I have a schema (.xsd) and on generation using xjc would like to ignore some attributes being generated in the JAXB classes.
I can remove them manually once generated, but every time when schema changes, it is quite a manual task to remove from the generated class. Is there a way to achieve this using the JAXB bindings file or JAXB2 basics plugin ?
I created an XSD schema and have put in some documentation via the tag.
from the XSD i generated Java classes using Jaxb (from within eclipse - jdk1.6)
i now plan to use my java classes as "source" and modify them as per requirements that come up
I will generate XSD back from modified Java classes to keep the XSD in-sync.
in this process any "documentation" on the XSD gets lost. (i.e. when i generate it from Java). Is there some way to get around this? Thanks.
What do I have to put in the XJC external binding file such that it generates the DataHandler type from a XSD type base64Binary when MTOM is enabled in WSDL?
According to the CXF doc (enter link description here) it can be enabled by adding "xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream" as an attribute to the XSD element of type base64Binary. XJC will then generate the DataHandler type.
BTW: I am not completely sure if this is a specific XJC feature or CXF wsdl2java feature.
How can I realize the same generation of the DataHandler type by external configuration?, as the WSDL file isn't mine and can't be changed.
I am familiar with the XJC binding file and use it for customization, but don't know how to use this to indicate the MTOM usage.
The following may be of some help:
Apache CXF - MTOM Attachments with JAXB
Also, see page 64-74 here:
I am working on project in which we need get rid of all JAXB annotations for readability sake and write XML binding file only. Are there any XML binding file generator from Annotated JAXB classes to ease my task of writing binding XML ?
You can achieve this using MOXy (this is JAXB extension). Check more examples in Blaise Doughan blog: Extending JAXB - Representing Metadata as XML and Mapping Objects to Multiple XML Schemas - Weather Example.
Is there a way to generate an XSD document automatically from the binding.xml used by JIBx? This is mainly to allow offline validation of the XML documents will be unmarshalled eventually.
I checked the JIBx homepage, it mentioned a tool called Schema Generator:
but looks like the jibx-genschema.jar file is no longer part of the package anymore, as such I was wondering if there is any alternative
Here is the link to the original package.
Schema generator main class is org.jibx.binding.Compile. It is available in jibx-bind.jar.
This jar can be added to your project with maven dependency org.jibx:jibx-bind:1.2.3 (for example).
The SchemaGen tool has been included in the jibx-tools.jar file for some time. See the JiBX Binding Generator page for instructions on running tools in the jar, just substitute the target class org.jibx.schema.generator.SchemaGen to run the schema generator.
I am using trang to convert a RELAX NG .rng file to an XML Schema .xsd file for use with JAXB. Is there a way to put attributes/elements in the .rng file and have them show up in the .xsd file? I have an external .xjb file that I use for JAXB settings, but there are some JAXB settings that are very closely coupled to the schema itself and it seems like it makes more sense to (somehow) put them in the .rng file rather than the .xjb file.
Any advice?
My opinion is that what you're doing now is the best way and you should keep your JAXB customizations separate from your RELAX NG schema. JAXB customizations in an XML Schema are ugly at best, distracting and confusing at worse. With RELAX NG, there's much less of a mapping and my guess is that you'll still need to put some of the customizations in a separate JAXB customization file, which means that your customizations will be in two different files.