Unable to Parent Child Relationship in xpages - xpages

I have an xpage where I am having two data sources parentDoc and childDoc. On click of button 1st time parent is saved and id is passed to child document created on couple of interface field than user can add multiple child documents later on clicking of this button. I have created UI interface to meet this requirement.
But somehow system is saving parent document but unable to save child document. I have created a button on page with the following code.
var cDoc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
print ("Document Created");
cDoc.replaceItemValue("Form" , "KPLPDPChild");
cDoc.replaceItemValue("ParentDocID" , viewScope.parentDocID);
cDoc.replaceItemValue("kp_omc" , getComponent("omc").getValue());
but this is also not saving the record in database. interesting is that when data in UI field is entered its not saving.

You may have forgotten to set ignoreRequestParams="true" on the child dominoDocument datasource. There is definitely o technical limitation to using parent-child relationships in XPages.


Xpages - How to access the newly generated UniversalID and send it on submit in Xpages

I want to be able to send the UNID of the newly created document to the user, so that the user can access the document. In the execution script;
var unid = param.documentId;
var vUnid = newDocId.getDocument().getUniversalID;
Both were picking up the parent UNID, which already existed in the browser.
This image will show you how the document looks like and will be grateful to know how to pass the newly generated UNID when document is submitted.
You need to add your code into the postSave event of your data source. The UNID for a new document only gets set when saved for the first time. Before that it's a temp value only
Write your newly generated UniversalID into a sessionScope variable
sessionScope.newUnid = newDocId.getDocument().getUniversalID;
and use it in next XPage called after submit
var useTheNewUnid = sessionScope.newUnid;

xpages embedded view or view panel

I know it is a very simple question , but I'm trying to see the difference between a view panel ( that I drag from the Container Controls ) and an embedded view.
How can I add an embedded view on my xpages?
Or the 2 items are one and the same.
The reason why I'm asking this question: I have a view panel on my xpage ( I thought it is like an embedded view in clasic lotus notes programming ) where I have listing some docs. The first column is categorized based on the UNID document.
I noticed if I compose again another document, this view contains all the previous docs., and all the UNID categorized. The view panel isn't empty.
In lotus notes programming:
If I have a main form and a computed text field with #Text(#DocumentUniqueId) and some button for composing another form ( of course, when clicking the button I saved the main form to obtain the UNID ), and this form has the same text field name as the previous - I'm passing the UNID to this second form. If the main form contains an embedded view listing all documents saved from the second form I will use the first column categorized and hidden with the name of the field from the second form ( which will contain the UNID ). If I save and close the 1st main, and then I'll compose another main form, the embedded view is not listing the previous documents already saved.
Well, this view is already created.
I did drag and drop this view in myxpage. I have a button inside myxpage that shows a dialog. Here a datasource is declared, the dialog containing some fields. In the main xpage ( where is defined another datasource ) there is a computed field which takes the UNID of the document. Before I click the dialog I save the first datasource, to pass the value UNID to other field inside the dialog.
I save the datasource from the dialog & close the dialog, and then the view panel ( which is the view from the lotus notes classic presented above ) lists the doc. If I close the main xpage ( save it if is a new one ) and then open another main document, the view isn't empty, it contains the previous document lists. ( I tried also to hide it, if the xspDoc is new. But when I try adding other docs. from the dialog, the view panel lists also the previous documents from the previous doc., even if the UNIDs are distinct )
Thanks in advance.
To explain this best, it's good to consider what a view and an embedded view in Notes Client is. A view determines the look and feel, like a View Panel and by default will show all documents found by the selection criteria. So in this case the documents available correspond to a dominoView datasource bound to the underlying view with no additional criteria defined.
An embedded view still uses the view to determine the look and feel, but will not display the first column (that's effectively a property of the embedded view "control" in Notes Client). In the View Panel you choose which columns display, so you would need to code that yourself on the View Panel, where you choose which columns to display. The embedded view also has a property to define the single category. But the View Panel and other repeating containers (like Data Table and repeat control) don't restrict the data available, that's done by the datasource - a dominoView or e.g. a ViewEntryCollection for anything other than the View Panel. So in that you set the filter.
However, a new document does not have a UNID, so it cannot restrict what is displayed. Instead, I think a good approach is to set the visibility so the View Panel is only displayed if it's not a new document. You can use loaded, if you fully reload the page after save, or else rendered.
First off, this is not a stupid question.
I am assuming you are using a self implemented parent response system and have a view sorted by the parent UNID. Under the data source of the view panel, find the the "filter by category name" option. there compute the UNID value, or category value you are searching for.
insure that the background view is categorized (ascending order is best to insure that this works, though I doubt it is needed)
drag (my favourite is the dynamicViewPanel) a view control onto the xpage.
Under Properties/Data there is a place to calculate the value of the category to show. If you want an exact match, check the exact match check box.
If you mistype the category value or the value is not there, then no documents will be shown.
if you put in an empty value all documents are shown (at least in the tests that I can remember)
if documents are returned, the categorized column is automatically hidden.
If you are reading the value from a field, you can use the code:
If you are searching based on the UNID, again, hide the viewPanel if the document is new. If the value is not yet set, also hide the panel.
If you have two custom controls, even if a custom control is embedded in the second, you cannot easily have one custom control access the values of the datasource in another. I am sure there are ways to trick this into working, but in this case, use a viewScope variable to access the values and possibly an onLoad, onChange or onSave event to update the viewScope variable. Make sure to verify that the result is not null or empty by either printing it out to the server log or another field.
Final Edit after question edit/expansion
These are the steps that I would take to do what you described.
You have your parent document XPage. Insert all fields for this Xpage.
Drag a dynamicViewPanel onto the XPage. If parentDoc is New, then hide.(this could be a custom control in theory, but if you are having trouble, try it without for the sake of trouble shooting.
Set dynamicViewPanel datasource to ignoreReqeustParams.
Calculate the datasource and setting the "Filter by category name" filter. When computing this, for the sake of ease and troubleshooting, print this value out to the server, or other logging mechanism. You can delete it later.
Verify that the correct UNID/Value is being inserted into the document you create in the dialog.
If you are using a scoped variable to hold the filter value, be sure you are using viewScope and not appliationScope or sessionScope.
if you are using a custom control and standard parameters (not scopedVars), verify that the compositeData variable is being updated with a log or server print.
Consider setting Dialog Properties/AllProperties/basics/refreshOnShow to true
Play with the partial refresh option for the dialogOpen action, test a full vs partial refresh.
Remember to set the ignoreRequestParams for the document you are creating in the dialog to true
Consider making the new document data source created in the Dialog to request scope.
And of course consider and test all datasources being defined on the XPage on not some here, some there.
Verify that you are taking the value of the UNID from the main document and not the new dialog document by mistake!
Those are all of the tips I can think of right now, pretty much in the order I'd try them in. If that does not help, then I suspect there is a piece of this puzzle that you are not including in the question. Remember, try to keep things as simple as you can. You can over think things, make things harder than they need be.

Get list of all ids in an xPage container control

I am using this code to copy some documents by a button click source. I would like to prevent the end user from having to select columns and would prefer simply get all the documents ids from the view panel. Not exactly sure how to do that, or if a dataview might be a better choice for me.
var viewPanel=getComponent("viewPanel1"); //get the componet of viewPanel
var docIDArray=viewPanel.getSelectedIds(); //get the array of document ids
for(i=0;i < docIDArray.length;i++){
var docId=docIDArray[i];
var doc=database.getDocumentByID(docId);
var db=session.getCurrentDatabase();
var newDoc:NotesDocument=doc.copyToDatabase(db);
var id=newDoc.getUniversalID();
Leave the view panel out of the equation: a view panel is a component, and components are for users to interact with; if the user's interaction with the view panel (i.e. "selecting" documents) doesn't alter which documents you wish to duplicate, ignore the view panel (at least, for the purposes of this specific event).
If you simply want to duplicate all documents that display in the view to which the view panel is bound, talk to the same data source the view panel is associated with. So, assuming your data source declaration looks something like the following:
<xp:dominoView var="allDocuments" viewName="($All)" />
<xp:viewPanel value="#{allDocuments}">
...then just iterate through that same view:
var eachDoc = allDocuments.getFirstDocument();
while(eachDoc) {
var newDoc = eachDoc.copyToDatabase(database);
newDoc.replaceItemValue("approved", "No");
var nextDoc = allDocuments.getNextDocument(eachDoc);
eachDoc = nextDoc;
Since you're duplicating the documents within the same database, when the event finishes, the view panel will simply show twice as many documents, since you duplicated all of them. Unless, of course, the item value you're replacing disqualifies them from the view you're displaying.
NOTE 1: The reason the code above toggles the autoUpdate property is because, unless you toggle that to false prior to the iteration, when you duplicate each document, if the new document does display in the view you're iterating, the indexer will become aware of it, and you might end up in an infinite loop, because each time you try to get the next document, it's actually returning a handle on the duplicate you just created... so you would essentially be infinitely duplicating the same document until some exception is thrown (i.e. stack overflow, out of memory, etc.). Disabling autoUpdate prevents that by only allowing iteration of entries the index was aware of when your routine began.
NOTE 2: If the data source is only defined inside the view panel, move it to a parent (panel, Custom Control, or XPage) that also contains whatever component will trigger the duplication (i.e. button, link) and reference the data source within the view panel. That way both the view panel and the button can talk to the same data; otherwise, only the view panel is aware that the data source exists.

Multiple data sources in XPages

I have 2 xpages that interact together. The first acts as a homepage and allows the user to create a new document and fill out some basic header information. The button to create the new document, sets a sessionScope var with the NoteID. It then saves document1 and opens the same document using another xpage.
The second xpages is bound to document1, and uses the sessionScope to edit the document. This xpages contains and editPanel bound to document2. I want to create a child document to document2. This works but what happens is document1 is also saved as conflict. It is also saved as a second main document.
I DO NOT want to save document1 at all, but can't seem to prevent it. The button that creates document2 uses the simple action save document, and specfies document2.
HELP, I have tried everything, and have been stuck on this for 2 days.
To bind to multiple datasources, on your XPage, under Properties expand Data and set "Ignore Request Params" to TRUE
If you change the type of your buttons, to a simple button instead of a submit button, and handle the doc.save() yourself should solve your problem.
The Save Document simple action accepts the name of the data source to save as a String argument. If supplied, it will only save that specific data source.

Xpages- Create New copy of saved document and open it without saving it

I have a document that I want to create a new version/copy of, so I am trying to do server-side javascript to
Create a new document
copy all items from the current document
open the new document that I have created, without saving it
I am not able to open the newly created document, is this possible?
code I am using is:
var viewPanel=getComponent("viewPanel1");get the componet of viewPanel
var docIDArray=viewPanel.getSelectedIds(); get the array of document ids
for(i=0;i < docIDArray.length; i++){
var docId=docIDArray[i];
var doc=database.getDocumentByID(docId);
var newDoc = database.CreateDocument
doc.CopyAllItems (newDoc)
var docUNID = newDoc.getUniversalID ()
// need something here to open copied document
You need to store the IDs in the session scope and then open the page and do the copy inside in one of the data source events:
var viewPanel=getComponent("viewPanel1");get the componet of viewPanel
var docIDArray=viewPanel.getSelectedIds(); get the array of document ids
sessionScope.alltheDocs = docIDArray;
then open the page where you want to have the new document. Inside that page you need to have a repeat control that matches the element count of alltheDocs. I probably would design it using a DojoTab container (one tab per document). Inside the repeat place a panel with a data source (or a custom control). Then in the queryNewDocument event you copy the fields using the variable name of your datasource.
You could save these docs, then show them and add them to a deletion queue by marking a field on those docs. On save remove them from deletion queue as a work around possibly.
1) Do not store Notes object to scope lasting longer than request.
2) If XPage has to inherit some values, it needs to read them from some source.
3) You can not inherit data from Notes document - according to (1) in memory object must not be stored in sessionScope (simplest way to pass objects between two pages), and you can not retrieve it by UNID/key (it is not saved, as requested).
So, (possibly) the only option is:
Make copy of source document - copy every field you are interested in into Map[String,Object]. Fields must be converted into "raw" objects String, Double, Date (java, not Notes) or their vectors for multivalues. You must not copy special (Notes objects) fields - names, dates, rich text! Names can be converted to strings, Dates can be retrieved as Java dates, rich text might be treated as MIME (String) (but with possible loss of formatting). I think you don't want to pass attachments.
In target XPage, define queryNewDocument event to lookup and initialize fields from this Map object. Delete the sessionScope object to prevent duplicates.
I needed very similar thing in my application. I have XPage with a source document opened in read mode. There is a button that creates a new document and set few values (using the source document). I wanted the XPage to open this new document in Edit mode after it was created.
Note: I could not use redirect with URL parametr action as I needed to open it in a same XPage and preserve a view scope variables and beans.
Add View Scope variables NewDocAction and documentId (on button click),
Partial refresh of XPage (on button)
Compute document data source using viewScope variable documentId
Check presence of View Scope variable NewDocAction (in onClienLoad event)
javascript code in the button:
var travelDoc = xpBean.createTravelDoc(requestDoc);
if (travelDoc != null){
viewScope.put("content","travelForm"); //to render proper CC on XPage
viewScope.put("documentId", travelDoc.getUniversalID());
viewScope.put("NewDocAction", "ToEditMode");
javascript code in a onClientLoad event of a travelForm custom control:
if (viewScope.containsKey("NewDocAction") && viewScope.get("NewDocAction").equals("ToEditMode")){
