Visual Studio Team Services Build Failed - Database Project to Azure SQL - azure

I have a build in Team Services (was Visual Studio Online), with one MSBuild step that is configured to build and deploy a DB project, using a publish profile. I can't seem to succeed in authenticating it. When I queued the Team Services build definition, I am able to build the DB Project and produce the .dacpac. However, come publish time and this error comes:
C:\a\1\s\Source\ShopDatabase\bin\Output\MyDatabase.publish.sql(0,0): Error Deploy72002: Unable to connect to master or target server 'mydb'. You must have a user with the same password in master or target server 'mydb'.
We're certain the user exists in the mydb and the master db in Azure.
Target: Azure SQL Database
DB project Target Platform: Microsoft Azure SQL Database
When I run the publish profile directly from Visual Studio, it works. But in Team Services build definition, it doesn't. I tried these as MSbuild arguments:
/t:Build;Publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="myproject.Dev.publish.xml" /p:Password="mypassword"
and this:
/t:Build;Publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="myproject.Dev.publish.xml" /p:TargetConnectionString="Data;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypassword;" /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 /p:Username="myuser" /p:Password="mypassword"
and this:
/t:Build;Publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="myproject.Dev.publish.xml" /p:TargetConnectionString="Data;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypassword;" /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 /p:TargetUserName="myuser" /p:TargetPassword="mypassword"
But won't work. Please help me T_T been searching the net for 6 hours already

This is a poor error message that likely disguises the real issue: you need to open up your firewall for deployment to Azure SQL DB. It's working from Visual Studio because you have your IP range enabled. The steps in this guide to building & deploying from VSO, specifically the post on deploying from VSO here, should help. it specifically covers how to open up the firewall as part of deployment.

An obvious answer (sometimes in hindsight!) but for future googlers the error You must have a user with the same password in master or target server
also happens if you are pointing your deploy to an instance that doesn't exist.
ie: Server was not found.

Fwiw, was generating a script from visual studio. Running as admin made it stop being a douche about this. What a waste of my life just now...

We recently had this issue and we resolved it by removing the #server-name from the end of the Server Admin Login value in the SQL DB Details section of the SQL Deploy VSTS Task. Some guides online say you need this but it appears something changed recently and it is no longer required.


NuGet feed in Azure DevOps is not accessible anymore (TF246017 / TF30040)

I recently activated the new URL in Azure DevOps, moving from
Consequently, the address to my NuGet feed also changed:
Everything works except for one thing. Now, I am unable to access my NuGet feed (using Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac & Rider). I end up with the following error:
Attempting to gather dependency information for multiple packages with
respect to project 'iOS', targeting 'Xamarin.iOS,Version=v1.0' Unable
to load the service index for source
If I type the address in a browser, I get the following error:
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"TF246017: Azure DevOps
Server could not connect to the database. Verify that the instance is
specified correctly, that the server that is hosting the database is
operational, and that network problems are not blocking communication
with the
How do I fix it?
Update #1
There is a similar error described in this SO question. I am not using a proxy server.
Update #2
I am not seeing this error message when accessing the index.json:
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"TF30040: The database is
not correctly configured. Contact your Azure DevOps Server
I posted the same question and got it fixed. It was due a problem on Microsoft's side as shown on the's status page.

ASP.NET 5 Azure template deployment failed creating SQL Server

I have added a new default ASP.NET 5 web app, and chosen to deploy to AZURE. This works fine, but if I retry and add a azure sql db, then I get the error below as it tries to create the new resource group.
Microsoft Visual Studio
Template deployment failed. Deployment operation statuses:
Failed: /subscriptions/81368473107b/resourceGroups/DJWTestDb/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/djwtestdbdbserver ()
error (InvalidApiVersionParameter): The api-version '2.0' is invalid. The api version must be of the following format: yyyy-MM-dd. This format supports the following suffixes: '-preview,-alpha,-beta,-rc,-privatepreview'.
Succeeded: /subscriptions/81368473107b/resourceGroups/DJWTestDb/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/DJWTestDbPlan ()
I've been running into the same problem, just registered to let you know. It seems that it isn't possible right now (who knows why, but I'm looking at you, ASP.NET RC1) to publish while deploying an SQL server. However, it DOES work to publish without one and make one in the portal, and then connect them through your Web.config.
At first I thought it was all of the new updates to Visual Studio (as of 5/12/15), but I was still getting the same problems after updating. I'm not sure if the new updates are required for this workaround, but that's what I was working with for this.
1. Publish your API app as normal, without including an SQL server.
2. Go to your Azure portal and navigate to the "SQL Databases" tab.
3. Create a new database using your existing server, or just make a new database server if you don't have one yet.
4. When it's done (it may take a second for it to show up in the list), click on the new database and it's settings will appear. You want to go to the "Show Database Connection Strings" option.
5. Save the ADO.NET connection string!
6. Go back to your project in Visual Studio and navigate to the Web.config file.
7. In the "connectionStrings" header, find your database context. It should have a name formatted like YOURDATABASENAMEContext, or something similar. It'll probably be the second entry there. Replace (save a copy first, see note below for why) the inside of the "connectionString" with the ADO.NET connection string of the database you just created.
8. Publish and it should work!
NOTE: This workaround, if followed literally, means the program won't function locally anymore (e.g. starting the app rather than publishing it) since it will be looking for that database in the connection strings. You could return it to it's original state for testing, and then use the azure connection string when publishing, although I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do it.

Windows Azure Mobile app Code First Migratoin Issue

i built an Mobile App on Windows Azure and Visual Studio Community 2015. All Works fine, the local version works like charm. But when i deploy to Azure Mobile App the nightmare began.
After publishing with the option "Execute Code First...." the Site Appears, that an object allready exist in the database with the same Name.
[SqlException (0x80131904): There is already an object named 'users' in the database.]
users is the First create table statement in initial script.
in the Global.asax i changed the Migrator Init to:
//Database.SetInitializer(new MobileServiceInitializer());
var migrator = new DbMigrator(new Configuration());
i also delete the whole Mobile App in Azure and build one new from scratch, same Problem. it crashes always on the initial script in the Migrations Folder. Local all Work perfect...
i´m serching for a solution since days...i hope anybody can give me an hint...
the hint.
The Migrationname in the database was not the same as in the Configuration.
Deleted all Tables and republish.
I think this is not a normal bug it`s a brain bug :-)

Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation

I am trying to deploy a Cloud Service with 1 Web Role to Azure.
When I do so, I get this message:
Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation. This indicates that the new version of your service or the configuration settings you provided when configuring the service prevent the role instances from running. Verify your code does not throw unhandled exceptions and that your configuration settings are correct and then start another update or upgrade operation.
The project runs just fine locally, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to start debugging this issue. Are there any common problems that cause this message or steps to figure out what is causing it?
See This will walk through all of the diagnostic data available as well as how to troubleshoot the most common issues.
We also had this annoying problem and in our case:
We use local storage, but it wasn't defined in service definition (or Worker Role's properties)
Our worker role project has reference to a service project which has reference to data layer project. But, the worker role project doesn't have reference to the data layer project. As soon as we added reference to data layer project in worker role project, it deploys successfully.
Problem #1 can be easily noticed if you first run the project in your local machine. Exception will be thrown.
Problem #2, however, is more difficult, mainly because it runs just fine in local machine. After 5 days of trouble shooting, we finally found the problem. So, check all references and try to add sub-reference projects, those that are referenced by other references.
We had similar problem, and it was due to some DDLs failed to load. (due to different version from the one MS have deployed to the VM)
Try to set CopyLocal to "true" for all the References in the project, and re-deploy.
I would either remote desktop to the cloud instance and review the Windows Event Logs for exceptions or redeploy with IntelliTrace Enabled. If you choose the later, you can download the IntelliTrace logs from Visual Studio and debug
One way to find out the actual error is to click on the " 1 instance" at the top of Dashboard after trying to deploy your web role. It will tell you the status of the role instance. The status should include more information about the type of error which blocks your deployment.
It depends on what your case is. For me, the status claimed that I had an unhandled Security exception. After some investigation, it turned out that under my role's OnStart(), I tried to create a event source. However, Azure service doesn't have the permission to create an event source.
For more possible issues, check
For me, the issue was with my SQL Azure DB firewall rules. My Azure SQL Database servers are not set to "Allow Access to Azure services", so I have to explicitly list IPs that are allowed.
I discovered this after wrapping my code in a try/catch that swallowed all exceptions, refactoring my OnStart() and RunAsync() methods, and setting all my references to Copy Local = True. None of that worked, then I saw that I had this line in my RunAsync() method:
I am using the AdoNetAdapter for log4net and connecting to an Azure SQL DB for logging, so that led me to check the firewall rules.
For me, I had some differing version of nuget packages in my various projects. Once I consolidated everything to the same version(s), it worked fine.
With the release of Windows Azure SDK version 2.2 for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013, Now you can Remote Debug Cloud Resources within Visual Studio.
Once your cloud service is published and running live in the cloud, you can simply set a breakpoint in your local source code. This may help you in digging out what's going wrong!

Publishing vs2012 solution from TeamCity

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and the publishing feature. I have created a publishing profile that deploys my application to a development server, and it works great when executed from vs2012 on my machine. Here is my problem; on the development server I also have TeamCity installed and I would like to trigger the publishing after a build have completed. So I created a simple build step that looks like this:
Build file path: .\src\Solution.sln
Targets: Rebuild
Command line parameters: /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Ci
When this step is executing I get the following error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4377, 5): error ERROR_USER_NOT_ADMIN: Web deployment task failed.
(Connected to '' using the Web Deployment Agent Service, but could not authorize. Make sure you are an administrator on ''.
The Ci profile contains a username and password that works when I run the publishing from Visual Studio on my machine. I have also tried passing in username and password as parameters in the build step, but I get the same result. Do I need to run the TeamCity services under admin accounts to get this working? All suggestions are appreciated.
I have just blogged about this at
You are pretty close, hopefully I can close the gap.
You are correct that username and password are specified in the VS publish dialog, but we do not save the password in the .pubxml file. It is currently being saved in the .pubxml.user file, and that file is not used at all for command line scenarios. Because of that you will need to pass in the property. So in your case it should be
msbuild .\src\solution.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=ci /p:Password=<insert-password>
If your web server does not have trusted certs you may need to also pass in /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=true.
One little addition which may not be directly related to your issue, but may be helpful for others which may see this later.
If you are building the .csproj/.vbproj file (and potentially in some scenarios where the .sln file is used) you should pass in the property /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0. More info on this available at my blog
