Securing web server against MITM attack in Safari - security

I have been looking for a way to make sure my web server is secure against a man in the middle attack. It does seem that Google Chrome and Firefox work in blocking requests to my server even if I select to advance after the security warning. I am testing this by using Charles Proxy to intercept Https traffic without having trusted the Charles Cert on my Mac.
When I run the same tests with Safari it will let me through if I chose to ignore the secure warning, which I expect a certain number of users to do. So it seems there is more configuration needed to lock down Safari traffic. I know this is possible because when trying to navigate to with the same scenario I get the following message:
Does anyone know what GitHub is doing to block Safari traffic on an untrusted connection?

Looks like Safari is supporting HSTS and that github is using it. Their HTTP response contains the following header:
Strict-Transport-Security:max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload
This way a browser supporting HSTS knows that for the foreseeable time this site should only be visited with https and any attempts to use http only will automatically be upgraded by the browser.
Apart from basic HSTS which only works after the first visit of the site github also adds the preload directive. This tells browser makers that github likes to be included in the preloaded HSTS list shipped with the browsers, so that the browser applies HSTS even if the site was never visited before by the user. See HSTS Preloading for more information.


HSTS preload Meaning

In MDN HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), it has an example of HSTS settings as below
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
where I can find the corresponding mean of max-age and includeSubDomains in RFC 6979, but it does not have the meaning of preload.
I have tested in latest Chrome and Firefox, and it seems that preload does not do anything at all. With and without preload, on requesting http request, both trials if using Chrome, can find 307 Internal Redirect made by Chrome browser without requesting to the server, which is what HSTS expect.
So what is the purpose of preload?
In addition, even if I add HSTS header, it will still have a chance to be attacked, on the first time the user visit the website with HTTP. How can we mitigate from this risk? That is, how can we tell the browser to add the domain to HSTS list before any request are sent to the server?
I have found, which if I need to register the domain, requires me to add max-age and preload directive. Is it the reason why preload is necessary? And this should be the page where I should add my domain to ensure new user are safe from SSL Stripping Attack?
Preload is a big commitment. It will effectively be hardcoded into a browser’s code. Given it takes several months at a minimum to roll out new version, it’s basically irreversible.
Also as it’s down at the domain level, mistakes have been made. For example preloading but covering that, or have not been upgraded to HTTPS. At this point your options are 1) upgrade side to HTTPS and live with zero users to the site until the or 2) reverse the preload and wait the months for that to roll out to all browsers and deal with zero users until then.
HTTPS is much more common now, so the risks are reduced but when HSTS preload first came out, these were real risks.
Therefore the preload attribute was a signal that the site owner was ready for that commitment. It also prevent someone else submitting a site that wasn’t using this header (whether maliciously or with good, but misguided, intentions).
You are correct in that it doesn’t “do” anything in the browser.
There was also talk of checking if the preload header was still being sent, and if not removing the preload but not sure if that’s done.

Strange insecure tracking code loaded on a secure page with https

i have a website running adsense and its on HTTPS
recently i noticed some mixed content warnings. When i checked the insecure content loaded it turned out to be coming from this domain:
i read online that this is some tracking code by adsense, but how come it's not secure? other people said it could be a malware, so what exactly is that?
"Mixed content" means that your page is served over HTTPS, but some sub-components are HTTP. This URL begins http:.
The primary concern in this case is that this domain name can be spoofed on a local network, causing browsers who have contacted your secure site (and displayed a "this connection is secure" icon in their user) to be tricked into also contacting a malicious site.
It is possible that you've misconfigured AdSense. See AdSense ad code support for SSL for instructions. If this is coming from some other provider, then you need to work with them to convert it to HTTPS.

if i use http for part of my website and https for another part does this open up any security issues

I have a node.js app.
I have it configured to redirect everything to https from http.
but i was thinking if the extra work to make the normal pages visible on http and the logged in pages only visible via https, would be worth the effort.
does having both in my app expose any security holes?
Yes multiple, including:
Cookies are shared between the two sites unless you remember to include the "secure" attribute each time you set a cookie.
You are vulnerable to MITM attacks (e.g. replacing a "login" link on http to either keep you on http or redirect you to another site instead).
Resources need to be loaded over https on the secure site or you will get mixed security warnings. It's easy to miss this when running mixed sites.
Users will not know whether pages should be secure or not.
Can forget to renew cert and/or see cert errors but this should be more obvious if whole site is https.
Cannot use advanced security features like HSTS.
And that's just off the top of my head.
Go https everywhere and redirect all http traffic to https. Unless you've a good reason not to.
There are other benefits too (user confidence, looks more professional, small SEO boast, Google sees this as two sites, easier management of sites, Chrome will soon block access to some features like location tracking on http, cannot upgrade to HTTP/2 until you implement https... etc.).

What's the point of the X-Frame-Options header?

I work on an application where users can embed their website within surrounding content by loading it in an iframe. This obviously relies on the X-Frame-Options not being set on the users website to work. I was asked by a client to create a reverse proxy because they didn't want to remove the X-Frame-Options header from their site for security concerns.
I setup the proxy and everything works but what's the point of the X-Frame-Options header if its as simple as creating a proxy to circumvent?
I understand the header exists to prevent clickjacking but if anyone can just make a proxy to workaround it... does it really increase security?
I don't come from the enterprise dev world, can you help me understand the reasoning behind why the IT department would be resistant to removing the header?
I noticed and also set the header, so it can't be completely pointless can it?
Any site served over http can have its content altered by using a proxy for example. So yes this is fairly pointless on http sites since it's so easily defeated.
Serving a site over https prevents this unless you have a proxy server which also intercepts https traffic. This is only possible by the proxy acting as a man-in-the-middle (MITM) so it decrypts the traffic at the proxy and then re-encrypts the traffic to send on to the server and same in way back. For this to work the proxy server either needs to know the server private key or, more likely, replaces the cert presented to its client with its own copy.
While MITM is usually associated with attacks there are some legitimate scenarios (though many argue even these are not legitimate and https should be secure!):
Anti-virus software can do this to scan requests to protect your computer. If you run Avast for example and have SSL scanning turned on (think it's on by default) and go to and look at the cert you will notice it's been issued by Avast instead of by Google as usual. To do this requires the antivirus software to have installed an issuer certificate on your PC from which it can issue these replacement certs which your browser will still accept as real certs. Installing this issuer cert requires Admin access which you temporarily give when installing the anti-virus software.
Corporate proxies do a similar process to allow them to monitor https traffic from its employees. Again it requires an issuer installed on the PC using admin rights.
So basically it's only possible to use a proxy like you suggest for https traffic if you already have, or have had in the past, Admin rights in the PC - at which case all bets are off anyway.
The only other way to do this is to keep traffic on http using a proxy. For example if you request then this normally redirects to but your proxy can intercept that redirect request and instead keep the client->proxy connection on https, allowing the proxy to amend the request to strip out headers. This depends on the users not typing https, not noticing there is no green padlock and can be defeated with technologies like HSTS (which is automatically preloaded in some browsers for some sites like So not really reliable way to intercept traffic.
Many secure sites use X-Frame-Options to prevent clickjacking
Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet
This prevents attackers from tricking users through transparent layers from performing actions they are unaware of on sites they didn't even know they loaded. Furthermore, this attack only works with frames that are directly served from the attacked/victim site's domain in the user's browser.
You may think that you can just reverse proxy the site and remove the frame busting header. But your proxy is not receiving or sending the end users cookies to the victim site. These secure sites rely on an active session, and as such will interpret the request from the proxy as coming from an unauthenticated user completely defeating the point of clickjacking.

How to identify mixed content in https website

I've inherited an ASP.NET web site that has an SSL certificate bought via GoDaddy.
The problem is that the certificate seems to be invalid because of some "mixed content/resources" (I think that's how its called) coming from http sites.
Chrome is showing the red cross over the lock next to https, meaning it's unsecured. The popups says the following:
Click in "What do these mean?" goes here which says:
The [crossed-lock] icon appears when
Google Chrome detects high-risk mixed
content, such as JavaScript, on the
page or when the site presents an
invalid certificate.
The certificate is correct and valid because I tried creating a blank "Hi world" .aspx page and it's showing the green lock with no problems.
Reading a little bit, I found that I should only include images and javascript coming from https sites. The only thing it had coming from http was the addthis widget, but they support https, so I changed to https, but it's still saying that is unsecured.
I've searched for anything else coming from http in the source, but didn't find anything.
Is there some way (site, chrome extension, firefox extension, whatever) that will show exactly which are the resources that are "unsecured"?
I've never dealt with SSL/HTTPS certificates, but I need to fix this issue asap.
Check your site in, which will give you a list of url which is not consider as secure by your browser.
Check the chrome console
You will get it like this,
The page at https://xys displayed insecure content from http://asdasda.png.
Make it http site to https then it will work.
I've found the problem using the Chrome Developer Tools. It was a js that's embedding a flash from an 3rd party site which it's using http.
Are you on Windows? Download and run Fiddler while browsing the site, and watch for HTTP connections.
Mixed content means contents of a web page are mixed with HTTP and HTTPS links.
These links include your JS, CSS, Image, Video, Audio, Iframes etc.
If your website is enabled for HTTPS (SSL certificate has installed), make sure you serve only HTTPS contents throughout your web page.
