How to install Sqelectron in Linux? - linux

I'm a new Linux user and I want to install a MySQL IDE. I use Sqlectron in Windows, so I want to install this IDE now in my Linux computer. I downloaded the .zip file but I don't know what to that after unzip it.
I'm using Elementary OS based on Ubuntu

The latest version of sqlectron has a .deb file to install in debian like distro

To install sql electron goto
find packages depending on your distro either deb, or rpm
for deb
sudo dpkg -i path/to/package_file.deb
for rpm
rpm -ivh path/to/package.rpm

Alternatively, you can double click the downloaded sqlectron*** .deb package and do a GUI based installation in Linux.


Yum cannot find the package I want to install

I am trying to a simple command sudo yum install SDL2. I know that this package exists as per the SDL website:
Red Hat-based systems (including Fedora) can simply do "sudo yum install SDL2" to get the library installed system-wide, or "sudo yum install SDL2-devel" to get headers and other build requirements ready for compiling your own SDL programs.
However, when I try to execute my command, I get the following:
Setting up Install Process
No package SDL2 available.
Error: Nothing to do
I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga). How can I go about getting yum to locate this package?
ONLY SDL is available on redhat 5.3
uname -r
yum search sdl-devel --verbose
SDL-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : base
With Fedora 26, SDL2 is available in repo fedora
uname -r
dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="fedora" search sdl2-devel --verbose
SDL2-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : fedora

how to get/download yum development tools for ubuntu?

I need to build yum package in ubuntu for Stress 1.0.2 application in ubuntu . I am i beginner and provide me Links to download and learn building an yum installer package.
Beware that RPM/yum packages rarely work properly on Ubuntu/Debian systems.
If you want to try it anyway, you can use the alien tool to convert the RPM into a DEB, then you can use dpkg or gdebi-gtk to install it. The homepage of alien is and you can install it with apt-get install alien.
Edit: why do you want to use the RPM package given that you can install stress and stressapptest from the Ubuntu repositories?

download emacs binary for linux?

I am trying to install emacs in offline computer.
but every time I try to build from the source and install it, it doesn't make it.
too complicated.
(terminal ./configure => error try with --without-makeinfo,
after a while, error try with --without-x,
after a while, error can't find emacs version...(and I also want to use X version))
so I want to download emacs binary file but I can't find for linux one.
where can I download pre-build binary emacs 23.3(lastest) for ubuntu?
I can download emacs 23.3 binary file for windows but not for ubuntu.
You could get the deb file directly from and then try to install it using dpkg -i but there will probably be dependencies which you might miss. I'd suggest you try an apt-get install emacs-snapshot on your target machine. It will tell you all the packages it needs to fetch (along with URLs). Fetch all of them from a machine connected to the net and then dpkg -i those packages.
You can try the Ubuntu Emacs PPA here.
type in terminal
apt-get update
apt-get install emacs
for compile, are you download last version ?
you can download deb file here

Adobe Air native installer Linux - Dependency is not satisfiable

I created native installers for my air application successfully under MacOS and Windows.
With Ubuntu 10 I am able to create a .deb package, but when I launch it opens the Ubuntu software center showing error:
Dependency is not satisfiable: adobeair (>=
I thought native installer should be able to download the proper adobe air version if available (2.5.1 seems available as deb package). If I install air for linux 2.5.1 from adobe website my application launches fine.
Did anyone experience the same issue?
Thanks in advance for any help
Unfortunately, many years late "Adobe AIR for Linux is no longer supported." following what adobe page says. Using the "AIR archive" is possible to get unsupported versions, the 2.6.0 version is the most recent available. If you need to install a program that require a newer version of it, you might go to Virtual box with a Windows guest.
For version 2.6.0 the recommend steps for Ubuntu 16.10 are:
for 32bit machine
wget -O adobe-air_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i adobe-air_i386.deb
sudo apt-get install -f && rm adobe-air_i386.deb
for 64bit machine
wget -O adobe-air_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i adobe-air_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f && rm adobe-air_amd64.deb
The recommend steps for Ubuntu 16.04/14.04/12.04/Linux Mint 18/17/13 (both extracted from here):
wget -O
chmod +x;sudo ./
What version of the adobeair package is available from the Ubuntu repositories?
A .deb is just an archive and the dependencies have to be available from the repositories the system is configured to use. It can't resolve the dependency by downloading it from some specific location you know of but the system is not configured to use.
If the needed version of the package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories then your only options are to reconfigure the system to use an additional repository that does have the needed dependency before you try to install your package, or download and manually install the dependency before you try to to install your package.
Try to install itdpkg -i --force-architecture adobeair.deb

How to create installer for linux mint

I have created rpm for my software which works fine for fedora. But this fails whenever I want to install the same in linux mint. because linux mint supprts .deb file for installation. So I want to create installer package for my software which will be compatible in linux mint.
Check out the program alien, which allows you to manipulate foreign packages on a linux distro. Note that this is fine for installing simple packages, but you should build the package from source if you intend to distribute to a large audience.
Another great tool at your disposal for this would be fpm. It allows to create several different package types from many different things, like rpm's. It currently works with the following:
gem (even autodownloaded for you)
python modules (autodownload for you)
pear (also downloads for you)
tar(.gz) archives
node packages (npm)
Mac OS X .pkg files (osxpkg)
You can find it here:
you can use alien if you want and that's the recommended way to do it actually, but you can install it with rpm too. just install rpm:sudo apt-get install rpm then run sudo rpm -i package_name
