Best practices to use Fog::Logger - fog

What are the best practices to use Fog::Logger. Fog provides 3 types of logging:
module Fog
class Logger
#channels = {
:deprecation => ::STDERR,
:warning => ::STDERR
#channels[:debug] = ::STDERR if ENV["DEBUG"]
def self.[](channel)
def self.[]=(channel, value)
#channels[channel] = value
def self.debug(message)
write(:debug, "[light_black][fog][DEBUG] #{message}[/]\n")
def self.deprecation(message)
write(:deprecation, "[yellow][fog][DEPRECATION] #{message}[/]\n")
def self.warning(message)
write(:warning, "[yellow][fog][WARNING] #{message}[/]\n")
def self.write(key, value)
channel = #channels[key]
if channel
message = if channel.tty?
value.gsub(Fog::Formatador::PARSE_REGEX) { "\e[#{Fog::Formatador::STYLES[$1.to_sym]}m" }.gsub(Fog::Formatador::INDENT_REGEX, "")
value.gsub(Fog::Formatador::PARSE_REGEX, "").gsub(Fog::Formatador::INDENT_REGEX, "")
If we use debug logging then it is only visible when debug mode is on.
What is the best way to use it, please give some examples if possible.

The logger is intended for messages from fog to end users, rather than for direct use from end-users. I would suggest the levels would be used something like this:
debug - Not really used much, more for usage during development than something I would expect to be used for messaging to end-users.
deprecation - Any time we have changed a behavior, but left a backwards-compatible adapter we try also to have a deprecation warning explaining and hopefully driving users to update.
warning - This makes sense for anything related to usage that the user should be made aware of in addition to what is happening (ie if something changed on the provider side or the provider returns a warning, but it isn't broken enough to actually raise an error).
Hope that helps, but certainly happy to discuss further as needed.


How to forward messages to Sentry with a clean scope (no runtime information)

I'm forwarding alert messages from a AWS Lambda function to Sentry using the sentry_sdk in Python.
The problem is that even if I use scope.clear() before capture_message() the events I receive in sentry are enriched with information about the runtime environment where the message is captured in (the AWS lambda python environment) - which in this scenario is completly unrelated to the actual alert I'm forwarding.
My Code:
sentry_sdk.init(dsn, environment="name-of-stage")
with sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope:
# Unfortunately this does not get rid of lambda specific context information.
# here I set relevant information which works just fine.
scope.set_tag("priority", "high")
result = sentry_sdk.capture_message("mymessage")
The behaviour does not change if I pass scope as an argument to capture_message().
The tag I set manually is beeing transmitted just fine. But I also receive information about the Python runtime - therefore scope.clear() either does not behave like I expect it to OR capture_message gathers additional information itself.
Can someone explain how to only capture the information I'm actively assigning to the scope with set_tag and similar functions and surpress everything else?
Thank you very much
While I didn't find an explaination for the behaviour I was able to solve my problem (Even though it' a little bit hacky).
The solution was to use the sentry before_send hook in the init step like so:
sentry_sdk.init(dsn, environment="test", before_send=cleanup_event)
with sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope:
sentry_sdk.capture_message(message, state, scope)
# when using sentry from lambda don't forget to flush otherwise messages can get lost.
Then in the cleanup_event function it gets a little bit ugly. I basically iterate over the keys of the event and remove the ones I do not want to show up. Since some Keys hold objects and some (like "tags") are a list with [key, value] entries this was quite some hassle.
"platform": [],
"modules": [],
"extra": ["sys.argv"],
"contexts": ["runtime"],
TAGS_TO_REMOVE = ["runtime", ""]
def cleanup_event(event, hint):
for (k, v) in KEYS_TO_REMOVE.items():
with suppress(KeyError):
if v:
for i in v:
del event[k][i]
del event[k]
for t in event["tags"]:
if t[0] in TAGS_TO_REMOVE:
return event

Can't get range from a defined name

Excel 2016 (Office 365) 32 bits, 16.0.6965.2115, Visual Studio 14.0.25425.01 Update 3
I'm quite sure the statement below used to work, but now it doesn't work anymore:
var range = ctx.workbook.names.getItem("Countries").getRange();
I get an error stating that there is no support for getRange method, but it should be supported as documented here.
What am I'm doing wrong?
--- EDIT: this is the code I'm using ---
function paintRange() { (ctx) {
var range = ctx.workbook.names.getItem("Countries").getRange();
range.format.fill = "green";
return ctx.sync();
}).catch(function (error) {
app.showNotification("Error", error);
paintRange is attached to a button. There is a global scope defined name called Countries.
I don't have any more details of the error besides the one I mentioned, I also tried opening the quick watch window to get more clues.
UPDATE: The issue is fixed with an update to the CDN. You should be able to use namedItem.getRange() now. Thanks for reporting the issue, and allowing us to do a quick turn-around on it.
Felipe, looks like you're absolutely right. This is definitely a bug. Let me talk to the right folks to get this regression fixed as soon as we can. I'll see if we can put in some processes to avoid this in the future, as well.
From an immediate-workaround perspective, two options:
Use the BETA CDN (esp if it's for an in-development add-in, rather than a production one). That URL is:
Do a temporarily filling in of the inadvertently-removed getRange functionality. Inside of Office.initialize, include the following code:
if (!Excel.NamedItem.prototype.getRange) {
Excel.NamedItem.prototype.getRange=function () {
return new Excel.Range(this.context,
this.context, this, "GetRange",
OfficeExtension.OperationType.Read, [], false, true, null
The workaround in #2 should not cause harm even after the functionality is restored, but I would none-the-less recommend making a mental note to remove this after we've fixed the issue. I'll update this thread once we have fixed the underlying bug, hopefully within a weeks' time (as a very rough estimate, pending any complications that might delay it).
Thanks for bringing it to our attention -- both the individual bug, and the underlying process that let the regression to this one API go unnoticed.

Grab an image from willOutputSampleBuffer or related?

So, Brad Larson is awesome. I'm using his GPUImage library since he optimized the CGContextCreateImage for video output to instead render straight into OpenGL. Then he rewrote it to be even more amazing, and half the questions are outdated. The other half have the new callbacks, Like this question, but for the life of me, I can't get the video frames callback to not be nil. (the CMSampleBuffer to CIImage functions)
I know I have to "tag the next frame" to be kept in memory, thanks to his blog. I also know I process it (but GPUImageVideo also does that), then I grab from the framebuffer. Still nill.
The capture command that's supposed to auto-filter it into a CGImage, from the CGImagePicture's processImageUpToFilter function seems to be what I want, and I've seen it mentioned, but I am lost as to how to hook up the output to its frameBuffer.
Or should I use GPUImageRawDataOutput, and how to hook up? I've been copying and pasting, editing, experimenting, but unsure if it's just the fact I don't know openGL enough to hook up the right stuff or?
Any help is appreciated. I wouldn't ask, since so many related questions are up here, but I use them and still get nil on the output.
Here is my current try:
func willOutputSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!) {
//Next line seems like a waste, as this func is called in GPUImageVideoCamera already.
if let image = gpuImageVideoCamera.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
//it's nil
It seems to use the filter instead, and useNextFrame should be AFTER processing to not go super-slow.
Inside of willOutputSampleBuffer, this is it.
if let image = transformFilter.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
// image not nil now.
transformFilter.useNextFrameForImageCapture(); //enusre this comes after
This has given us stunning speeds that beat Google's p2p library. Brad, thanks, everyone should support your efforts.

Coded ui test in a multithreaded scenario and control not found.

As you all know Coded ui playback can be kind of slow depending on the controls you're querying.
To try and solve this issue I am looking at adding some multithreading capabilities to the test.
Here is a for loop which works successfully, now converted to a Parallel.For - only the control cannot be found (not at all).
Parallel.For(0, totalItems, (i, loopState) =>
var cell = _popupGrid.GetCell(viewName, column.ColumnName, i);
if (cell.ValueAsString == item)
found = true;
The code fails on the DxLookup.OpenPopup - because the control is not found. Looks like it could be thread related.
How is it possible to access a test control from another thread then?
I am not too sure about Coded UI playback supports multi-threading capabilities check this link for playback related information
Configure Playback
you may try come other techniques to speedup the playback
what kind of app are you trying to test? if it's a winforms app multithrreading is problematic.
try testing wheter you can locate tha main app window or any kind of control. if not you'll know it's a threading problem. if you can locate any kind of control just not the desired control you'll be able to tweak the search configurations to loacte the control.
hope this helps

What is the proper way to raise an exception for invalid property settings?

I am writing a component that reads data from a specific filetype. Currently, it has a property for filepath - I would like for this block to quit as hard as possible when passed an invalid file/no file found.
Throwing an exception causes it to stop execution, but also deletes the block from the chalkboard while I am testing (?), which makes me think there is a more "approved" way to do it.
My current solution is something like:
LOG_ERROR( MyReader_i, "Unable to open file at " + Filepath );
return FINISH;
Is there another way to stop if something is wrong, that will hopefully stop all downstream processing as well?
Have you taken a look at the Data Reader component in the basic components? It also has a file path as an input. It deals with this during the onConfigure call as shown below:
def onconfigure_prop_InputFile(self, oldvalue, newvalue):
self.InputFile = newvalue
if not os.path.exists(self.InputFile):
self._log.error("InputFile path provided can not be accessed")
And then again in the service function by returning NOOP.
def process(self):
if (self.Play == False):
return NOOP
if not (os.path.exists(self.InputFile)):
return NOOP
This isn't the only way to deal with invalid input however. It's a design decision that is up to the developer.
If you'd like additional components down stream to know about an issue elsewhere in the chain, you have a few options. You could use the End of Stream bit, available in bulkio port implementations, to signal to down stream components that there is no additional data. They can then use this information to clean up and shut down. You could also use messaging to send a message out to an event channel and anyone who has subscribed to this event channel can be made aware of the message. Again, it's a design decision.
