Is it possible to use Cassandra with Node.js? - node.js

I would like to try Cassandra, but don't know how to integrate Cassandra with Node.js. When I say Node.js it is MEAN.JS or any other framework. Just let me know if there is a way?

you can follow these links datastax and github datastax node.js driver
If you are new to cassandra then you can study cassandra on datastax for free also.
You can use this cassandra-client npm also.


Is there any equivalent to use something like MappingManager on datastax java client 4.x

In datastax 3.x there used to be mappingManager. We used it to get different mappers using com.datastax.driver.mapping.MappingManager.
Can someone help me, What can I use in datastax 4.x.

How do I connect to Cassandra DB from PHP?

I am new to cassandra. I would like to know how can I connect to a Cassandra DB from PHP. I am looking to use this for a very high traffic website. Will thrift be the best option? Or can I connect using some other method efficiently?
Kindly let me know.
You should use the DataStax Cassandra PHP Driver. You should not use thrift.

Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise

I am new to Datastax so please forgive the newb question.
I would like to use Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise. Is this possible? Can you upgrade Cassandra that comes with Datastax Enterprise?
No, it is not possible to upgrade Cassandra inside of DataStax Enterprise. Realistically I wouldn't expect a version of DSE with a 3.x Cassandra core at least until summer (2016). And if you'd like to run Cassandra 3.x in production, you should join the user mailing list and pay attention to the bugs that come across.

For Cassandra kundera.client.lookup.class options

In order to configure kundera for Cassandra, I notice there are 3 possible options for kundera.client.lookup.class as below
I am not sure of the Pros and Cons of the above 3 and hence not sure which one to use. Please help me decide
I suggest you to use com.impetus.client.cassandra.thrift.ThriftClientFactory. It is the implementation using just Cassandra's thrift api.
PelopsClient is not in active development.
DSClient is built over datastax driver of cassandra.
There is no real advantage of using either DSClient or ThriftClient.
After further research, I found the following
Don't use PelopsClient as its not in active development as mentioned by #karthik , but more importantly because of the issue reported here
Data Stax Driver is better than thrift client as it over comes few limitations of thrift and they use a different binary protocol specific to cassandra which gives a better performance. Refer Datastax java driver support for Cassandra using Kundera

Connecting to Cassandra Cluster instead of specific node

I am trying to learn Cassandra and have setup a 2 node Cassandra cluster. I have written a client in Java using cassandra jdbc driver, which currently connects to a hard coded single node in the cluster. Ideally, I would like my client to connect to the "cluster" rather then a specific node.
So that client code automatically connects to other node if the first node is down.
Is this possible using cassandra jdbc driver? Currently using below code to create connection
Yes. If you're using the Datastax Java driver, you can get all of these benefits and more. From the documentation:
The driver has the following features:
connection pooling
node discovery
automatic failover
load balancing
What is your language? If you're using Java, I suggest for Hector framework.
I think it's very good for correspond on Cassandra db.
