Ionic: Autocomplete div hidden behind keyboard (ng-tags-input) - android-layout

How to focus on tags-input including autocomplete when keyboard is open. There is no problem with input's visibility however, the autocomplete div is hidden behind keyboard.
Example Plunker: Plunker


Moving ChromeVox focus from menu div to content div

I am working with the ChromeVox extension to add a text reader for our church web site When using the mouse to navigate, it is easy to click on a text block to start the reader. The problem comes for someone unable to use the mouse and relying on navigation keys. I can walk down the menu, but once a menu item is selected, I want the focus to jump from the memu to the start of the text in the content .
If you want to focus ChromeVox on a particular page element, you need to focus on that element.
Create a wrapper element which is focusable.
To make inherently un-focusable elements (non-form elements, buttons, links, etc) focusable, add tab-index="-1".)
<div id="main-content" tab-index="-1">
Use javascript to focus on the element after navigating, on page load, or whatever event makes most sense.
This is an example but you can select any specific element.
This technique is especially useful if you are building a single-page-app.

Different behavor of a tooptip for different mouse events in richfaces is possible?

Is there any way to make a tooptip behave differently deppending on if a mouse is over the element or it is clicked?
I need to have the same element working as a tooltip if the mouse is over and to open a popup panel if the mouse is clicked.
I could do it easily if using separated elements, but i need to use the same.

JavaFX + Scene Builder Mnemonics

I've added Mnemonics to a menu bar using JavaFX 2.2 and Scene Builder, but it doesn't work 100% well.
This is my menu:
When I press Alt, it looks like this, which is correct:
Then I press "D", and the menu opens, but the Mnemonics inside the menu are not underlined:
The lines do appear when I press Alt again; however, then the line under the "D" of "Datei" disappears:
So it seems to be some kind of buggy toggling function in JavaFX.
Anyway, I want the Mnemonics to be underlined all at once, just like when I click the menu:
When you click the menus with the mouse and then press Alt all Mnemonics are correctly underlined at once. Pressing Alt again will toggle between underlined and not underlined. This is the normal, expected behavior.
So I think when opening a menu via Mnemonics, the Oracle guys just forgot to call some kind of "underlineMnemonics()" method for the submenu. Does anybody know what method that is, so I can call it myself when opening a menu? Or does anyone have another workaround?
For example, I know that you can make the underlines of the main menu bar visible via CSS:
.mnemonic-underline {
-fx-stroke: -fx-text-base-color;
But I failed to make this work on the submenus. (Also, this would not be an ideal solution, because this way the underlines couldn't be toggled off again.)

Watir- How can I put a hover on any HTML element

I have a web application, in that application the head menus open when we move mouse on to that (I don't want to click on that head menus because clicking on that menus redirect the page to another page).
On mouse over it opens a menu list, I will be able to select the menu item but not able to hover on to the head menu so that a drop-down menu list can appear.
fire_event("onmouseover") is not working, it is only flashing that menu(element) but not opening the drop down menu list.
Can any one give me the solution How can I put hover on to any HTML element please.
Well, there is #hover method:
browser.element(:how => what).hover
And this could also help: How to find out which JavaScript events fired?
For some reason .hover doesn't work for me, but this one does:
browser.element(how: what).fire_event(:mouseover)
No idea why.

bgiframe appears in front of jquery modal dialog's overlay in IE6

When I look at jquery ui's demo modal dialog ( in IE6 the bgiframe is appearing on top of the background overlay. So instead of seeing a black/gray stripe pattern, there is just a white background covering the page with the word "false" in the upper left corner. Is bgiframe broken with the latest version of jqueryui? Is there a quick way to repair this problem with bgiframe? If not, is there a plugin that hides selects when a modal dialog is shown? The ie6 z-index issue with selects is the reason I was using bgiframe in the first place.
Have you looked at this answer
