data source you can use:
each val in results
| blah blah
a(href="#{val.url}") #{val.name}
| more blah
See interpolation

Edit: This feature was implemented and issue closed, see answer above.
I've posted an issue to get this feature added into Jade
Haven't had time to implement it though, more +1s may help !

This is the best I can come up with
-var a = function(href,text){ return "<a href='"+href+"'>"+text+"</a>" }
p this is an !{a("http://example.com/","embedded link")} in the paragraph
<p>this is an <a href='http://example.com/'>embedded link</a> in the paragraph</p>
Works ok, but feels like a bit of a hack - there really should be a syntax for this!

I did not realize that jade requires a line per tag. I thought we can save space. Much better if this can be understood ul>li>a[class="emmet"]{text}

I had to add a period directly behind a link, like this:
This is your test [link].
I solved it like this:
label(for="eula").lbl.lbl-checkbox.lbl-eula #{i18n.signup.text.accept_eula}
| #{i18n.signup.links.eula}.

As suggested by Daniel Baulig, used below with dynamic params
| <a href=!{aData.link}>link</a>

Turns out there is (now at least) a perfectly simple option
p Convert a .fit file using Garmin Connect's export functionality.

| At Times Like These We Suggest Just Going:
a(ui-sref="app") HOME

Most simplest thing ever ;) but I was struggling with this myself for a few seconds. Anywho, you need to use an HTML entity for the "#" sign -> #
If you want to in include a link, let's say your/some email address use this:
a(href="mailto:me#myemail.com" target="_top") me#myemail.com


Generate hyperlink in Sharepoint

I have to generate an hyperlink in sharepoint based on sql table like this:
| ID | path |
| 1 | file://test/9932323.pdf |
| 2 | file://test/1653156423.pdf |
Actually there is this code to generate html link:
<asp:Label runat="server" id="ff1{$ID}" text="{$thisNode/#PATH}" />
I cannot modify SQL table (dinamically generated) but I have to substitute:
/test/ with /test.abc.local/
displayed text with filename only ("path" field substring after last '/')
How can I to that without creating new view or calculated fields?
I tried with:
<a href="{REPLACE($thisNode/#PATH),12,1,'.abc.local/')}"><asp:L ...
but with no success. (I'm really newbie in Sharepoint)
I'm not going to remove the previous answer because it still valid and it is pretty handy if somebody comes across the same issue, so the RegEx() expression you will have something like this:
Using the expression above you can find the string you want, so the example below gives you all the LABELS on a page, and from there you can use the following:
.replace( new RegExp("/(file\:\/\/test)","gm"),"/test.abc.local")
Using the expression above you can find the string you want, so the example below gives you all the LABELS on a page, and from there you can use the following:
console.log(' text: ' + $(this).val() + ' replace: ' + $(this).val().replace( new RegExp("(file\:\/\/test)","gm"),"/test.abc.local") );
If I understood your question correctly, I would strongly suggest you to use RegEx(), it is possibly the most handy thing ever created to handle string find/replacement.
You can put a JavaScript function to perform the RegEx() substitution on the page inside of a <script language="javascript"></script> , then on your <asp:label> you will replace the output for calling this function by passing the string #thisNode/#PATH to the JavaScript function you wrote, which will find and replace the substring for the desired output

Asciidoctor parametetrized template

I am using asciidoctor using asciidoctor-maven-plugin. In my document (actually documentation), I have one block repeated many times. Is there any way to do include with parameters.
What I want in pseudocode, I can't find how to write it:
=== HTTP request
=== HTTP response
include template[variable=customer]
I think you can redefine attributes. With this tree:
| main.adoc
| template.adoc
| http-request.adoc
| http-response.adoc
My main.adoc file looks like this:
:snippets: code
== First Chapter
:variable: first
== Second Chapter
:variable: second
== End
This is the end.
The previous example works, but I have the feeling that this is not exactly what you want.
If you are looking for a Macro example, have a look at this maven & java example: java-extension-example.

how can i assign indented block in vim a special syntax highlighter?

for convenience in grouping couchdb functions
i created a file format that groups separate things together using yaml
it basically contains entries in the form of name.ext: |
followed by a intended block of code in the language fitting to .ext
for more pleasant editing i'd like to have vim use the correct syntax highlighters for them
some code examples as requested
map.coffee: |
(doc) ->
for item in doc.items:
emit [doc.category, item], null
reduce: _count
more complex:
map.coffee: |
(doc) ->
emit doc.category, {items: 1, val: doc.value}
reduce.coffee: |
(keys, values, rereduce) ->
ret = {items: 0, val: 0}
for v in values
ret.items += doc.items
ret.val += doc.val
return ret
I believe that what you want it to make use of Vim's syntax regions (:help syn-region). But regions take delimiters as parameters.
You have a well defined start but not a defined end, maybe you could work your way around by establishing some conventions here like "2 empty new lines at the end".
There are similar answers that might give you a hint (including the docs) on how to implement a solution, like: Embedded syntax highligting in Vim
Also interesting and similar approach is this Vimtip: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Different_syntax_highlighting_within_regions_of_a_file
You have to write your own syntax file, and define a syntax region for each of your entries. Inside that region, you can then syntax-include the corresponding language as defined by your ext. Read all the details at :help :syn-include.
If that sounds too complicated, check out my SyntaxRange plugin. It is based on the Vimtip mentioned by alfredodeza. With it, you can quickly assign a syntax to a range of lines, e.g. :11,42SyntaxInclude perl

Jade variable rendering inside tag specifications

I have a Jade page like so:
th Site Name
th Deadline
th Delete Transaction
- if (transactions != null)
each item in transactions
td= item.item_name
span(id='countdown' + item.timeout + ')= item.timeout
span(style='cursor: pointer;', onclick='deleteTransaction("=item.uniqueId")')= "X"
button(id='confirmButton', onclick='confirm();')Confirm
As you can see in both the span attribute I try to put a local variable in two different ways and it doesn't work. Concerning the first way, I receive a token ILLEGAL error, while the second simply writes in my JavaScript something like deleteTransaction("=item.uniqueId");. I know the answer is something really stupid, but again and again Jade doc (even if it has improved) doesn't help me.
To quote the docs:
Suppose we have the user local { id: 12, name: 'tobi' } and we wish to create an anchor tag with href pointing to "/user/12" we could use regular javascript concatenation:
a(href='/user/' + user.id)= user.name
span(id='countdown' + item.timeout)= item.timeout
// ...
span(style='cursor: pointer;', onclick='deleteTransaction("' + item.uniqueId + '")')= "X"
Quoting again:
or we could use jade's interpolation, which I added because everyone using Ruby or CoffeeScript seems to think this is legal js..:
a(href='/user/#{user.id}')= user.name
And so:
span(style='cursor: pointer;', onclick='deleteTransaction("#{item.uniqueId}")')= "X"
As a general tip that you'll use every day of your programming life: balance your quotes. Just like brackets and parentheses, every quotation mark must either open a new quotation or close an already-open quotation (of the same kind, i.e. double-quotes close double-quotes, single-quotes close single-quotes). To borrow your code:
span(id='countdown' + item.timeout + ')= item.timeout
// ^
// |
// What's this guy doing? ---------+
Even though Jade is a templating language and perhaps not a "real" programming language this rule, just as in HTML (also not a programming language), will serve you well.

Drupal 6: How do you print Taxonomy Terms as a CSS Body Class?

In Drupal 6, how do you print a taxonomy term as a CSS body class?
I have found this snippet that lets you print almost every aspect of Drupal content as a body class, but it doesn't include taxonomy terms:
Being able to print taxonomy terms as a body class is essential for theming processes, so I am surprised that a solution is not readily available.
Check what variables are passed to the page template by either doing print_r($vars) or dpm($vars) in your page pre-process function or using the http://drupal.org/project/devel_themer module. The usage of dpm require you to install the devel module.
You will find that some themes will pass $taxonomy as a variable to page.tpl.php . If that is not the case you can find the taxonomy terms in the $node variable which is also available in the page.tpl.php in some themes.
(The above holds true for my fusion based theme acquia marina http://drupal.org/project/acquia_marina ). Once you have these taxonomy terms available you can easily print them out in your body classes.
After much hard work, I found a very easy way to do this.
On Drupal Snippets, there is a snippet that lets you print out the taxonomy terms applied to each page as text.
The only problem is that the snippet will print any spaces or punctuation that are in the taxonmy term, which is no good for body classess.
However, by adding a str_replace command, you can strip out all the spaces and punctuation.
I'm sure there are other people who wants to print taxonmy terms as body classes, so to save them the bother, here is the code that I used with the str_replace command added.
Put the following in template.php:
function getTerm($label, $vid, $link) {
$node = node_load(array('nid'=>arg(1)));
foreach((array)$node->taxonomy as $term){
if ($term->vid == $vid){
if ($link){
$link_set[] = l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term));
} else {
$link_set[] = $term->name;
if (!empty($link_set)){
$label = ($label) ? "<strong>$label </strong>" : "";
$link_set = $label.implode(', ', $link_set);
$link_set = str_replace(' ', '_', $link_set);
$link_set = str_replace('&', 'and', $link_set);
$link_set = strtolower($link_set);
return $link_set;
Put the following in Page.tpl.php:
<body class="taxonomy-<? print getTerm(false, 1, false);?>">
I hope this helps anyone who has the same problem.
Extra tips:
(1)In the code I have posted, the only punctuation that is striped out is the ampersand (i.e. '&').
If you have other punctuation to strip out use the following:
$link_set = str_replace('INSET_PUNCTUATION_HERE', 'INSERT_REPLACEMENT_HERE', $link_set);
Place this command under the other $link_set lines in the code I have posted for template.php.
(2) In the page.tpl.php code I have posted, the "taxonomy-" part places the words taxonomy and a dash before each body class term. You can edit this as you wish to get the results your require.
