Setup domain name on VPS with full root access - dns

My first question ever. and newbie to webhosting.
I am trying vps for the first time for webhosting. VPS just had centOS 7 on it. I installed ruby rails apache passenger etc and deployed my app. App deployed successfully. Here is the IP address (site is still in production mode though). I also purchased domain from with its nameservers | It has been over 72 hours since i registered for the domain.
I want to know what am I doing wrong? why is my site accessible via IP address and not by domain name? If i can get some link to a tutorial or documentation of some kind.
Customer support is very crappy. They are saying we dont provide any technical help for VPS. Help please. Thanks.

The best way might be to use a free DNS service (
The setup would be as follows:
Use a free DNS service to point your domain name to the correct IP address.
Modify your domain name's nameservers to those of the free DNS service provider you've chosen.
For example, here's a link to how you can set this up with Namecheap's FreeDNS service:


DNS Transfer from Plesk Domain Controller to Azure

Good Afternoon,
after 2-3 Days trying to move my Domain from a Webhoster to Azure, i need your Help.
My actual Webhoster has Plesk. Over Plesk i can access and change all the DNS Entrys.
Based on this Walkthrough i'll have created 4 Entrys at my actual WebHoster and the Verification of the Domain is allright. When i run the command
nslookup -type=SOA #mydomain# i see a azure dns.
After that i wanted to create a Test App in Azure. Based on the above Walkthroughs i managed to set my Custom Domain for my App Service. I made this Settings at my old WebHoster and in my newly created DNS-Zone in Azure.
So far so good. So I have deactivated the local DNS Service in Plesk in order to move on to Azure that should manage my DNS now. So i'll have deleted the Custom Domain in my App Service and created it again but this time it should point to my Azure DNS. But in the Creation Dialog of Creating a Custom Domain it tells me that im not the owner of the Domain.
Im confused and floating somwhere in the Dark. Could some guys point to the right direction. Do i have to do additional Entrys in the Azure DNS?
I hope someone can understand my bad Descriptions :).
Thanks for every help
After you host your domain in Azure DNS, you only need to manage your DNS entry in the Azure DNS zone.
Thus, in the step of migrating an active DNS name to Azure App Service, you can create domain verification records in the Azure DNS zone.
Then you also need to add the custom domain to the web app and remap the active DNS records via A or CNAME record following that steps in the document.
Thanks Nancy for the answer.
i could solve the Problem. I found this ?-Button in Plesk that let you test the DNS-Zone on the Nameserver. There was an ip poping up that does not belong to an A-Reccord. But the weird thing is thtat this Ip-Adress also did not belong to the App-Service IP.
But as soon as i added this Ip everything went fine and is working now.

Setting Up new domain for WHM, ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

I got WHM on our VPS and already set up some websites in it.
Usually, I only need to create new Account, fill out the form (domain name, setting, etc).
Then change the nameserver on the registrar's website, then wait for max 48 hours.
Then the website is live.
But now the website is not live yet. I have been contacting the hosting support, but they do not respond quick.
Could you guys please let me know what should I check to identify the problem?
Thank you!
First of all you have to check if you WHM hostname is a valid hostname and then if the hostname points back to the WHM server ip. Then you have to check with a tool like if you DNS zone for the domain is correct and if the domain name points back to your server's ip. If you can, please post your domain name (the one that is supposed to load from your WHM server).

how to point a domain name to free webhost server using dns

I am using free webhosting server. and i purchased a domain name. now how to point a domain name to free webhost?.
ex. my webserver address is,
and my purchased domain name is
now how to point to using dns. please help, thank you.
The best place to resolve these questions is with your web host, and with the entity where you purchased the domain name. Specific instructions will vary according to those host services you choose.
You need to go in your File Zone DNS and add a A host that point to the ip of your web server.
It will be like :
Host : #
Point :
use webforwarding option in your purchased domain console . Go webforwading just enter your free host domain url there. Hence any one trying your new domain will automatically forwaded to your free domain address.

How can I find my Nameservers on amazon ec2 server?

I recently got an Amazon EC2 micro server to learn how to use nodejs. (I am not servers savvy BTW).
I managed to install everything and having nodejs running on the server and running their example script.
on Amazon I set the server security group to allow all / icmap - all/ tcp - 0-65535/ ssh/HTTP/HTTPS so basically everything is allowed more or less.
My question is how can I find my nameserver so I can use them on a new domain that I've bought.
I might be completely wrong and missing many steps if so. Do you know of a good tutorial on how to do that?
Thanks and sorry for the general question.
I believe what you want to do is point your domain to your new server.
You can do a couple of things in your domain registrar (where you bought your domain)
Add an A PTR record on your domain to point to the IP address of the server.
Add a CNAME record to point to the EC2 DNS name of your instance.
You can find the IP address and EC2 DNS name of your instance on the EC2 console:
You need to setup your domain name on Amazon's Route 53 DNS service in order to use their nameservers. Check out the link on how to retrieve the nameservers:

how to link new domain with amazon web services

I got got a new domain that I want to link to aws.
I've already have EC2 instance running.
I'm using Route53 for DNS, and opened 2 records: and
I updated the register company about the new dns servers from route53.
I do have an elastic IP I linked to my EC2 instance.
the problem is that i can't reach my web site.
I guess I'm missing some parts.
did I miss anything along the way?
EDIT: I can reach my site using the public IP I got from Amazon.
But I can't reach it using my domain.
how can i tell what breaks it?
Some things to check:
Have you definatley set the namservers correctly with the domain registrar?
Have you added the elastic IP address in Route 53?
Some other things that you could possibly check are the firewall settings. This is unlikely the case if you can access the site via the IP address.
Do you know what IP address the domain is resolving to. Is this correct?
Also, you can have look at this blog it will explain lot of things
