List the next couple occuring birthdays in excel - excel

Given the following data
Steven 01/05/1958
Mike 05/12/1923
Bob 05/11/2001
Richard 10/22/1985
Maverick 12/25/1991
Ed 01/07/1954
I'd like to get a list in, let's just say the column D, containing the next couple birthdays that will occur.
So if today was 05/05/2016, I'd like to see
Bob 05/11/2001
Mike 05/12/1923
My current approach (yet not working properly) is to create another column and have the days until the birthday calculated there, using this formula:
Then I list the birthdays that come up in the next 5 days using:
I'd rather have the next 5 upcoming birthdays, no matter how far away from today they are.
Any Ideas how to achieve this without using makros?
Help is much appreciated!

To get the birthday difference from today in days :
The first BD from current date :
Please see the img for more details :

Another approach would be to use the Advanced Filter. And you could automate it using VBA.
For the Criteria:
Range is the number of days after today to show birthdays.

OK slightly different approach
Instead of counting days in a helper column, change the date in a helper column. Then sort that helper column for only the first 5 entries. This will show upcoming birthDAYS instead of birthDATES.
So assuming Names in column A, Dates in Column B, Column C is created with:
Now I was assuming no header rows and A1 was the first entry so to display the next 5 entries in column D I used:
Now this will not pull names but just the upcoming birthDAYS not birthDATES. The year being the difference between the two.
If you want to pull the names as well you can use the following:
Right now it will not return names of multiple people with the same date but there are ways around that. If you need that too let us know.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Steven 58/01/05 17/01/05 16/05/11 Bob
Mike 23/05/12 16/05/12 16/05/12 Mike
Bob 01/05/11 16/05/11 16/10/22 Richard
Richard 85/10/22 16/10/22 16/12/25 Maverick
Maverick 91/12/25 16/12/25 17/01/05 Steven
Ed 54/01/07 17/01/07
In order to deal with duplicate birthdays... try the following:
That was the entry for row 5. I tested it with the same birthdate, but I forgot to check for same birthday (different years).
The table below matches to formula from the last update
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)
Steven 58/01/05 17/01/05 59 16/05/11 Bob 15
Mike 23/05/12 16/05/12 93 16/05/12 Mike 93
Bob 01/05/11 16/05/11 15 16/10/22 Richard 31
Richard 85/10/22 16/10/22 31 16/12/25 Maverick 25
Maverick 91/12/25 16/12/25 25 16/12/25 Ed 21
Ed 95/12/25 16/12/25 21
I inserted a column in D which shifted things right. The following was placed in D1.
In column G I had it lookup the age


formula to find value from two separate tables and based on values in three tables

I'm looking for a formula for the Party column in Table 3 that will produce its values based on the data contained in Table 1 and Table 2.
NumSelect value in Table 3 determines Party value in Table 3.
Where NumSelect has "p", it refers to data in Table 1. If no "p" in NumSelect, then it refers to Table 2.
Number in NumSelect refers to row number.
If the corresponding ShortName has a value, that value should be returned.
If the corresponding ShortName is blank, then the corresponding Name should be returned.
Uppercase "P" and lowercase "p" in the NumSelect should both point to Table 1.
Each table is an Excel Table and its rows may expand or contract.
Certain rows in Table 1 and Table 2 may be empty.
Formula should not be volatile, not require control+shift+enter to enter the formula, and not require VBA.
Sorry for the bad formatting. I had this question formatted perfectly, but Stack Overflow kept preventing me from posting it because it claimed, "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. Please indent all code by 4 spaces using the code toolbar button or the CTRL+K keyboard shortcut. For more editing help, click the [?] toolbar icon."
Table 1
Grace Turner
Cadie Crawford
Fine Artist
Paige Johnston
Dexter Payne
Valeria Barnes
Florrie Reed
Emily Ferguson
Sam Hawkins
Savana Ellis
Table 2
Vanessa Cooper
Jasmine Morris
Evelyn Taylor
Adelaide Roberts
Blake Cunningham
Adelaide Harrison
Frederick Watson
Table 3
Evelyn Taylor
Frederick Watson
Emily Ferguson
Long Formula
Your formula has 717 characters, this one has 347.
A pseudo-code could look like this:
The issue is that B (lines 2 & 4) and D (lines 5 & 7) are repeated expressions.
Hopefully, this will help someone to make a major improvement.
Microsoft 365
Using the LET function, you could use the following:
Welp, I figured out the formula. But it's very inefficient. I'm sure someone here could make it a lot shorter and more efficient.
Here it is:

Google sheets formula to get the Top 5 List With Duplicates

I'm trying to compile a best 5 and worst 5 list. I have two rows, column B with the number score and column C with the name. I only want the list to include the name.
In my previous attempts the formula would get the top/bottom 5 but as soon as a duplicate score appeared the first known name with that value would just repeat.
Here is my data
26 Cal
55 John
55 Mike
100 Steve
26 Thomas
100 Jaden
100 Jack
95 Josh
87 Cole
75 Brett
I've managed to get the bottom 5 list formula correct. This formula works perfectly and includes all names of duplicate scores.
Example of what I get:
Here is the formula I've tried to get the top 5 - however I keep getting an error.
Example of what I'm looking for
You can set two queries like this for both cases:
=QUERY(B56:C70,"Select C order by B desc limit 5")
=QUERY(B56:C70,"Select C order by B limit 5")
Use SORTN() function like-
To keep only one column, wrap the SORTN() function with INDEX() and specify column number. Try-

SUMming Distinct Instances of Time Value with Two Criteria

I'm dying here and could really use some help. I've been slogging away at this for a day or two now and don't know what to try next.
In Excel, I have a list of technicians, dates and total hours worked by that tech on the corresponding day. There are duplicate entries which I cannot remove due to other unique values in the data.
I need to count up the total hours worked for each technician over the whole period. For example, in the instance below, Bob has worked eight hours, while Jim has worked six.
Bob 01/03/21 03:00
Bob 01/03/21 03:00
Bob 01/03/21 03:00
Bob 02/03/21 02:00
Bob 03/03/21 03:00
Jim 01/03/21 03:00
Jim 02/03/21 02:00
Jim 02/03/21 02:00
Jim 02/03/21 02:00
Jim 02/03/21 02:00
Jim 03/03/21 01:00
I'm certain this should be relatively straightforward but I think I've reached the end of my knowledge. I've been struggling with SUMPRODUCT etc. and searched extensively online, but I'm beginning to get rather lost.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I had a similar problem a while back and came up with a fairly crude solution as follows:
in a new column (which I hid afterwards) create a function to return TRUE on the first instance of each unique combination to check (where 'combination' could be 'Bob on 01/03' or 'Jim on 03/03')
Then for your overall totals do a SUMIF based only on those values returned by that auxiliary column.
In your example this might look like this:
your auxiliary column is Z. the above columns are A, B and C. Row 1 contains headings.
In Z2 you insert the formula =IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A2, $A2, $B$2:$B2, $B2) = 0, TRUE, "") then copy/autofill that downwards for as far as necessary. Check the result, it should be returning TRUE on the first entry per technician per day.
Then, if somewhere else on your sheet you need a sum of what Bob did, you do =SUMIFS($C:$C, $A:$A, "Bob", $Z:$Z, TRUE) - that is, sum of all times where technician is bob and the auxiliary column is true.

Excel INDEX MATCH when one of multiple criteria is within a range of numbers

To identify duplicates in a large list of personal records, I'm replacing all names with a CONCATENATE of Name and Date of Birth (DOB). Here is the sheet I'm referencing (DOBs!):
DOBs! -----------------------------------------
Name Years Start End # Yrs DOB NewNameDOB
Sally Adams 2014-2014 2014 2014 1 1968-1204 Sally Adams1968-1204
John Agnew 2014-2014 2014 2014 1 1979-0419 John Agnew1979-0419
Bob Anderson 2013-2014 2013 2014 2 1965-0402 Bob Anderson1965-0402
Antonio Andrews 2014-2014 2014 2014 1 1955-0716 Antonio Andrews1955-0716
Julie Assan 2012-2014 2012 2014 3 1978-0805 Julie Assan1978-0805
On the main sheet (Employees!), each person has a row of data for each active year. Work 14 years, you have 14 lines of data to track.
Employees! -----------------------------------------
C D **E** F G H I J...
Year Name NewNameDOB Dept
2013 Julie Assan Julie Assan1978-0805 East
1998 Mike Rogers Duplicate in Same Year Main
1999 Mike Rogers Duplicate in Same Year Main
2000 Mike Rogers Mike Rogers1969-0510 Main
2001 Mike Rogers Mike Rogers1969-0510 Main
As mentioned, I need to separate duplicate names from 10395 records (like Mike Rogers and Mike Rogers). Employees! column E will now identify the employees as Julie Assan1978-0805 and Julie Assan1980-0131 (for example).
Today we take my first step, using the years they worked in order to solve 99% of the duplicates. After this, only a few duplicate names will be left who worked at the same time as each other, which I'll have to handle manually.
If the Employees! sheet has a 2013 record for "Julie Assan," then the first step is to check DOBs to find any Julie Assans who worked in 2013. My new column E in Employees! will take the current 2013 record of Julie Assan, and find any matches in DOB! where C (name) matches Julie Assan, E <= 2013, and F >= 2013. Usually, there will be only one match, and it will tell me that is Julie Assan1978-0805. Sometimes, there will be two Mike Rogers who worked during the same year, and it should tell me "Duplicate in Same Year".
On the Employees! sheet column E, I've started with this...
=index(DOBs!$k$2:$k$10395,match($d3&$c3,DOBs!$c$2:$c$10395& ??? ,0)
Not sure where to go with this formula, whether that means adding "IFs" or something different.
edited to explain in great depth
=IF(COUNTIFS(DOBs!C$2:C$10395,Employees!D2,DOBs!E$2:E$10395,"<="&Employees!C2,DOBs!F$2:F$10395,">="&Employees!C2)>1,"Duplicate in Same Year",INDEX(DOBs!K$2:K$10395,MATCH(TRUE,IF(DOBs!C$2:C$10395=Employees!D2,IF(DOBs!E$2:E$10395<=Employees!C2,IF(DOBs!F$2:F$10395>=Employees!C2,TRUE))),0)))
Enter as an array formula by confirming with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, then autofill down. It first checks for duplicates using COUNTIFS, and returns "Duplicate in same year" if it is. If there are not duplicates, it uses INDEX/MATCH to find the NewNameDOB.

Count names one time (per year) regardless of how many there are by year

The problem is:
There is a table that gets data added to it each month. I use this data for many different pivot tables and reports, so I am not able to modify it. The user has requested that if its possible (and I assured him that it was) he would like to see two (2) single values of This Year and Last Year Doctors on the list.
The data looks something like this:
Doctor, In/Out, Date, Number
John Deaux Out 10/1/11 8
John Deaux Out 11/1/11 3
John Deaux Out 01/1/12 5
John Deaux Out 05/1/12 3
John Deaux Out 09/1/12 1
Billy White In 02/1/12 2
Mike Adams Out 06/1/11 6
Mike Adams Out 10/1/11 9
Mike Adams Out 01/1/12 1
Mike Adams Out 04/1/12 6
I would have 1 John Deaux for 2011, and 1 for 2012. The same for Mike Adams.
TY 2
LY 2
Now I only have to count the "Out"(s), so I have to be careful of that. Also, there is the chance that I would have to build this for the previous 12 months as well making it that much harder.
1 for John Deaux for the previous 12 months.
TY 2
LY 1
*TY: This Year - LY: Last Year
To do this manually:
Since you can't make any edits to the existing table, copy everything to a new table.
In the new table, add a column called Year. Use the Year() function to get the year out of the date cell.
Make another column called Count. Use If(A2="Out",1,0) where A2 is the cell in the In/Out column.
Copy the Doctor, Year, and Count columns to a new table.
Excel 2007 and above has a convenient tool called Remove Duplicates in the Data ribbon. Use that to remove the duplicates. This will keep you from counting a single doctor twice in the same year.
Create a pivot table, using Doctor as the row, Year as the column, and sum(count) for the value.
Check this, this will check the B column for the year 2012/2013 and count the distinct unique values in column A.
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(YEAR(B1:B11)=2013;A1:A11);A1:A11)>0;1)) + CONTROL + SHIFT + ENTER
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(YEAR(B1:B11)=2012;A1:A11);A1:A11)>0;1)) + CONTROL + SHIFT + ENTER
