Does a web cracker need reading perrmission to destroy a UNIX server - security

In UNIX, if I give a website member indirect permission to write to a file, read from the file, but through a cgi, what are the security risks?
like so:
As you can see, only the cgi has permission to read and write to the file.
It would seem that this would prevent security problems.
here's how it works:
1. the user enters there info in a simple <form>.
2. the user sends the <form> to the cgi.
3. the cgi writes the <form> info to the file.
I guess my main worry is the user embedding destructive exes in the file.
However they don't have DIRECT permission to r/w the file.
... it is this and only this file that the user can indirectly write to

The security implications depend on what affect viewing/editing said file has. If the user is able to view /etc/shadow (which contains password hashes), then they would be able to attempt to bruteforce user passwords. If they are able to access any configuration files as well, it may expose login details and other sensitive information.
If properly implemented, this system can be secure, but it would be fighting and uphill battle, and there are many other solutions that would probably suit your needs better.


What is the risk of hardcoded credentials in creating database connection?

Hi security aware people,
I have recently scanned my application with a tool for static code analysis and one of the high severity findings is a hardcoded username and password for creating a connection:
Why does the scanner think this is a risk for the application? I can see some downsides such as not being able to change the password easily if it's compromised. Theoretically someone could reverse-engineer the binaries to learn the credentials. But I don't see the advantage of storing the credentials in a config file, where they are easy to locate and read, unless they are encrypted. And if I encrypt them, I will be solving the same problem with the encryption key...
Are there any more risks that I cannot see? Or should I use a completely different approach?
Thank you very much.
A fixed password embedded in the code will be the same for every installation, and accessible by anyone with access to the source code or binary (including the installation media).
A password read from a file can be different for each installation, and known only to those who can read the password file.
Typically, your installer will generate a unique password per site, and write that securely to the file to be read by your application. (By "securely", I mean using O_CREAT|O_EXCL to prevent symlink attacks, and with a correct selection of file location and permissions before anyone else can open it).
This is an interesting one, I can give you examples for a .Net application (as you haven't specified running environment / technologies used). Although my guess is Java? I hope this is still relevant and helps you.
My main advice would be to read this article and go from there: Protecting Connection information - MSDN
Here is a page that describes working with encrypted configuration files here
I've seen this solved both using encrypted configuration files and windows authentication. I think that running your application as a user that will be granted access to the relevant stored procedures etc (as little as possible, e.g. Principle of Least Privilege) and furthermore folder access etc is a good route.
I would recommend using both techniques because then you can give relevant local folder access to the pool for IIS and split out your user access in SQL etc. This also makes for better auditing!
This depends on your application needs though. The main reason to make this configurable via a config file or environmental user account I would say is so that when you come to publish your application to production, your developers do not need access to the production user account information and instead can just work with Local / System test / UAT credentials instead.
And of course they are not stored in plain text in your source control checkin then either, which if you host in a private distributed network like GIT could mean that this could be compromised and a hacker would gain access to the credentials.
I think it depends on how accessible / secure your source code or compiled code is. Developers usually have copies of the code on their dev boxes, which are usually not nearly as secure as production servers, and so are much more easily hacked. Generally, a test user / pw is configured on the dev box, and in production, the "real" pw is stored in much more secure config files. Yes, if someone hacked into the server they could easily get the credentials, but that is much more difficult than getting into a dev box in most cases. But like I said it depends. If there is only one dev, and they have a super secure machine they work with, and the repo for their code is also super secure, then there is no effective difference.
What I do is to ask the credentials to end user initially and then encrypt and store them in a file. This way, I don't know their connection details and passwords as a dev. The key is a hashed binary and I store it by poking ekstra bytes in between. One who wants to crack it should find out the algorithm used, key and vector lengths, their location and the start-end positions of the byte sequence keeping the values. A genius, who would also reverse engineer my code to get all this information would break into it (but it might be easier to directly crack the end user's credentials).

How to encrypt data while allowing r/w for given user in linux

I am currently working on a java search project that will be distributed to the clients' local server, the project contains some valuable data that we hope it cannot be accessed directly on the machine, but can only be accessed from the project services/apis. The data will be updated on a daily basis and need to be avaliable for query 24/7.
I am thinking of eCryptFs, but after some test, it seems that once the encrypted data is mounted under the service user, say 'root1', as I have to keep the encrypted data in the mounted state to support query, all the other login users can access the de-crypted data without password. Is there anyway to support my scenario? Thanks.
If your users don't have root access, you can simply store the encryption key in a file and deny read access to other users.
If your users do have root access, there is nothing you can do.
Under most circumstances, someone with root account can do anything that the other users can do. So, even if you did get per user r/w permissions on a file but only for a certain user (which is very possible), it would be rather pointless. (Someone with sudo/root access could just run sudo su USER, where USER is the account with the r/w permissions. I think a better way to go about this is to look at options that users do not have control over.
The first thing that came to mind was compiled programs. While they are not really meant for holding secure information, you could compile a simple program to output a little bit of the information after a time delay (to prevent them from just running it continuously and then compiling all of the data they get from it.) Actually, modifying your Java program might be easier; just have it store the information as an enormous string or something. :D
These open source Java obfuscators will make it harder (but certainly not impossible) to reverse engineer your program and, along with it, the data inside.
A more secure option would be to write a C program, compile it, and have it output information (after a time delay) that the JAVA file can then manage. In order to make it harder to decompile, you could add some encryption methods to the string so if the Decompiler messes up on any part of it, it's still worthless information to them.
Final verdict: Nothing is really 100% secure when it is stored on someone else's computer(s) but, then again, neither is it 100% secure on your own server. I would suggest looking into other options, but if you have no other option and you have legal protection on the information, this might work for you.

Can I allow my program to run scripts?

Some users are suggesting that my (C#) program should be able to run scripts after completing it's job. This would be done through a command line to be input in my configuration dialog.
I'm no security expert, so I'm not sure if this acceptable in terms of security. Since the app runs with admin privileges (on Windows), wouldn't that be a huge security risk? Someone could just modify the config files of my application to point to a potentially dangerous script, couldn't they?
On the other hand, plenty of applications allow this, while requesting admin privileges, so I guess it must be ok, but I thought I'd better seek advice before opening wide security holes everywhere =)
Can I allow my application running with full privileges to launch user-specified scripts?
You can restrict access to your config in different ways - from obfuscating the config file to using NTFS permissions to limit access of non-admin accounts to it.
C# certainly allows you to run a user script. System.Diagnostics.Process makes that real easy. The question of security here is another problem.
Running scripts when a process completes can be an incredibly useful and can make or break your target audience's opinion of your application. Understandably, you don't want your product to be turned against your own consumers through a malicious hack like you're thinking.
The root of this problem is that your options are (I'm assuming) text based and easily editable. Your best bet is to encrypt your config file to prevent outside changes to it. Note that this doesn't prevent people from using your app to change your options to allow a malicious script, but for somebody to do that, they need access to an instance of your application instead of simply file read/write access.
This does bring to question one more aspect you should watch for. Don't use the same key for every installation of your application. If you do that, then Bob could cause Alice to run a malicious script by copying Alice's config, using his instance of your app to decrypt it and make the change and then Bob can replace Alice's config with the new malicious config.
Here is another SO question for how to encrypt strings in C#.

Does read-only file system access guarantee a write access?

I am developing a web application and I am wondering if someone has a full read-only access to my filesystem, can this person (assuming that he is aware of everything necessary) have a write access to the system?
For example, if you have a PHP script that outputs contents of any files on the server - will someone really be able to gain a write access to the system somehow? Like... can he rewrite the PHP script?
I'm talking about web servers... so both Windows & Linux related comments are welcome. Also, are there cases where the cracker could have a write access to most files, but not to all on the system?
I'm just curious. To sum up: "Can a PHP local file include vulnerability ever give the cracker a write access to the files?"
A malicious user could download your password file and get cracking, or perhaps read the MySQL user table and get the password for your MySQL root user. Then use that user to gain further access using a privilege escalation exploit or something similar.
Substitute password file for registry (or SAM) and MySQL for MSSQL and the same argument works on Windows. No, it won't be very easy but yes, they will succeed.
Do not give anyone full (read) access to your system, ever!
Let me rephrase. If I have a PHP application running and someone can read my PHP files through an insecure PHP script and has a read-only DB access, will he be able to crack my whole server?
Perhaps. The probability of someone being able to hack your server in that situation is non-zero, therefore you cannot afford allow such a security hole to exist. They may not be able to rewrite your PHP script, but a read-only db user can perfectly use an exploit in the database server for example.
Any accounts which have write access to a given directory have the potential of being exploited.
Security is all relative. Attackers don't follow rules and they won't necessarily pick the attack vector you've hardened against. If you're concerned, make it so that only a select group of users can write to a directory. Do not include service/daemon accounts in this group. Use limited accounts for daily use. Follow good password policies (length, complexity, change frequency, etc.). Limit your attack surface by closing unused ports, etc.
You may even go so far as to encrypt the file-system. This introduces complexity and there's a chance you'll get it wrong . If you're really concerned, you can take a pessimistic security stance and deny everyone any access except the bare minimum they need to do the job you've assigned them.
In the end, even if you're the only one with 'technical' access to a resource, you could still be tricked or blackmailed or otherwise coerced into granting access. The best you can do is make attacks difficult--not impossible.

Is It Secure To Store Passwords In Web Application Source Code?

So I have a web application that integrates with several other APIs and services which require authentication. My question is, is it safe to store my authentication credentials in plain text in my source code?
What can I do to store these credentials securely?
I think this is a common problem, so I'd like to see a solution which secures credentials in the answers.
In response to comment: I frequently use PHP, Java, and RoR
I'd like to see some more votes for an answer on this question.
Here's what we do with our passwords.
$db['hostname'] = ''
$db['port'] = 1234;
$config = array();
include '/etc/webapp/db/config.php';
$db['username'] = $config['db']['username'];
$db['password'] = $config['db']['password'];
No one but webserver user has access to /etc/webapp/db/config.php, this way you are protecting the username and password from developers.
The only reason to NOT store the PW in the code is simply because of the configuration issue (i.e. need to change the password and don't want to rebuild/compile the application).
But is the source a "safe" place for "security sensitive" content (like passwords, keys, algorithms). Of course it is.
Obviously security sensitive information needs to be properly secured, but that's a basic truth regardless of the file used. Whether it's a config file, a registry setting, or a .java file or .class file.
From an architecture point of view, it's a bad idea for the reason mentioned above, just like you shouldn't "hard code" any "external" dependencies in your code if you can avoid it.
But sensitive data is sensitive data. Embedding a PW in to a source code file makes that file more sensitive than other source code files, and if that's your practice, I'd consider all source code as sensitive as the password.
It is not to be recommended.
An encrypted web.config would be a more suitable place (but note can't be used with a web farm)
It appears the answer is the following:
Don't put credentials in source code but...
Put credentials in a configuration file
Sanitize log files
Set proper permissions/ownership on configs
Probably more depending on platform...
No, it is not.
Plus, you might want to change your password one day, and probably having yo change the source code may not be the best option.
No. Sometimes it is unavoidable. Better approach is to have an architecture set up where the service will implicitly trust your running code based on another trust. (Such as trusting the machine the code is running on, or trusting the application server that is running the software)
If neither of these are available, it would be perfectly acceptable to write your own trust mechanism, though I would keep it completely separate from the application code. Also, would recommend researching ways to keep passwords out of the hands of predators, even when stored on local machine - remembering that you can't protect anything if someone has control of the physical machine it is on.
If you control the Web server, and maintain it for security updates, then in the source (preferably in a configuration module) or in a configuration file that the source uses is probably best.
If you do not control the Web server (say, you are on a shared or even dedicated server provided by a hosting company), then encryption won't help you very much; if the application can decrypt the credentials on a given host, than the host can be used to decrypt the credentials without your intervention (think root or Administrator looking at the source code, and adapting the decryption routine so that it can be used to read the configuration). This is even more of a possibility if you are using unobfuscated managed code (e.g., JVM or .NET) or a Web scripting language that resides in plaintext on the server (like PHP).
As is usually the case, there is a tradeoff between security and accessibility. I'd think about what threats are the ones you are trying to guard against and come up with a means to protect against the situations that you need. If you're working with data that needs to be secure, you should probably be redacting the database fairly regularly and moving data offline to a firewalled and well-protected database server as soon as it becomes stale on the site. This would include data like social security numbers, billing information, etc., which can be referenced. This would also mean that you'd ideally want to control the servers on your own network which provide billing services or secure data storage.
I prefer to keep them in a separate config file, located somewhere outside the web server's document root.
While this doesn't protect against an attacker subverting my code in such a way that it can be coerced into telling them the password, it does still have an advantage over putting the passwords directly into the code (or any other web-accessible file) in that it eliminates concern over a web server misconfiguration (or bug/exploit) allowing an attacker to download the password-containing file directly.
One approach is to encrypt The passwords before placing the password in config.web
I'm writing this for web service app that receives password, not client:
If you save hashed passsword in source code someone who views the source code won't be able to help himself with that hash.
Your program would receive plain password and hash it and compare both hashes.
That's why we save hashed passwords into databases, not plain text. Because they can't be reversed if someone for example steals db or views it for malicious purposes he won't get all users passwords, only the hashes which are pretty useless to him.
Hashing is 1 way process: it produces same value from same source but you can't compute source value out of hash.
Storing on client: when user enters pass u save it to db/file in plaintext, maybe obfuscate a little but not much u can do to prevent someone who gets a hold of that computer to get that password.
Nobody seems to have mentioned hashing yet - with a strong hash algorithm (ie SHA-2 and not MD5), it should be much safer.
