Visio automatic container from lines - excel

I'm using Visio Professional 2016. Is it possible to automatically create containers depending on a column (for example the project name) from external Excel data?
I found this but I'm not sure if this is want I'm looking for. Besides that it's not easy to follow.
Another question, where can I find settings similar to the properties mapper in yEd? I'd like to create shapes automatically from Excel data. If a new row is added in my external data it is supposed to create a new shape on its own.
Edit: Will this using VBA answer all my questions?


Create Excel metadata using VBA to filter in sharepoint

I am trying to use metadata from an Excel file to use for filtering in our sharepoint libraby.
The excel file already contains dropdown menus to pick certain values from, which are then used to create a very lengthy filename. However for our new sharepoint libraby I would like to move those to metadata, so it can be made visible in sharepoint columns and users can filter.
The file is a template that should be filled by users and when ready saved after choosing certain values.
The creation of the filename is done in VBA and therefore all values I want to use are available there.
I've tried a number of approaches I found in forums using e.g. customdocumentproperties and made it work...sometimes... While it worked in the beginning, I cannot make it work now.
It seems changing the metadata is a problem. Creating the metadata fields for the first time worked, but then changing it, did not. I have the feeling I do not understand some basics on this action. Microsoft websites are not of any help here...
What is the best - flawless - way to use VBA to create, add, change metadata in the excel-file that can be made visiblle in the sharepoint library? And are there any typical problems?

Consumer PowerPivot/Excel DataModel from another Excel file?

Short version: Is there any way/hack to use the embedded DataModel/PowerPivot cube of an Excel 2013/6 file from another Excel file?
Long version:
We have a large Excel Data Model with >400k rows and >100 measurements, feeding multiple reports (i.e. PivotTable on separate worksheets). As all this is growing, we want to split this out into a (large) data model and multiple reports. I know this could be done with SharePoint or PowerBI - however one of the key requirements is to be able to analyse the data offline. Hence, I'm trying to figure out any way to connect to the data model from another file....
There's no way that I know to do what you're asking. Is there any reason you can't just include all the reports in one workbook with the data model? Since you have to be able to analyze offline, anyway, everyone will need a local copy of the model. If the concern is just that there will be too many sheets in a single workbook, you could just put a thin veneer of VBA in it to hide and unhide sheets in groups for ease of use.
It looks like Microsoft has added an option to establish connection via ODC file.
See this f.e.
However it's not working out for me, I am using Excel 2016, exported data model from the file with data model as a separate odc file but when I try to add this as a connection in another file - I get the message - can't open the file. Looks like creating ODC file is not that straightforward.
Anyone had similar issues?

Excel Files and Visual Basic

I have never used Visual Basic before but could do with a pointer on where to begin.
I have 750 excel spreadsheets that contains various amounts of data of different types. The columns are always the same, but the number of data rows vary per spreadsheet. I need to extract data and put it into two new spreadsheets.
Obviously to do this 750 times manually would be a nightmare. I just want to run a script that can do it for me and thus thought of Visual Basic although i've never used it before.
My specific questions are:
What type of command should i research that would allow me to copy data where the row number to start at varies (as data above varies in no of rows). There is a title before this new data - how can i get it to search for this title and then choose the row below?
Would all my spreadsheets have to be in one folder so that the script goes through them all, or can i have some kind of folder structure in that folder too?
Anyone recommend any good resources for me to get to grips with visual basic and grasp what i need to do?
So the compilation task got easier with the introduction of MS PowerQuery. If you are using MS Excel 2013, you already have this. If no, you should download it and use the extension from MS.
The following guide outlines how to Using Power Query to Combine Data from Multiple Excel Files into One Table. This means that with Power Query (PQ), MS has taken and enabled easy aggregation using a few simple button clicks. PQ is a lightweight alternative to a lot of tasks that used to require VBA.
In this example, you will use PQ to point to an entire folder (750 should be no problem) worth of commonly formatted Excel files. The only limitation is that each data file should have a similarly named tab.
I won't repeat the details of the guide for how to do it, as it is in-depth and visual. But if you run into issues, get in touch.

In Excel application-level C# add-in, set Data Source without wizard

I am trying to write an add-in that will allow a user to connect to a SQL database and draw the data from a table into Excel. (This is the simplest explanation, but not the entire explanation of the necessary functionality.) I found this article:
and it works nicely. However, my question is this: how could I create the data source (mentioned in "Creating a Data Source" in the above link) programmatically?
For example, I would like the user (via the Excel add-in) to be able to enter the server name, database name and table name, and then create a specific dataset, tableAdapter and bindingsource. I don't want to "hardcode" (or use a wizard to achieve) it in the add-in prior to kicking-off Excel.
And I think there is something where one can just import data into Excel. That is not what I am looking for. There are reasons for wanting to use an add-in.
Any help / references will be much appreciated!

Edit Excel table data in SharePoint using forms

I have an Excel table with data but here the rows and columns each have meaning, for example:
ColHead1 ColHead2 ColHead3
RowHead1 Data11 Data12 Data13
RowHead2 Data21 etc. etc.
I would like users to edit the data using SharePoint forms.
I've considered the following options
Flatten the data and manually add editors for each field onto the form (so that I can simulate some sort of grid layout). This may become unmanageable if I need to make a change though.
Insert the data into a list and let SharePoint create a default form, but this will also flatten the data.
Is it possible to somehow use the data in SharePoint directly in a List (or lists) without flattening?
Or should I just post the Excel sheets for direct editing in SharePoint?
You are right. 2-D data cannot be handled by SharePoint.
The best solution here would be to use Excel Services.
In 2007, Excel Services did not allow to write changes to backend file. I am not sure if the situation has changed with SharePoint 2010. You might have to check it out.
You can also put Excel file in document library itself.
However, what I am missing here are the business objectives for this requirement. What essentially do you want to achieve by putting this data in SharePoint forms ? May be there is some better way which others will be able to suggest if they know actual requirements.
