Online Reservation and Payment System - payment

we created an online reservation and payment system, we are going to use paypal to pay for the reservation fee.
how do we exactly save the information of our customer and reservation info to our database, after confirming their payment.
how do we confirm that they also paid it?
thanks in advance. as of now we're using the 'pay now' button

You should save the info to the database FIRST, then they can go to the PayPal site. After that, you can use Instant Payment Notification to mark the order as complete.

Paypal provide different methods to make payment; you can redirect user to PayPal from your application without taking customer information (e.g. name, phone, email). PayPal API is rich with multiple set of methods like SetExpressCheckOut, GetExpressCheckOut, DoExpressChckOut.
First please make a contract with PayPal and get the Merchant information; later you can have detailed documented API to talk to them.
Thank you


How can I sent an payment invoice to my client email using node.js

Now I want to make an eCommerce website. In this website, I want to implement a feature like when a client or user buy something from my website and they also pay with any payment gateway (In case I use Stripe payment gateway) After completing payment, I want to send an automatic order completion invoice to my client email with product name, quantity, subtotal, total and so on. That means we receive our client order and payment.
Advanced Thank's
Ariful Islam JR.
MERN Stack Developer**
I have no idea about this problem to get a solution.
It sounds like what you really want is a receipt to be sent to your customer on payment completion. There's a couple ways to achieve this. Assuming you want the customer to pay on your website and not on a Stripe-hosted page, then you could use the accept a payment guide with a custom flow and add a receipt email when creating the PaymentIntent. This would email your customer a receipt on successful payment completion. You could also achieve this with Stripe Checkout if you want a Stripe-hosted payment page by enabling email receipts in your settings.

Docusign and Stripe integration - Payments are created without a customer

I'm trying to integrate the Docusign eSignature API with Stripe.
I've created a Quickstart application and have successfully run through the process, signing the contract and making a test payment.
However, I noticed that the payment in Stripe does not have a customer object attached to it:
I'd like to know if it's possible to specify a customerId, or create one as part of the process. I did notice that the PaymentDetails constructor accepts a customerId parameter, but I could not see any relevant documentation for this, and specifying it in my request didn't seem to make any difference.
Any advice appreciated.
For regular payments that are one time and right away - DocuSign will not create a customer record. This is "by design" and is meant to support quick payments without any customer record.
You can set recurring/future payments and then you'll get customer records when you set the gateway. If you want, your recurring payment or future payment can be just one time in the near future and then you can achieve what you want and get a customer record.

How does a Checkout Page take the user input information and pass it to Stripe?

So far I've created a product modal and upon proceeding to checkout, Stripe popup appears and the user can proceed with the payment.
Although, I have to change the checkout button to popup a checkout page first so the user can enter his delivery address and so on. How does a checkout page deliver the information the user has input, into Stripe? How does the whole process work? Do I have to add all my products into Stripe product page? Can Stripes checkout page be used like in this Firebase video? Firebase
The Checkout payments guide now includes a nice diagram that I think should help understand what you're asking about.
You create a Checkout Session with the payment information and then redirect your customer to Stripe. Stripe displays the information about the purchase and collects payment information from your customer, then redirects them back to the URL you specify. In the background, you're notified about the success of the payment and you can manage order fulfillment.
If you need more information about a particular piece of this, please feel free to ask with more details!
Update: on a second review, I see that I missed that your video is showing the Legacy Checkout integration. Stripe has a new Checkout integration that supports a wide range of payment methods and supports SCA-compliant authentication challenges. Take a look at the migration guide to update your integration.

Stripe - One Click Upsell Possible with stripe.js?

I'm making a simple stripe checkout using Leadpages. With that said, I'm only able to use stripe.js rather than all of the massive API features that Stripe has to offer.
After entering the credit card information, the customer will be sent to an upsell page. Is it possible to do a 1-click upsell using Stripe.js?
If not, I may have to look into other options.

Amazon or priceline credit card payment system implementation

This is the scenario I expect the system behave:
I have a platform where users can register and store their credit card information online, and with specific user's action, system automatically settles payment.
Of course, user expect automatic payment system as we said so when they enter their card information, and the purpose of this is to simplify the process when they decided to pay for something.
My question is this:
I found that Amazon saves user's card information when they purchased some products then user doesn't need to put all the card information again but just select from the list of cards he used and with one click, it finishes payment.
Also, in price line, I found that it automatically settles after bid accepted.
So I tried to find the provider or payment gateway company that Priceline or Amazon provide, and tried to find the way to implement the system at least, but couldn't find any. What I have found so far were like, using paypal, and it requires user to have paypal id
I'm doing this in PHP, can anybody give me some clue please?
Thanks in advance.
You should be able to do this with most payment gateways that support recurring payments.
Typically what you would do for new customers is capture their card details 'as normal' (via the payment gateway). The payment gateway will return a token id which you then store against the customer record
Next time that customer makes a payment you can submit the tokenised card number to the payment gateway
Since you mentioned Amazon, you might want to look at their payment service API:
