ftp -s:filename login error - linux

I'm trying to ftp files from a windows computer to a Linux server (Redhad 6.1 with vsftpd). I can successfully login from the windows computer using:
ftp *servername*
and entering my credentials. However I need to ftp to the server and place a file in a directory because the users in the company will only have control of placing the file needed on the server. I am using the
ftp -s:filename.ftp *servername*
command and get an error during the login:
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.
here is the code in the filename.ftp file:
user *username* *password*
sudo cd /dbx2/ekiexport
put myfile.csv
I have even tried:
user *username* pass *password*
sudo cd /dbx2/ekiexport
put myfile.csv
I know I can just ftp to the server to place the files there myself, but I need the users to run the script when they need to access the file. That's why I need to use the ftp -s:filename


creating a FTP user in Linux command line

I'm struggling in creating an FTP user on a Linux server using the command line.
I installed vsftpd
Then i created a user using multiple commands for multiple times like
sudo adduser --home /home/testuser testuser --no-create-home
Added password to it,
Edited etc/vsftpd.conf file,
enabled chroot_local_user=YES,
Added user name to config files, etc etc. But none seems to work.
They are getting created as SFTP users. I disabled the SSH access and then it stopped for FTP too.
What all I need is to do is simply set up an FTP user and jail them to a path without SSH access.
Can anyone help?
I had gone through a lot of posts. But still no solution.
There are lot more FTP serves like vsftpd, ProFTP, and PureFTP.
But with vsftpd there are known issues. That's right. You can use ProFTP and I followed the same method using ProFTP. It worked.
Instead of trying vsftpd,
I used ProFTP and it worked. I followed the below steps and it worked.
ProFTP Setup in Linux:
Document Link
sudo apt-get install proftpd (to install)
sudo apt-get remove proftpd (to uninstall)
Edit the ProFTP configuration file located at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf to update specific settings
sudo vi /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
Make sure the ServerName and MasqueradeAddress are set to the current machine’s Public or Elastic IP Address.
Set RequireValidShell to false. Set DefaultRoot to ~ to jail users to their home directories only.
ServerName ""
ServerType standalone
RequireValidShell off
DefaultRoot ~
PassivePorts 50000 51000
<IfModule mod_facts.c>
FactsAdvertise off
Creating an ftp user
Add a ftp user to the system
sudo useradd -m ftpuser (the -m option is to create a home directory for the user)
Set user’s password
sudo passwd ftpuser
At a later time, you may delete the user by executing
sudo deluser ftpuser
Test if FTP server is up and running from a remote machine, login using the id/pwd of the newly created ftpuser
Transfer files back and forth.
Restart FTP server
sudo service proftpd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start

FTP From Local Desktop to Server As Sudo User

I have a file on my desktop that I need to FTP to a server. As I've been navigating this server, I need to login with initial credentials to access the box and then needed to run sudo -u [username] ksh to access the folder I need. (No password)
In Filezilla however, I only enter credentials once and therefore, don't have the option to sudo as the user and get permissions to the folder.
Am I going about this process wrong and if so, what's the usual way to do this?
There is no way to switch user on the ftp protocol. You need to know the correct credentials in the first place.
The closest you could come would be to ftp the files to a directory you do have access to, log in with a shell, and then move the files using shell commands after switching user.

Cant connect to FTP with newly created account

I am trying to connect to a new user account I created via SSH with the command
useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/username james
I added/edited the password via SSH with the command
passwd james
When trying to connect to my server using this user and pass via FileZilla I get the following error messages.
Response: 331 User James OK. Password required
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
When I try to login with this user/pass through SFTP I get the following error messages
Status: Connected to domain.com
Error: Connection closed by server with exitcode 1
Error: Could not connect to server
Either way it seems it doesn't allow me to use this newuser anywhere.
My server details
Linux 2.6.18-308.11.1.el5 GNU/Linux
(Red Hat 4.1.2-52)
Regarding FTP, the FTP server commonly used on Linux systems requires users to have a shell that's listed in the file /etc/shells. For example, this online ftpd man page says that, among other things, "The user must have a standard shell returned by getusershell(3).". The page for getusershell() shows that it reads shells from /etc/shells.
You could probably make FTP work adding /bin/false to /etc/shells. Your Linux system might have a more suitable shell available, like /usr/sbin/nologin.
Regarding SFTP, the ssh server normally provides SFTP service by by invoking a program called sftp-server. If you examine the server's sshd_config file, you'll probably find a line like this:
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
sshd runs the subsystem program as a shell command, using the user's shell. If you set the user's shell to /bin/false, then sshd ends up running the command:
/bin/false -c /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
/bin/false ignores its command-line arguments and exits with code 1, so the SFTP client's session drops immediately after it starts.
sshd has an internal SFTP server component that can be used instead of the external program. The usual way of limiting SSH access to SFTP for some users is to set up a Match group within sshd_config, forcing the internal-sftp command for certain classes of users. Here are a couple examples of that:
Dont use "-s /bin/false". Use "-s /sbin/nologin" instead and it should be fine.
Make sure your account password hasn't expired. Mine did, and Filezilla exited with error code 1.
After logging onto the server and updating the account password (prompted immediately after connecting), I am now able to connect with SFTP & Filezilla.
Probably is a password related issue, check account
chage -l <user>
account must not be expired.
FTP doesn't allow /usr/sbin/nologin user
Response: 220 Welcome to the Scent Library's File Service.
Command: USER ftpuser
Response: 331 Please specify the password.
Command: PASS ******
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
filezilla 530 error - but password is correct
vsftpd: 530 Login incorrect
530 Login or password incorrect!
How can I connect via FTP using FileZilla? I get a 530 error.
Response: 220 Welcome to Test FTP service.
Command: USER ftpuser
Response: 331 Please specify the password.
Command: PASS ******
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
Change user's shell
usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin username
Then edit "/etc/shells" file and add this line
In order to connect to the server using ftp, you also need to run a ftp server / service or daemon.
An example of such ftp server is "vsftpd"
After installing it, you will also need to configure it and allow anonymous ftp access or ftp access to existing users
You will find the configuration file in the path "/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf"
The below link might be useful for you --

Updating WordPress with SSH (Cent OS)

I am new to SSH and Linux and I hope someone can help. I am working on a site with a dedicated server (VPS) and I am also working with WordPress. I used SSH to log into the site's files with Cyberduck (I've also used FileZilla successfully) and install WordPress on the server.
The problem I'm having now is that I can't edit or add any plugins or files on WordPress because WordPress doesn't have access to the site's FTP which is standard. It asks for credentials and when I attempt to enter them into the WordPress dashboard, it doesn't work. There is an option for FTP and there is an option for FTPS (SSL). I know these are different than SSH but I tried the SSH credentials anyway and obviously they didn't work.
I then logged into the SSH through Mac Terminal and did the instructions here:
1. Login as root through SSH.
2. Next add the user account you want using the 'useradd' command
useradd <username>
3. Now create a special group for that user.
groupadd <groupname>
4. Now to add the user to the group
gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>
5. Change the group ownership of the special directory to that group.
chgrp -R groupname
6. Enable write permissions
chmod -R g+rw
And it worked. I was able to add a new user (and I could confirm this by looking at the /etc/passwd file). I then logged out and tried to log in with Cyberduck using the new credentials and setting it to FTP (instead of SSH) and it didn't work. It did however work to log in with SSH with the new user credentials. So it seems I can successfully add a new SSH user but not a new FTP user.
I need the user to be FTP so I can hook WordPress up and begin editing. How do I specific the user to be FTP as opposed to SSH? Thanks for any help!
I've found an answer to my question and figured I'd document here for anyone else who runs across this issue. It's surprisingly easy.
Just go to this link and download the plug-in:
You obviously have to upload this straight into your WordPress directory in the SFTP (/wp-content/plugins) in order for it to work correctly since it won't work from within the WordPress dashboard.
Once those files are there, when WordPress prompts you to login to your 'FTP' it will have an option for SSH which you can select and log-in. Voila!

How to login ftp with user name and password from AIX 6.1?

I want to develop a command line to login the ftp server with username & password. The script would be run on AIX 6.1, but now I was stuck.
I have searched on google and got some solutions, but no one works. See commands I have tried below:
ftp ftp://username:password#server
ftp username:password#server
ftp server /user:username /password:password
ftp USER username PASS password
Could you please tell me the correct command?
Create a text file in your home directory named .netrc containing:
machine myserver.example.com login myusername password mypassword
However it would be more secure to set up ssl and use scp. There's little reason to use an insecure protocol like ftp.
