Calculate minutes in specific period - excel

I have a spreadsheet which has employee working times, listed as Sat-In and Sat-Out for a specific date. The employee shift spans several ours and each "In-Out" period is recorded as a separate line which means the time between the Sat-Out and the next Sat-In means the employee is on a break. I also calculate the time, in minutes of each "sitting" period.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to add a formula which takes the data and further refines it in this manner:
1. I have a core period of 1030-1530, as an example, which is the busy time and requires the maximum employee coverage. The shifts of employees generally spans this core, but in some cases their shift may start or end in the core.
2. I want to calculate how many minutes the employee worked within the core only. I can obviously do this manually using the data, but a formula would be preferred, if possible.
3. As an example, if a person sat-in at 1445 and sat-out at 1545, the core time calculation would be 45 minutes (1445-1530).
I've attached a snapshot of the data to help my explanation.
FYI - the information is pulled from a database as JSON data and converted to excel. I'm not very familiar with JavaScript, but if someone knows a way to do it programatically, I'm willing to give it a try and learn.

In below example I've used: =MAX(0,MIN($O$2,H2)-MAX($O$1,G2)), and formatted like [mm].

In Excel, units are days, so if you want to calculate the amount of minutes between two timestamps, you need to subtract both and multiply the differencee by 24*60 (being the amount of minutes in one day).
E.g. You start working at 09:07 (cell B2), and finish at 18:07 (cell B3), having a 45-minutes break. Then the time you worked in minutes, is:
Make sure the cell formatting is correct (general), you'll get : 495.


Excel - Formula to filter column based on variable time

I have a column that needs split based on "morning" and "evening" although the morning and evening times move every day (it's based on sidereal day). Calling them morning and evening is a little deceiving though because eventually the time will creep into the next day and I want to keep the groups distinct. It is more accurate to call them group 1 and group 2. It just so happens that they are around 12 hours apart so it looks like you can just separate based on time of day but once the later group creeps into the AM hours, it would start to get counted as "morning" and the earlier group would roll into the afternoon and be counted as "afternoon" See screenshot below for example data.
I need them split so I can perform operations on the value column so I can distinguish the values in the first group from the values in the second group. I thought of doing some sort of flip flop algorithm based on the previous cell but there may be a more elegant way to do it. Also, it's not shown on the example data but sometimes the day may skip but the times more or less continue in the same pattern of increasing by 3-5 minutes each day.
A date with a time stamp is stored as a number in Excel. Days are stored as whole numbers, time is stored in decimals. So, disregarding the date part, look at the decimal of the number and determine if that is before or after the time you want.
0.5 for example is midday, or 12 noon. So if the decimal part of A1 is less than 0.5, the time stamp would be in the morning.
=if(A1-int(A1)<0.5,"before noon","after noon")
It is not clear from your question how sidereal relates to the data in your sample.

How can I generate activity map for customer care executives?

I have data of customer care executives which tells about how many calls they have attend from one time another time continuously. I need to find out whether particular executive is either busy or free in a particular period. The timings for the office is 10:00 to 17:00, so I have sliced the time with one hour in each slice from 10:00 to 17:00.
The data that I have would look like as:
The data given here is some part of original data and we have 20 executives and they have 5 to 10 rows of data. For simplification we have used 3 executives with less than 5 rows for each one.
The start timings do not follow any ascending or descending order
Please suggest the formulas with out any sorting and filtering on the given data
Required: The result table should give whether particular executive is busy or free in every hour. If he is on call for one minute it should give busy for that entire one hour period
The result should be like:
The same file is attached here:
Thanks In Advance!!!
You need to put in an extra logical test in your OR function that tests for start times less than the time interval start and end times greater than the time interval end. So in cell G31 your formula should read:

Combine (hour, minute, am/pm) columns for two times, then calculate minutes elapsed

I have Time In and Time Out that need to be input on a google sheet. It has to be tracked down to the minute so I have a column for hour, minute, and am/pm. My goal is to have the amount of minutes elapsed between the time in and time out in a row.
I have not found a way to combine all three columns into a time, especially with the am/pm column in the mix. Then subsequently do a formula to find minutes elapsed. I am not well versed in spreadsheet formulas so if there is an easier way of achieving my goal please let me know.
A screenshot is attached of the google sheet columns. Thank you to anyone that can help.
Screenshot of columns :
That is one formula that you can use to convert integers into time in excel. I do not know if it will work in Google Sheets. I will continue with the excel solution with the assumption the formulas are the same in google sheets or there is an equivalent.
Assuming your data is layed out as per the picture below, you could use the following formulas to convert your time to an actual time that the spreadsheet can use. There are other solutions as well.
That will convert your separated times into a spread sheet time. Do the same thing for the OUT Time as below:
That whole other part about checking the time and adding 1 or 0 is that if the out time is less, it is assuming the time is the next day. Days are represented by integers, and time is represented by the decimal value.
Now that you have a method for determine both times, subtract the larger time from the smaller time with the formula below in a single cell:
Convert everything to minutes, take the difference.
The first time converted to minutes will be:
The Second time converted to minutes will be:
Now you just need to take the difference between the minutes in a single cell:

Excel - Evaluate multiple cells in a row and create report or display showing lowest to highest

In an Excel 2003 spreadsheet, I have the top row of cells calculating the number of days and hours I have worked on something based on data I put in the cells below for each category. For example I enter the time spent on Programming, Spoken languages, house, piano, guitar...etc. The top cell in each category will keep track of and display how many days and hours I spent as I add the time spent for each category each day. I want to evaluate this top row and then list in a "report" (like a pop up box or another tab or something) in order from least amount of time to the most amount of time. This is so I can see at a glance which category is falling behind and what I need to work on. Can this be done in Excel? VBA? Or do I have to write a program from scratch in C# or Java? Thanks!
Unbelievable... I've been scolded for trying to understand an answer and requested to mark this question answered. I don't see anything to do this and could not find anything that tells you how, so I'm just writing it here. MY QUESTION WAS ANSWERED... But thanks anyway...
Consider the following screenshot:
The chart data is built with formulas in columns H3:I3 and below. The formulas are
H3 =INDEX($B$3:$F$3,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
I3 =INDEX($B$2:$F$2,MATCH(SMALL($B$2:$F$2,ROW(A1)),$B$2:$F$2,0))
Copy down and build a horizontal bar chart from the data. If you want to change the order of the source data, use LARGE() instead of SMALL().
Alternative Approach
Instead of recording your data in a matrix, consider recording in a flat table with columns for date, category and time spent. That data can then easily be evaluated in many possible ways without using any formulas at all. The screenshot below shows a pivot table and chart where the data is sorted by time spent.
Edit after inspecting file:
Swap rows 2 and 3. Then you can choose one of the approaches outlined above.
Consider entering the study time as time values. It is not immediately clear if your entry 2.23 means 2 hrs and 23 minutes, or 2 hrs plus 0.23 of an hour, which totals to 2hrs, 13 minutes.
If you are using the first method, then all your sums involving decimals are off. For example, the total for column B is 7.73 as you sum it. Is that meant to be 7 hrs and 73 minutes? That would really be 8 hrs and 13 minutes, no? Or is it meant to be 7 hrs and 43 minutes? You can see how this is confusing. Use the colon to separate hrs and minutes and - hey - you can see human readable time values and don't have to convert minute values into decimals.

Attendance Calculations / Period Calendar

This is a multi-tiered project. Let me give a quick overview. I have attendance data, card/ timestamp punches. I would like to have a pivot table with slicers in Excel. Ideally you'd be able to choose a department / last name / associate number. And also a period of time. Ideally this would be a table with the company period/week. And maybe default to last weeks.
I can get at timecard data in two ways:
(1) generate a CSV that automatically performs the timecard math, to figure out how many hours someone worked and it is smart enough to understand 3rd shift workers. The format of that CSV is:
Last Name, First Name, Personnel Type, Associate Number, Facility, Department, TimeIn, TimeOut, Total Hours
The problem with this method is that I would have to manually append the information to the CSV tables. Or come up with some autoIT script.
(2) Get at the raw data via sql/odbc. This way the math is not done. It is just all of the associates timestamps. I would have to figure up the daily hours myself and figure out a 3rd shift formula too. It is not a set schedule, many people swing shifts and others get called in a lot.
Lastly, I would like to be able to filter the dates by using our company fiscal calendar. I have a spreadsheet that goes from 2000 to 2093. With everyday listed and it's corresponding year/period/week.
Example period info spreadsheet:
date Year Period week WeekTotal Period Total
12/3/2007 2008 1 1 2008.1.1 2008.1
12/4/2007 2008 1 1 2008.1.1 2008.1
I know there is a lot going on here, but what would be the best way to approach this project?
First I have not been able to post any script however the last I tried it I used two options 1. Was a php conversion where the time was numbers ( which makes it easier for calculations)
2. Was in the tables where I deliberately entered the values places the time in different columns or fields for hours, mins, and seconds this meant that while the input is eased I still have to calculate the output in php especially for totals, averages and differences.
Hope it helps a bit
