I have just bought the King Products Joomla LMS component - Professional version. How can I change the front end style? - joomla-extensions

The front end of the Joomla LMS component from King Products is supposed to allow me to change the style that is used in the front end of the site.
However, I am unable to find how change it.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

This Joomla LMS is one of the best choices, it has far more features than any other on the market. In the admin section of the component, if using Joomla 2.5 OR 3+ click options.
you will be taken to the component config page.
There are three tabs.
On the LMS King main preferences tab, you will see the option "Template Style"
These are for the front end style. I like the "guru" style the best.
While you're there, you can set the admin styles too in the "Admin Color" option. I like the "Modern excellence" style.
Good Luck.


ModX - How to edit logo being displayed?

I've got a multilanguage ModX site. And noticed that when changing languages, it displays a different logo. WHat I need to do is to setup same logo for both languages. Basically:
English side showing: logo.png
Other language side showing: logo-new.png
I don't want to replace logo-new.png file with the correct image file on server in case another part of the site uses that file. So I'm left with actually editing the site header to show the correct logo.
When I go to ModX's site template, I see this code for the header:
<img src="[[++site_logo_img]]" itemprop="logo" class="site-logo">
So my question would be, where do I go to edit the ++site_logo_img value?
For web context try to look in system settings, for other contexts in context settings - https://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/administering-your-site/contexts
This is a MODX setting, these can be found in settings or in context settings.
Lets say you need a different logo for 2 MODX contexts, you can set a site_logo_img different setting in each context.

Optimize Visualforce Page for Salesforce1

I created a simple visualforce page to override the standard salesforce.com page for "New" and "Edit" for a Custom Object.
It is pretty simple, it was just because in the standard salesforce.com page the textarea was not wide enough, since the form is splitted in two columns. (Or am I wrong? Is there a way to accomplish that without creating a custom visualforce page?)
Well, here is the code:
<apex:page standardController="Object__c">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Object Edit" subtitle="{!if(Object__c.id==null,'New Object',Object__c.Name)}"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Object Edit" mode="edit">
<apex:pageblockbuttons >
<apex:commandbutton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
<apex:commandbutton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:pagemessages />
<apex:pageblockSection title="Basics" columns="2">
<apex:inputField value="{!Object__c.Field1__c}"/>
... more fields
<apex:pageblocksection title="Details" columns="1">
<apex:inputField value="{!Object__c.Field10__c}"/>
... more fields
Ok, the page looks good on force.com, but when I open it from within the salesforce1-App on my iPad it has the same style like on force.com and not the nice styling like the other (standard salesforce.com page-)forms in the salesforce1-App?
To get the styling right, consider using the Mobile Design Templates: https://developer.salesforce.com/en/mobile/services/mobile-templates/templates-faq.
I think you would also benefit from reviewing this slide deck: http://www.slideshare.net/developerforce/visualforce-in-salesforce1-1-1. It specifically asks developers to avoid using pageBlocks in Salesforce1. The author of those slides is Sandeep Bhanot, who, in general, is a great person to connect to on Twitter/Youtube, etc, for all your Salesforce1 needs.
You can have textarea span 2 columns in std page layout by putting it to separate section and setting columns to 1. Just hover over the section header, click the wrench icon on the right and you should get a popup like this:
I'd say for such change it's bit of an overkill to go full VF page route. But if you really need it or my trick won't work - there are few questions on Salesforce-dedicated site that might be a good start for you:
https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/37111/mobile-view-one-one-app-differs-from-native-salesforce1-view (not really related but it's my answer so :P Seriously though - the presentations I've linked to in that answer really helped me to kick off my development)

Orchard CMS - Custom Theme, Creating sections, one with second Navigation

I have a custom theme, the footer, header & home page are all working.
I have a main navigation that links to 5 pages.
I now need to set the style for these 5 pages - and the other pages that link from them (it's different to the home page) - one section of which needs an additional navigation menu on the left (main nav is top).
Would I do this in Visual Studio - or can it be done through the admin web interface?
What is the best approach?
You can add an additional navigation widget on a layer that is not the homepage. As for styling differently on different pages, you could do that many ways.
For example, you could check if the page you are loading is the homepage and load some styles to overwrite the default ones. That would be the easy way I suppose.
If you need a whole new layout for the homepage, you could check out this module on the gallery which lets you select a different layout to use for each content item. Never used it myself, but looks like it could be cool :) http://gallery.orchardproject.net/List/Modules/Orchard.Module.Downplay.Orchard.LayoutSelector

URL based breadcrumbs display

Is it possible to show breadcrumbs based on the URL. For example if the user hits example.com it means home->test1->test and if user hits example1.com it means home->test2->test. Is it possible to control the breadcrumbs visibility. Any one guide me how to do this.
A very nice implementation of A very customizable breadcrumb can be found in the Zen theme. If you already use a sub-theme of Zen then you're in luck. You;ll only probably have to configure it and you're good to go.
Options for the breadcrumb: each theme has it's own settings. So you'll need to add the options you'll want for youre breadcrumb (On/Off, separator, home link On/Off etc.) in a themes/your_theme_name/theme-settings.php file. Here you'll find a starting point. For inspiration check out the theme-settings.php (for defining the options) and zen.info file (for providing the default values for the options).
Theme the breadcrumb: then you'll have to implement your_theme_name_breadcrumb function in template.php. Again look in the file with the same name in the Zen theme for an example.
Showing the breadcrumb: last step is to make sure that your breadcrumb is visible and you do this by printing the $breadcrumb variable. Look in the page.tpl.php file template for the default implementation and customize it as you like.
Some other points of interests:
Custom breadcrumbs haven't tried it personally but sounds promising if you're looking for customizable breadcrumb trails for node types.
An article on the above mentioned Drupal module
for those who like to get their hands dirty here you can find some nice info: http://drupal.org/node/64067
And don't forget to clear the theme cache at the end :)

Joomla news layout

How do I display the latest news on my front page and titles (with links) of other news below it in Joomla 1.5.?
I also need to set a fixed number of others news.
You can use:
"Module Latest News" with option "count: 1" positioned above:
"Module Articles Category" with option "count: [YOUR_NUMBER+1]"
and using CSS hide first element of "Module Articles Category"
Just out of curiosity, if you are using standard Joomla articles, why wouldn't you use the standard Joomla Front Page Blog Layout menu item? This is pretty much what thatview is designed for and it wouldn't require any CSS to display the correct articles.
