Where is my themes folder on windows 10? - sublimetext3

I am trying to change the color of my indents but I can not find my themes folder at all, both in the programs folder and the %appData% folder. I only have the one theme which does not change anything when I edit it.
I want to change the indents to have the following colors...
Many thanks in advance,

Do you have a value assigned to the "theme" key in your Preferences.sublime-settings file?
If not, the default setting is "theme": "Default.sublime-theme"
You can edit Default.sublime-theme with the following process:
Open the command palette & run:
PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource
Theme - Default
Update & Save Default.sublime-theme
SublimeText will automatically create a user instance of the file, leaving the original file intact.
The user instance will override the original file.


Theme for text files in Sublime Text 3

Since one of the last updates the theme for .txt files in my Sublime Text 3 has changed. I am currently using the Monokai Theme for Sublime and would like to have the same theme options for all file types (black background, line numbers on the left, slim right sidebar/margin). Only when opening .txt files the background switches to white and the sidebars/margins become too wide taking half of the screen space.
An example can be seen on the left side of the screenshot. on the right side my sublime settings are displayed:
I have tried changing the "Preferences" -> "Color Scheme... " to any other color scheme. The changes seem to apply to the other file types I use (.json, .csv, .py etc). Only the .txt files seem not to be affected by any scheme changes.
Changing "Preferences" -> "Theme..." doesn't change much.
Neither could I find any specific settings for .txt files in "Preferences" -> "Settings".
There are two potential sources of the problem - an overzealous plugin or a messed-up .sublime-settings file. First, look in your Packages/User directory, where Packages is the one opened when selecting Preferences → Browse Packages…:
Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages
Windows Regular Install: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages
Windows Portable Install: InstallationFolder\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages
In the User directory, look for files named Text.sublime-settings or Markdown*.sublime-settings, then try deleting them (or renaming them to *.bak so they won't get processed).
If that doesn't work, take the list of all installed plugins from Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings and put it in your user preferences in the "ignored_packages" setting. Hopefully that will solve the problem. To identify the offending plugin, start removing plugins from "ignored_packages" one at a time until the behavior comes back.

How do I remove CodeIntel in Sublime Text 3?

I'm using ST3 build 3114. How do I stop the code completion popup? I can't find SublimeCodeIntel anywhere in my Package Control to remove, I added SublimeCodeIntel to my 'ignored_packages' in settings which did nothing, and I searched my entire hard drive for CodeIntel and found nothing. Why does this keep popping up? I would actually like to just disable it for CSS files, but that doesn't work too.
The autocompletion of property names in CSS is supplied by the built in CSS package. To disable it:
Install PackageResourceViewer from Package Control, if it is not already installed.
Open the Command Palette
Type PRV: O and select PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource
Select CSS
Select css_completions.py
Delete the contents of the file
Save it
To disable other auto completion sources (like word/buffer completion) in CSS files, you can add the following to your user preferences:
"auto_complete_selector": "meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc - source.css",
Note that this is the default auto_complete_selector value with - source.css added to the end of it.

Error loading colour scheme in Sublime Text 3

This error appears every time I save file or open a file.
Error loading colour scheme Packages\User\MonokaiGrayDL.tmTheme: Unable to open Packages\User\MonikaiGray.tmTheme
I searched about it but those solutions are for sublime text 2...please help
Menu > Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings - User> remove the line with `"color_scheme"`.
After saving the line was regenerated for me with a reference to a theme that actually exists.
You need to put the theme file inside Packages\Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package.
Open Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package with 7 zip (archive tool-you may use your favorite tool), and drag Monokai Gray.tmTheme into it. Then go to Sublime, and click Preferences -> Color Scheme and find Monokai Gray. When you choose the color scheme, it automatically updates the setting with this:
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/MonoKai Gray.tmTheme",
Note: I am using Sublime 3. I am not able to share my screen shot due to lack of reputation.
Sometimes, a couple of opened files ignores color schemes settings modifications, I had the same bug then ran this in the ST3 console :
[ v.settings().erase("color_scheme") for views in [ w.views() for w in sublime.windows() ] for v in views ]
This python code is pretty self explanatory.
With this, no need to close/re-open incriminated files for the bugs to go away.
This happened to me after installing Compare Side-By-Side. The error message specified that SBSCompareTheme.theme could not be found. I don't remember the exact sequence of events, but I remember that at some point, I uninstalled the plugin, and the error message kept appearing.
It turns out that the theme file was referenced in the Local/Session.sublime_session file (~/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local/Session.sublime_session under OSX).
I edited that file by hand to remove any reference to the theme file, and the problem went away!
I am using Sublime Text 3.
I remove ColorHighlighter and it works.
I had the same problem:
My issue was that some packages creates a syntax-specific *.sublime-settings file (Markdown.sublime-settings in my case).
The file is located in Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User.
This happens to me every now and then when my theme in use is being updated via Package Control. Try switching to a different theme, optionally remove and re-install Monokai Gray, then switch back to it.
I was having a similar issue with certain files/syntaxes after deleting a package (MarkdownEditing).
My issue was that some packages creates a syntax-specific *.sublime-settings file (Markdown.sublime-settings in my case). The file is location in Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User.
This settings-file overwrites your color-scheme settings elsewhere. Removing it solved the issue.
That's easy!
Click Preferences ->Setting-User
you'll find your "color_scheme" attribute is your error message.
change it with a exist ".tmTheme" file.
Restart Sublime.
Sublime 3 here, worked for me after a restart.
I was getting similar error for the package PlainTasks. By renaming the folder PlainTasks-master to PlainTasks and restarting Sublime resolved the issue.
Copy the source code of the .tmTheme file from Github.
Open your non-working .tmTheme file with Sublime text.
Paste contents, save and restart Sublime text.
GO to Preferences->Browse Packages->User->open HTML.sublime-settings
then remove the line with "color_scheme" and save it.
if it doesn't work, just open PHP.sublime-settings instead of HTML.sublime-settings and do the same thing.
delete the user and you can fined it in C:\Users\webduang\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages
GO to Preference->package control->package control user setting and paste this code..
"always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
"draw_minimap_border": true,
"draw_white_space": "selection",
"font_face": "Source Code Pro Medium",
"font_size": 13,
"line_padding_bottom": 3,
"line_padding_top": 3,
"material_theme_accent_orange": true,
"overlay_scroll_bars": 3,
"theme": "Default.sublime-theme",
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
"word_wrap": false

Dreamweaver cs6 and SCSS

I can't make my Dreamweaver CS6 to load sass (SCSS) files as css (it won't color it).
It was working fine on CS5.5 version. Now I have fresh DW CS6 with all updates (12.0.3) and I have modified all needed files.
Instruction is here or here.
DW still won't apply coloring to my code and when (while open scss file) I go to preferences --> code coloring, Document type highlighted is Text.
Any ideas? Maybe there are another files in CS6 I have to modify?
I found the solution. In CS6 in addition to the files listed in both tutorial (linked in the question), there is one more file that needs to be changed.
It's MMDocumentTypes.xml located in AppData files here:
C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\en_US\Configuration\DocumentTypes
I had the same issue with Dreamweaver CS6.
I had to update the files in my hidden Library folder
First enable finder to show hidden files.
Open a terminal and paste the following:
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
Restart Terminal:
Keep “Alt” key pressed, put mouse over “Finder icon” – your app bar and “right click”. A menu appear and click on “Relaunch”
Open Finder and go to “your folder”
Go to (open folder by folder) Library. Application Support, Adobe, Dreamweaver CS6, en_US,
Edit the Extentions.txt and DocumentTypes/MMDocumentTypes.xml files there.
Restart Dreamweaver and you should be good to go.
Update your terminal to hide hidden files
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
Full instructions are from here:

Where does notepad++ store style configurator settings?

I downloaded and modified a style file and placed it in the Notepad++ themes folder. I was able to select it and have it update the style as expected. I then went to Settings -> Style Configurator and changed the font of COMMENT of language VHDL to MS Gothic, hit save, and closed and exited Notepad++. I am able to relaunch Notepad++ and still see the change (I'm running Notepad++ in admin mode on Win7).
The only file that I can see a new timestamp on is my XML theme file, but I don't see MS Gothic anywhere in the file. Where is this information being stored? It is overriding the settings from my theme file. I also checked %APPDATA%\Notepad++\stylers.xml but I don't see it there either.
I realize I can change it back through the GUI, but I'd like to know how to get back to my original theme without selecting every style in the language manually (as I've made multiple changes). If I could edit (or delete) a file, I would prefer it.
Look in your %APPDATA%\Notepad++ folder, specifically for the stylers.xml file.
Uninstall Notepad++
Reinstall it again, but this time check the first box, the one that says "Don't use %APPDATA%..... "
The reason is that Notepad++ install all the files at administrator profile, if you are using another user then you are screw, it will not work properly, you have to run it always as an administrator so it can work properly. To avoid this, just do as i said.
If files are going to APPDATA, then you can create a folder called "themes" and then inside that place your new xml themes. Then close and reopen notepad++ and you should see your new style in the "Select theme:" drop down. Whatever you named the file should be what appears in the dropdown
If you are on Windows 10 the path to add the new theme is :
stylers.xml is located one director/ folder above the themes :
Just as a complement to the other answers, if you made the changes on another theme than the default theme (stylers.xml) then your changes are saved to
For example, if you modified the choco theme, then look for the %APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\choco.xml.
You will also find a choco.xml in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes but this one is not where your changes are saved.
I tried Rbastardo answer, but even when I check "Don't use %APPDATA%....." when installing Notepad++, the changes are still saved in %APPDATA%.
In case this helps someone in the future, if you installed Notepad++ via Scoop then look for your themes directory here:
