Excel - Evaluate multiple cells in a row and create report or display showing lowest to highest - excel

In an Excel 2003 spreadsheet, I have the top row of cells calculating the number of days and hours I have worked on something based on data I put in the cells below for each category. For example I enter the time spent on Programming, Spoken languages, house, piano, guitar...etc. The top cell in each category will keep track of and display how many days and hours I spent as I add the time spent for each category each day. I want to evaluate this top row and then list in a "report" (like a pop up box or another tab or something) in order from least amount of time to the most amount of time. This is so I can see at a glance which category is falling behind and what I need to work on. Can this be done in Excel? VBA? Or do I have to write a program from scratch in C# or Java? Thanks!
Unbelievable... I've been scolded for trying to understand an answer and requested to mark this question answered. I don't see anything to do this and could not find anything that tells you how, so I'm just writing it here. MY QUESTION WAS ANSWERED... But thanks anyway...

Consider the following screenshot:
The chart data is built with formulas in columns H3:I3 and below. The formulas are
H3 =INDEX($B$3:$F$3,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
I3 =INDEX($B$2:$F$2,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
Copy down and build a horizontal bar chart from the data. If you want to change the order of the source data, use LARGE() instead of SMALL().
Alternative Approach
Instead of recording your data in a matrix, consider recording in a flat table with columns for date, category and time spent. That data can then easily be evaluated in many possible ways without using any formulas at all. The screenshot below shows a pivot table and chart where the data is sorted by time spent.
Edit after inspecting file:
Swap rows 2 and 3. Then you can choose one of the approaches outlined above.
Consider entering the study time as time values. It is not immediately clear if your entry 2.23 means 2 hrs and 23 minutes, or 2 hrs plus 0.23 of an hour, which totals to 2hrs, 13 minutes.
If you are using the first method, then all your sums involving decimals are off. For example, the total for column B is 7.73 as you sum it. Is that meant to be 7 hrs and 73 minutes? That would really be 8 hrs and 13 minutes, no? Or is it meant to be 7 hrs and 43 minutes? You can see how this is confusing. Use the colon to separate hrs and minutes and - hey - you can see human readable time values and don't have to convert minute values into decimals.


How to display the past 17 trading days (business days) when looking up Stock History in excel

I'm using the new STOCKHISTORY function in Excel and I'd like to always display the past 17 trading days from the point I indicate. The problem is with long weekends and holidays this alters the amount of business between two dates. I'm not sure if this will be a difficult question because I think the solution is not dependent on the fact that I'm using the STOCKHISTORY function. I have attached a photo with a simple explanation. On the left the formula for STOCKHISTORY is =STOCKHISTORY(E2,C4-C6,C4,0,1,0,2). This displays 17 business days because 22 is the magic number. On the right though if I query July 22nd with 22 day difference I only get 16 days. This is further wrong on many other dates.
I am open to having a separate reference on another sheet that has dates/formulas. I tried this but couldn't figure out a formula to pull down. Photo B displays an example of the correct number of dates that would show 17 trading days. I am also open to displaying more than 17 trading days as in the future I will need to alter the amount of trading days needed (I might need to display 15 days or 20 days).
In my head I feel like the answer has something to do with the NETWORKDAYS function and/or I should make a list of all the trading days in a year and then make a formula taking the current day and taking away a specific day. Or I could be totally wrong and the answer is obvious.
So I figured out an answer after reading some documentation. There is most likely better answers but it solves the problem enough.
So I created a list of all trading days (business days) as you can see in column O. Then in Column L a list of nearby holidays (Only needed a few exceptions). Then using the formula =(O35)-(WORKDAY(O36,-17,$L$35:$L$36)) I get the right solution which I verified in my example photo posted earlier. You could theoretically get a different number when doing your own calculations (i.e the answer 24 and 23 are both correct).

Excel - Plot time slots on a continuous time axis

Let's say we have time slots documented in which a production line was running. In between each product maufactured are time slots in which the machine was idling.
I now want to plot the machine status over time, basically as a boolean value (running vs idling).
I get the machine log and need the chart on the right.
The machining duration will ultimately be logged including seconds and may vary for each product.
The first - and probably biggest - challenge for me is to find a smart way to extract the status from the time stamps. My current first step ist to create a table row for each minute and use the if statement in H4 to check wether article 1 was being manufactured.
However, since the final list will range over 24 hours or more and the number of articles quickly reaches 50 and more, I would love to avoid using nested IFs on this one..
I'm thankfull for any input and open for inspiration :)
Thank you all in advance!
PS: Anyone know how a better way than a scatter chart with two values per X-Value to display the chart as vertical lines/right angles like this?
One option is to add only those points that are necessary to the Status extraction table (which I named "Status"). (I named the Machine log table "Log").
Note: it looks like you are using a semicolon list separator, so you'll need to change the commas in the formulas below to semicolons.
Formula for the Time column:
Formula for the Production running? column (enter into H4 and fill down):
These formulas will pad your plot with 10 minutes of off time on either side.
To answer your question about avoiding two points for each x-value: no, each point on the plot has to have a corresponding data pair.
UPDATE IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT: I failed to mention that the above solution assumes the time data in the Machine log table are in ascending order. This means that if your data span more than one day, they will need to contain a date component or you can get plots where the line crosses back to the beginning. For example, if you have 23:57:00 followed by 00:10:00 with no date component, Excel treats these as 11:57 pm on 1 January 1900 and 12:10 am on 1 January 1900. (To see this, change the format to "General", and you'll see the values that Excel uses to encode date-time aren't in ascending order.) The solution is to enter the dates as "8/16/2020 23:57:00" and "8/17/2020 00:10:00" in the formula bar. If you're copying over from another data source, the date needs to be copied with the time. If the dates and times are in separate columns, your Start and Finish columns would each be a date column plus a time column.

Calculate minutes in specific period

I have a spreadsheet which has employee working times, listed as Sat-In and Sat-Out for a specific date. The employee shift spans several ours and each "In-Out" period is recorded as a separate line which means the time between the Sat-Out and the next Sat-In means the employee is on a break. I also calculate the time, in minutes of each "sitting" period.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to add a formula which takes the data and further refines it in this manner:
1. I have a core period of 1030-1530, as an example, which is the busy time and requires the maximum employee coverage. The shifts of employees generally spans this core, but in some cases their shift may start or end in the core.
2. I want to calculate how many minutes the employee worked within the core only. I can obviously do this manually using the data, but a formula would be preferred, if possible.
3. As an example, if a person sat-in at 1445 and sat-out at 1545, the core time calculation would be 45 minutes (1445-1530).
I've attached a snapshot of the data to help my explanation.
FYI - the information is pulled from a database as JSON data and converted to excel. I'm not very familiar with JavaScript, but if someone knows a way to do it programatically, I'm willing to give it a try and learn.
![excel]: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dRSTE72CXNa18RzP8
In below example I've used: =MAX(0,MIN($O$2,H2)-MAX($O$1,G2)), and formatted like [mm].
In Excel, units are days, so if you want to calculate the amount of minutes between two timestamps, you need to subtract both and multiply the differencee by 24*60 (being the amount of minutes in one day).
E.g. You start working at 09:07 (cell B2), and finish at 18:07 (cell B3), having a 45-minutes break. Then the time you worked in minutes, is:
Make sure the cell formatting is correct (general), you'll get : 495.

Distribution of time values randomly in a table Excel - Modeling Power Grid

I am working on a model of charging load of electric vehicle. I am attaching a link to an excel workbook for your better understanding.
Column B contains random time values
Column G to P represents houses and each house can have 1 car. So the each time values needs to be distributed in one column. Now when a car is plugged in, its load stays constant for 3 cells.
I want excel to randomly distribute these cars e.g. 4 cars to 4 houses and leave others blank.
what i can think of is, to assign each time a random house then use IF formula with AND function to match random times with time series and second condition to match random houses with columns 1-10.
the problem i am facing is, the formula gives a value error and only works in the rows with has random generated time in front of them screenshot. I know there is a very small thing that i am missing. please help me find it
The two elements in the AND find the house number in column C and return the corresponding time in column B.
The first element compares the time in F to that time. The second element compares the time + 30 minutes to F (three cells). If it's between those two times, it gets an 11.
The ISNA makes sure that the house in question is on the list. You could also use an IFERROR, but I prefer the precision of ISNA.
If you want the values to wrap around, you need to OR compare to the next day.
That formula structure looks like
This formulas already getting too big. If you triple it for your three voltages, it will be huge. You should consider writing a UDF in VBA. It won't be as quick to calculate, but will probably be more maintainable.
If you want to stick with a formula, you could put the wattage in row 4 above the house number. Then in another table, list the wattages and minutes to charge. So in, say, B12:C14 you have
3.7 120
11 30
22 15
Now where you have 11 in your formula, you'd have G$4 and the two placed you have TIME(0,30,0), you'd have TIME(0,INDEX($C$12:$C$14,MATCH(G$4,$B$12:$B$14,FALSE)),0). I re-arranged some stuff to make it more 'readable' (but it's still pretty tough) and here's the final formula

Excel Formula for calculating time in round numbers with hours text

I'm trying to figure out a way to create an excel spreadsheet that will allow me to keep track of how many hours I've earned per each paid holiday my company offers, then keep track of how many hours I've used and what's remaining. But I'm unsure how to calculate this properly.
I could easily do the math my self as it's a simple lay out, but I'm trying to find a way that will just let me enter the numbers for earned and used and walk away from anything else.
What I'm trying to do is the follow:
Have multiple sections. In the first section it'll be my holidays. So in like Column A, working down I'd have New Years, Memorial Day, July 4th, etc. Column B working down would be time earned. But this would be labeled in each cell as "8 Hrs" or "4 hrs". Column C would be time used in the same format "4 hrs" "8 hrs". Then Column D would simple be hours remaining.
Now in the second section I'd have holiday hours earned, which is 2 weeks. Not too sure how to lay it out, and then I still have my sick days, but not sure if I should include that in section 2 or not with the vacation time.
I'd like a way to be able to simply Calculate B2 - C2 = D2. So 8 Hrs - 4 Hrs = 4 Hrs (to show 4 Hrs remaining for each line item.)
Problem is I'm unsure how to calculate remaining time simply because of the Hrs suffix. And with that I also can't calculate total time still remaining, both for holiday hours earn and vacation/sick hours.
Yes, it's easier for me to track it as 8 Hrs rather than 1 day, etc.
Any advice on how to formulate this. Or if anyone knows of a premade template that fits this type of scenario, that I could then just take and integrate into my own spreadsheet.
Sorry if this is confusing in any way.
Also, As I'm no excel wizard, unsure if this is relevant or not, but I'm using Excel 2016, as part of the Office suite.
Another option is to just leave the number as it is and label the column accordingly. Do you really need to see "hrs" in every cell when you know you are tracking hours?
Use a custom number format of,
[>1]0 \H\r\s;[=1]0 \H\r_);0 \H\r\s;[Red]#
... and treat all hours as integers.
