In Excel application-level C# add-in, set Data Source without wizard - excel

I am trying to write an add-in that will allow a user to connect to a SQL database and draw the data from a table into Excel. (This is the simplest explanation, but not the entire explanation of the necessary functionality.) I found this article:
and it works nicely. However, my question is this: how could I create the data source (mentioned in "Creating a Data Source" in the above link) programmatically?
For example, I would like the user (via the Excel add-in) to be able to enter the server name, database name and table name, and then create a specific dataset, tableAdapter and bindingsource. I don't want to "hardcode" (or use a wizard to achieve) it in the add-in prior to kicking-off Excel.
And I think there is something where one can just import data into Excel. That is not what I am looking for. There are reasons for wanting to use an add-in.
Any help / references will be much appreciated!


Is it possible to create a drop down list in excel that show data from a specific field from an access table?

Helo I'm trying to create a calculation sheet in excel that I wanted to have a drop down cell where user could select one product name from a existing access database. I also wanted to retrieve in another excel cell the price of selected product that is also in the access database (like a procv command, but retrieving data from access). Does anybody know how to do it? I wanted to avoid to replicate source access table in excel. I wanted something more direct. I konw some basic VBA if needed.
Unfortunately, directly linking a control in Excel to an Access database isn't going to be possible. These products just weren't intended to work this way. Typically one would create a form in Access and on that form have the combo box reference the table there. Other user input could be added and calculations done etc, and then the final calculated values could be exported to Excel for further manipulation if needed/desired (that can easily be done in VBA).
That said, an indirect link could be done using VBA. You would add the "Microsoft Access 16.0 Object Library" reference library, create a connection, db and recordset objects. There are tons of resources via Google (or here) on how to do this.
With those in place you can conduct SQL queries against the database to pull the data over and update the combobox by clearing it's contents then re-adding from the query. You can put the code to update the combobox in any trigger you need.
Otherwise, the only other way would be to do what you said you didn't want to, replicate the database table in Excel.
I hope this points you in the right direction! Good luck!

Using a JIRA saved filter with REST API and Excel

I have a report that I need to update in Excel many times a day using statistics from JIRA. If I can import these directly with code I would save a lot of time and effort.
Is it possible to use a saved JIRA filter in conjunction with the REST API function to import the results to Excel using a VBA macro?
This is a solution does not use REST API, but it may work for you. This is a workaround I am using so far and it works:
Run the Filter in Jira
Export the result list into an excel file using the Export CSV file with the option current field (to avoid having unnecessary fields) and with the right button of mouse select: Open in a new window
Now you will see the URL associated with your filter in a new window of your browser. Your filter is represented by a Filter ID, therefore the query will be always the same.
Go to excel and use the URL as a hyperlink
Every time you click on the hyperlink it will download the file from Jira. You need to have a Jira open sesion in your browser.
Create a VBA marco that click on the hyperlink for downloading the file.
Use Power Query for example for loading the file from the download folder location into a worksheet. Power Query is a new excel feature. Power Query is an ETL tool integrated into excel for loading files and processing them.
The steps 6-7 automates the process. Run the Marco for downloading the file and refresh the content of your worksheet from Data Connection. You can have an additional macro that refreshes the content of the worksheet. It refreshes all pivot tables and the file connection for reading the file.
Hint: Use excel Table for keeping the information updated automatically when additional information is loaded into the worksheet. If you use pivot tables for presenting the data, use as data source an excel table instead of excel range.
It minimizes a lot the manual effort.
Here you can find a solution that uses REST API, the author provides the source code, but it is more complicated. If you need something simple, my solution may work for you.

Has anyone achieved to use ODBC connection from Excel file into Powerpivot?

I have installed Powerpivot for Excel 2010. I don't have Access 2010 so I thought could I arrange the data in the similar manner as I would for a database.
I'm wanting to query an excel file that has rows of self-generated data into Powerpivot in order to perform simple pivot table. In a sense attempt to get an overview of information about a data set.
At the moment, I'm unable to get set up correctly the ODBC I'm hoping I need to accept an Excel file and to get PowerPivot to accept a database from an Excel file.
Edit: I come to understand that I need to set up a table correctly in Excel so that the ODBC works correctly. Does the picture I provided be right manner to set up a table or any other manner?
Has anyone attempted to do this and if so what would the steps be?
Peter, I am working on the basis that your data is in a recognizable table on a worksheet (and that you are not interested in using the standard Excel import method through 'From Other Sources')
If you create the connection to the Excel file in a very particular way it is possible to then query it as if it were a database.
Create a Connection to the spreadsheet in question in Excel through Data>Connections>Add.
In the PowerPivot window on the Design tab click on existing connections and find the connection you just created. Select the connection and Open.
You need to name the connection and then you will be offered the normal import options. Select the sheet you want to get the table from (its actually not important which one you choose at this point).
Once the table has been imported you can re-enter the setup through the 'table properties' on the design tab and you will now be able to 'Switch to' the query editor at which point you can not only write SQL to query your DB but reference any other .xlsx you like.
the easiest way is to use a linked table from the excel sheet which has the data - is there any reason why you have not considered this as an option?

Save Excel sheet into SQL

Excel has a Get External Data ribbon bar in the Data tab where we can choose to import tables from SQL databases. This process worked out nicely for me. But my question is, is there any way to save this data back into SQL? Does Excel provide some API that facilitates the coding of such a function without parsing everything and doing it from scratch?
It may not be the solution you are looking for, but I posted some VBA code a long while back that will take a range in Excel and convert it to XML and builds the SQL to put that data into a temp table in SQL Server. Here's a link if you are interested.
The easiest way to do this is to use the import function within SSMS. You can select which sheets to use, customise column mappings and so on. If creates an SSIS that you can then manipulate further if required. However that approach is a pull from Sql, not a push from Excel, if you want to do that you'd have to code some VBA to do it for you.
Programmatically - I can only think of the OpenRowSet function in MSSQL:
Using openrowset to read an Excel file into a temp table; how do I reference that table?

Creating a table in Excel

I was working on project for my company. The requirements are to create an excel report at the end.
The way I am currently coding/thinking.
Remote Server ---> Local Access table --> give user a UI to filter data however they want --> Export to excel.
However, one of my analysts asked me if we can stay away from access and use Excel only. So I was wondering, is there a way to create a "table" like access table in Excel? This way, when I import data from remote server, I can put it in a table (IN EXCEL), create a form for UI, and have everything contained in one file.
I can't paste the raw data into a sheet because of performance issues (however, I have not tried it. I just assume that it is a lot faster to query a 'real' table then to search through excel cells).
Can you think of a alternate solution?
One option is to use Microsoft Query to directly access the remote database. In this case, the users would need to use the UI of MS Query (which isn't the prettiest) for filtering, but it would get the job done without needing the intermediate database.
Here is a good reference from the Microsoft site.
