nodejs spawns threads implicitly by delegating the I/O to the kernel. How is this different than a server that makes a thread per request - node.js

Following up on ideas from these two previous questions I had:
When a goroutine blocks on I/O how does the scheduler identify that it has stopped blocking?
When doing asynchronous I/O, how does the kernel determine if an I/O operation is completed?
I've been looking into nodejs recently. It's advertised as "single threaded", which is partially true since all your JS does run on one thread, but from what I've read, in the background, node achieves this by delegating the I/O tasks to the kernel so that it doesn't get stuck having to wait for the response.
What I'm having difficulty understanding is how this is any different than the paradigms where you explicitly are creating a thread per request.
Could someone explain the differences in depth?

This would be true if node created one thread for each I/O request. But, of course, it doesn't do that. It has an I/O engine that understands the best way to do I/O on each platform.
What nodejs hides from you is not some naive implementation where a scheduling entity waits for each request to complete, but a sophisticated implementation that understands the optimal way to do I/O on every platform on which it is implemented.
If both approaches need the kernel for I/O aren't they both creating a kernel thread per request?
No. There are lots of ways to use the kernel for I/O that don't require a kernel thread per request. They differ from platform to platform. Windows has IOCP. Linux has epoll. And so on.
If nodejs somehow is using a fixed amount of threads and queueing the I/O operations, isn't that slower than a thread per request?
No, it's typically much faster for a variety of reasons that depend on the specifics of each platform. Here are a few advantages:
You can avoid "thundering herds" when lots of I/O completes at once. Instead, you can wake just the number of threads that can usefully run at the same time.
You can avoid needing lots of contexts switches to get all the different threads to execute. Instead, each thread can handle completion after completion.
You don't have to put each thread on a wait queue for each I/O operation. Instead, you can use a single wait queue for the group of threads.
Just to give you an idea of how significant it can be, consider the difference between using a thread per I/O and using epoll on Linux. If you use a thread per I/O, that means each I/O operation requires a thread to place itself on a wait queue, that thread to block, that thread to be unblocked, a context switch to occur to that thread, and that thread to remove itself from the wait queue.
By contrast, with epoll, a single thread can service any number of I/O completions without having to be rescheduled or added to or removed from a wait queue for each I/O. Similarly, a thread can issue a number of I/O requests without being descheduled. This difference is massive.


Why does a process get blocked if a thread waits for I/O in many to one mapping

Why does a multi-threaded process using a user level thread library get blocked when one of its threads waits for an I/O? This makes sense, but when I think more, a question pops up. Can the user level thread library not schedule another thread?
OS can schedule only the processes(or jobs) , it in no way knows about the threads within a program and cannot schedule them as it wants.
when a part of the process ( here the thread which got blocked due to i/o) gets blocked for i/o operation, the os suspends the entire process , since the os deals only with the processes (not threads within the process).
As in the many to one model , there is only a single kernel , the process whose thread was blocked cant be executed until the blocked thread resumes.
whereas in a many to many or one to one model, each kernel runs its piece of code and is unaware of the threads blocked in the other kernels.
There's two types of thread. OS threads, and green threads (which is what I think you're talking about).
OS threads are scheduled by the operating system, and one will not block another (at least not on any OS you're likely to come across these days) unless you deliberately introduce something to synchronise them (e.g. Semaphores).
Green threads, where a process schedules different paths of execution for itself, will block unless the scheduler is clever enough provide (and therefore catch) all potentially blocking function calls and use them as a scheduling opportunity. This is also closely related to cooperative multitasking.
So the answer is yes, but only if written that way. Threads in Python famously were not written this way, read up on the GIL, and so would cause no end of problems. Python may have fixed this now.

C# When thread switching will most probably occur?

I was wondering when .Net would most probably switch from a thread to another?
I understand we can't predict when this will happen exactly, but is there any intelligence in this? For example, when a thread is executed will it try to wait for a method to returns or a loop to finish before switching?
I'm not an expert on .NET, but in general scheduling is handled by the kernel.
Either your thread's timeslice has expired (threads/processes only get a certain amount of CPU time)
Your thread has blocked for IO.
Some other obscure reason, like waiting for an IPC message, a network packet or something.
Threads can be preempted at any point along their execution path, be it in a loop or returning from a function. This in general isn't handled by the underlying VM (.NET or JVM) but is controlled by the OS.
Of course there is 'intelligence', of a sort:). The set of running threads can only change upon an interrupt, either:
An actual hardware interrupt from a peripheral device, eg. disk, NIC, KB, mouse, timer.
A software interrupt, (ie. a system call), that can change the state of thread/s. This encompasses sleep calls and calls to wait/signal on inter-thread synchro objects, as well as I/O calls that request data that is not immediately available.
If there is no interrupt, the OS cannot change the set of running threads because it is not entered. The OS does not know or care about loops, function/methods calls, (except those that make system calls as above), gotos or any other user-level flow-control mechanisms.
I read your question now, it may not be rellevant anymore, but after reading the above answers, i want to just to make sure:
Threads are managed (or as i know) by the process they belong to. There is nothing to do with the Operation System(and that's is the main reason why working with multithreads is more faster than working with multiprocess, because there are data sharing between threads and the switching between them is occuring faster than the context switch wich occure between process by the Short-Term-Scheduler).
(NOTE: There are two types of threads: USER_MODE' threads and KERNEL_MODE' threadss, and each os can have both of them or just on of them. Anyway a thread that working in a user application environment is considered as a USER_MODE' thread and managed by the process it's belong to.)
Am I Write?

Is non-blocking I/O really faster than multi-threaded blocking I/O? How?

I searched the web on some technical details about blocking I/O and non blocking I/O and I found several people stating that non-blocking I/O would be faster than blocking I/O. For example in this document.
If I use blocking I/O, then of course the thread that is currently blocked can't do anything else... Because it's blocked. But as soon as a thread starts being blocked, the OS can switch to another thread and not switch back until there is something to do for the blocked thread. So as long as there is another thread on the system that needs CPU and is not blocked, there should not be any more CPU idle time compared to an event based non-blocking approach, is there?
Besides reducing the time the CPU is idle I see one more option to increase the number of tasks a computer can perform in a given time frame: Reduce the overhead introduced by switching threads. But how can this be done? And is the overhead large enough to show measurable effects? Here is an idea on how I can picture it working:
To load the contents of a file, an application delegates this task to an event-based i/o framework, passing a callback function along with a filename
The event framework delegates to the operating system, which programs a DMA controller of the hard disk to write the file directly to memory
The event framework allows further code to run.
Upon completion of the disk-to-memory copy, the DMA controller causes an interrupt.
The operating system's interrupt handler notifies the event-based i/o framework about the file being completely loaded into memory. How does it do that? Using a signal??
The code that is currently run within the event i/o framework finishes.
The event-based i/o framework checks its queue and sees the operating system's message from step 5 and executes the callback it got in step 1.
Is that how it works? If it does not, how does it work? That means that the event system can work without ever having the need to explicitly touch the stack (such as a real scheduler that would need to backup the stack and copy the stack of another thread into memory while switching threads)? How much time does this actually save? Is there more to it?
The biggest advantage of nonblocking or asynchronous I/O is that your thread can continue its work in parallel. Of course you can achieve this also using an additional thread. As you stated for best overall (system) performance I guess it would be better to use asynchronous I/O and not multiple threads (so reducing thread switching).
Let's look at possible implementations of a network server program that shall handle 1000 clients connected in parallel:
One thread per connection (can be blocking I/O, but can also be non-blocking I/O).
Each thread requires memory resources (also kernel memory!), that is a disadvantage. And every additional thread means more work for the scheduler.
One thread for all connections.
This takes load from the system because we have fewer threads. But it also prevents you from using the full performance of your machine, because you might end up driving one processor to 100% and letting all other processors idle around.
A few threads where each thread handles some of the connections.
This takes load from the system because there are fewer threads. And it can use all available processors. On Windows this approach is supported by Thread Pool API.
Of course having more threads is not per se a problem. As you might have recognized I chose quite a high number of connections/threads. I doubt that you'll see any difference between the three possible implementations if we are talking about only a dozen threads (this is also what Raymond Chen suggests on the MSDN blog post Does Windows have a limit of 2000 threads per process?).
On Windows using unbuffered file I/O means that writes must be of a size which is a multiple of the page size. I have not tested it, but it sounds like this could also affect write performance positively for buffered synchronous and asynchronous writes.
The steps 1 to 7 you describe give a good idea of how it works. On Windows the operating system will inform you about completion of an asynchronous I/O (WriteFile with OVERLAPPED structure) using an event or a callback. Callback functions will only be called for example when your code calls WaitForMultipleObjectsEx with bAlertable set to true.
Some more reading on the web:
Multiple Threads in the User Interface on MSDN, also shortly handling the cost of creating threads
Section Threads and Thread Pools says "Although threads are relatively easy to create and use, the operating system allocates a significant amount of time and other resources to manage them."
CreateThread documentation on MSDN says "However, your application will have better performance if you create one thread per processor and build queues of requests for which the application maintains the context information.".
Old article Why Too Many Threads Hurts Performance, and What to do About It
I/O includes multiple kind of operations like reading and writing data from hard drives, accessing network resources, calling web services or retrieving data from databases. Depending on the platform and on the kind of operation, asynchronous I/O will usually take advantage of any hardware or low level system support for performing the operation. This means that it will be performed with as little impact as possible on the CPU.
At application level, asynchronous I/O prevents threads from having to wait for I/O operations to complete. As soon as an asynchronous I/O operation is started, it releases the thread on which it was launched and a callback is registered. When the operation completes, the callback is queued for execution on the first available thread.
If the I/O operation is executed synchronously, it keeps its running thread doing nothing until the operation completes. The runtime doesn't know when the I/O operation completes, so it will periodically provide some CPU time to the waiting thread, CPU time that could have otherwise be used by other threads that have actual CPU bound operations to perform.
So, as #user1629468 mentioned, asynchronous I/O does not provide better performance but rather better scalability. This is obvious when running in contexts that have a limited number of threads available, like it is the case with web applications. Web application usually use a thread pool from which they assign threads to each request. If requests are blocked on long running I/O operations there is the risk of depleting the web pool and making the web application freeze or slow to respond.
One thing I have noticed is that asynchronous I/O isn't the best option when dealing with very fast I/O operations. In that case the benefit of not keeping a thread busy while waiting for the I/O operation to complete is not very important and the fact that the operation is started on one thread and it is completed on another adds an overhead to the overall execution.
You can read a more detailed research I have recently made on the topic of asynchronous I/O vs. multithreading here.
To presume a speed improvement due to any form of multi-computing you must presume either that multiple CPU-based tasks are being executed concurrently upon multiple computing resources (generally processor cores) or else that not all of the tasks rely upon the concurrent usage of the same resource -- that is, some tasks may depend on one system subcomponent (disk storage, say) while some tasks depend on another (receiving communication from a peripheral device) and still others may require usage of processor cores.
The first scenario is often referred to as "parallel" programming. The second scenario is often referred to as "concurrent" or "asynchronous" programming, although "concurrent" is sometimes also used to refer to the case of merely allowing an operating system to interleave execution of multiple tasks, regardless of whether such execution must take place serially or if multiple resources can be used to achieve parallel execution. In this latter case, "concurrent" generally refers to the way that execution is written in the program, rather than from the perspective of the actual simultaneity of task execution.
It's very easy to speak about all of this with tacit assumptions. For example, some are quick to make a claim such as "Asynchronous I/O will be faster than multi-threaded I/O." This claim is dubious for several reasons. First, it could be the case that some given asynchronous I/O framework is implemented precisely with multi-threading, in which case they are one in the same and it doesn't make sense to say one concept "is faster than" the other.
Second, even in the case when there is a single-threaded implementation of an asynchronous framework (such as a single-threaded event loop) you must still make an assumption about what that loop is doing. For example, one silly thing you can do with a single-threaded event loop is request for it to asynchronously complete two different purely CPU-bound tasks. If you did this on a machine with only an idealized single processor core (ignoring modern hardware optimizations) then performing this task "asynchronously" wouldn't really perform any differently than performing it with two independently managed threads, or with just one lone process -- the difference might come down to thread context switching or operating system schedule optimizations, but if both tasks are going to the CPU it would be similar in either case.
It is useful to imagine a lot of the unusual or stupid corner cases you might run into.
"Asynchronous" does not have to be concurrent, for example just as above: you "asynchronously" execute two CPU-bound tasks on a machine with exactly one processor core.
Multi-threaded execution doesn't have to be concurrent: you spawn two threads on a machine with a single processor core, or ask two threads to acquire any other kind of scarce resource (imagine, say, a network database that can only establish one connection at a time). The threads' execution might be interleaved however the operating system scheduler sees fit, but their total runtime cannot be reduced (and will be increased from the thread context switching) on a single core (or more generally, if you spawn more threads than there are cores to run them, or have more threads asking for a resource than what the resource can sustain). This same thing goes for multi-processing as well.
So neither asynchronous I/O nor multi-threading have to offer any performance gain in terms of run time. They can even slow things down.
If you define a specific use case, however, like a specific program that both makes a network call to retrieve data from a network-connected resource like a remote database and also does some local CPU-bound computation, then you can start to reason about the performance differences between the two methods given a particular assumption about hardware.
The questions to ask: How many computational steps do I need to perform and how many independent systems of resources are there to perform them? Are there subsets of the computational steps that require usage of independent system subcomponents and can benefit from doing so concurrently? How many processor cores do I have and what is the overhead for using multiple processors or threads to complete tasks on separate cores?
If your tasks largely rely on independent subsystems, then an asynchronous solution might be good. If the number of threads needed to handle it would be large, such that context switching became non-trivial for the operating system, then a single-threaded asynchronous solution might be better.
Whenever the tasks are bound by the same resource (e.g. multiple needs to concurrently access the same network or local resource), then multi-threading will probably introduce unsatisfactory overhead, and while single-threaded asynchrony may introduce less overhead, in such a resource-limited situation it too cannot produce a speed-up. In such a case, the only option (if you want a speed-up) is to make multiple copies of that resource available (e.g. multiple processor cores if the scarce resource is CPU; a better database that supports more concurrent connections if the scarce resource is a connection-limited database, etc.).
Another way to put it is: allowing the operating system to interleave the usage of a single resource for two tasks cannot be faster than merely letting one task use the resource while the other waits, then letting the second task finish serially. Further, the scheduler cost of interleaving means in any real situation it actually creates a slowdown. It doesn't matter if the interleaved usage occurs of the CPU, a network resource, a memory resource, a peripheral device, or any other system resource.
The main reason to use AIO is for scalability. When viewed in the context of a few threads, the benefits are not obvious. But when the system scales to 1000s of threads, AIO will offer much better performance. The caveat is that AIO library should not introduce further bottlenecks.
One possible implementation of non-blocking I/O is exactly what you said, with a pool of background threads that do blocking I/O and notify the thread of the originator of the I/O via some callback mechanism. In fact, this is how the AIO module in glibc works. Here are some vague details about the implementation.
While this is a good solution that is quite portable (as long as you have threads), the OS is typically able to service non-blocking I/O more efficiently. This Wikipedia article lists possible implementations besides the thread pool.
I am currently in the process of implementing async io on an embedded platform using protothreads. Non blocking io makes the difference between running at 16000fps and 160fps. The biggest benefit of non blocking io is that you can structure your code to do other things while hardware does its thing. Even initialization of devices can be done in parallel.
In Node, multiple threads are being launched, but it's a layer down in the C++ run-time.
"So Yes NodeJS is single threaded, but this is a half truth, actually it is event-driven and single-threaded with background workers. The main event loop is single-threaded but most of the I/O works run on separate threads, because the I/O APIs in Node.js are asynchronous/non-blocking by design, in order to accommodate the event loop. "
"Node.js is non-blocking which means that all functions ( callbacks ) are delegated to the event loop and they are ( or can be ) executed by different threads. That is handled by Node.js run-time." 
The "Node is faster because it's non-blocking..." explanation is a bit of marketing and this is a great question. It's efficient and scaleable, but not exactly single threaded.
The improvement as far as I know is that Asynchronous I/O uses ( I'm talking about MS System, just to clarify ) the so called I/O completion ports. By using the Asynchronous call the framework leverage such architecture automatically, and this is supposed to be much more efficient that standard threading mechanism. As a personal experience I can say that you would sensibly feel your application more reactive if you prefer AsyncCalls instead of blocking threads.
Let me give you a counterexample that asynchronous I/O does not work.
I am writing a proxy similar to below-using boost::asio.
However, the scenario of my case is, incoming (from clients side) messages are fast while outgoing (to server side) is slow for one session, to keep up with the incoming speed or to maximize the total proxy throughput, we have to use multiple sessions under one connection.
Thus this async I/O framework does not work anymore. We do need a thread pool to send to the server by assigning each thread a session.

Is the timeslice given to a thread that is waiting on I/O "wasted"?

I'm currently analyzing the pros and cons of writing a server using a threaded model or event driven model. I already know the many cons of the threaded model (does not scale well due to context switching overhead, virtual memory limitations, etc.) but I came upon another one in my analysis and would like to verify that my understanding of threads is correct.
If I have 5 threads, 1 which is doing work (not being blocked), 4 which are being blocked waiting for I/O (for example waiting on data from a socket), isn't the CPU time given to those 4 threads essentially wasted since no work is actually being done (assuming no data arrives)? The timeslice given to those 4 blocked threads is taking away time from the 1 thread actually doing work, correct?
In this case I'm explicitly saying that the socket is a blocking one.
No. Although it actually depends on the type of OS, type of I/O (polled/DMA) and device driver architecture, most device I/O is performed using DMA + interrupts. In such cases a thread is put into a sleep state until an interrupt is triggered for such I/O operations and scheduler does not visit those threads until their pending I/O is complete. Only polling I/O can cause consumption of CPU, such as PIO mode for hard disks.
Threads don't need to use their entire timeslice. I don't know the specifics, but if blocked threads even get time, they certainly don't use it all.
Obviously, these details vary platform-to-platform-to-environment-to-etc.

Thread vs async execution. What's different?

I believed any kind of asynchronous execution makes a thread in invisible area. But if so,
Async codes does not offer any performance gain than threaded codes.
But I can't understand why so many developers are making many features async form.
Could you explain about difference and cost of them?
The purpose of an asynchronous execution is to prevent the code calling the asynchronous method (the foreground code) from being blocked. This allows your foreground code to go on doing useful work while the asynchronous thread is performing your requested work in the background. Without asynchronous execution, the foreground code must wait until the background task is completed before it can continue executing.
The cost of an asynchronous execution is the same as that of any other task running on a thread.
Typically, an async result object is registered with the foreground code. The async result object can either raise an event when the background task is completed, or the foreground code can periodically check the async result object to see if its completion flag has been set.
Concurrency does not necessarily require threads.
In Linux, for example, you can perform non-blocking syscalls. Using this type of calls, you can for instance start a number of network reads. Your code can keep track of the reads manually (using handles in a list or similar) and periodically ask the OS if new data is available on any of the connections. Internally, the OS also keeps a list of ongoing reads. Using this technique, you can thus achieve concurrency without any (extra) threads, neither in your program nor in the OS.
If you use threads and blocking IO, you would typically start one thread per read. In this scenario, the OS will instead have a list of ongoing threads, which it parks when the tread tries to read data when there is none available. Threads are resumed as data becomes available.
Having the OS switch between threads might involve slightly more overhead in the form of context switching - switching program counter and register content. But the real deal breaker is usually stack allocation per thread. This size is a couple of megabytes by default on Linux. If you have a lot of concurrency in your program, this might push you in the direction of using non-blocking calls to handle more concurrency per thread.
So it is possible to do async programming without threads. If you want to do async programming using only blocking OS-calls you need to dedicate a thread to do the blocking while you continue. But if you use non-blocking calls you can do a lot of concurrent things with just a single thread. Have a look at Node.js, which have great support for many concurrent connections while being single-threaded for most operations.
Also check out Golang, which achieve a similar effect using a sort of green threads called goroutines. Multiple goroutines run concurrently on the same OS thread and they are restrictive in stack memory, pushing the limit much further.
Async codes does not offer any performance gain than threaded codes.
Asynchornous execution is one of the traits of multi-threaded execution, which is becoming more relevant as processors are packing in more cores.
For servers, multi-core only mildly relevant, as they are already written with concurrency in mind and will scale natrually, but multi-core is particularly relevant for desktop apps, which traditionally do only a few things concurrently - often just one foreground task with a background thread. Now, they have to be coded to do many things concurrently if they are to take advantage of the power of the multi-core cpu.
As to the performance - on single-core - the asynchornous tasks slow down the system as much as they would if run sequentially (this a simplication, but true for the most part.) So, running task A, which takes 10s and task B which takes 5s on a single core, the total time needed will be 15s, if B is run asynchronously or not. The reason is, is that as B runs, it takes away cpu resources from A - A and B compete for the same cpu.
With a multi-core machine, additional tasks run on otherwise unused cores, and so the situation is different - the additional tasks don't really consume any time - or more correctly, they don't take away time from the core running task A. So, runing tasks A and B asynchronously on multi-core will conume just 10s - not 15s as with single core. B's execution runs at the same time as A, and on a separate core, so A's execution time is unaffected.
As the number of tasks and cores increase, then the potential improvements in performance also increase. In parallel computing, exploiting parallelism to produce an improvement in performance is known as speedup.
we are already seeing 64-core cpus, and it's esimated that we will have 1024 cores commonplace in a few years. That's a potential speedup of 1024 times, compared to the single-threaded synchronous case. So, to answer your question, there clearly is a performance gain to be had by using asynchronous execution.
I believed any kind of asynchronous execution makes a thread in invisible area.
This is your problem - this actually isn't true.
The thing is, your whole computer is actually massively asynchronous - requests to RAM, communication via a network card, accessing a HDD... those are all inherently asynchronous operations.
Modern OSes are actually built around asynchronous I/O. Even when you do a synchronous file request, for example (e.g. File.ReadAllText), the OS sends an asynchronous request. However, instead of giving control back to your code, it blocks while it waits for the response to the asynchronous request. And this is where proper asynchronous code comes in - instead of waiting for the response, you give the request a callback - a function to execute when the response comes back.
For the duration of the asynchronous request, there is no thread. The whole thing happens on a completely different level - say, the request is sent to the firmware on your NIC, and given a DMA address to fill the response. When the NIC finishes your request, it fills the memory, and signals an interrupt to the processor. The OS kernel handles the interrupt by signalling the owner application (usually an IOCP "channel") the request is done. This is still all done with no thread whatsoever - only for a short time right at the end, a thread is borrowed (in .NET this is from the IOCP thread pool) to execute the callback.
So, imagine a simple scenario. You need to send 100 simultaneous requests to a database engine. With multi-threading, you would spin up a new thread for each of those requests. That means a hundred threads, a hundread thread stacks, the cost of starting a new thread itself (starting a new thread is cheap - starting a hundred at the same time, not so much), quite a bit of resources. And those threads would just... block. Do nothing. When the response comes, the threads are awakened, one after another, and eventually disposed.
On the other hand, with asynchronous I/O, you can simply post all the requests from a single thread - and register a callback when each of those is finished. A hundred simultaneous requests will cost you just your original thread (which is free for other work as soon as the requests are posted), and a short time with threads from the thread pool when the requests are finished - in "worst" case scenario, about as many threads as you have CPU cores. Provided you don't use blocking code in the callback, of course :)
This doesn't necessarily mean that asynchronous code is automatically more efficient. If you only need a single request, and you can't do anything until you get a response, there's little point in making the request asynchronous. But most of the time, that's not your actual scenario - for example, you need to maintain a GUI in the meantime, or you need to make simultaneous requests, or your whole code is callback-based, rather than being written synchronously (a typical .NET Windows Forms application is mostly event-based).
The real benefit from asynchronous code comes from exactly that - simplified non-blocking UI code (no more "(Not Responding)" warnings from the window manager), and massively improved parallelism. If you have a web server that handles a thousand requests simultaneously, you don't want to waste 1 GiB of address space just for the completely unnecessary thread stacks (especially on a 32-bit system) - you only use threads when you have something to do.
So, in the end, asynchronous code makes UI and server code much simpler. In some cases, mostly with servers, it can also make it much more efficient. The efficiency improvements come precisely from the fact that there is no thread during the execution of the asynchronous request.
Your comment only applies to one specific kind of asynchronous code - multi-threaded parallelism. In that case, you really are wasting a thread while executing a request. However, that's not what people mean when saying "my library offers an asynchronous API" - after all, that's a 100% worthless API; you could have just called await Task.Run(TheirAPIMethod) and gotten the exact same thing.
