Stripe - One Click Upsell Possible with stripe.js? - stripe-payments

I'm making a simple stripe checkout using Leadpages. With that said, I'm only able to use stripe.js rather than all of the massive API features that Stripe has to offer.
After entering the credit card information, the customer will be sent to an upsell page. Is it possible to do a 1-click upsell using Stripe.js?
If not, I may have to look into other options.


How do you generate a paid invoice PDF for a Stripe checkout session?

My web app currently emails customers their Stripe receipt after purchase via stripe checkout. However for some customers this isn't enough – they want a paid invoice for the purchase with the information of my business and their business on it. How do you generate a PDF with this info?
I've investigated Stripe Invoices, but that seems to be a system for collecting payment. I already have payment from the checkout sessions. I just want to send the customer a souped-up receipt, really.
I've also considered using some js PDF library to generate the PDF myself, but it felt like there must be an easy way to do what I want with the Stripe API.
I've asked Stripe support the same thing.
They said creating invoices with Stripe Checkout is a common feature request but it sounds like it won't be coming for many months.
The only workaround for now is to use invoicing instead of Checkout:
And for a similar UI to Checkout, use this:
Since ~November 2022 there is a feature just for this:
It lets you generate an invoice just by setting a parameter in the request for creating Checkout Session.

Saving User's card in Square Payments

I'm new to Square and want to implement it in a React Native app with a Node backend.
I see that there is a method to save the customer's card details.
But there is also the payment form?
Firstly, I cannot see if the payment form is even available in React Native - information seems very scarce.
Secondly, even if I do implement that form, I can't see a way to connect it to the customers API endpoint.
I don't want to use in-app payments (i.e. google or apple pay). I want to be able to save card details like Amazon does, and use them whenever a user places an order in app (probably triggered by a node process). I'm not sure if I'm going about this the correct way, guidance would be appreciated.
In-App Payments SDK will be the way to go (and there is a React Native plugin already). The In-App Payments SDK is basically a mobile Square Payment Form, that you linked to. It will generate a secure nonce, and you can use the nonce to save the card on file. The next time the customer comes, instead of bringing up In-App Payments, you can simply call CreatePayment in your backend, with the customer_id and the customer_card_id as the source.
As for "connecting it to the Customers API" - you don't connect it directly per se. You would collect information from the customer, on your own, and pass it directly to the Customers API to create a customer. You can then call CreateCustomerCard using the nonce (generated by In-App Payments), and the customer_id that you just created, to save the card to this customer profile.

Stripe - Using the right react frontend component for credit card storage?

I am working on a stripe backend in node and a react frontend, the idea being to create a platform for buyers and sellers. I have created the seller's side where users create connect accounts and add a bank to that account.
Now I want to set up the buyer's side. I want to be able to have a customer store their credit/debit card information to use to pay in the future. Below are my questions, they're a bit broad but I just want some basic guidance, not looking for code answers:
Should I aim to have users enter information and then have stripe create a customer object with all their information as a way of storing credit card info?
Can I use the react-stripe-elementslibrary to facilitate this process as it seems to be made to be secure? I've been looking at the examples but they seem to revolve around paying directly by inputting information to pay right away. Unless I am misunderstanding?
Should I aim to have users enter information and then have stripe
create a customer object with all their information as a way of
storing credit card info?
Yes, the main approach is to collect the card details which will produce a PaymentMethod object that you can then save to a Customer. The easiest way to do this is by using the SetupIntents API as described here:
If you follow that guide a PaymentMethod will be created automatically when you confirm the SetupIntent, and since you provide a Customer when creating the SetupIntent, Stripe will automatically save the PaymentMethod to the Customer.
Can I use the react-stripe-elementslibrary to facilitate this process
as it seems to be made to be secure? I've been looking at the examples
but they seem to revolve around paying directly by inputting
information to pay right away. Unless I am misunderstanding?
You should use the new React library from Stripe instead (assuming you're on React v16.8 and above):
The library is a simple wrapper around Stripe Elements which exposes an input field for your users to enter in their credit card details. When you use that pre-built input field from Stripe, they will automatically create PCI compliant forms for you: Otherwise, you would need to prove your business's PCI compliance annually which is a lot of work.
The client-side steps in the Save and Reuse guide all have a "React" tab that you can click on to show the React version (that uses the new react-stripe-js library):

Looking for some one who has implemented Moneris recurring payments for a website subcription

My client is using moneris as our payment gateway for a new subscription based website that I am working on.
I will be using the language PHP
I've looked through their documentation for PHP api and am comfortable with how it works, it seems very straight forward.
One thing was missing in the documentation for me though. There is mention of how to start a recurring payment, how to update a recurring payment, but no mention of how to query a recurring payment?
Some payment gateways allow you to have a POST back URL of sorts that get updates on recurring billing status. This does not seem to be possible with moneris.
How do I go about automatting the process of tracking recurring payments with Moneris? I'd like for my customers to log in and be able to view their transaction history on my site.
This information will also make it easier for me to know when to close accounts. Ie. when a payment fails to go through, or a credit card expires? I don't want for my cleint(owner of website) to have to keep track of the recurring payments and cancel accounts manually?
I got an answer from Moneris:
Hi David, We currently do not have a reporting API or any way of
posting the information from our recurring payments back to your
server. It is something that has been mentioned previously and is
being looked into. We do not have a current ETA on such a solution.

Online Reservation and Payment System

we created an online reservation and payment system, we are going to use paypal to pay for the reservation fee.
how do we exactly save the information of our customer and reservation info to our database, after confirming their payment.
how do we confirm that they also paid it?
thanks in advance. as of now we're using the 'pay now' button
You should save the info to the database FIRST, then they can go to the PayPal site. After that, you can use Instant Payment Notification to mark the order as complete.
Paypal provide different methods to make payment; you can redirect user to PayPal from your application without taking customer information (e.g. name, phone, email). PayPal API is rich with multiple set of methods like SetExpressCheckOut, GetExpressCheckOut, DoExpressChckOut.
First please make a contract with PayPal and get the Merchant information; later you can have detailed documented API to talk to them.
Thank you
