How frequently the Traffic Manager monitors endpoints - azure

How frequently the Traffic Manager monitors endpoints? It's very obvious that it's not event driven (when an endpoint is down it takes up-to 30 secs - 2.5 mins to identify the status of the endpoint as per my observations). Can we configure this frequency, I cannot see any configuration for this.
Is there a relationship between Traffic Manager Monitoring interval and TTL?
This may look like a general question, but my real issue is that I experience a service downtime in a fail over scenario (fail over of the primary). I understand the effect in TTL where until the client DNS cache expires they are calling the cached endpoint. I spent a lot of time on this and now I have narrowed down it to a specific question.
Issue is that there is a delay in Traffic Manager identifying the endpoint status after it's stopped or started. I need a logical explanation for this, could not find any Azure reference which explains this.
Traffic manager settings
I need to understand this delay and plan for that down time.

I have gone through the same issue. Check this link, it explains the Monitoring behaviour
Traffic Manager Monitoring
The monitoring system performs a GET, but does not receive a response in 10 seconds or less. It then performs three more tries at 30 second intervals. This means that at most, it takes approximately 1.5 minutes for the monitoring system to detect when a service becomes unavailable. If one of the tries is successful, then the number of tries is reset. Although not shown in the diagram, if the 200 OK message(s) come back more than 10 seconds after the GET, the monitoring system will still count this as a failed check.
This explains the 30-2 mins delay.
basically the maximum delay would be 1.5 mins + TTL as per the details.


Azure Functions service not recognizing request sent from outside client

We have a service which pings our EP1 Premium service and yesterday we received 3 client side timeout errors after 2 minutes of waiting. When opening the trace in App insights, these requests which time out are not even logged and have no trace of ever being received Azure side, and therefore stay unanswered. By looking at the metrics provided in the Azure Functions app, I found out that 1-2 minutes after the request has been sent, the app loses all its ability to work as its Total App Domains falls to 0 as well as all connections, threads and so on and this state lasts until the next request is received, therefore "skipping" the request that happened beforehand. This is a big issue as I need to make sure requests get answered in a timely manner.
The client service sent HTTP requests to the Azure Functions app expecting an answer, only to time out while the Azure-side doesn't have any record of ever receiving the request.
I believe this issues is related to Consumption Plan of Azure Functions called Cold Start behaviour. The "skipping" mechanism is explained below:
Apps may scale to zero when idle, meaning some requests may have additional latency at startup. The consumption plan does have some optimizations to help decrease cold start time, including pulling from pre-warmed placeholder functions that already have the function host and language processes running.
Please also consider of having look on this article, which explains the behaviour.

Azure slow communication between APIs

In some 1-5% of our requests, we are seeing slow communication between APIs (REST API requests). Both APIs are developed by us and hosted on Azure, each app service on its own app service plan in the same region, P1v2 tier.
What we are seeing on application insights is that POST or GET requests on origin API can take a few seconds to execute, while real execution time on destination API is only a few milliseconds.
Examples (first line POST request on origin, second execution time on destination API): slow req 1, slow req 2
Our best guess is that the time difference is lost in communication between components. We don't have an explanation for it since the payload is really small and in most cases, communication takes less than 5 milliseconds.
We dismiss the possible explanation it could be due to component cold start since it happens during constant load and no horizontal scaling was performed.
Do you have any idea what might cause it or how to do additional analysis in order to discover it?
If you're running multiple sites on the App Service Plan, then enable the "Always On" setting for your web app > All Settings > Application Settings > Click on Always On
See here for details:
When Always On is off, the site is shut down after 20 minutes of inactivity to free up resources for any additional websites that might be using the same App Service Plan.
The amount of information it needs to collect, process and then present itself requires some time, and involve internal calls as well, that is why considering the server load and usage, it takes around 6 to 7 seconds sometimes even more.
To Troubleshoot that latency, try this steps, provided by Microsoft.

Azure DocumentDB Throttled Requests

I have a document db database on azure. I have a particularly heavy query that happens when I archive a user record and all of their data.
I was on the S1 plan and would get an exception that indicated I was hitting the limit of RU/s. The S1 plan has 250.
I decided to switch to the Standard plan that lets you set the RU/s and pay for it.
I set it to 500 RU/s.
I did the same query and went back and looked at the monitoring chart.
At the time I did this latest query test it said I did 226 requests and 10 were throttled.
Why is that? I set it to 500 RU/s. The query had failed, by the way.
Firstly, Requests != Request Units, so your 226 requests will at some point have caused more than 500 Request Units to be needed within one second.
The DocumentDb API will tell you how many RUs each request costs, so you can examine that client side to find out which request is causing the problem. From my experience, even a simple by-id request often cost at least a few RUs.
How you see that cost is dependent on which client-side SDK you use. In my code, I have added something to automatically log all requests that cost more than 10 RUs, just so I know and can take action.
It's also the case that the monitoring tools in the portal are quite inadequate and I know the team are working on that; you can only see the total RUs for every five minute interval, but you may try to use 600 RUs in one second and you can't really see that in the portal.
In your case, you may either have a single big query that just costs more than 500 RU - the logging will tell you. In that case, look at the generated SQL to see why, maybe even post it here.
Alternatively, it may be the cumulative effect of lots of small requests being fired off in a small time window. If you are doing 226 requests in response to one user action (and I don't know if you are) then you probably want to reconsider your design :)
Finally, you can retry failed requests. I'm not sure about other SDKs but the .Net SDK retries a request automatically 9 times before giving up (that might be another explanation for the 229 requests hitting the server).
If your chosen SDK doesn't retry, you can easily do it yourself; the server will return a specific status code (I think 429 but can't quite remember) along with an instruction on how long to wait before retrying.
Please examine the queries and update your question so we can help further.

High amount of http read timeouts on azure

When we migrated our apps to azure from rackspace, we saw almost 50% of http requests getting read timeouts.
We tried placing the client both inside and outside azure with the same results. The client in this case is also a server btw, so no geographic/browser issues either.
We even tried increasing the size of the box to ensure azure wasn't throttling. But even using D boxes for a single request, the result was the same.
Once we moved out apps out of azure they started functioning properly again.
Each query was done directly on an instance using a public ip, so no load balancer issues either.
Almost 50% of queries ran into this issue. The timeout was set to 15 minutes.
Region was US East 2
Having 50% of HTTP requests timing out is not normal behavior. This is why you need to analyze what is causing those timeouts by validating the requests are hitting your VM. For this, I would recommend you running a packet capture on your server and analyze response times, as well as look for high number of retransmissions; it is even better if you can take a simultaneous network trace on your clients machines so you can do TCP sequence number analysis and compare packets sent vs received. 
If you are seeing high latencies in the packet capture or high number of retransmissions, it requires detailed analysis. I strongly suggest you to open a support incident so Microsoft support can help you investigate your issue further.

Windows Azure Service Bus Queues: Throttling and TOPAZ

Today at a customer we analysed the logs of the previous weeks and we found the following issue regarding Windows Azure Service Bus Queues:
The request was terminated because the entity is being throttled.
Please wait 10 seconds and try again.
After verifying the code I told them to use the Transient Fault Handing Application Block (TOPAZ) to implement a retry policy like this one:
var retryStrategy = new Incremental(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
var retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy<ServiceBusTransientErrorDetectionStrategy>(retryStrategy);
The customer answered:
"Ah that's great, so it will also handle the fact that it should wait
for 10 seconds when throttled."
Come to think about it, I never verified if this was the case or not. I always assumed this was the case. In the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAzure.TransientFaultHandling assembly I looked for code that would wait for 10 seconds in case of throttling but didn't find anything.
Does this mean that TOPAZ isn't sufficient to create resilient applications? Should this be combined with some custom code to handle throttling (ie: wait 10 seconds in case of a specific exception)?
As far as throttling concerned, Topaz provides a set of built-in retry strategies, including:
- Fixed interval
- Incremental intervals
- Random exponential back-off intervals
You can also write your custom retry stragey and plug-it into Topaz.
Also, as Brent indicated, 10 sec wait is not mandatory. In many cases, retrying immediately may succeed without the need to wait. By default, Topaz performs the first retry immediately before using the retry intervals defined by the strategy.
For more info, see Ch.6 of the "Building Elastic and Resilient Cloud Apps" Developer's Guide, also available as epub/mobi/pdf from here.
If you have suggestions/feature requests for Topaz, please submit them via the uservoice.
As I recall, the "10 second" wait isn't a requirement. Additionally, TOPAZ I believe also has backoff capabilities which would help you over come thing.
On a personal note, I'd argue that simply utilzing something like TOPAZ is not sufficient to creating a truely resilient solution. Resiliency goes beyond just throttling on a single connection point, you'll also need to be able to handle failover to a redundant endpoint which TOPAZ won't do.
