I have an excel that looks like
ID Name DepartmentID Ext
1298 Alice AA1152 1221
1299 Andrew AA1152 1235
2894 Jack AA1152 1285
2723 Daniel AA1152 4239
All employees are in the same department, and I want to get the DepartmentID from excel to link to the department name in database.
I've read this tutorial http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/659643/Csharp-Query-Excel-and-CSV-Files-Using-LinqToExcel but it has to read the entire file and access sequentially in foreach loop.
How can I get only one row from excel using LinqToExcel library?
Thanks a lot.
You should be able to use First() to return only the first result :
var artistAlbums = from a in excelFile.Worksheet(sheetName) select a;
var firstAlbum = artistAlbums.First();
And to get one specific row, combine Skip() and First(), for example :
var fifthAlbum = artistAlbums.Skip(4).First();
Try something like this
var excelData = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelFileName);
var yourRow = from c in excelData.Worksheet<YourMappedClass>(WorksheetName) where c.Id==SomeValue select c;
There are quite a few other things you can accomplish as well as explained in their github page.
Is there a way to have a paragraph of text get spit out when you have a certain input, from say a google questionnaire?
And make it so you could have say 5 inputs, and it would spit out 5 paragraphs of information, into one document?
For example:
If someone fills out a questionnaire where the first question is year of birth, the tool would spit out the first paragraph with a description of what the year they were born was like.
Second question would be their birth country, the tool would place a paragraph of text about their birth country into the document.
etc etc
Many thanks in advance for any help
It is possible to create documents using a specific criteria based in form responses. I created the following sample script using Google Apps Script so you can get the idea:
function docCreation() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Form Responses 1");
var range = ss.getDataRange();
var values = range.getValues().reverse(); //reverses the array to get the last value in the first position
var doc = DocumentApp.create("Testing doc"); // You can change the name to match a username or any other variable instead
switch (getMonth(values[0][1].toString())) {
case 'Aug':
doc.getBody().appendParagraph("This is a sample body for August");
case 'Jul':
doc.getBody().appendParagraph("This is a sample body for July");
// Second function that returns the month value of the date introduced by the user
// I separated it because it is not that relevant to the main goal
function getMonth(val){
var month = val.split(" ");
return month[1];
It is a very simple script that checks if the month of the date introduced by the user is August or July, and if so, it creates a doc with a simple text as paragraph.
The script is bounded to the Google Sheet of the form responses and you can create a trigger so that every time a user fills out the form, the script starts running to create the needed documents. Now as I mentioned, this is just a sample, and the logic and docs format would depend on your specific needs and usage.
Class Body
Create document
I am basically trying to run a query that gives me all the Users that have purchased a product with a particular SKU. Essentially this SQL here:
SELECT u.FirstName, u.LastName, u.Email
FROM COM_OrderItem oi INNER JOIN COM_Order o ON oi.OrderItemOrderID = o.OrderID
INNER JOIN COM_Customer c ON o.OrderCustomerID = c.CustomerID
INNER JOIN CMS_User u ON c.CustomerUserID = u.UserID
WHERE oi.OrderItemSKUID = 1013
I was trying to use the ObjectQuery API to try and achieve this but have no idea how to do this. The documentation here does not cover the specific type of scenario I am looking for. I came up with this just to try and see if it works but I don't get the three columns I am after in the result:
var test = OrderItemInfoProvider
.Source(orderItems => orderItems.Join<OrderInfo>("OrderItemOrderID", "OrderID"))
.Source(orders => orders.Join<CustomerInfo>("OrderCustomerID", "CustomerID"))
.Source(customers => customers.Join<UserInfo>("CustomerUserID", "UserID"))
.WhereEquals("OrderItemSKUID", 1013).Columns("FirstName", "LastName", "Email").Result;
I know this is definitely wrong and I would like to know the right way to achieve this. Perhaps using ObjectQuery is not the right approach here or maybe I can somehow just use raw SQL. I simply don't know enough about Kentico to understand the best approach here.
Actually, the ObjectQuery you created is correct. I tested it and it is providing the correct results. Are you sure that there are indeed orders in the system, which contain a product with SKUID 1013 (you can check that in the COM_OrderItem database table)?
Also, how are you accessing the results? Iterating through the results should look like this:
foreach (DataRow row in test.Tables[0].Rows)
string firstName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["FirstName"], "");
string lastName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["LastName"], "");
string email = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["Email"], "");
It may be I'm still thinking in the Linq2Sql mode, but I'm having a hard time translating this to OrmLite.
I have a customers table and a loyalty card table.
I want to get a list of customers and for each customer, have a list of express cards.
My strategy is to select customers, join to loyalty cards, group by whole customer table, and then map the cards to a single property on customer as a list.
Things are not named by convention, so I don't think I can take advantage of the implicit joins.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Here is the code I have now that doesn't work:
query = query.Join<Customer, LoyaltyCard>((c, lc) => c.CustomerId == lc.CustomerId)
.GroupBy(x => x).Select((c) => new { c, Cards = ?? What goes here? });
Edit: I thought maybe this method:
var q = db.From<Customer>().Take(1);
q = q.Join<Customer, LoyaltyCard>().Select();
var customer = db.SelectMulti<Customer,LoyaltyCard>(q);
But this is giving me an ArgumentNullException on parameter "key."
It's not clear from the description or your example code what you're after, but you can fix your SelectMulti Query with:
var q = db.From<Customer>()
.Join<Customer, LoyaltyCard>();
var results = db.SelectMulti<Customer,LoyaltyCard>(q);
foreach (var tuple in results)
Customer customer = tuple.Item1;
LoyaltyCard custCard = tuple.Item2;
I has to display a list of books that containes more than 50 000 book.
I want to display paged list where for each page i invoke a method that gives me 20 books.
List< Books > Ebooks = Books.GetLibrary(index);
But using PagedList doesnt match with my want because it creates a subset of the collection of objects given and accesse to each subset with the index. And refering to the definition of its methode, i had to charge the hole list from the begining.
I also followed this article
var EBooks = from b in db.Books select b;
int pageSize = 20;
int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
return View(Ebooks.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));
But doing so, i has to invoke (var Books = from b in db.Books select b; ) on each index
I'm searching for indications to achieve this
List< Books > Ebooks = Books.GetLibrary(index);
and of course i has the number of all the books so i know the number of pages
So i'm searching for indication that leads me to achieve it: for each index, i invoke GetLibrary(index)
any suggestions ?
Have you tried something like:
var pagedBooks = Books.GetLibrary().Skip(pageNumber * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
This assumes a 0-based pageNumber.
If that doesn't work, can you add a new method to the Books class that gets a paged set directly from the data source?
Something like "Books.GetPage(pageNumber, pageSize);" that way you don't get the entire collection every time.
Other than that, you may have to find a way to cache the initial result of Books.GetLibrary() somewhere.
I have list like this:
var list = new List<string>();
This list contains lets say following names: "Ken", "John", "Tom", etc.
I need to add this list to database table which looks like this:
Id SecondId Name
1 1 Ken
2 1 John
3 2 Tom
Where SecondId is secondary key and that info i already have. But my question is there a better way of adding all names to the database without iterating through list using foreach loop? Any linq query or some other way or i have to iterate through the list to add them to database one by one?
I don't think there is a way to add the list as a chunk.
You could use the ForEach extension method on the List like so (assuming you are using a DbContext for database access):
using (var context = new NameContext()) {
list.ForEach(i => context.Names.Add(new Name(i, SECOND_ID)));
You can use the same approach but use you database writing code inside the lambda expression in case you are not using DbContext.