Default terminal background color - tig

I tried to use tig 2 and I saw that the default background color was set color000 while the background color of the temrinal was different.
Is there a way to set the background color the one in the terminal?


Disable gdb highlight colors

I'm using gdb on Fedora 32 and gdb prints information with highlight color.
However the color has less contrast for example dark blue text on black background.
How can I disable the highlight color?
Use set style enabled off to disable all styling, as the manual says.

Display Grid background pattern in sublimetext

I'm looking for a way to set a grid background style in sublime editor similar as gedit provides in preferences panel. The image below illustrates when the Display grid pattern is toggled on in gedit. It's possible to set this same feature in sublime?
This is not currently possible in Sublime, no.
The background of files is always a solid color, whose color is controlled by the color scheme set in the color_scheme setting. That gives you the power to set a global color scheme background color, one that's specific to projects, and even ones that are specific to certain files or types of files, but it's always a solid color.

Remove terminal border colors from vim colorschemes

I want the color scheme to span completely across the terminal boundaries. I am using Color Scheme Scroller Plugin to switch between different theme. I have uploaded a .gif file so that you can clearly see what I want to get fixed. Vim colorschemes doesn't completely change the color of editor. There are some terminal color's borders left around the vim's overridden color scheme. How would I fix it.
Please check the image on this link. Stackoverflow doesn't allow uploading an image > 2Mb
You can't do that from Vim itself.
Terminal emulators use that padding to preserve readability when characters are displayed next to the borders of the window. The programs you run in your terminal have no knowledge of that padding and thus no ability to change it.
But you can read the documentation of your terminal emulator or take a look at its source code to find a way to enable/adjust/disable that padding.
FWIW, there's no way to change that in Terminal but it can be done for iTerm.
Alternatively, you could simply set the background color of your terminal to the one used in your vim colorscheme.
The image appears to depict behavior outside vim's control:
it is using a terminal emulator (could be xterm, could be some other).
the terminal emulator draws character cells on a window
those cells form a grid; the window may extend beyond the grid
the window can have a background color
the grid can have a background color
within the grid, most terminals provide some capability of drawing text with specific foreground and background colors
the grid can have a default background color which is not any of the specified colors
outside the grid, the window can also have a default background color
normally, the grid- and window-default backgrounds are the same
the window can be resized to (more or less) arbitrary sizes
the grid is constrained to exact character sizes
because of this difference, the window can have areas outside the grid which use its default color, and not match the grid's background color.
escape sequences which could affect the grid- and window-background colors are doing erases (see for example the ncurses FAQ My terminal shows some uncolored spaces).
though it is conceivable that erasures within the grid could affect those outside areas, doing that generally leads to odd visual effects.

How to remove border around terminal vim

I'm using terminal vim with the solarized-light theme for both vim and my terminal. If I try and use for example a dark colour scheme for my terminal a dark border appears around my vim window as shown in the image below.
Is there a setting I can change to remove this border, or reduce its width to 0?
You can't do that from Vim and your terminal emulator doesn't expose an option for that either.
So… use the same background color.
Nothing to do with vim it's a terminal background. There's no simple solution. Use the same background color or change a font. Some fonts with certain sizes ideally fit into terminal width and height. Bitstream font works for me.

How do I change the background color in gnuplot?

I have a script that renders graphs in gnuplot. The graphs all end up with an ugly white background. How do I change this? (Ideally, with a command that goes into a gnuplot script, as opposed to a command-line option or something in a settings file)
You can change the background color by command set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb"green" behind to set the background color to the the color you specified (here is green).
To get more knowledge about setting the background in gnuplot, you can visit this blog. There are even provided methods to set a gradient color background and background pictures. Good luck!
Ooh, found it. It's along the lines of:
set terminal png x222222 xffffff
It is a setting for some terminal (windows use background). Check out colorbox including its bdefault.
According to the official documentation, as of version 5.4 the right way to set the background color in a gnuplot script is something like the following:
set term wxt background rgb "gray75"
Note that the color must be quoted. Beside color names you can use hex values with the format "#AARRGGBB" or "0xAARRGGBB
