How to export the OWASP ZAP Spider report to Excel? - security

I am running OWASP ZAP Spider on a domain and retrieving the list of URLs. In the list I can see few OUT OF SCOPE URLs as shown in the image below.
I want to export all this output into an excel (including all the entries tagged as "OUT OF SCOPE"). Can anyone please help me with that?

You can access this information via the ZAP API, which has a (basic) HTML interface.
Point your browser to the host/port your instance of ZAP is listening on and select: "Local API" / "spider" / "fullResults"
Then enter '0' for the scanId and press the 'fullResults' button. You may also need to supply your API key, which is available from the ZAP Options / API screen.
You can also change the format of the results if you want - HTML, JSON and XML are all supported.
Simon (ZAP Project Lead)

export the findings in an xml format and make sure you name the file. open the excel spreadsheet go to the data tab. from the external data section, choose the tab "from other source" and select the xml option. from there you will be directed to a dialog box where you can browse for the exported xml document. follow the prompts given and it should arrange your data accordingly


Web query connection does not create table in excel

I have the below external link
I would like to connect it in Excel 2013 using web query (with the Power Query it works but I would like to implement it as web query from the Data tab).
In a new excel sheet I am doing the below
1) Open a blank sheet
2) Go to Data-> From Web
3) I add the link and click GO. It returns me the below. I am not sure if this error is the reason of my problem
4) By clicking 'Yes' I have the below (everything fine until now)
But when I click the import button (and select the first cell for this import) it returns an 'Open Page Builder' message. Why this happens?
I did not have this problem until last year and I do not understand what is the issue here.
Zoho Support told me that it is Microsoft issue. Can you please reproduce it and tell me why it does not show me the page in an excel table?
It should return be something like that (without the color format)
It works for me by following this method.
1) Open a blank sheet
2) Go to Data-> From Web
3) I add the link and click GO. It returns me the below
4). I choose Basic option and enter URL and click OK
5). I get the following screen
6). I Choose the second option that is Table. As per my experience data desired by us is contained in Tables.
7). I click Load button to get the data, which loads on web page correctly.
A). If you choose Advanced option in step 3 then we will get the following dialog box. In this box in upper part we can add a URL by its constituent parts. For example
has been shown entered into its constituent parts in the snapshot shown below. Further details to set a dynamic URL connection can be referred in linked document.
B). In the lower part of the dialog box there is a drop down to select HTTP Request Header Parameters like
Accept Required. Set this to application/json.
Accept-Encoding Optional. Supported encodings are gzip and deflate.
Authorization Required. See authentication.
Connection Optional. It is recommended that Keep-Alive be enabled.
Content-Length Optional. It is recommended taht the request body length be specified when known.
Further details can referred Query Management HTTP Request
HTTP Request Header Parameters setting for various applications like
Enter data directly into Power BI Desktop
Connect to Excel in Power BI Desktop
Analysis Services multidimensional data in Power BI Desktop
Connect to CSV files in Power BI Desktop
Connect to a Google BigQuery database in Power BI Desktop
Connect to an Impala database in Power BI Desktop
Connect to an OData feed in Power BI Desktop
etc.. can be referred to power-bi/desktop-connect-excel
Regarding OP's comment whether same Excel file can run on another PC, my opinion is it is not possible. When try to copy file to temporary storage for transfer, we get a warning that this file can not be copied to new location with its properties. Are you sure you want to copy without its properties. Please see this warning snap shot.
As such it seems that the same query may not work in a new location. New query has to be created for that location.

Excel Hyperlink adding redirectURL

I'm creating a hyperlink in excel
When I click on this link it changes the Url to
if I change the URL to have ?Displayy= with two y's it does not add the redirectURL attribute. I cannot find any documentation about why this is added. Anyone know why?
The end goal is to deep launch users to specific pages within the application via a hyperlink in excel.
Do the users need to be authenticated to view the pages you are sending them to?
If so the cause may be this (taken from this answer on super user
Clicking a URL in Excel seems to open it in your default browser. But that's not really true. Before opening it in your browser, Excel first runs Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery. This uses a Windows/Internet Explorer component to determine if the URL works. (It does not identify itself as Internet Explorer, but as "User Agent: Microsoft Office Existence Discovery".) And if the results are (somehow) okay then it will open the result of that check in your default browser.
Microsoft have issued a fix for this KB218153 - which can be found here:
This may not be your specific problem, but it is at least worth knowing about.

building chrome extension to read selected words from a web page

I would like to build a chrome extension to allow me select any word from any web page and by clicking a menu item to send it to a service of my company for tracking.
for example, if I am now reading some article on a page, I would like to select a specific word and right click on it, then I would like to make an http request to my service and track this word.
Is it possible to do with chrome extension? can you please link me to a tutorial that can be helpful?
Yes, you can use chrome extension to achieve that.
Refer Official Tutorial for more details.
Per your requirements, you may need:
Select a specific word. window.getSelection()
right click on it. You will need to listen to mousedown, mouseup or contextmenu event, the code looks like
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event){...}, false);
make an http request. You can use XMLHttpRequest to transfer data between client and server.

problem with Infopath Form services

I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click is it possible?
Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?
Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks
You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).
1.) Format your URL like this:
2.) You found already! ; )

Preview InfoPath Attachment

I have a form that Legal will use to track trademark claims. They want to be able to attach logos to this for for easy reference. It's easy enough to create a file attachment, but is there any way to show a preview of the attached image?
The solution has to be usable in a browser enabled form.
Attachments are stored in base64 format. You'd need to somehow post that data to the server, encode it correctly, and send it back to the client as a jpg. It's a bit of work, but i'm sure it's doable.
You could add a link column (named preview) to your form library that leads to an .aspx page in the layouts directory, where you read the form xml and generate a preview of the document including the attachment previews.
This way you are able to handle the different attachment formats (e.g using C# code) and bypass the limited functions of the form service.
You could add a "edit this form" button to that page that redirects to the original formservice url.
Most browsers support base64 decoding, so you could very easily just point to the base64 data directly.
You might want to checkout base64 in internet explorer:
