msdeploy.axd returns 404 - iis

I'm trying to setup webdeploy on IIS8, but why am I getting 404 when accessing both https://[servername]:8172/msdeploy.axd and https://localhost:8172/msdeploy.axd locally.
I've installed management service.
I've installed webdeploy 3.5 using web platform installer. In Program and Features a changed the instalation of webdeploy to include all features including the handler.
In IIS Manager I've chosen Configure Web Deploy Publishing for default website's context menu.
I've restarted management service.
when i tried https://[servername]:8172/msdeploy.axd I was asked to enter credentials and accept the certificate. after that I got 404.
I've uninstalled webdeploy and installed using MSI manually including all features.
restarted entire server.
getting 404.

I don't believe you can open the service from a browser. I attempted that against a dev server that we deploy to many times a day and also received a 404. I would try deploying from VS instead as a test.

Also if anyone comes here and is using Visual Studio Publish dialog and the "Validate Connection" button fails: do NOT use the button when creating. Just click Ok, then Edit (in More actions menu).
In the Connection tab, click Validate Connection. This time it will asks you to accept an invalid certificate (since you likely self-signed it on your server). Accept it and the connection should go through.


503 error, caused by `iis_ssi.dll failed to load` in the Event Viewer (eventlog)

I'm getting this error in the event log (EventViewer):
The Module DLL C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\iis_ssi.dll failed to load. The data is the error.
OS is Windows2012 Server. How to fix it?
You need to add SSI in Server Manger. Follow these steps:
Add Roles and Features
In Server Roles, expand Web Server (IIS)
Expand Application Development
Select Server Side Includes
For Windows 2012r2 Operating systems, to be more precise following this step:
Open Server Manager Dashboard
Click on Add Roles and Features
Expand Web Server IIS (if not already selected)
Expand Web Server
Expand Application Development and ensure that all unchecked boxes are selected.
Click Next on the select feature windows to advance
In the Confirm installation selection select specify an alternate source path for the installation CD such as F:\sources\sxs to complete the installation.

After adding SSL to local IIS "Unable to start debugging on the Web server"

Visual Studio 2015 (Loaded as Admin), Web API 2, Windows 10.
I have Local IIS with a subdomain mapped through the hosts file to The Web API 2 is loading and I am able to debug and do all the activities as expected.
On IIS, if I add a secure binding, with the proper self-signed certificate (without disabling the non-secure binding, i.e. keeping two bindings) and do an IIS Reset, I am able to access the https Web APIs as expected, however, when I click run to start debugging I get the standard error from VS of Unable to Start Debugging.
Please note that I tried both setting the start URL as and to no avail
Any solution?
I experienced the same thing, then saw this blog post. Try attaching to worker process, per this blog post:
The most important requirement for the pretty F5 key to work in Visual Studio is NTLM/Windows Intergated Authentication. Only then can it auto-attach to the IIS worker process. And this is where our trouble starts. Client certificates is a kind of an authentication mechanism. When you configure a website to require client certificates you are changing the authentication mechanism.
So if you are developing a website off an IIS server and you need to debug it with client certificates then you cannot just open your web project in visual studio and start debugging it. But what you can do is attach to the process running your code manually.
Open your project in Visual Studio and set a breakpoint as you usually do
Debug menu > Attach to Process > Select the process running your code.

msdeploy mvc to Windows7 getting ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE and 404

I'm trying to do msdeploy of a MVC app to a windows7 box, running on command-line. And kept getting this error:
More Information: Could not connect to the destination computer (""
). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that
the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.
Error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Error count: 1.
I've verified both Wmsvc (seems this is being used) and MsDepSvc are running. And firewall are disabled. In the browser when I visit, I got a Server Error 404, seems a bit further than where the command-line stopped.
Most of instructions on setting up IIS7 and Web deployment I could find online is for MS Servers. Both my local machine and the Windows7 machine has the same version of Msdeploy installed.
I had exactly the same issue with a VM on Azure, and the solution was to enable first the IIS Management Service and then install Web Deploy (I used Web Platform Installer). Seems that the installation order matters. You can find a blog entry I wrote about this here
For non-server operating systems (i.e. Windows 7) the Web Deploy publish via Web Management Service is not supported. Instead you will have to use the Remote Agent Service, this is an admin only publishing service. You can find more info at
I had the same issue using MSDeploy to deploy my web application to remote IIS 7.5 web server running windows 7. I have just figured out how to fix the problem today after reading Sayed's post, so I wanna post my solution here for anyone who would run into this problem like me. Try this:
Enable IIS Management Service (in control panel >> add or remove features >> add or remove windows features)
Install Web Deploy (
Open cmd with Administrative privilege, type “net start msdepsvc” to start the “Web Deploy Agent Service”.
Check this link in your browser: http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/, if it prompts for username and password, MsDeployAgentService is running on server, go to the next step.
In VS, type in http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/ in Service URL while creating publish, instead of https://serveraddress:8172/MsDeploy.axd, and click test connection. It should be ok now.
After checking the Management Service and Web Deploy 3.0 were correctly installed, I found that (from VS2012 at least) the Service URL seems to matter here too, attempting to publish to any of the following did not work for me:
FQDN (localmachine.domain.local)
Domain IP Address (
Loop-back IP (
Whereas the following DID work:
NetBIOS name (localmachine)

Unable to start debugging on the web server. The underlying connection was closed. The connection was closed unexpectedly

All of the sudden I'm getting the following error on my local web server (Win7 64bit, IIS 7.5). I've uninstalled & reinstalled IIS locally and it didn't fix it. IIS is set to start up automatically and I can see that the service has been successfully started. Upon a fresh reboot if I go into IIS and click on start website I get the following error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020
If I try to start debugging on my local website project I get the following error:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The underlying connection was closed. The connection was closed unexpectedly.
Any ideas on what I can try? I've been doing research on the issue and Microsoft suggest making sure no other service is listening on the same ports. I've verified that this isn't the issue.
Try changing the web site to use a port other than 80 (suggest 8080 for example) and see it if will start. If so that's a sure sign of another service using port 80 (Skype is a common culprit for this).
Application pool's identity password changed?
I know this is an old post, but I can't believe how many times I've been bitten by this. Some shops use integrated security for SQL, and often then on your local IIS needs your network login for the application pool. When your password expires, and you forget to change your password here, start banging your head on the wall... DOH!
Open IIS. Select Application Pools. Select the application pool used by your app. Click Advanced Settings... Select Identity, and the little "..." button to update your user/password.

Getting CC-Tray to work

I am trying to get cc-tray to work instead of using the web dashboard. I'm not sure how I can get the correct url for the server that my cruisecontrol is running on and I can't find any useful documentations online. Can anyone help?
I had the same trouble and was resolved setting this Url in the Add Server (http): http://yourserver/ccnet/server/local/ViewServerReport.aspx. It works fine with this.
It depends a bit on the version you use. It is always a good idea to use the version of CCTray that you download from your running instance of the CCNet dashboard (on the dashboard, in the left column, you'll find a link 'Download CCTray').
Then it is mostly a matter of "Add Server". Older versions required a Remoting connection that requires some ports open in your connection to CCNet. Nowadays, you can connect over HTTP.
If you are using a version after 1.1 then you will want to point your CC tray client to the web dashboard site.
You should make sure you have the CCNET dashboard setup of a web server then you can do the following.
File > Settings > Build Projects (click add)
Add Server (click)
Choose Via the CruiseControl dashboard
Enter the address of your web dashboard site. Perhaps something like "". You can find this via browsing to the web dashboard then copying the URL upto the folder level.
Click OK, choose the projects to watch
