Preview InfoPath Attachment - sharepoint

I have a form that Legal will use to track trademark claims. They want to be able to attach logos to this for for easy reference. It's easy enough to create a file attachment, but is there any way to show a preview of the attached image?
The solution has to be usable in a browser enabled form.

Attachments are stored in base64 format. You'd need to somehow post that data to the server, encode it correctly, and send it back to the client as a jpg. It's a bit of work, but i'm sure it's doable.

You could add a link column (named preview) to your form library that leads to an .aspx page in the layouts directory, where you read the form xml and generate a preview of the document including the attachment previews.
This way you are able to handle the different attachment formats (e.g using C# code) and bypass the limited functions of the form service.
You could add a "edit this form" button to that page that redirects to the original formservice url.

Most browsers support base64 decoding, so you could very easily just point to the base64 data directly.
You might want to checkout base64 in internet explorer:


Can I add sign here filed to custom pdf and use it for embedded sign later

I have a PDF document. Can I modify it to include SignHere/InitialHere anchor text fields using DocuSign Account through UI and download the PDF in my server and use it later for embedded singing.
Well, I think there are two options here:
You are asking about modifying your PDF. You can do that, but you would have to use some other software/API for this. This would allow you to use AnchorTags with the modified text that you chose.
You could add the SignHere/InitialHere tags via the API when you create the envelope. Here is some code example that can get you started:

Docusign Connect Configuration settings not returning PDF

I have a standard custom connect setup that has been working really well for us. We now want to store the signed document in our app. So I go and edit the settings and click on Document PDFs in the include section. However, there is no change in the XML that is in the callback. I would have assumed that the base64 encoded document would be there just like when I send it.
Is it somewhere else? Ho do I get a copy of the document once ALL recipients have signed?
Thank You.
Sorry you're having this problem. I suggest creating a new Connect subscription/config and sending it to as a test.
If the payload is as you expect, then update the url to be your webhook listener.
It could also be that you're not parsing the xml fully. The documents are included at an initial object level within the xml.
I do know that if you request the Certificate of Completion without asking for the Document PDFs themselves, it won't work. I haven't seen your problem as described though.

Data URI image embedded in html page to be view in email client

I have a html file (generated via knitr package in R). It has a image which is encoded as data uri so there is no need for image attachments. Here is the link to that sample.html
Sending it as an attachment, hasnt been issue but now we want to send this html to be embedded into the content of the email.
Using mutt, mutt -e "set content_type=text/html" -- < sample.html.
Upon opening the email, I realised that the image couldnt be seen, though the html tables and other content could be.
Screenshot attached here
I read that gmail blocks images.
Could this the reason and is there a way to circumvent this problem ?
Outlook cant view it.
Gmail in Android not able to view.
But surprise,surprise
Gmail in iOS system is able to view the image.
I read that gmail blocks images.
Partially correct. Gmail filters data URIs from being displayed in its interfaces, but it allows you to download/forward the original message (including the data URI) to a mail client that doesn't filter it. It does block (all) images on messages flagged as spam.
is there a way to circumvent this problem ?
Not exactly. You have to either use a regular URL or attach the image. It is intended for there to be no way to use data URIs in their interface.

Xpages Download control for Client side

Xpages for Client Side: Download Control does not have the option of opening a saved attachment , it always gives the option of saving the attachment and then reopening.Any workaround for this?
The scheme by Mark doesn't work in XPiNC ( which I think is what Client Side meant in the question ), however, Mark has since come up with another scheme which he mentioned to me and it works.
If you use a url link to open a classic notes document ( i.e. not xpages ) with the launch property open first attachment set then the attachment will be launched immediately - it works really well.
I will write something up and put it on my blog then add a link here. If you had more than one attachment you might need to construct a temporary document with just the attachment you wanted.
I haven't found a way to let users directly open files using the standard download control, but as a workaround you could create links to the files using the (old school) syntax:
This won't add the content-disposition header that causes the file download dialog.

Programmatic Creation of a Notes Link Hotspot (URL)

Earlier versions of the Notes client would automatically turn a sent URL into a clickable link for the recipient (regardless of mail client) but with 6.5 (and presumably later) this no longer happens; that is, the URL is sent as plain text. The Notes UI allows it to be done via the Create->Hotspot->Link Hotspot menu but this gets tedious.
I'm looking for a way to create a Link Hotspot in LotusScript. My research to date leads me to believe that this isn't possible but there may be a hack of some kind.
The automatic conversion of urls into clickable links is a user preference.
In 6.5 it is set via File/Preferences/User Preferences/Basics. In 8 it is set via File/Prefences/Basic Notes Client Config.
I don't think you can create a url link hotspot explicitly using lotusscript. You can create a doc link, but there is no obvious way to turn it into a url link.
You could try an approach where the form is set to render passthrough html on the client and then construct the relevant html for a link.
Update in response to comment.
The scenario is that we want to to control what a user receiving mail sees. We have a few cases we should think about.
The recipient is using Notes and received the mail directly via notes to notes routing.
The recipient is out on the internet using any client and allows email in a rich format.
The recipient is out on the internet using any client and only allows email in plain text.
In the first case the user will see links if they turn on the option for that. You could also create pass-through html in the rich text and that will render on the Notes client assuming the form option is set in the design. If it's straight email and you don't really need any other rich Notes features you could also construct a MIME message.
In the next two cases you just want to send properly formatted MIME messages. In the first of those cases the user will accept rich formatting and therefore you can construct the message as simple html and include links that way. In the second case the user will not, and you have to make do with plain text. Luckily most mail clients will automatically turn urls received in plain text messages into links for you. This may be an option as in the Notes client.
It is best practice when sending rich mail content to also include a MIME section for plain text. That way you don't need to care what version the user prefers.
You need to cheat and create a MIME entry to get your links. Going that route you also can take the opportunity to make it look really nice. The sample code is on this site
